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LIVE: Nigel Farage hosts Reform UK rally in Birmingham

Jul 03, 2024
Britain, your home, the answer is British values, these are the values ​​of equality before the law, the presumption of innocence, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, love of family and country, these values ​​are They have been exported all over the world and gave rise to the United States. From Canada to Australia and many others, these values ​​in a historical context are nothing short of a miracle, can be subscribed to by people of all religions and races, and are worth protecting. Millions of men and women who gave their


s in world wars to achieve this. So and today I simply see very few people willing to offer an unconditional defense of these British values.
live nigel farage hosts reform uk rally in birmingham
I am enormously grateful. I am enormously grateful for the opportunity that Britain has given me and my family. In fact, it is one of the few countries in the world where The Story of My Story is even possible, so no one knows better than I do the contribution that immigrants can make to Britain. My parents came here 40 years ago with little more than a medical degree. Since then, my parents have given half a century of service to our National Health Service (NHS). My mother, at the age of 68, still works as a nurse out of her love for her profession and her passion as a caregiver.
live nigel farage hosts reform uk rally in birmingham

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live nigel farage hosts reform uk rally in birmingham...

They both made great sacrifices to provide me with an excellent education. I started a company, created hundreds of jobs, and paid millions in taxes. No one knows better than me the contribution that immigrants can make to Britain; However, when my parents emigrated here in the 1980s, annual net migration to Britain was around 50,000, this meant public services were not overstretched and new arrivals could assimilate comfortably last year, that figure was of 650,000. We have lost control of our borders, we have no coherent immigration policy and this is affecting all Britons, regardless of race or religion, and this has real consequences for our young people.
live nigel farage hosts reform uk rally in birmingham
I say they are being betrayed, they are being robbed of a fair opportunity. Nearly a third of young adults under age 30 still


at home with their parents due to a lack of affordable housing. Yes, we must build more housing, but we must also stop the explosion in demand. Our NHS is buckling under pressure even though we spend more on it. Waiting lists are never at their highest getting an appointment with the GP is a nightmare. Our incompetent political leaders have failed us. The state we are in was brought to light by a caller to a radio show I listened to recently.
live nigel farage hosts reform uk rally in birmingham
She called to tell me. the story of her mother, who was in her 90s and had been taken to the hospital after having worked hard and paid taxes in this country her entire life, was now extremely ill and had been taken to the emergency room, her voice was broke from the pain. She told how she had to wait hours and hours and hours to get care and by that time that care came tragically it was too late for her, after having paid her debts to this country decade after decade after decade, she died without dignity in the country she had failed. her and this is not an isolated incident 19,000 people were left waiting for an accident and emergency for 3 days last year in this country 19,000 for 3 days this is not something we are willing to accept this is unbecoming of Britain and this is not fault this is It is not the fault of our incredible frontline NHS workers who work so hard in conditions appalling for us, it is directly the responsibility of our political elites who have failed so catastrophically in their duty to care for the capacity of the British people, no it has to be like that.
It's time to put the British people first, it's time we reject political elites who berate and mock their own voters, the people they owe their salaries to and those they are supposed to represent. You know, there are those who say that Great Britain should be ashamed of its history, I tell them no, on the contrary, no country in the world has a history of which it should be more proud than Great Britain, not only Great Britain invented the principles of common law that gave rise to the United States. From the United States to Canada to Australia that doesn't begin to tell the story of how much Britain has done to make the world a better place.
Britain was the first global power to abolish the slave trade in a long time. 1807, when our parliament passed the slave trade act, by passing this act, Britain formed a new Royal Navy Squadron, the West African Squadron, we sent it to patrol the high seas and enforce this ban on trafficking of slaves. Her Majesty's Royal Navy, the most powerful Navy the world had ever had. never seen the slave ship upside down and forced them to comply by doing so the heroes of the West Africa Squadron freed 150,000 slaves with the sacrifice of 177,000 of their own sailors an enormous financial cost the world owes a debt of gratitude to Britain but This great country, this great country is now in trouble, that famous British courage has been replaced by the cowardice of our political leaders, leaders who are neither willing nor able to face our greatest challenges in the face and overcome them, but change is coming. coming, change is coming, we are building a movement based on courage and driven by love love for British values ​​love for our heritage love for our culture love for our veterans and our war heroes love for our family love for our country as a technology entrepreneur I can tell you, I can tell you that in this new era Britain has enormous potential full of dynamism, talent and energy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, this island of ours is home to three of the top 10 universities in the world, we invent television, MRI, IVF, we invented steam and then the jet engine we invented the computer and then we invented the Internet I said the world owed Britain a death of gratitude and now we are a major player we are a major player in artificial intelligence and synthetic biology Britain should be thriving Britain should be thriving, so why has the quality of life for Britons gotten so bad?
