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In full: Reform leader Nigel Farage delivers speech in Blackpool

Jul 01, 2024
Please allow me to welcome Mr Nigel Farage to the stage again. She has come back. Tell the GU who's back. This seems to have passed me by, so everyone follow me because we need a little controversy because it feels like I am without me. I said this seems like a j for me so everyone follow me because we need some controversy. CU feels so empty. Now this looks like it for me, so everyone follow me. CU. we need a little controversy. Feel. I said this seems to be on top of me, so everyone. follow me because we need some mer i feel like gu is back i guess he's back i guess he's back good night blackpole guess who's back because i've been retired for four years i thought it was all done i spent 27 years of my life on camping trips to to leave the European Union, everyone said you were wasting your time, that will never happen and that is why, after the Brexit vote, I was able to stand up in the European Parliament and say, when I came here all those years ago, I said I would lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union and you all laughed at me.
in full reform leader nigel farage delivers speech in blackpool
Well, I said you're not laughing now, are you? But there we were in Parliament Square, it was January 31, 2020, it was an honor for me. count down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and that was it. I was done, it was all over and then they made such a mess that they tried to overturn the vote. Remember we have some very sharp ones? the people in this hearing yes, K Starmer and others said we were wrong, we idiots, the plebs, we were wrong, we had to vote again and Starma was absolutely leading that charge, you have the right to say so, so I came out of retirement to establish the brexit party and we crushed it in those European elections in 6 weeks we got twice as many votes as the nearest party and we got the resignation of possibly the worst prime minister in British history, although there has been some competition as he is not bad, right?
in full reform leader nigel farage delivers speech in blackpool

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in full reform leader nigel farage delivers speech in blackpool...

Then we got Theresa May's resignation, which was great news, and along came Joyful Boris, Joyful Boris, really incredible, couldn't we have had a Prime Minister who refused to say in public how many children he had because he just didn't? I don't know, I mean, you don't know I'm a Methodist preacher or anything, but that seemed pretty extraordinary to me and then in 2019, later in the year, in the December election, realizing that Corbin, who hated this country, the liberal democrats who would target us for everything. He could have won the election. I made the most difficult political decision of my life and stood by in 320 seats, giving freedom to the Conservatives and they won a majority of 80 seats and we helped them.
in full reform leader nigel farage delivers speech in blackpool
We have helped them significantly since then. that date they have literally betrayed the trust of 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit the trust of those who put their faith in the Conservatives in 2019 the trust and to some extent the reputation of me who gave them the benefit of the doubt and from all of you I know in Blackpole one of the most important reasons why we have already done Brexit. Yes, of course, it was about regaining control of our country. Of course, it was about us through a democratic system that our ancestors fought for and the recent antics on D-Day just sum up just summarize where this Minister's heart really is we voted to take back control of our country we voted to honor those who came before us and made the sacrifice so we could be free we voted so that our children and grandchildren could live in that freedom but we voted to take back control of our borders yes we voted to reduce mass immigration on a scale that these islands had never seen and what have the Tores done what have they done they have not done You have not done anything that you are wrong about.
in full reform leader nigel farage delivers speech in blackpool
Go to the end of class. They made it worse. They have made it worse. Go to the top of the class. It made it worse. Think about these people, the net migration to our country since Wind Rush. until Tony Blair was elected, he had 40 50,000 a year and he ran for that for 50 years and you could say that at the end of the last century we had the best levels of integration and assimilation of those who come from different countries and different cultures of any country in Europe and I think it was something that we were quite proud of because, as a nation, we have always had great relations with the rest of the world, and we are the only people in the history of humanity that had an empire that became a community Club of friends, we even play sports with each other, we even like Australians on good days, you know well, only when we are winning, obviously, but we have always been very tolerant, we have always been much more global than any other European country , then Mr Blair comes to power, opens the doors in a way we have never seen before and we gave them the narrative through the mainstream media, the political passes and our children are told in school that all the immigration is no good controls needed and these bad guys like Nigel Farage who question the numbers are really beyond power haale but it was fine CU in 2010 the conservatives were elected call me Dave he became our prime minister with his partner that weirdo Osborne , you know, and they promised in the manifesto they would reduce that migration to tens of thousands a year.
They promised it again in the 2015 Manifesto. They would reduce net migration to tens of thousands a year. They promised it again in the 2017 Manifesto. They would reduce net migration by the dozens. thousands a year and in 2019, with my support, they told the country that they would massively reduce the numbers coming into our country. Blair and Brown led net in 2.7 million people, the Conservatives since 2010 have now let in 4.3 million people, that's net and in the last two years net, about 1 and a half million people, how big the breach of trust is with a promise of tens of thousands, how big the breach of trust is with those of us who voted to take back control of our borders and that was why with this early election called and with very shortly I thought it was impossible, how could I again take up the mantle of leading a political party, fighting for a constituency seat, traveling across the country and speaking at events?
This way I didn't think I had time to do it, but I changed my mind because I realized, as I met people, that the People's Army of millions of people who supported me during the UK years was looking me in the eyes. who supported me through the referendum, who supported me through the Brexit party and thought I was letting them down even though I have dedicated most of my adult life to fighting these causes, they thought I was letting them down and I came to the conclusion that I can't let them down and decided that's it.
I'm coming out of retirement. I'm coming back. I'm leaving the party and the lyrics the lyrics guess who's back Mega now I have To be honest with you it's not my invention it comes from Eminem and now they're back on my Spotify charts at number 40 so please stream on Spotify without you from Eminem and give them some support because although I'm normally we're an original thinker, we did it Nick and they deserve some support so please do it now. You've seen it in the last few days, you would have seen a lot of opinion polls reflected on the front pages today, but these polls are not. precise these surveys are not correct and here is why the field work was carried out for these surveys some of the most common surveys survey yesterday field work began on May 22 the front page of the telegraph today savan survey field work began on on June 4th, well unless there is something wrong, we are on the eve of the equinox, it is now June 20th and I would suggest that perhaps since I returned we are doing a little better than we were before, so please ignore everything that.
They say we will not get seats. That's what yesterday's polls suggested. Two surveys were issued tonight and field work was carried out in both of them in the last 24 hours. An updated opinion. the polls one shows us neck to neck with the conservative party with 19% the other shows us ahead of the conservative party in one of those H and we could be negotiating and we are negotiating with the conservatives in London and Scotland, but in the entire north . of England in the Midlands in much of the eastern region in parts of the south east in most of England geographically we are now the challengers to the Labor party and with one vote and one vote you hear all this slippery and bold Sunac Guff, that's right as I call him the biggest spinner. since Blair really is, I mean, I couldn't lie with such a straight face, I mean, I really couldn't, you know, he said, oh, a vote, a vote for


