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Make These Sounds With Just Your Mouth (Guessing Game)

May 31, 2021
Can you guess the


that come out of my


? Let's talk about that mythical good day since I first heard it. Don't worry, be happy for Bobby Mcferrin. Oh yes, I've been obsessed with using my




the world a happier place, but so far I've only gotten good at making a fart sound that


s my ten-year-old son laugh. Can I hear it? Don't know. I mean, do you think that's good? I mean, it's true, it's not bad. not bad on the fart sound scale it's okay mouth


were big when we were little in the 80's that guy from the police academy yeah I mean he didn't have them we come from a time where the mouth sounds were huge, yeah, I mean no. it didn't have any lines it


had sounds of Michael in the movies, I loved every part of it and always thought I would like to be reincarnated as an oral foley artist, not if I first make the sound of opening the door, okay make a sound with the door stop, something like something elastic that will stop the door, that's pretty good, I mean, I'm not going to say it's good, but I'm going to say that today we're going to have fun, it's time. because in this battle of human sound effects you know you want to win brother, I hope my larynx is at its best like an 80's Michael Winslow.
make these sounds with just your mouth guessing game
Okay, this is how this will work. I received it from the police. Yes, thanks for naming it. Okay, so let's go. We'll take turns watching a stock video, get ready, buckle up, we have stock video of something random happening and then we'll do the sound effects for what's happening in the video using


our mouths and we have about 20 seconds. more or less to convince stevie goldmire levine what sound are we making i can't even see the ears but i think they're gold i did like this she's moving her eyebrows okay if she guesses correctly you win the points on the board and if the other guy doesn't have the opportunity to steal and we just go like this and there will be a board that will have easy, medium and hard categories of sound effects, with increasing points associated with them, whoever has the most points at the end will do it.
make these sounds with just your mouth guessing game

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make these sounds with just your mouth guessing game...

It will be declared a mega mouth microphone and you will be able to keep this special golden mega mouth microphone to use it all the time, mythical, more, do you have it? You have to put it on like you touched it on her face when she wears it, that's how I know it's in the right place. that's a habit, but yes, but we should get it from my showman days, well, we have to share it to have the board before us, since you have a clearly smaller mouth than mine, which puts you at a disadvantage, uh, I'll leave it. you go first, oh thank you, and we're using this microphone that you have to hold with both hands because to stop us from making gestures, this isn't about charades, it's just about mouth sounds, yeah, I'm going to go slow , three points, okay, a car. with a flat tire a heart a beating heart a heart monitor oh damn you got it yeah girl like y'all just give it a few more seconds because that was good and if you're not going to understand it I need to.
make these sounds with just your mouth guessing game
I was going to have to take the towel, okay, okay, three points for the record, I made a heart, okay, um hmm, I'm going to go to middle territory, five points, so okay, okay, okay , you're not even


. dying animal in the wind I died that was wait I was on the right path I can't say it because now you understand you have a chance you give it a chance I can't do it you did a great job I'm just trying to do what you did now I'm just trying to sound like you wait let me think about this like you don't have much time you have five seconds it's kind of like being ground like a grinder oh no it's an animal it's an animal okay let's do it together I don't know if this will help but like ocean , ocean, damn dolphins, yeah, yeah, okay, so no points, well, I mean, I feel like she got that from the sound you were making. doing but I mean she didn't get it but she didn't get it you don't get any points use another she's another here we go four easy four easy to win a deflation I'm I don't I don't know the sea cucumber, but I know it's not that You're thinking something is pooping, but it's not real poop, it wouldn't be another sea creature, okay, it's my turn, man, okay, that's pretty good, you spit everywhere, that's pretty good.
make these sounds with just your mouth guessing game
It's pretty good, I hate it, something exploded, something exploded, that's pretty, something exploded and it's leaking air, no, no, no, a bottle opened and then you squirted ketchup, yeah, yeah, yeah, That was good, check it out, yeah, so you stole those points, yeah, and now go back to the board, okay and now I'm confident, I'm going for a middle seven, oh god, a bell is ringing, okay, a bell It's ringing in the wind, no, yeah, and it's a phone that's ringing, oh, like you're going. so you can add to that a wind chime yeah you gotta get the tones man it's all about the tones I got a wind chime like that at home it's all about that it's got a scale man it's got a skate I got to give it to him You have seven points now you are in the league, wait, but abandon the wind.
I thought all you have to do is listen to