You know someone who built a successful business from scratch. I can tell you that many of the biggest problems we face as a country are not difficult to solve. All we need is politics. leaders who really want to solve the problem and have the courage to do so, everyone can see this, everyone can see this, they can see that what this country needs is fewer overpaid incompetent NHS managers and more doctors and nurses, you know, This country needs less. bureaucrats and more builders less diversity officers and more police officers less time less time lecturing other countries about their borders more time defending and securing our borders here at home this is a movement for Brits of all races and backgrounds who love your country a movement for those who want British values ​​to be protected, who want our culture to be celebrated, but let's have no illusions, this mission will not be easy, quite the opposite, we will have to face the entire political and media establishment who hates us for what we do. love, when they see our movement growing they will deploy the heavy artillery and come after us with everything they have, in fact they already are, fortunately for us, fortunately for us, we have an ace up our sleeve, we have a true leader in Nigel Farage we have a real leader we have someone who inspires us in the belief that victory is possible he inspired me, he has inspired you he will continue to inspire millions in this great country we have a leader who loves this country and who spent his entire life campaigning for the interests of the British people and has now come out of retirement by popular demand to lift us out of despair and into a state of hope, hope for this country, it will stand up, it will stand up to those who seek to destroy us, it cannot. be deterred by insults or shakes and just as he took on the banks and won, just as he took on the powerful European Union and won now, he will guide us as we take on the elite class of Poli iCal and we will win, let me tell you something.
Let me tell you something. I know Nigel Farage personally. I've seen firsthand how hard he works for us, day after 20-hour day after 20-hour day. He guides us on this journey at enormous personal cost. He carries a heavy burden on his shoulders for us and he does it with the grace and good humor that only Nigel can, so I think we should take a moment to be honest and say thank you for that, thank you Nigel, thank you for giving us hope again, thank you for giving us something to believe in again ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake, we are living the history that will be made in this country in 100 years, you will study this fundamental chapter of British history, the children will learn, the children will learn about the prime ministers who lock their own people in in the most authoritarian and draconian way and then, through parties for themselves in Downing Street, you will learn about politicians who seem to hate themselves and their country so much that they place bets on themselves Like elves to lose, they will learn about a political class that betrayed its own people.
They will learn from a Britain that was on the ropes, but I think I think they will also learn something else, they will learn that something remarkable happened then and that just as it has happened so many times before in British history, the British people stood up and said : no, we are without it I see a Britain in the future that has secure borders I see a balanced and powerful Britain that celebrates its proud history and looks confidently to its future I see a Britain that protects its values ​​and appreciates its culture I see a Great Britain with highly capable patriotic leaders, I see a Britain where, after paying your taxes all your life, you can go to the hospital and be treated by top-notch doctors and nurses straight away.
I see a Britain where our young people can not only afford to move away. from their parents' homes but where they can afford to buy a home of their own I see a Britain that puts British people first and this is not a pipe dream, this is now really on the cards, just look at around you, it is a real possibility. If it weren't, I wouldn't be standing before you now we know in our hearts that this is possible, so to Brits, young and old, to Brits of all backgrounds, I say this, it's time we stood up and wrote the next chapter of The Great British Story it's time to put the needs, hopes and dreams of the British people first, it's time to


thank you very much ladies and gentlemen thank you enjoy that thought so to our next speaker who I didn't know.
Richard TI before 2019, when I started working alongside him in the Brexit party at the end of 2019, an overwhelming number of people felt that under a Boris Conservative party with an overwhelming majority, the things we cared about could be fixed and therefore they got that. behind the Conservatives and supported them in their efforts, but some of us felt that too many times over many years the Conservative Party had broken its promises, let us down and reinforced that sincere belief that a Conservative can never be trusted and with that in Mind you, With that in mind, amidst the laughter, the giggles and the many people telling us we were crazy, a small group dedicated themselves to that insurance policy to make sure it was maintained and that if the conservatives If they ever broke their promises again, they would.
The price would have to be paid and that price came in the form of Richard Ty when I sat down with Richard in early 2020 to talk about how we could make this a viable political alternative. I had no idea at the time, just the level of humility. and commitment that Richards possesses qualities that you simply won't find in any establishment politician, it's no secret that yes, he invested huge amounts of his own resources in the party, but far beyond the money, Richard has listened to and supported the people who need us and support us and I'm not talking about finances, I'm talking about driving to Oxford on a Sunday morning at 6:30 to support a candidate running for elected council speaking to rooms of a dozen people throughout the country to help achieve


. off the ground, he often came home in the early hours of the morning, and of course, I'm talking about a man who, realizing that we needed to rent a field bus, went and bought one and sat on top of it, by the way, and went up. the top of IT Force One hello and give it a shout, ladies and gentlemen, Richard knows this is about people and it's a team effort and he has led from the front, he is not led by saying but by doing, he is led by the example and because Richard has given theexample by spending time with people learning what they need and want and participating in that is what we are now starting to see across the country, a team effort, so Richard Ty might not have been the leader everyone expected, But I am absolutely sure that he was the leader at the time that the people needed and I just want to emphasize this to put an end to the establishment's feeble attempt to portray a crack in our team as the chief executive.
