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Jerry Seinfeld: Larry David, stoicism and filming 'Unfrosted' | Full Interview

May 19, 2024
the tiger how was directing harder than you expected oh no, with the amazing people I had, they were wonderful, they're amazing, I mean Hugh Grant is a total pain in the ass uh, which he told me he would be, we had a lot funny fights, okay, like what I would say, you're English, you don't know anything about comedy, you know about wit, the English are witty, I mean, there's no money in wit, we do comedy, we laugh a lot in this country and he was screaming, I know a lot about comedy, he was the best, he was my favorite, there was an initial explosion that you had to diffuse, right?
jerry seinfeld larry david stoicism and filming unfrosted full interview
I think so, there were few who explained the most notable type of situation. My favorite was one, you know, there's different crews on a movie, different departments, there was a prop guy that was a little tight and you know they fixed things. You know, who started this fire and they put this stupid stuff in here, you know, and some guy in the movie just lost control and started yelling at one of his assistants and I told everyone to stop, I mean, yelling like crazy. , I go to everyone. stop it, this is a Pop-Tart movie, none of this matters, we won't have any screaming, this isn't important, I made a big deal of the fact that this isn't important, we're just here to make a dumb movie.
jerry seinfeld larry david stoicism and filming unfrosted full interview

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jerry seinfeld larry david stoicism and filming unfrosted full interview...

He turned 70 on April 29, yes, I think you'll be doing press for the movie that day, yes, I think it will be released shortly after, but it's not like you have much time to celebrate the birthday, but how do you see turning 70? I'm not really that interested in myself or my age or I'm just on this ride like everyone else, like well, where are you? You know it's like Disneyland, you're in this little cart going down the track and Everything's going well, so let's take a spin now. I wonder what will happen around the turn, so I don't care.
jerry seinfeld larry david stoicism and filming unfrosted full interview
I've heard you talk a lot about what still motivates you and The Arc creatively. process, how would you evaluate where your talent is today in relation to what you think its peak may be? The peak may be: I have yet to reach the top. I'm not there. Wow, that's exhausting. me, how am I and they keep coming and they clap and laugh so that's it, we're all going through this journey together for me and me and whoever the people are that they like. What I do, I want to make this journey better for them. You know, that's what I live for.
jerry seinfeld larry david stoicism and filming unfrosted full interview
I want to put a smile on as many faces as I can and it's a pretty good life if you become someone who does that. I don't care where it goes or where I am uh I'll be on stage tonight and if you laugh I know it's okay we're still doing something right and that's what matters to me thank you for doing this thank you thank you. To endure that took a reasonably painless time, right, yes, I know it was good, very good.

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