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The Big WILTY Mega Mix | Volume.1 | Would I Lie To You?

Jun 19, 2024
she is telling the truth. Do you really think what's wrong with me is if you're within six 8 feet of an ex and you don't recognize him because you? re static it just seems like I


n't know, I've never been allowed within 8T of my continuation, so I'll say it's a lie, okay, they're saying it's a lie, uh, Joan, was it the truth or was it a lie? lies Li, says possession now first read the card and then when you have done that she takes the object and places it on the desk. I once bought a dresser for my bedroom online and realized I had made a terrible mistake.
the big wilty mega mix volume 1 would i lie to you
When this came DAV, it's an old S? Right? All the evidence is enormous. Sarah on those things when you shop online, they have measurements. Didn't you think to look at that? I knew it with things like clothes and shoes. I didn't know some charlatans were making such small furniture so you think they were charlot, not only were they sincerely making dollhouse furniture, they were trying to pass off dollhouse furniture as full size furniture online, that's what Which I think they are doing. You weren't surprised by the comparatively cheap shipping and packaging, actually if it's sent through the letterbox, honestly if you saw a photo of this just close it's huge, how much did it cost Sarah?
the big wilty mega mix volume 1 would i lie to you

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the big wilty mega mix volume 1 would i lie to you...

Yeah, £35, did you think you were getting like a complete, very cheap, yeah, but I mean it went from being a relative bargain to a lot to pay. Disappointed me. Do the drawers really open and close? Is it functional? The thing is Rob in a way, it's like a normal chest. of drawers like you can put things in there, it's just not big enough for my pants and my Sarah Sarah, do you normally buy your furniture online? I have this habit at the moment Mary, I like to buy things when I'm drunk and then it's a surprise why you didn't return it yes you did because you can on these things you can contact the seller can't you and them or complain?
the big wilty mega mix volume 1 would i lie to you
Can I be really honest with you again? I love this and so was I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't checked the measurements. Where do you keep it now? I keep it in my kitchen. Because? Well, I like to put money there. How much money can you get there? Pound there yes 2 there yes a rolled F, yes, and then 20, if I've had to take a taxi from a long way, it's good, good for SPS, well, if you're tipping, someone has handed you something for a pound , two or five, yeah, depending on what happens if it's what happens if I want to do three that