I am in a unique position to tell you categorically that Richard, having played the role of leader admirably for the best part of four years, was not only happy to have Nigel return as leader, but actively encouraged him because, once again, knowing the team values, I knew that Nigel could bring qualities to the game that would benefit us. and take us to the next phase of our journey, but without a doubt, never forget, this party would not exist, this opportunity would not be here if it were not for our next speaker, please welcome an incredibly generous man, an example For all of us, my friend, our ex. leader and now party president Richard IT hello hello hello wow what a vision what a show you're having fun are you sure it's excellent?
It's great to see so many of you here having fun, with passion, enthusiasm and conviction, do you think Kia Starma could? organize this type of event do you think Richy Sunak could organize this type of passion and conviction? Only Reform UK can organize such an event. Not only are we having fun here, but I have to tell all of you, most of you, many, many of you. On the campaign trail, I hope you're having fun too. Something extraordinary is happening. I have to say, I love where I'm campaigning. It's extraordinary. we are having a lot of fun a lot of people saying I'm with you I'm with you it's very exciting people come and hug me but you always have to keep your feet on the ground and I was you should never think that I've convinced everyone, as I learned the other day, I knock on a door, I get a big hug and I think yeah, we're going to win four doors down, I knock on the door and there's a technique for this, you knock on the door and take a step back just so the knock doesn't hit the door.
The lady opens and looks at me I look at her She looks at me again and she grabs my head without a chance and slams the door she keeps your feet on the ground but we are having an extraordinary impact in this election something is happening out there there is a lot There are millions and millions of timid reformers. Do you remember those timid Brexiteers? Now there are millions of timid reformers who on Thursday will go out and vote for reform now? I am very grateful to Paul for his kind words. In fact, he is a brilliant chief executive.
He had never met him, he was so kind to me, thank you Paul. I just want to say a few words about the journey because it has been quite remarkable, a little over three years ago Paul and I looked at each other a bit like that lady at the door and thought, well, what are we going to do now? Just think about it, we had 0% in the polls we had. a new brand that no one had heard of and we had the equivalent of having no money in the bank account. I mean, it wasn't a great prospect to be honest and Boris was up in the polls, but we thought he'd tell her.
What are we going to buy a bus? That's one of the first investments we made and here today is the bus with am Wham on it and that bus is helping campaign and then where I'm campaigning, my constituency we have a taxi, you may have seen on social media the taxi, it's decked out in our colors with the Union Jack and, most importantly, it has a megaphone and last Monday, Widers was on the megaphone driving through Boston and shouting vote reform, vote Tice, it was extraordinary. school campaign and everyone laughed at us back then they said you're wasting your time what are you doing go back to the property I'm telling you what friends aren't laughing now they're absolutely terrified that's the truth the Tes are terrified that's why we're getting all the reviews.
What does it mean if you're getting a lot of criticism it means you're over target? That's the point, so the Bulls are terrified and then there are a lot of people in the media who seem to be terrified too. I'm sure we have some friends out there somewhere. But they may not be Channel 4 and they may not be the BBC and maybe the next speaker can say a few words about but I actually want to say it because there are some people in the media who deserve a huge amount of credit and thank you because in In reality, the truth is that without a little balance, without the skill and ability to speak, we would not do it.
I'll be here today and for that I personally want to say a huge thank you to GB News and Radio Shows. They have done what should be done in a democracy. They wanted more debate, more discussion. Look at the other options outside of the two. - party system and I think actually what they have done is a huge constructive and positive contribution to democracy in this country. Now I also want to thank Paul and his incredible team because when we started this journey there were lite


five or six of us and it was extraordinary and we thought maybe we were barking up the wrong tree and as you know we got very few votes in the first by-election, It was difficult, but here we are today in the largest political demonstration.
In this campaign we went from % to mid-teens when the elections began and that is notable, why did it happen? Why it happened? I think for one simple reason and as I mentioned before. Common Sense we stand for common sense and we also stand for three things that are probably the three most important things for all of us, the family community and the country, and if you look at our key policies, if you look at our key policies and some of them, take courage and I'll talk about courage in a minute, I mean, Britain is completely broke.
