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Playing Weird TikTok Games

Jun 04, 2021
Today we are going to turn ticking into a strip talk, let's talk about that mythical good day, okay, we know you clicked on this video because you want to see us speak the unforgettable words of rihanna nakey nakey naked and you know what mythical beast today . It could be your lucky day if we are bad at


some classic


and tic tac in a verse challenges and also some new


that we invented and that you can also play at home. Are you ready to get naked for entertainment? I don't plan on losing, so I'll try to hold on to this as much as I can now.
playing weird tiktok games
If you don't know what we're talking about, you haven't seen these games, here's a little sampler plate. you got first place in the cam roll challenge if you got two dollars, second place, five dollars, third place, twenty dollars, so basically you can take anything you have in your house and turn it into a game, you have mugs, you have a game, You got cans, you got a game, you got long balls suspended on hoes, yeah you got a game, you know what just good family fun is, but they can't have all the fun, it's time to play


tick-tock games, but Wait, the plot gets complicated.
playing weird tiktok games

More Interesting Facts About,

playing weird tiktok games...

Someone's getting naked more than a big old raw chicken welcome to the zone of nakedness and fear and look who's joining us it's nakedness and fear hey, I'd rather be afraid than Nicky, we know what you'd prefer, I mean, yes it's just part of my Job Description these days yes Stevie and Chase are here because you can't have a ticking competition unless you have friends and family to compete with and with each individual game we're going to play with the loser or losers in the end. having to take off a piece of clothing at the end someone might be showing off their end oh the candle blowing competition is a ticking challenge let's take a look you can see it's pretty exciting but it would be more exciting if people stripped naked so we are organized in the order in which we are going to compete and each candle is associated with a reward or a punishment we have popcorn we have dirty sodas we have a cheesecake whipped in the face we have I got the crazy one to go and we have three baguettes that are They will explain themselves if that happens link Are you ready?
playing weird tiktok games
I'm almost ready. Yeah, now your head can't get past that plane. I didn't know my punch could jump, okay, this one came so close, I know I thought I got it, I thought I was going to get the four, okay, chase, do the honors, okay, you ready, you want to put your glasses on , okay, he said, well, me. I'm not going to answer that, oh wow, can I save this for later? Yes do it. Much really remained intact. Someone can reuse that chase. How about you? Okay, Chase. I don't really look now. What are you? you go this way, I would really like that crazy udder, I know myself too, man, but man, your candle went out and came back on.
playing weird tiktok games
He impressed me. We said this lung capacity is not blow capacity, so no, I have no idea if. Is this going to work or not hey ready it's a diver oh man yeah I can return the favor and you know yours is a lot cooler than mine come on jump gently I won't hurt you yeah mom it's okay , mother. I'm thinking no, oh be careful, maybe there's a reason why that feels good, okay, okay, feels good, I mean, they didn't have as much cheese on their faces as I did on mine, yeah , but I have more hair, oh, you guys posing for a Picture, you're next, Stevie, damn, thanks, damn, man, you're working at three, I already thought I was, I mean, I'm confident, but I knew I was probably going to lose all of this, so now I have to decide if I'm going to do it.
Try to move on from what you did, which doesn't make any sense, plus I'm the main one who loses when I put myself in such a crazy situation because I think about what I have to do if that happens. You are saying this. It's a loss for you, everything is a loss, the only one, oh no it says the only victory is the popcorn, but then I have to take off an article of clothing, you know where this came from, oh God, that's funny , it is very mythical. punch the baguette punch the baguette Stevie I'm going to try it just try it this is the place now I know you're too scared to let me mush yeah, do you want to mush?
We've both already done it. anyone else we miss each other you like cheese right yeah just nice and keep it out of your hair she couldn't breathe none of it it's in your face you have good cheese no there's just a Stevie handprint on the cake yeah look now we can convict stevie From a rhett crime Can you beat the third candle and escape the cheesecake in the face? Well, I hope I can, since this new cheesecake is significantly different than the cheesecakes they have, yes, we did that more. wet wet the cheese a little okay it seems like this is a dead end for all of us we all have the same that means we also all have to remove a cloning element that's impossible no, it's not in the name of Chase Link and Stevie, You're cheese-faced, that's nice mmm, that sour cream, well, it looks like Rett and I aren't wearing t-shirts to this rodeo.
Stevie, you took off your sweatshirt and Chase, do you always wear that as a shirt every day, not every day? but it's definitely a confidence booster so I felt like it was necessary for you to feel safe, very safe, sucking on some clamato, yeah we're about to do the tick tock straw challenge let's see what that is baby 10 seconds, you're going to win, come on, okay. So they're running with the water dispenser in the front of the refrigerator, yeah, but we're not bringing four refrigerators here, we just brought these dispensers and yeah, this isn't water, it's clamato, which I guess is like tomato juice with some clams.
I love both, yeah, so at a certain point you're going to be drinking fast enough, it's going to overflow and that's when you get out, the last man or woman standing doesn't have to take off. a piece of clothing, okay, let's count and open to the bottom, okay, here we go in three, two, once, are you going to continue?, you have to continue, you have to drink it. Okay now you earned clemato oh that motto man oh god wow that was fast okay well then you guys got naked and I'll stay like this okay lane you took off your shoes yeah Stevie you took off a shirt that was about that t-shirt, yeah, you saw the game you're


