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A Complete Timeline of Marty Funkhouser and Larry David Banter & Arguments (Curb Your Enthusiasm)

Jun 19, 2024
hello. Hello how are you? What a day we just got back from Catalina. What a cruise. How gorgeous. Doph. Big boat. Beautiful. How are they?. God, I'm so sorry, but I think I have to go, oh no, we just had an argument to go home and I have to go, oh no, no, Don't do that, no, don't do that. I feel very upset. I won't be able to meet today. Thank you, you understand, thank you for trying. Maybe I'll see it again, but who's to say maybe not? Sorry, enjoy. the champagne sorry here we go hello look who's here hello Marie is a replacement for Bridget I recruited her from the bar she's standing for you oh great you have to get


self a chair where's the way?
a complete timeline of marty funkhouser and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm
Yeah, you know what I need to go now, yeah, you showed up, now it's time to get up, but hey, great job, good job, really the first team has arrived, so listen, Larry, if you ever need a actor, call me. It's okay, you never know. Okay, waiting for the call. Well, well, I wouldn't go that far. Hi, that was interesting. Hello, you know, it is customary when someone is 20 minutes late to offer an apology to his friends. I am right? No, that's absolutely right, that's ACC, yeah, sorry, what, sorry, don. Don't insult us with that, if you are more than 10 minutes late, it has to be a profuse apology, which was an apology as if you were a minute late, I'm right, he's right and, frankly, you're sorry, it wasn't in line with the offense.
a complete timeline of marty funkhouser and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm

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a complete timeline of marty funkhouser and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm...

I have a drink if I'm 20 minutes late I'd apologize like I accidentally killed


family. Guess what, yes, you accidentally killed my family. My nephew, the joy of my life was murdered by the Bulls and it was your fault. Okay, sorry, bottle. of wine any yes good idea red or white I love red so what's going on the colonists could be clean as a whistle I'm so sorry, I can't begin to apologize enough I know I'm late and I'm sorry, I'm sorry Am I so, what? who is it? That's Paul. I'm sorry. Very sorry. It's a tremendous apology.
a complete timeline of marty funkhouser and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm
Awful. I can't tell you so you don't have to say anything. It's a fantastic apology. One of the best apologies I have ever received. Have I ever heard that apology give me chills, oh my God, I feel like getting on my knees, I don't know what else to do, I wish that could be broadcast on National Television so people could hear what an apology to God is supposed to sound like. , thank you, excuse me now, thank you, thank you very much, great, thank you very much, thank you. I feel better. Didn't you wear that sweater yesterday?
a complete timeline of marty funkhouser and larry david banter arguments curb your enthusiasm
What did you say? What did you just say? Well, don't get so excited, yeah, I wore the sweater yesterday so what are you tracking your clothes? I'm not tracking your clothes. I asked you a simple question. It sure sounds like you're tracking your clothes. So, what didn't work. I wasn't on the subway. I did it. Don't go to public toilets the sweater is clean you can wear a sweater two days BR it's not a shirt I don't wear a shirt 2 days in a row it's just a sweater what are you a lunatic? you're a clothing tracker and I don't like it, you can wear the same sweater 2 days in a row.

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