Britain needs reform at all levels, but look at how the economy needs reform. Surely it is common sense to make work profitable to motivate people to stop receiving benefits. It's common sense, which is why we have a policy of starting income tax at £2,000. Surely it is common sense to have a vision that our healthcare in this country remains free at the point of delivery before our enemies start attacking us. Common sense that we should have the bold ambition of reaching zero waiting lists with the first party that had one. ambition Common sense surely is common sense, no one else wants to talk about this word immigration, but surely it is common sense to have a smart immigration policy, not a mass immigration policy, it is basic common sense and of course the key to immigration It's integration, it's absolutely fundamental and that's what we stand for, that's what we are and my goodness, I also want to pay tribute to Zia, didn't she speak brilliantly just now? the streets protect us instead of sitting behind desks monitoring tweets.
For heaven's sake, by the way, speaking of social media, there's some breaking news that Nigel is going to reveal, oh my god, you won't believe what's happening. I also think it's common sense, and again a lot of it. A lot of people get very upset, but I think it's common sense that there are only two sexes and two genders. I can be wrong. I think it's common sense that you adapt to climate change and don't try and think you can stop the power of the sun. For God's sake, and that's why we are the only party that has a common sense approach to this issue and I have to tell you that we are finally the only party that has the courage to say that Net Zero, frankly, is not the answer.
Let's use technology, but Net Zero is making us poorer, it is killing our jobs, it is killing our industries, it is killing our economy, it is absolute madness developed in Westminster. In fact, I believe it is the greatest act of financial self-harm ever imposed on a nation by Walles. at Westminster and there are many other common sense policies that we defend but time is of the essence there is a football match this afternoon this afternoon we are going to win yes we are going but one of the most difficult things in life is leadership and courage we have the courage to to talk about these common sense policies we have the courage and the leadership to accept criticism we have the courage to say when something doesn't make sense when it's wrong but let me tell you that no one in this country, I think, has the courage for passion, conviction , the work ethic and leadership of the next speaker.
Now Nigel has suffered a bit of pain and a bit of abuse over the years but what he has done is truly remarkable and that is why of course the EST appreciates him so much and sometimes it is difficult. To tell the truth, sometimes it's hard to keep going against all the pressure, but that's what we do at Reform and that's what it does, and that's why I knew it was the right thing to do that would give us an absolute turbocharged rocket boost at the start. This election campaign was all about Nigel getting stuck in and that of course is exactly what happened and that's why we've gone from somewhere in the early to mid-teens in the polls, where are we now? 18 Survey of 1921 had us at 24 surveys at 20 21 I tell you that although the survey that matters is on Thursday, there are 4 days left and what I need to know from all of you is that you are going to work until you drop because with your help we will Your enthusiasm, commitment and energy will make millions and millions and millions of people vote for reform, vote for change, so I want to thank you all.
I want to thank Nigel, all our candidates, the effort, the work done, but above all, friends. I want to know, are you with us? I can't hear you, you're with us, you're with us, thank you very much, 4th of July, change of vote, vote reform, United Kingdom, thank you, thank you again, one last time, Richard TI, and now and now, a our next. and last speaker, our returning leader. I don't need to tell you that Nigel has led from the front throughout his entire political career. He has led by example by relentlessly telling the truth when everyone was against him, be it the European Parliament, the banks, whoever and if we all follow his example of speaking out, telling the truth and exposing corruption, we will create a better Britain , but beyond that, as someone who has had the true honor of working alongside him for 15 years, Nigel is open, honest and authentic about who he is.
In everyday life, whether at a political


or on television in the jungle, it is authentic that people cry out for someone real and the establishment they face, which is full of lies, fear and deceptions that they want to make you do What they want you to do are completely disconnected not only from the realities of everyday life but also from the people who live it, but not from Nigel, who speaks clearly and tells it like it is, as he always does and carries on. Who has crossed the country risking the dangers of shakes and concrete just to make sure that he can be seen and that the public can see him right now?
There are thousands of us here, no other party in this country can do that, and ladies and gentlemen, that's it. because they don't have a party leader like this Nigel Farage Nigel Farage Nigel Farage Nigel Farage reform the honorary president Nigel Farage has decided not to stand as a candidate either you run for reform or not Nigel Farage will not stand as a Nigel Farage candidate, he is not going to be present in the latest news in the last moments. Farage has tweeted this, he is going to stand, so the big question is whether Nigel wants to stand in a few days time after completely ruling out standing in this election.
Nigel Farage called an emergency press conference to announce that he had changed his mind. He will run in the general elections as a reform candidate. He is having a career now after suggesting he wouldn't. Nigel Farage has announced his return to politics. Nigel Farage will return to politics, so I will return as leader of Reform UK, but not just for this election campaign. I will be back for the next 5 years. I'm going to run for these elections. in the Essex seaside town of Clone, guess who's back. Wow, wow, good afternoon Birmingham, welcome to the thinking man and thinking woman's alternative to Glastenbury.