is a vote for workers. , no, no, in both seats in black.
I'm in Blackpool with Dan and Mark, who you saw earlier, aren't they just great guys, great guys? If you vote Conservative in Blackpool South, if you vote Conservative in Blackpool North, a Labor MP will win, but if you vote Reform in Blackpool North, if you Vote Reform in Blackpool South and don't waste your vote on the Conservatives. I truly believe we can come close and even beat Labor in this city. Okay, this campaign has real momentum. Now I talked about the opinion polls about some of the polls that say we won't win any seats, so that will bring me to the subject of betting, it seems that the modern conservative party is even more corrupt than we thought, we have an ex, We have a stop, did you put? money it is also almost incredible that one of the wives of the national campaign director bet on an early election that a bodyguard close to Richi Sunak bet on an early election that a member of Parliament who was a private secretary bet on a July 4 election and I have seen the Betfair statistics and the traffic volume the day before the announcement skyrocketed, we only know about three or four people, it is clear that on a large scale people knew when the elections would be in the conservative party and used that information to corruptly try to make some money tells us everything we need to know everything we need to know about this rotten political class it's like they're literally stealing the light bulbs on the way out of the building it's a scandal it's a shame and we'll learn a lot more about this in the over the course of the next few days and demonstrates why they are not completely fit for office in every way they have betrayed our trust they have betrayed the country they are corrupt they had They had more MPS suspended, I mean, they talk about our candidates saying some unreliable things, But how many perverts have they had to expel over the course of the last 5 years?
Not bad, you know? But a confession among my many gambling vices is one, I love betting as long as it is free and fair and not based on dubbed information, so I will say this right now on the live stream and by the way, we announced it with less With 48 hours notice, we said there were 600 seats. we left the next morning, we could have had thousands here tonight, literally thousands here tonight, so well done to all of you for arriving early and seeing us on a live stream, there will be a huge crowd at the moment but I want to point out this comment. to those who run the polls in the electoral organizations of our country and who say that we will not win seats, I bet you what you want, son, that we are going to win seats in this election and if you want to come back with me, I am very, very happy of receiving your money, not only are we going to win seats, but when people wake up to the fact and wake up now that this election is effectively over, the Tories are gone.
They are doomed, they are on the way down, they are going to fall further, they will lose the vast majority of their seats and they deserve to do so and the unions are enormously ahead and that is unless we have a miracle with labor


