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Jake Gyllenhaal Takes The Colbert Questionert

May 20, 2024
Hello everyone, welcome back, look at that look over there, that's Jake Gyllenhaal Jake Gyllenhaal, you know, it's always lovely to have you there, it's always exciting, it's always informative, it's always friendly, but this is the important thing, for a long time that we have been able to spend together. and I have been very blessed in that sense. It's never enough to know someone of your depth and talent because, well, we have 10 or 15 minutes together, that's not enough, but here at the Late Show we've put together a calendared list. of 15 questions that really reward open the emotional ribcage and penetrate to the psychic heart of a guest by asking them the particular order and when you answer them at the end of that process and it is not for everyone, it is not for the fanatic of the heart, yes.
jake gyllenhaal takes the colbert questionert
They are completely known, okay, great, are you ready to have your mask taken off and to be completely known? Jake Gyllenhaal, I'm sure I'll like that enthusiasm, this is the cooso quiz, yes, with Jake Gyllenhaal, here we go, many brave men have done it. I came away from this point no, no, no, no, I know, I've seen some clips of this, okay, Jake Gyllenhaal, what's the best tuna melt sandwich? Oh, open face, open face, yeah, why are you going to ruin it by crushing it with a piece of bread I don't know, I don't know, it's just borderline non-sandwich.
jake gyllenhaal takes the colbert questionert

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jake gyllenhaal takes the colbert questionert...

Wow, what's a sandwich? Isn't it a kind of thing between two pieces of bread? It's a question, what is a sandwich? I would say the open face is sand what is the scariest animal Steven Coar no um the scariest animal is a spider it's not an animal okay it's a type of animal okay yes yes yes yes yes type of spider do you have? He retired, now you know me a little better. I know we have a lot in common because I don't like spiders, yes spider, it's the way they move. I don't like this, this thing, M, it's just, it's just something.
jake gyllenhaal takes the colbert questionert
Yeah, it's not good that someone did this once. They made a sound of his when he was a child. They, they, went. You know, that sound. That's how it is. This is the sound of a spider. That's not the sound of spiders. Yes, it's the spiders that don't make any sound. They don't make any sound, that's not true, like when they jump, there's a microphone somewhere while we're working on this. Can we investigate to find out if spiders make a scary sound? Thank you, apples or oranges, apples, thank you. You didn't put peanut butter on the orange.
jake gyllenhaal takes the colbert questionert
Have you ever asked someone for an autograph? Yeah, ask who, John C Riley, really, yeah, what, yeah, but when he's so much older than you and he was doing um, True West, uh, on Broadway? Phil with Phil, yeah, and um, actually, I like him, he was a big fan, obviously, very easily of both of them and I, my mother, brought my mother Mer and I was meeting her for dinner and he was eating in the another table and, uh, me. Did I just go crazy and I and I had seen the truest thing before in one of the incarnations?
No, you know, they would change roles every night and it was a brilliant performance. I'm not suggesting it wasn't worth it. autograph I just didn't think that maybe you had already met him, he was amazing, yeah, no, and um, and I had this impulse and I thought I grabbed one of the merings and walked over to their table, wondering why I would ever eat a mering. that a stranger gave him, you know, I'm a big fan of yours and I just wanted to give you a merang and I was wondering if I'd like to have your autograph. and then, and then he said and then he left with the mering and I thought: is he going to eat it and then he ate it?
Yes, that's very good. To me, that's something to keep in mind when you're actually asking someone for an autograph. let me give you something first Yeah, well, yeah, I mean, it was like I just had this too. I had so much admiration for him as an actor and what he and Phil did and I just couldn't not. give him one of the mors that I brought from my mom window or hallway uh window a boy yes yes yes window why window you just like the view why window um uh you don't have to have a reason no, I like the comfort of the warm body , yeah, and then also the ability to sleep and also the ability to check what's going on when he moves, you can check what's going on, but yeah, big hits, okay, I saw Cloud, we're good, that wasn't like that . a mountain what are you going to do? it's nice it's air the air is nice without control this is an illusion of control what you're talking about is a total illusion of control that's why I like the window you ask me why then?
It's not like see, I like it, I don't want to have to tell the person I have to get up and go to the bathroom, PE, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just like stretching before the flight, you have it like yeah yeah you will stretch You don't have to pee it's about the step over it's about the step I thought somehow I thought you stretched somehow you didn't pee I didn't know no yeah that's my favorite sandwich that's my favorite sandwich okay favorite smell , um oh wow smell big bread least favorite smell um uh throw throw up I'm sure you'll only be able to listen to one song for the rest of your life what is it uh me um wow this is so hard uh I don't know why I love La by Newman random it pops up over and over in my brain but that's not it I'm a big fan of Randy Newman but this isn't it this isn't stream of consciousness answer this this will take you to another answer yes it might be okay then What I will say is that this It's a problem on Paradise, which is that Al is on that album, it's hard to pick a song, but it reminds me of driving in my car with my dad when I was a kid, and he would do it.
I'd roll down the windows and he'd turn up that album and almost every song on that album, um, but that's why I think I think about I love I love LA because I think it's the first song on that album and the rest are good, but That's why it's a song I'd like to listen to over and over again for that memory, yeah, that's lovely, yeah, what number am I thinking of, nine, no, okay, that's what I was thinking, whatever it is, describe the rest of your life in five words things are happening, okay, congratulations, you're known, Jake Jenal, everyone, we'll be right back.

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