Are we having fun? Because I'm telling you, unlike everyone else, all the other stuffed shirts, we are real. people we believe in ourselves we believe in our country we believe in our future but we also believe in having fun and enjoying life and being optimistic about the future of our great country now. I have to tell you the last time I was in front of a crowd like this it was on January 31, 2020 and we were in Parliament Square and it was the moment we finally left the European Union and Richard and I were on stage, what moment, what a moment, it was something I campaigned for. more than a quarter of a century and it was simply because I believed all that time that theThe best people to govern Britain were the British themselves, that was the point.
Anyway, it was an honor for me to count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 boom and of course the fireworks that we always have and we went out and I thought, well, I have achieved my life's goal, we have recovered the self-government of our nation and it is time for me to go. It is time for me to step away from active politics after having done so for a quarter of a century, including, of course, 20 years in the European Parliament and an experience that I enjoyed much more than I was allowed to tell you, and so on for the last four years.
Life has been pretty good. I've been able to help GB News get off the ground and do four shows a week which I love. I've been going back and forth across the Atlantic as a traveler speaking at universities speaking at conventions. My four children have now grown so much that this week, of all days, June 203, the eighth anniversary of Brexit, my first grandchild was also born, so life has been pretty good, life has been content. I haven't needed to work much on Saturdays and Sundays. I have not been the subject of endless media attacks. We could go back to that, quite fun.
I've made more money than I've made in 30 years and life has been great all of a sudden. rishy calls a general election at very short notice I thought, well it's impossible, I can't go back with only four weeks to go, but as I traveled around the country I started to realize that I simply couldn't sit on the sidelines when the election or lack The choice is between the slippery Sunac, the biggest spinner since Blair, who is trying to convince us in what is now the fifth consecutive Conservative Manifesto that there is somehow a low tax party when they raise the tax burden to the highest level since 1948. convince us that they are a party with low levels of immigration and that they won an 80 seat majority in 2019 thanks to that and remember that with considerable support from the Brexit party we also helped them enormously, but I couldn't, I couldn't. stand aside and be lied to for the fifth consecutive Manifesto when under the daring Sunak Premiership we have led two and a half million people in the last two years alone, think about it, one in every 30 people in this country has come from Rishi.
Sunak became prime minister and I couldn't stand aside and see a union leader, would I say leader? I don't think the man has any leadership qualities, no, and I and I. I think of leading a country in difficult times in a war that is at war. I wouldn't go as far as that, sir, but I get the point. I understand the point that we need someone to lead our country in difficult times when the world is perhaps in a more dangerous place than at any other time in our lives. A certain degree of charisma is needed.
Now Karm has the charisma of a well. I wore this 10 years ago in the European Parliament but I'm going to take it out of the closet it has the charisma of a wet rag and what it represents what it represents can't even define what a woman is she goes around and around and changes her mind so I couldn't stay aside, I couldn't I can't stand on the sidelines of a country that is in economic decline and think about this GDP per capita that has fallen for the last six consecutive quarters, people are getting poorer and I couldn't stand on the sidelines in a country which is in genuine social decline, security, people afraid to leave. going out at night people are afraid to even go out to their local pub young people in our country carry knives wholesale so I have no doubt that we are in social decline and I couldn't stand by in a country that is in cultural decay and I I must say that I thought young Zia spoke absolutely magnificently magnificently a country a country that has forgotten what it is a country that has forgotten where we come from a country that does not seem to value our culture our heritage and what we wish to pass on to our kids, so I felt like I couldn't sit on the sidelines with all these things that were going on and exactly four weeks ago, almost at the moment that I made a decision and that decision was that I was going to come out of retirement and come back to lead them and What has been an incredible four weeks.
I'll tell you something. I have no doubt that something is happening out there. Something remarkable is happening out there and I am seeing it in all ages. I have never before seen so many young people worried about the future of their country. It is great, really great and this Awakening cuts across all classes, all ages or races, something extraordinary is happening out there and we are rising or falling in the polls. According to some, it all depends on the methodology they use, but I know that we are doing it very well, do you know how? Because when you threaten the establishment they don't exactly come out with a tray of gin and tonics.
Do they know and do I think the establishment itself knows that the conservatives deserve to lose these elections, but that the workers do not deserve to win it and everywhere I go I say that we are the story, we are what people talk about at the breakfast table, at work , in the pub, in the bingo hall, wherever people go, wherever people go, we are already history. Millions, many millions have already said that they will certainly vote for us, but there are many millions more who simply have not made up their minds and could come to us over the course of the next four days and the establishment will not.
