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Jeremy Clarkson Is Not a Fan of America or Their Culture | Friday Night With Jonathan Ross

Jun 03, 2021
Gentlemen, this is cutting-edge uses, the latest in technology, I just called yours, our lawnmowers, no, no, I hope your Zs come up. Can I be brutally frank? His is a distinguished and thinned pubis. They know what his fights have become. Evan, you and your hair now don't say it because you used to look a little weird but now you look pretty handsome, don't you want to, let's do it Granger, this is the best thing about coming to this show, it's very relaxing if you go. At the party you have to think about anecdotes. Come sit here.
jeremy clarkson is not a fan of america or their culture friday night with jonathan ross
He's going to say you're ugly. Your hair is ridiculous. Well, I have to do it. It looks like you're carrying something. He wasn't going to mention it. I got it right. Jeremy, Lady Amanda. Well, you've been traveling very well, I'm sure you've been filming in America my way. Yeah, I went to America a lot and I had a lot of things to tell you about America and then I get there and everyone backstage is American, but that's lovely. place okay, now you see, I'm going to see if you've done it, yeah, so when you meet Americans, because you're not a fan of America, are you all American


jeremy clarkson is not a fan of america or their culture friday night with jonathan ross

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jeremy clarkson is not a fan of america or their culture friday night with jonathan ross...