. We are going to win this election, but you see, here is the situation, no one can pretend that the polls are close, no one can pretend that the polls are tight, so now we give people the opportunity to vote with their hearts to vote for what they really believe. there are at least half of those who still say they vote conservative who agree with us they agree with freezing the total number of immigrants coming to our country they agree with us that the ship should be stopped They agree with us that raising the level at which people start paying tax from £2,000 a year will help not only those on low wages and it is a good idea and boy that policy would not help Blackpool with very low incomes. low for so many people, very low income for too many.
The people, but more importantly, those who receive benefits are not all lazy people who smoke dope all day, some are and we have to deal with them, but many of those who receive benefits are genuine people who are trapped, they are trapped because if they return to work more. more than 16 hoursweek they lose their benefits and are worse off at their job than they would be on benefits, that's wrong, it's wrong on every level, so our policy would incentivize people who receive benefits to go back to work and that's not just Improving them financially would also improve them psychologically.
I'm very, very proud of that policy and for those who said they would vote Labour, many of them were Brexit voters, are they really going to vote for security? I need to point out that I'm sorry, I mean, God, isn't Cy or Riley boring, but if he stops laughing, it's a very serious political meeting. Are you really going to vote for a man who wanted to overturn the referendum result? I am going to vote for a man who, and this is crucial, when the Labor Party launched its Manifesto last week there were six key objectives, none of them mentioned legal immigration, none of them mentioned the population explosion in this country, none of them mentioned the demographic crisis in this country noOne of them mentioned the fact that they are not surprised by the shortage of houses because we need to build a new house every two minutes in our country just to cope with the levels of immigration to Britain.
None of them mentioned stopping the ships, they almost did. I don't even want to talk about it. You can now vote for reform in the UK and you can do so knowing that it is not a close contest. You can do that by making a decision about who you think will offer the best opposition to Kia Stama in the dispatch box at number 10 and we are campaigning all over the country and I think people are starting to get the message because other polls done today Nowadays when you ask people who do you think would provide the best opposition to a Labor government you now have me a country way ahead of all other party