They don't want us, you see, they are very happy that Kia is replacing Rishi because it's not really a change of government, it's a change of middle management and the idea that workers represent change is for the birds. more of the same, maybe a little less competent than the conservatives, if you can even believe that's possible now, look, I'm used to the turmoil of political debate and everything is fair in Love and War, but I have to tell you one thing. or two of the things that have happened over the course of the last few weeks go far beyond what is reasonable and fair.
On the first day of the campaign I did an event at DOA where I spoke about one of my favorite subjects, the ships crossing the English Channel and it was interesting because the BBC news channel took the speech live until they cut it and the presenter said: well, we cut that because here's Nigel Parage using his usual inflammatory language and I demanded an apology and What's notable is that over the last year I've had quite a few apologies, including from the National Westminster Bank, which was also pretty good . You see, I'm not afraid to stand up and fight for what I believe in, by whatever name they call it.
For me, but from that moment on the BBC has been a political actor in this general election campaign. In fact, it was the BBC that started the Russia hoax. Now it's always Russia's hoax. We won the referendum, so they concluded it must be Russia. It must be the The Russians who financed the exit campaign and this continued year after year and today with us in the room is Aaron Banks, one of the men who invested the most money in that Brexit campaign and Aaron Aaron had to fight against the Russia Hoopes for years in court until he finally won against a Guardian journalist.
Russia had nothing to do with our success in that referendum, so it was the BBC that started the Russia hoax and I understand why the BBC didn't like me. I understand why the Labor party doesn't like me. I understand why the Conservative party doesn't like me because, unlike them, I could see that the war in Iraq 20 years ago was a mistake because there was never an end to it and, unlike them, the war that David Cameron launched in 2012. against Libya, I protested again and again, but of course it was supported by the conservative party supported by the labor party and what happened a new organization Isis was created we created Isis before the Libyan war there were no ships or boats crossing the Mediterranean but thanks to David Cameron a couple of million have crossed the Mediterranean and many of course now want to come to us and unlike them who seem to have no feeling or understanding of history, I predicted 10 years ago in Parliament European that because of our actions there would be a war in Ukraine I said it openly I said it clearly and I was the only I was the only British political figure who unfortunately got it right and now we have this horrible conflict with perhaps up to a million battles lost, but that is twists for the BBC because I predicted it as support for President Putin.
Can I be absolutely clear? I think Putin has turned Russia into a post-communist country with the wall coming down in the hope of a democratic future and it has become a brutal dictatorship in which his enemies go to prison and die in which journalists disappear and I think he What Putin has done in Ukraine is absolutely morally reprehensible in every way. Do you know that the last straw for me with the BBC took place last year? A special question time here in Birmingham on Friday. I think it might be the 40th Question Time I've done over the years.
Look, I hope not everyone in the audience agrees with me, but I don't expect the first questioner to. someone who has produced eight separate BBC PRS shows over the course of the last year, including the doctor I used to love and who they completely ruined, and then, then, and then the third interrogator, a well-known pro-Palestinian activist, Does anyone think that group of people were representative of the British public in any way well, I've had enough, I've had enough, have you had enough of the BBC? Well, we will renew our campaign with greater vigor over the next few years.
We are going to be the main voice of the opposition and I say that because the conservative party will be in the opposition, but it will not be the opposition position because they don't agree with each other on practically everything, think about the last four. For years all we have had are internal conservative wars, they represent nothing. They told me that they are a broad Church. Well, they are a broad Church without any religion. It just doesn't work, so we will renew our campaign again with more vigor. let's say the state broadcaster has abused its position of power and we will and we will campaign we will campaign as the main voice of the opposition on this not only in Parliament but also in the country we will campaign for the abolition of the license base from the BBC which is popular Wow, that's popular, you like it don't you, you like it don't you, and then we have channel four, a public service broadcaster.
Well, let me tell you what happened at Clapton on Saturday last week was the biggest job. and smear campaign I have ever seen in my entire life that man that man is a professional actor who has worked for Channel 4 in the past funny, isn't it? He talks very, very poshly but does what he calls rough talk and does quite abusive things. Tik Tok Videos, etc. From the moment he appeared in that honking office, he was using the most extraordinary Cockney accent he had ever heard. He called blimy G. Alright, alright, live, live cockles and muscles and all that, but yeah, he could have done it.
He had been to the fish market, but he wasn't, and interestingly, he spent some time talking to two people in the office, who turned out to be undercover reporters from Channel 4. He seemed to know them, so from the moment he walked in, everyone affair was an act and he tried to reform the canvases to say rude and abusive things and when they didn't he did it himself and when I saw the video I was initially horrified until I realized he had completely gone overboard with the idea of that every mosque should become a spoon for the climate and the next morning when I confronted him he of course denied that he was a journalist, then he accepted it, but that of course has been used as the biggest smear against us, the racists, the racist activists.