I know I don't know well, I really don't know because, like you Well I know and I'm sure anyone who's been in Americanism is when you get to that Mr. Big Mac, who runs the immigration counter, you know that You can't be funny, you can't be cheeky, because you know it's going to send you to the back of the line which is in the Azores and he told me in Los Angeles, he said and you did, you don't have a number of the hotel where you're staying. Don't know. I'm going to need a number. I don't know any numbers.
jeremy clarkson is not a fan of america or their culture friday night with jonathan ross
Can I use my mobile phone? I'm a loving son, no sir, I don't need another million six hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and twelve, but he just wrote that and that was like that, okay, 1 million and something in I came. I went to the United States a while ago and was filming there. I was going to interview someone for the BBC and then they put up the form What are you doing for work or pleasure? and I put in work thinking that I was locked up for several hours, yes, they put me in a glass cage and no, they didn't. touch my butt, well you had it because it seems like you're smuggling stuff and you keep doing that.
jeremy clarkson is not a fan of america or their culture friday night with jonathan ross
Could you please stop doing it? Well, now I would have thought you would have been a perfect manufacturer because we know you like cars, we know that. You like high performance engines, obviously you get them all over the world, but they seem to accept them there. Now I think we all finally care about the environment, really, yeah, now you don't believe it. I do, I think not. because you said only in makeup I'm going to ban my children from having children and then I won't have to worry about my children's children yes, I don't think everyone else takes the environmental threat as seriously as I don't I have examined all the evidence about the environment, there are many reports, I have read them all and I have decided that I will not give Kalas 25 years if we continue doing what we do now. and the sky everything goes wrong and the temperature gallops is a little more complicated in the sky a style goes wrong and the temperature will rise six degrees which will give us exactly the same climate as the south of France Holland will drown Jeremy Clarkson no I don't like it Darkness.
I really like the Dutch. He seems more than welcome to come live in my house, but why do I care? All the Maldives, you have been to the cinema. No, is there somewhere you like to go to France, Holland and my house? Well, those three big countries have the following arguments, but if they think I'm not going to drive a fast car just to save the Dutch. In no way did they kill our Navy. Did you say we lost Suriname to them? Have you considered a high-performance electric vehicle? such a thing I have an electric car I know you have it it won't go up Hampstead Hill but it's the way to go in a few years I hope we see you driving a rechargeable electric vehicle you won't do it why not it's not environmentally It's not environmentally, well, when You get home you have to plug in that stupid little hair dryer you use, yes you have to plug it into the wall, where does it get the power to charge it from there?
The power plant runs on solar energy, what solar energy? sun powered power station okay let's talk about your new DVD because that's coming up yeah I always get sent a lot of promotional items and the one I'm actually almost looking forward to is the Jeremy Clarkson DVD yeah where Destroy any number of vehicles, now you did it. Last year a similar DVD came out, it has to be said that no, on this one we have really spent some money on it, okay, this shovel and it is very good, normally I would say that they are rubbish, but this was really good, nice, good , it is in very good season, but once again you eat, you know that we are talking about American, you are referring to this man.
America and I know part of it is because you know you're taking over the world but there's an American gentleman you missed help with a problem, not only does he seem to like the idea of ​​fast cars but he also likes guns Yes, that's something I imagine. you share with him what are not particularly weapons, it was a lot of fun to rent the weapons because they have to go to one of those places in Hollywood where, if you are doing Saving Private Ryan, for example, you need to rent a bunch of weapons, they only have one where the copper guns will work without properly working guns so I went to this place to rent these guns and they can so he said you can only have them if you are doing an anti bush or anti war land of the free home of the brave, yeah, that's weird to say, oh yeah, like you haven't heard that before.
I don't know anyway, we have the weapons and what we do with them. I know what, yeah, we shot a car there, so this was a guy. His name was Billy Bob, yes, Billy Bob, who came, was actually the guy from the gun store and he looked like another guy from the Deep South. We wanted to go and do this because it was a Toyota Prius, okay, and I love the Toyota. Well, what's wrong with it? The case sounds like a perfectly fine carbamate because it is a little more harmful to the environment than any normal car, yes, because it got all the factories to make the batteries and electric motors.
I mean, when we were filming it, they said you have to take the batteries out in case they explode, it's going to be a sin everywhere, so if there's a car accident war, these things that your kids are in the back of are garbage and it was necessary to shoot them, so he did it. so you shot a car, yes, a perfectly harmless electric vehicle because there is $13,000, yes, it's okay, yes, it's very good, he's making a full recovery, he's not a younger man, although I keep it in a jar on the mantelpiece and blinks when he wants some maximum food.
What happened? What happened to the car? Why did it go wrong? Well, we just said: Could you go to York? Now I turn straight and come back again and he ruined it. He is just an incompetent driver, very unpleasant. he bit the head and ran there to go see he was also reading traitor so they all woke him up together okay and we have to tone it down in future series when you stopped in the cities none of these whiten your teeth yeah the other guys were worried. and now strangely I want to say that he did it.
I don't know what they mean by abilities, it's that they accidentally suffered some brain damage, but the only effect is that and now it's like celery. Something good comes out of that, so Jamie. I love watching Top Gear. I never thought. I would like to enjoy your weather like you talked about, you know, I can enjoy a sports show if it is fun because even I am not interesting, I don't find sport entertaining. The sports show is fun. Fantasy football used to be fun. What did fantasy football used to be? funny, they think it's all over was a bit funny, ok, I like to snack, no, I'm not a big car fan, I don't really see the appeal of the vehicles, I quite like them and they're pretty nice guys, but they're not .
It's a big deal for me, but actually that show is a big show now and it's almost entirely up to you, it has to be said, no, no, it's not really, but I'm telling you what's really good about Hammond's accident, no. from your point of view. The point of view is obviously that the treadmill stopped. What if you haven't? You don't realize you're on a treadmill you do the same thing all the time you come here now I was on a treadmill and suddenly your car turned upside down Tokyo was postponed and it's okay, I have your poster, we evaluate your life to learn to play the drums , oh how horribly embarrassing it could be to play drums, no you have no idea how spectacularly bad you think you download this stuff. keep talking about downloading John, you're always on, it's the end of TV, they'll kill us if we speak for ourselves Top Gear, surely you can watch a show like this on a small screen, you need the full experience, you've got a lot going for you. viewers anyway many feel how many views you get much more than how many views you get 353 350,000 well can I say you are really bad?
Well, it's when we try to get American guests to come to Top Gear because it's basically They say it's you or Park II or Norton or what's that thing in the morning with the gray-haired man Schofield whatever and they pause and we're so low on food, say the people who sold dogs to the people who live next door to Jade. Goody with the good, the bad and the ugly, they sell fantastically well every Christmas, yes, well congratulations, they are great fun to look at and I imagine they are great fun to make, okay, please wish the Hammond widget, good for me, you will pass it on to everyone.
In particular, I will ask you if you are getting tired of people telling you at home Richard and please also give them a t-shirt with him on it is fine. Oh house, it will be Richard. Well I'm glad to wear demmin ladies. I hope you agree. Splendid company, Mr Jeremy Clarkson Jeremy Carson a gentleman thank you for my guest to


I'll take it off some posts totally live Simon Pegg and David Schwimmer well of course not you can't go out there come back and apologize go and apologize

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