self. Middle Middle Half Eight, come on, don't be a, don't be okay, tough, nine, okay. The man is lifting and dropping something. He gets that last part every time. There's no way you're going to get it from what I just did. Oh no, I'm trying to think, oh God, something supernatural is happening, something breaks, maybe I'm abandoning you. You shouldn't be so angry that you break a baseball bat on


thigh when no one's there, yeah, well, sometimes you get really angry in practice, okay, before we move on to another quick reminder, third episode of the podcast good mythical team. comes out today one comes out every month our own producer chase presents this new podcast uh it's behind the scenes you come out you get it you get it you get it all exclusively for second and third degree members of the mythical society also members of third degree. get the video version of that if you join the mythical society mythical it's my choice it's your choice okay now you can listen that was what you can make up that heart it's super hard I mean if I were you I'd go back to go down to the middle I'm six points down I'm going to go for a middle six to tie it because I know I'm afraid of eight oh yeah, something is being something has movement and it's being shot from something else like a cannon, a gun, a gun, not a gun, a cannon, it's like a sled or something. fireworks yes, yes, yes, they are fireworks, yes, because they are going well, we are tied, so what are you going to do?
I'm not going. even easy but hard it's too hard so I'm going to half eight something is speeding up it's wings like hummingbird wings no no no no no it doesn't sound like wings but it's okay, I can't go higher than that, it's okay, this is very different. I'm very confused, it's actually pretty good, okay I think it's not an animal, oh okay I think it's an animal, no, no, no, it's not an animal, give me at least a guess to have a chance at the dots, it sounds like maybe something will fly, oh no you can. "No, oh, you've had too much time, you've had too much time, I think it's time for both of you to go well, let's do it together, Stevie, you're right, it's not an animal, it's a model airplane, it's something." that's flying give me that's something that's flying no no it can't fly but it's not flying in this scenario it's not flying it's something that's trying to take off from the ground because it can fly and it's mechanical and we're going to have to do it show it well, let's see , I've hyperventilated enough, I'm seeing stars, beef, okay, you know, like it squeaks when you pull, you're literally looking at the balloon and you're not there yet, yeah, I can't go that high, that's just Yeah, yeah I bet it's a box spring on a mattress that was fine.
Now is my chance. I'm going for number 10. Okay, okay, I can't tell if the human noises are uniform or there's something else to what it sounds like. like someone was going through something, but I don't know if someone got hurt because they did something that, oh, that hurt, okay, that's true, okay, more specific, more, yeah, that's on the right palette, okay , someone was sledding down a hill and fell. no no someone yeah maybe someone was like a snow tube that's a flood this is getting so tube I think we tried well we have a chance they're just walking on ice pretty good they're not wearing skates yeah I think you got it stevie yeah , but I feel bad, I mean, I feel bad, I mean, you did it, you're standing on the shoulders of giants, you did it, I mean, yeah, that was just based on many, many guesses, but that's exactly it. what you do with me man I'll do that oh this is the worst stock footage video okay I'll tell you being a foley artist is not at all like that nothing grueling it's not like that none of that okay listen , so let's oh Did we say we're going to break down the last few points and call it a moment?
I think we can both use the gold microphone. I mean, it has eight holes so we can be like that. I think we know who the real winner is. here, although both of us, thanks for subscribing, clicking that bell, you know what time it is. Hi, I'm Seth and this is Banana and we're from Austin, Texas and you probably don't remember signing this mug and it's time to pass the wheel of mythology why is it so quiet we remember the banana click the link above to see if we can be professional movie sound artists and a good mythical mall and figure out where Willamette is going to land as far as street cred goes, it's like probably my favorite because I feel like I've gone to prison, what are you waiting for?
I'm like, um, I jaywalked, but I made a pizza cart and like everyone else, okay, that's cool, this guy is cool.

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