s, thank you and I have a track record of standing up and fighting.
I have a history of being practically immune to criticism. I have a history in the European Parliament of standing up again and again over the years. and ruin their day completely. I have a history of fighting Authority when it is unfair to ordinary, decent, honest people. I didn't fight the banks last year. I will not continue fighting against the banks just because they unbanked me. I did it. because it has happened to hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of companies throughout this country. I have no fear of authority. I'm not afraid of criticism.
I don't want to be popular in the political class. I don't want to go to their Hill dinners anyway, no, I'd rather be at the Armfield Club in Blackpool watching the football. I have to say it was pretty crowded there before. I mean, oh my god, please, so vote. For us now it is like an open shot on goal, voting for us will make us the voice of the opposition that will be so necessary. This Labor government has nothing to say, nothing to say on any important issue in this country right now. To say that Britain is ruined, it is ruined, we are ruined economically, our productivity levels are now below those of the French, which is incomprehensible.
I mean, I didn't think the French worked after lunch. Know? Don't worry, I'm against that. I know, but our GDP, what about the GDP? GDP has increased. V conservative, well, of course, GD GP has increased. GDP is the size of a national pie, if you increase the population by 3/4 million, don't be surprised the pie is bigger. but here's the question: GDP per capita is the wealth per capita higher in Blackpool as a result of mass immigration. It's been down for the last six quarters in a row and no one talks about it, no one talks about it.
Starma won't talk about it. certainly risky I won't talk about that it's our national debt about the national debt I can see a fiscal and monetary hawk sitting there our national debt has almost tripled since the conservatives came to power in 2010 oh they say it's not our fault we had to make it deal with covid you didn't have to lock us down did you, over and over again, you didn't have to put people in Furlow forever, it wasn't necessary, you didn't have to tell us you're going to do it. taking away freedoms that were not even lost to people in World War II to tell us that we had to wear masks that were totally useless or that they fined us that we had to vaccinate children children who were not even going to suffer complications from covid apart In some Very exceptional cases, these arguments and excuses distract us from the fact that, friends, we are skinned, we are skinned every year, the government spends more than it earns and we cannot go on living like this forever.
We have to be honest. To be honest, if we don't fix this, we will really see cuts, genuine cuts in public services and in all the things that we need to live our lives, but there is no imagination, there is no change of economic model and our belief is that these are the two. The big parties are in an unholy alliance with the big international companies and the big banks and that's all they care about and all we care about are the 5 and a half million men and women in Britain who run their own businesses and they act as merchants of souls. they get no sick pay, no holiday pay or no time off they have ridiculously low vat levels the corporation tax they are charged increased by 30% last year they are burdened by ir35 rules which make it so difficult for self-employed contractors to work as drivers or work for construction companies, I don't think rishy sunak or Kama understand this, they don't understand how the government is actually reducing the incentive to go out, take a risk and really try, and we think the only way out of this mess is the way to get back to a balanced budget, the way to start paying off some of this debt and, by the way, the debt payment is now 90 billion a year, that's the interest and that's it. on par with the education budget, which is ironic because it's that generation that will have this burden around their neck for their entire working lives and no one talks straight, no one is honest about it, we believe in a way out.
We believe that the way out is to trust in hard work, trust in the entrepreneurial spirit. We will only get out of this mess if the men and women of our country are freed from the regulation that was promised with Brexit and was not fulfilled. They are freed from the ridiculous levels that VAT is at. start charging we want a revolution in Britain of people setting up businesses becoming self-employed who go out and make money employing people who pay taxes our vision is a Britain where people work, where people are rewarded and where we fight to get out of this debt it won't happen depend on big business it won't happen government the government stands in the way of people doing well on their own let people be free they will make money they will be successful but especially with this election really I think this should be the immigration elections.
We cannot talk about housing, as I have already mentioned, without talking about the population explosion, we cannot talk about rent. I mean, many young people now pay more than half their income just to live somewhere and probably somewhere with fairly modest rents. have increased by 20-25% nationwide since 2021, it's a direct cause and effect, there are fewer places to rent therefore the price goes up, you can't check NHS waiting lists, you can't check access to GP services without understanding that the population explosion has put intolerable pressures on you you can't look at our infrastructure you can't look at the traffic the m6 as a southerner I thought the M25 was bad but you have a nightmare, I mean a nightmare down the road here the population explosion is decreasing the quality of life for everyone in this country it is making us poorer it is unacceptable and this says nothing about the quality of the vast majority of people who come we all have friends who have come here from around the world we are a very welcoming country, we just can't accept millions and millions and millions, it doesn't work and those huge numbers have driven some parts of the country and I'm thinking that maybe in the northwest of Blackburn of Burnley we could cross the Penins to go to Leeds or Bradford and you saw what I saw in the local elections this year for the first time in our lives in England people voting along sectarian lines people voting exclusively along religious lines communities so separated and divided from the rest of us because we have allowed that people are arriving too quickly in such large numbers that it has been impossible to integrate those people into society, now rival communities living together in the same towns and cities not far from where we are now and that is not a great recipe for the future, it's a major issue that we're going to have to address and deal with responsibly and a growing number of young men between the ages of 18 and 24 who literally hate the values ​​that What we stand for and what we stand for if you think about it, whether Whether we go to church or not, everything about our country, everything about our culture is based on Judeo-Christian values, everything, everything, no one else dares to say this, but it's true, isn't it?
It is based in some sense on the Ten Commandments. Yes, I am in favor of most of them. You know, you may have broken one or two over the years, but the whole thing is that these are the foundations that our country was built on. This is what matters and our values ​​are those values ​​our values ​​are those that family matters community matters working together matters country matters this is what reforms the United Kingdom is these are our values ​​these are our principles and you are welcome to come from anywhere the world of any religion if you share those values ​​with us we can live together happily and in peace but our irresponsible politicians have led us down a path where this no longer works and perhaps the most striking example of this is what is happening in the English.
Channel now I went out to the English Channel, just as Lockdown started I thought I needed an excuse to get out of the house and the pubs were closed so where could I go? So I came out in March, April and May 2020 to English. Channel and I filmed the little boats, you know, I literally got within a few feet of these boats and I filmed them and I said and I was posting it on YouTube in those days I said two things I said number one, you might as well put a sign on DOA's White Cliffs that says everyone is welcome because we would stop deporting illegal immigrants.
Know? The last year of the Labor government 20091 we deported 45,000 people, that's what we used to do, we used to say do you want to come. and you live here, you do it legally, you want to come here illegally, we get rid of you because that and that makes sense, it's not for everyone, for everyone, but I also said that there were two big problems: one, the mainstream media was not covering this story. the newspapers weren't covering it, the radio stations weren't covering it, the television companies weren't covering it and I think my actions, my repeated actions, frankly shamed them into coming out and covering the story, but I also said and predicted that this would happen. . convert you and then I used a very nauseating word I am an unforgivable word a word for which I will never be forgiven I said this will lead to an invasion well, I mean, you would have thought you knew that I had advocated killing the firstborn I know, but 4,000 ships and 127,000 people later I think I was right to use the word invasion because that is what on Tuesday of this week 882 people crossed the English Channel 91% of those who cross a man almost all are young and here is The point here is that many come directly from war zones where they may well have been severely brutalized or may even have been brutalized themselves, for all we know, others come from places where terrorism is widespread.
Some come from countries where gang culture predominates. the rule of law most come from countries where women are not even considered second class citizens and I have filmed and it is on YouTube when they arrive at the 12 mile territorial water line off the British coast throwing their iPhones and passports into the water. Chanel, then it is much more difficult for us to identify if they have a criminal record in whatever country they come from and you may be upset and upset because the bill put up to accommodate these people in forar hotels is 8 million a day, you may be upset. that many of our coastal cities or even tourist cities on earth the summer seasons are ruined because the hotels are