here, chase, you haven't taken anything off, oh yeah, I wanted to do this on camera, you know what it was worth every penny, okay, let's play.
Hit it, we have these, they're actually boxing reflex trainers, you're supposed to box this thing and it bounces, you know, yeah, it bounces in pursuit of you, it can do it, it can also split an apple in half, but right now we have to do it. Try to remove all of these household items from our shelf, including the cardboard box at the bottom, so that the last person with something on their wooden block is the person who has to take off an item of clothing, oh yeah, and we. I'm not going to show you a clip of this because you know what we made up, let's see if it's successful in your marks three two one wow, oh God, where is it?
Oh, come on, yeah, oh, oh. No, I'm strangling myself Yes, yes, where is that ball? balls everywhere oh this is going to be close this is going to be close this is going to be I can't this is going to be look at these doors you're so I'm going to lose because look right while you're unraveling that actually I'll help you stop screaming I'll help you Look at Chase, there's only one thing left. What happened, Chase? You guys got into a situation. No, don't do that. What. Are you doing this? It's like a fishing knot. Did you know?
Let's take off our clothes. It's okay, treat well. I'm in my underwear. Yes, you are and you pursue. You've taken your shirt off and of course Steve and I are like. we were in the last round, okay, we're going to play a game that we actually did on the first day of Chase's mythical entertainment. Wasted squeezability tests yeah so this is a gmm episode and we'll see how many bombs you need to get. a little bit of this ketchup in someone's mouth, stevie, you're the first, okay, because I'm at a height disadvantage, well, you know what I'm saying, uh, I'll bring this height aid, I like to call it the old one help from the tide, okay? now I have a small amount so I'm going to go really big here we go okay one two oh that's one that's a low end to the left stevie try it again no nothing got in my mouth I'm a little impressed with myself for a reason I can't explain it, yeah, here we go again, oh come on, salsa, come on, I'm literally putting all my body weight on it.
Yes, you will have to lift it in your apple box. Anything else, you need a little more height in your tomato sauce. Okay, now Stevie's ready for her fourth try before it's a little bit, but I've got a drop there, so it's Stevie and Four Chase, you're okay, okay, Chase, you look scared, you've got to beat four. I did not do it. I didn't do this I wasn't prepared oh god open your mouth open your mouth open wide open your eyes too are you ready oh wow okay did you try something no you have it on the right you have to go to the right get it at the right height, okay, this is number two, oh, we got so close he literally jumped on that one, okay, are you ready, open wide that one that was a complete failure and now he only has a chance to tie up Steve?
I am very disappointed in myself. the table actually turned a little bit, okay, there you go, number four, okay? I chased cheated, he's only qualified, he deleted it. I think you can open your eyes. Very sorry. Wow, you're definitely uh, it's not pig's blood, it's a v. crazy that was cool though that was fun okay my turn okay open wide okay take you back of course the link was fully clothed the last time this happened he was fully dressed and I wasn't getting dirty at all, here we go and yeah. That was, oh my God, there were two and I spilled all the ketchup.
I'll call it double bomb, double bomb, two points, okay, oh God, come on, did you try something? I felt a spray, but I don't think I tasted anything. I'm nervous oh yeah, yeah, I saw something come in, I saw something, I got some ketchup, it passed by here too, that's awesome, come in, how many points is it I think you lost too many? Okay, link, I'm going to take a slightly different tactic here and what is that, the hammer throw technique, oh, where I literally just hit this thing, bam, like this, I'm not ready, okay, here's the deal, yeah you can get it in less than four, then you beat Stevie and the three of us have to take off an item of clothing if you get four, you and stevie tai chase and I have to take off an item of clothing if you get over four, stevie is the overall winner and you're going to take something off with me and you chase, okay, and I also want to say hey, hey, man, follow us on tick tac, mythical, mythical kitchen, follow them on tick tac, are you ready, man, I have a big goal, here Come on, wow, that was some force, hold on, hit your mouth, I got a pit, there was something on my lip, but it didn't go in my mouth hammer throw, yeah, that's in the mouth, son, yeah, that It was, actually it was the back of my throat, but how about this technique?
Oh yeah, I can't understand her when I do that, can I? Congratulations, you won the game, Stevie Chase and I'm like, look, I'm modest Brian, okay, guys, that's good, I have another shirt underneath, okay, Chase took off his shoes. What are you going to do? Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. do you know what time it is hello, I'm Anna Rose from Los Angeles, California and I'm currently starting my tenth puzzle of 2020 and now it's time to spin the wheel of mythology right here in Los Angeles. I know the feeling, click the link above. to see us play the classic game let's be safe and good mythic more and a photo with a victory get the latest quarterly collectible the mythical lunch box snack-a-verse and thermostable joining the mythical society third grade quarterly or annual plan by march 31 visit

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