Our party now considers reform to be a new organization, it is a startup and applications were submitted for candidates to run and we have had a few bad apples, although as far as I know no one involved in an organized betting ring is defending us, which is something the channel 4 story was a fake job, it really is downright disgusting that that insult is directed at all of you and all of our millions of voters. It's just false, but I must say that the bad apps are gone and I will never have them. back and channel 4 Get this: this morning they published a poll: UK reform is now doing better among British ethnic minorities than it is among the Lib Dems, so Channel 4 put that in their damn pipe and smoke it, but the attempt to stop us continues, would you believe it?
Today, since we went live at 12:00 in the middle of Anne Wham's speech, our live stream on Tik Tok was suspended for the use of hate speech. Now I don't know about you. I always found Wiam to be quite charming, decent director I mean. she's a fighter, she's a warrior, she's actually a fantastic role model for women in this country to go out and do things, so it's been difficult, the last few days have been difficult. I've been wondering if I'm really doing this all over again. Well, I am. I am and I am not discouraged. Are you discouraged?
And we're doing a lot better than anyone in the political media imagine in your worst nightmares. We're doing it right, we're doing it right, and we're not. a protest vote even though there is a lot to protest against people support us because we have a vision people support us because we can see the way forward people support us because we defend values ​​people support us because we believe in family and We sign our contract with the people. I think it's a brilliant idea that you front-load child benefit, so if a mother with young children wants to stay at home until they are school age, we will make it easier for her.
For them to do so we must, for the first time in years, talk positively about marriage. Now you know, not all of us have the best track record in this particular area, but there is no doubt that children raised in a romantic and marital relationship have better life chances than anyone else, they just do, so we are pushing the idea of ​​transferable tax relief and what really hurts the family? Well, I think part of that is the psychological damage that was done. at us through repeated lockdowns and there is no conversation about lockdowns, there is no conversation about the mass mandates, there is no conversation about the fact that they even wanted to vaccinate our young children, there is no conversation, there is no debate because both the workers as conservatives agreed that the cost of living has also impacted all families.
In this country, runaway inflation has occurred mainly because we have been living beyond our means and because the Bank of England is run by the absolutely useless Andrew Bailey. Totally useless, so the interest rates, the interest rates that had to go up, have particularly impacted those with mortgages. or those who renew, but think again, it was not discussed or debated in the election campaign by Labor or the Conservatives when the Conservatives came to power our accumulated national debt was approximately £1 trillion, now it is 2.7 trillion and interest payments are 90 billion a year. Same thing as the education budget, which is ironic, isn't it, because they're the ones who are actually going to have to pay for all of this when they grow up?
We have been frank with people, we have felt very disappointed, but one. One of the biggest costs for families is energy, whether it's filling up the car because you live in a rural area and you can't survive without it, but it's the electricity bill, right? It's the gas bill, It's all these things and what do we have? In fact, we pursued aggressive Net Zero policies that have deindustrialised Britain, sent our production to India and China and elsewhere, while pushing the cost of the subsidy onto the electricity bills of ordinary families. I'm for, I'm for renewable energy if it works, but it gives us expensive and intermittent energy, so we would eliminate the excessive and impossible Net Zero agenda on both sides and, for those concerned about carbon dioxide, for those concerned so, well, we will opt for small modular nuclear reactors as a source of continuous energy without any carbon production without any carbon production, so we are thinking a lot about families and the cost of living, we also believe that the Community matters and it is for that the mass immigration policies initiated by Tony Blair and now accelerated by the Conservatives have led us in many of our towns and cities to have completely divided communities where one group of people do not even talk to the other group of people. people, this is just wrong, completely wrong and that's where we saw the horrible and shocking scenes after the recent local elections of sectarian voting in England in England, sectarian voting happened uh and by the way, a new form of politics in which women are completely excluded.
Have you seen Angela Raina? Did you see Angela Raina sitting there begging for the Muslim vote in her constituency? Not a single woman is seen, but one of the most damaging things that is happening is what is happening in our schools in our Universities are a deliberate attempt to poison the minds of our young people into believing that we are somehow exceptionally bad. in terms of our history, when in reality it is quite the opposite. Completely opposite critical race theory that tells an 8 year old white child that an oppressor and an 8 year old black child that he is a victim this is a disaster this will not bring us together it will separate us is terrible.