kill me that two what are you thinking Mary what are you thinking um it's a sweet story Sarah but I can't believe you shop when you're drunk so I think it's lie S I disagree with Mary a little because I am a drunk shopper.
the big wilty mega mix volume 1 would i lie to you
I like the night. Oh, I love something like that, but not a dresser. So what are you going to say David as your Captain? You think it's a lie. I think it's a lie. Well, let's say a lie, it has to be a lie, so it's okay Sarah, truth or a lie, it's okay, I'm so relieved to tell you it's true oh no, I love it, I love it, yes, it's true Sarah bought a small chest of drawers by mistake. I wrote a text message. I'm mourning my Strictly dance partner and then I accidentally sent it to my Strictly dance partner.
Oh my god, at least who was the dance partner strictly, uh, Gilda Horn, so I live in Germany and he was my first partner strictly, so this is a German celebrity, yeah, a Gilder Horn. he's not in the adult film industry he's a pretty famous man why he's famous for singing he's singing it was my first year as a dancer on the German show and it was actually a text before a very important competition in Blackpool and I was very stressed out Blackpool yes, German also strictly gets a Blackpool? That would be crazy. I don't know why we're going to Blackpool.
The idea of ​​people from all over the world coming to Blackpool. All the dancers go to Blackpool. What did he do? the text says oh, I wrote something like um, he's not cool and I'm so glad this is over soon and then I'll be stress free for the rest of my life, but then you sent it to him. I sent it to him and he was there. standing in front of me, why did you just tell him that he asked me the same question? How long have you known him at this point? Two weeks, so you were two weeks into training, yeah, and who did you text it to or think.
You were sending it to my dance teacher, um, because he was asking me how you could keep up. Did you notice the moment his phone rang? No, I realized when he came to see me and that's when immediately or immediately wow, that's German and efficient. So how are things going between you now? After this event, we became intense friends because once the truth is revealed, a lot of people become intense friends on Strictly, right? and how. What do you ultimately do and how far did you get? I'm in the competition. We were fifth. Not bad, no, not bad at all.
What do you think? Shazia. I think there are some truths in it, but overall it's a big lie. And you? Steve, yes. There are some things that don't quite add up to me. I would say it's a lie, a lie, a lie, okay, I'll lie too, you're going to say it's a lie, okay, I see it's a lovely story, but I is. Is it true or is it a lie well, it's true, it's true Moy accidentally texted her dance partner after a misunderstanding. I once became a driver for one of the Jackson Five. David Mitchell, which of the Jackson 5.
Germaine, ah, that's a shame. Why did you accidentally become a driver? Well, I was at an event. There were many celebrities there. It was in a huge place in Leicester Square. I was with my best friend's husband, CU. Oh, that's very liberal. You are at the event. What is the misunderstanding? This very nervous PR guy came up to me and he said, "Oh, I have a terrible dilemma." One of my clients' car is not here and me and you have a car and I said yes and she said could you? I would possibly drop my client off on the way home, but when I told her yes, I have a car, she thought I meant a chauffeur-driven car, but I have my own car around the corner, so I told her Well, I'll just do it. go get it and sort it out and what kind of car you brought was um it was a nice car and it's not the kind of car you would expect to be sent to you for a pop star to drive. away at that, so it's good, it's visually consistent, but it's still a quality piece of Swedish engineering, which is exactly what I told Jermaine, so you pull up outside and out comes Jermaine Jackson with his wife.
Yeah, okay, now this is pretty tight for a song what state was your car in, I mean, it wasn't good bird droppings in the wind and, uh, it really was a mess inside and how it reacted when it came in, oh, he did, he was very polite, it was a bit like taking a child to daycare in many ways in which way, well, it just seemed like it just seemed to go, so how dirty was your car and, um, there were a lot of PS around, like that that there were like three PS on the hood of my car, no, there was like obviously, trying not to get the picture of my best friend's friend, Roland, and um, in the papers the next day, who is the mystery man with Joe Brand and Mr. and Mrs.
Germaine Jackson, just as we're here, very quickly, one of the parents from my daughter's elementary school. She left a restaurant at the same time as Barry Manalo a few years ago and they were vaccinated and the photo of her went around the world as Barry Manalo's new husband. How brilliant. What are you thinking? Lucy. Does this seem true to you? I'm going to lie because there are some items driving towards Leicester Square. One of them is a very good point. Who is the square? I had a question about where you were parked. Yes, it's always about the manager with David, if this is true.
She's been telling this anecdote for years and no one has ever come. Where did you go? It's because before she wasn't in a context where people were going to go. I think you're lying. They were just happy to enjoy the anecdote while enjoying the situation. What I'm told is that I have to decide whether it's true or not, which means I have to break social conventions to some extent and be more skeptical about the anecdote than I would be at a party, for example, so Joe, I'll tell you. I ask it again. When you picked up Germaine Jackson from a big place in Leicester Square, where did you go to get your car?
You should remember that walk when you are leaving the event you are going to with your friend H I don't agree I think if you were at a party you would talk like that, yeah well I've never been invited to a party so I'll never know , you must remember where it was parked. Well, I don't know, so what do you think? So, Joe, is that true? No I think it's I don't think it's a lie not only does Lucy think it's a lie it's okay we'll lie we'll lie you're saying it's a lie yeah it's okay Joe truth or lie it's true it's true Joe ever gave a ride. to Jermaine Jackson Every time I make a cup of tea I pretend I'm at the world darts final and test my ability to throw the tea bag into the cup.
David's team, um, that's not exactly what you have to do in darts, is it? How far away from the cup are you to throw the bag? I do exactly four steps, but big steps, so Rob about six steps and what kind of tea bags do you prefer, uh, old David Mitchell, the talk line, the preferred tea bag is a pyramid. bag or a frisbee like tley. Take the small and round ones with the round ones because, as we all know, if you're going to try to dump a pyramid-shaped tea bag into a cup at four paces, well, you're an idiot, we all know what that is. your success rate is about one in one in 10.
The way I do it is like this: you get three tea bags, you do four steps and then you do a bit of you know, get ready 10, it's the world darts final. yourself, have a pint of bitter, yeah, you know, get a little fat, yeah, take the tea bag and then put pressure on me a little bit saying here's Le, he needs to put a tea bag in the cup to convert. The world darts champion, can he do it if you get him in the cup? So you say 180? No, because there is only one. I only go to one, but I, in the end, go to one and then shoot three and then come back and gather all three.
I'll do it again and then I'll take one last three-pointer. This sounds extraordinary and we are all imagining it now, aren't we? Yes, in our minds, how nice. It would be if we had a cup, well that's the thing and if we had some tea bags and if the cup, for example, broke right on the desk, why don't you put it? Well, that's a lot more than four steps, yes. You have to come here you come here I tell you that after this we are going to forget all this truth and lies this is a much better game so what I do is go to the cup like this and I will order you to do one, two, three, four, yes, I will often do this, I will look to my right, I could put the kettle on, brew it and I will look, I look to the left and I will steal, get out of the kitchen, I will go so I will go, darling, the beans are burning, you you were in charge of them, David put on some clothes and then I'll do it, the trick is to get, you can't, you can't squeeze too hard because you split the bag oh, I know the trick is to shake the tea bags a little bit. and then you have to make them compact.
I mean, it's a little unpleasant, but a real little trick is that if you have sweaty palms you'll get a little more. You know what I mean, a little more. I have sweaty nonsense, yes, but I don't love you because I'm going to drink the tea and you won't always be there for me, oh, at least I'm telling you. You're not David and then you put it in your head you just say you obviously have a pretty big kitchen uh well no no because I'm in the living room now but you just said the kettle is there yeah no, I keep my CLE in the living room I'm old school why get up to make a cup of tea put it next to your couch idiot right and then you do that you put it on your head like that yeah that and then you do that I'll tell you what when he hits the cup it's a lovely noise now at this point at home i'll go because look at this this is actually becoming an event once in a while i have liac only has six tea bags left become the world champion he'll have to make sure for this one to come in, although Joy will always be on lovely, lovely, well, there we are, so what are you going to say, then, David?
Well, the thing is, this is hard now because whether it's true or not, it will definitely go. to do it from now on as I am. Do you think it's a lie? I'm not sure I think it's true well I think we're going to say it's true we're going to say it's true okay Lee truth or lie, in fact it was true yes It's true that Lee CH is in the DS world final every time he makes a cup of tea.

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