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Blippi Learns the 5 Senses at an Indoor Playground! | BEST OF BLIPPI TOYS! | Educational Videos

Jun 12, 2024
it's a metronome yeah this is really useful if you're trying to keep the beat stay in time yeah check this out here this metronome will move and tell us how fast the beat of the song is okay here come on. and with this metronome you will see something really cool, the games, watch it move back and forth and tell you the rhythm of the song. I'm getting a little dizzy after dancing like a metronome. It was fun. Hey, it's very important to make sure you keep the rhythm and something like a metronome is very useful to keep you up. in time, one of these instruments before, yes this is a keyboard or a piano, yes this keyboard is really amazing because it is an electric instrument, ah, this electric instrument means it needs electricity or batteries to work.
blippi learns the 5 senses at an indoor playground best of blippi toys educational videos
Wow, and look how cool it is. All these keys have some white keys, yes, many white keys that you can press with your fingers. Black keys too, yes, between the white keys, you can also press them to make different notes. Grades. What is a note? Let's turn on the keyboard and find out. Have you heard that? Wow, that makes such a pretty sound. If you press one of the keys, it forms a note. If you press a different key somewhere else on the keyboard, it will play a different note. Wow, no, it sounds different. It also makes me feel a little different also sounds quite happy, one is a little confused, wow, and you can also play songs using many different notes.
blippi learns the 5 senses at an indoor playground best of blippi toys educational videos

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The nice thing about a keyboard is that it has so many sounds that you can make all kinds of songs, like maybe you wanted a song to be A little spooky for Halloween abroad, although it was a lot of fun and you can also play things that are maybe a little more classic or serious. It's making me thirsty for some very delicious tea. You can also touch other things instead of just using your fingers. you can be very silly and use your whole hand like change the sound make a fist twist my fist and play a song Bunny Song I'm Gonna Play It Again keyboards are so amazing you can even make songs that sound magical whoa music is so amazing hey and when you use notes, it makes the song sound even better.
blippi learns the 5 senses at an indoor playground best of blippi toys educational videos
Hey, we made up a song about a tambourine before, but we only had rhythms now that we have notes, let's sing a new song with some notes, okay, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy. clippy's birthday happy birthday to you sing a song using no and i made up a song using beats it was so much fun learning about musical instruments with you well that's the end of this video but if you want to see more of my


all of them all you have to do is look up my name Hey, could you spell my name with me?
blippi learns the 5 senses at an indoor playground best of blippi toys educational videos
Okay, here we go. Blippi, good job. Well, I'll see you very soon. I'm going to continue playing some sweet melodies and hey, this one even sounds foreign.

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