of these young people those things may bother you, those things may bother you, but maybe friends, you are not thinking about it in the right way maybe what we should do is declare this a National Security Emergency and in the face of all this, Ry Sunak says the PLS is going to Rwanda, all the Home Secretary are telling us we are going to stop the boats, no matter who it is. the nice pel soel braan and now the very inappropriate name of James, look cleverly, you know, they are alwaysabusive to me, all I do is make fun of them, I think it's okay, they all say let's stop.
Boris said he would stop the big ship


. at Lid airport in Kent, Sunx promised us that the planes would leave in July and remember he told us that there were now people detained who would take those flights in July? I have a news update for you, every one of those young people, every one of them. what you know, this already shut up or you will ruin it, every one of those that I said, shut up or you will ruin it, every one of those young people who were detained now, through the use of the Human Rights Act, have been released on bail and I I'm sure most of them have run away and disappeared.
I am incredible and no plane is going to fly because the increasingly active European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg does not allow it and this Conservative Prime Minister does not have the guts to deal with it. says in a debate that we will consider leaving if you don't let us send PLS to Rwanda, which means he says to the Eurosceptic wing of the party I am with you and to the Europhile globalist wing of the party "I am with you too and it sums up that they are divided down the middle They stand for literally nothing They have no guts They have no backbone They have no integrity Their honesty after this bedding scandal is seriously called into question once again and as for work nothing, nothing, they are going to track down, they are going to crack down against criminal gangs, well folks we have been cracking down on criminal gangs selling illegal drugs on the streets of Blackpool for decade after decade, is it working and a Midsummer gang trafficking people across the Channel?
La Mancha can earn between two and three million euros a week when the rewards are so high, whatever you do with The Gangs, you won't stop them and we end with this number of the channel, perhaps summing up. In the choice we face in this election, the Conservatives deserve to lose, but Labor does not. Deserving to win the boat symbolizes everything that is wrong and unfair because people who come here legally and go through all the hoops and pay a good amount of money to become British citizens is a greater affront to them in some ways than to us who were born here it is totally unfair it is wrong that our taxes go towards putting them up in hotels it is wrong that our streets become less safe as a result it is wrong that we face potential terrorism as a direct result of all this but it can be done and a friend of mine, Tony Abbott, who was Prime Minister of Australia a little over a decade ago, faced the same problem: the ships were coming from Indonesia and in the end he said that No one coming to Australia via this route will be allowed to settle and we can do that, but only if we cut the Gordian knot and leave the European Court of Human Rights and then say that anyone who passes through that route, whether in the back out of a truck or in a small, dirty place, never, ever, never ever. to be given the status of staying in our country, we do it and if that doesn't work and it will work if that doesn't work we will tell the French the fact that their Navy even though we have given them 500 million To stop this, the fact that your Navy is still escorting dingis from 200 meters off the beach at Graveving to our 12 mile line and then handing people over to the border force or the much abused rnli we told the French, we will not accept this.
The international law of the sea actually says that if these people are in danger, they should return to France and the French navy, if you want, take them back to France, if necessary we will take the people back only I have the determination and the solution to stop the boats. It is unlikely that I will be in Downing Street on July 5, but it is quite possible that I could be