I said this to Trevor Phillips this morning and he was flabbergasted. for about 10 seconds because everyone agrees with the diversity and inclusion agenda that everyone seems to have introduced into the idea that we should all be divided according to our race based on our sexual preference, of which there are now so many that I can't. even keeping up with or understanding what many of the definitions are our vision is different our vision in reform is that we don't care what race you are we don't care what your sexuality is we don't care we don't want to live We don't want to live in a divided country , we want to live in a country where everyone, regardless of who they are, is equal before the law and I would say to those who have called us unpleasant names, none of those people with those Tendencies are welcome at this party, none of them and yes someone in this room is motivated by hatred and hatred towards others because they are different, I invite you to leave the room now, let's tell people who we are, but Up.
We all believe in a country and you can't be a country unless you control your borders. It is vital. Is essential. Now I came out. I went out to the English Channel four years ago and filmed the dingis crossing. I challenged the mainstream media. I said why are you not covering this story and I predicted that a large number of people would come, now it's 4,000 ships later, it's 128,000 people and 91% of them are men and almost all of them are young men and they are coming to this country from areas of war in which they have been involved, they come to this country from areas dominated by gang culture, they come to this country from areas that are plagued by terrorism and you know what they do, they destroy their identity documents wherever they arrive. in a 12m line I've filmed them throwing their iPhones into the sea, but it's okay because you pay for a new iPhone as soon as they arrive and you pay for the four star hotel and they get free medical care, they get free dental care, I mean to dental care, who?
We have an NHS dentist here, but it's not just the unfairness of this, it's not just the fact that it's so wrong that Brits are finally being pushed to the back of the social housing queue, it's not just that it's so much worse than This is nothing less than a National Security emergency and I was surprised that the other night K St used that phrase for the first time, but one of the reasons Rishy called these elections early is his promise that the planes would go to Rwanda. in July it was never going to happen it was never going to happen and for Kama, well in his six electoral priorities, he does not mention legal or illegal immigration even once, so this crisis will continue, but he is a little rich, he is a little rich For the Tories to tell Labor that it will be even worse under their government, how much worse can it get than it is now?
We know we will never solve this problem as long as we have a meddling foreign court in Strasbourg, we will campaign to leave the European Union. Human Rights Tribunal and of course the first priority of any government is to defend this country and defend its people and we are living, as I mentioned before, in a world far more dangerous than any of us have ever seen in our lives. 14 years of reducing our services: the Navy and Marines are down 15%, the Royal Air Force is down 27%, the British Army is down 30% and we pretend we are spending 2% of GDP on defense adding all sorts of other budgets. and this is not a case of whether we go up to 2.5% by 2030 or 2029, we need a massive increase in defense spending and the rebuilding of our armed forces and this must begin immediately and we must recognize that we must recognize that for our La NATO's future security and relationship with the United States are absolutely key and I promise you that David Lamy and Kia Starma want to lead us just as Mrs May did before.
In fact, she was the worst prime minister of all time. There is a lot of competition out there. Aren't they very difficult, just as Mrs. Maub did? The work will take us towards the European Defense Union, it will bring us closer to that and further away from NATO, and we will fight so that every inch of the way many of these things are not even being discussed in this general election, in fact, the two big debates I was a part of with panels, I watched Penny Moran take on Angela Raina and it turned into a bit of a cat fight, you know, you're going to raise taxes." we are going to eliminate taxes none of them really tell us what they represent no one with a vision for the future of this country ladies and gentlemen we have an optimistic and positive vision of what we can do to help families help communities help our nation maybe to regain a little pride in what we are, who we are and where we can go in the future, that's where we are and I know that under our electoral system things are difficult, we are likely to get fewer seats than the number of votes should deserve, but let's get seats next Thursday, we will believe that this is going to happen and we will probably see a Labor party with, you know, not a particularly high proportion of votes with a massive number of seats and part of what we what we propose is to reform the potentially corrupt postal voting system to reform the voting system to get rid of the unelected House of Lords in its current form yes, we are the reformers we are the reformers in every way We believe at the same time that you can respect your culture , your Traditions, but transferring them and making them appropriate for the 21st century, that's what it's about and I know that Stama is going to win this election, but I think what Thursday is about is the first step. the first important step we take in an independent United Kingdom to change this Britain is broken Britain needs reforms and so on and so we will become the voice of the opposition and my intention, given that today we are reaching 60,000 paid members, more than 200,000 people.
Now the followers in our database are growing rapidly. My intention is that over the next few years we will build a mass movement like has never been seen in the modern history of this country. A mass movement for real change. A mass movement. that reflects the views of the common people of this country and I think I think we can do this Do you think we can do this? Are you with us on the journey for the next 4 days? Are you with us on the journey for the next 4 days? In five years' time we're going to change British political history, but if you're with me and you support me and we and our candidates and our goals and you're as unashamedly patriotic as everyone else on this platform, please stand up so I can thank you. .
Thank you very much for being here today and on Thursday, thank you.

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