of the opposition to a weak Labor government under Li and with that first big step towards UK reform, I will do so over the course of the time. of the next five years build a mass movement of people in this country and I think we could, I think we could hold meetings like this in every city in the country, people know that Britain is broken, people know that Britain needs reform, People know that things have gone very badly.
People know we need courageous politicians to perform radical surgery on a patient who is seriously ill and I can't believe he's actually here. I mean, I had left everything but I'm back and I have more. determination in me I have more ambition than I have ever had and frankly I have more contempt for our political class and contempt than I have ever had, I mean they are careerists, most of them think they are still playing. games at the Oxford Union, well they are not as our country begins to sink into the grave now you have turned up tonight in huge numbers, like I said we could have booked, we literally could have squeezed 2,000 of you in, you rushed in . filled this room now it's your turn if you agree with what I said tonight that's great if you don't agree with what I said tonight that's great too we believe in freedom of


we believe in differences of opinion and I wouldn't care if someone interrupted me okay but don't throw the milkshake in my face oh in the case of Barnsley they threw it at me but because that's not acceptable it's not acceptable in any way and no is what those last living remains that were there on the D-Day beaches on June 6, 1944 fought for fought so that we would have the right to agree to disagree so they defended democracy they defended their families they defended their communities defended their countries they didn't just agree, they did something, so if you are in this audience and you agree with what I have said, if you agree that I am the only person who can adequately oppose right now to a very, very weak person. s indecisive Mr uturn Raina globalist I mean I could go on forever and if you also think that here in Blackpool we have a couple of great lads standing up for us.
Fighters, main people, people who are absolutely at the heart of the communities. because these guys are I don't want you to just agree I don't even want you to vote for them I want to ask you are you prepared to do more are you prepared to help us? raise your arm if you're ready do something if you're ready to help us, many of you have done it now. I made you a promise about what I'm going to do over the course of the next 5 years and you just made a Promise me what you're going to do over the next two weeks and hope


y, so get involved, sign up on our website, help hand out some leaflets, put up some posters and if you want join us and be part of the Revolt, a much needed revolt against a failed political system, we are unashamedly patriotic, we tell it how it is, we believe we can bring radical change, better changes to our country over the course of the next few years and thank you very much indeed again. sh back back back this looks like so follow me because we need a little controversy CU I said this looks like for me so everyone follow me because we need a little controversy because it feels so empty without me now this looks like a thank you Y'all a reception incredibly warm of you, such a warm compliment from you.
I am, in fact, I am very moved by this. It tells me I'm doing the right thing now. If I could, I would like to be able to stay. I would like to meet you all. I would like to take selfies with all of you. I'd like to have a pint with each and every one of you. I really would, but you have to understand that the pressures on my time are literally enormous. I'm living. I sleep 4 and a half hours every night, okay, I can manage, we have two weeks left and I'm really excited, but could you let me go?
I have to go. I have to return. I have to return to Kent tonight. I have to return to Kent tonight because I will be. I'll be on BBC 1 at 8:00 tomorrow night being interviewed by Nick Robinson, so please let me go, I love you. Thank you very much to all. In fact, we see each other again.

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