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Cate Blanchett Takes The Colbert Questionert

Jul 01, 2024
foreigner Hello everyone, I'm here with a lovely and talented Kate Blanchett Kate, you know, I really enjoy having her on the show, you're a wonderful guest, she's always fun to talk to. I admire you immensely, even for the number of times I have been. to be able to talk to you in person over Zoom, it's very difficult to get to know someone in the confines of one of these interviews where we talk about the movie you're coming out or the things I've seen of you. before we don't really plumb the depths of the real person exactly, it's hard to know, so what we've done here at the Late Show is we've come up with something called The Colbert Quiz, it's a series of 15 questions that have been Ergonomically designed to be a psyche-seeking missile to discover who the real Kate Blanchett is.
cate blanchett takes the colbert questionert
Do you have the courage to face Colbert's quiz? Can I go to bed? You can do anything. Here we go. Brave woman, question number one. Cate Blanchett what is the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich kept it simple I admire Kate Blanchett what is the one thing you have that you should really throw away? The underwear my mother made me when she was in high school. I'm glad to see you. they're progressing with your childhood flower line I'm not using them now no, it's okay, it's okay no no it's not okay, it's okay Iron what's the scariest animal a possum don't wait a second I had one at the end of my bed are you saying a The American possum that looks like a rat or the Australian possible the Australian possum can kill cats but you don't, oh yeah, okay, so no, you can, you can keep the possum, you don't have to change it, but they are hairy They're kind of cute oh no no, they kill cats, okay, apples are oranges, so wait, a therapist is a therapist went to question the answers the person gives?
cate blanchett takes the colbert questionert

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cate blanchett takes the colbert questionert...

I've never been in long-term therapy, it's okay, you can. choose your animal but then I'm going to change my mind well I didn't change my mind so you can keep your animal I wanted to you shouldn't agree with that I want of course I don't agree with that what is it? the scariest questions, okay, and I'm not a therapist, by the way, this will all be in my book, okay, apples or oranges, apples, yeah, you can't put peanut butter and orange, have you ever asked for a autograph anyone? No, it's okay, Blanchett, what? Do you think it happens when we die?
cate blanchett takes the colbert questionert
You become a soup, a human soup, it's, it's in the mortuary industry, that's what we mean, you become a soup and how do you know, that's what they say in the mortuary industry. If I can ask about a summary because I saw a documentary, but Kate of course, he wants the search. He asked the question. What happens when we die? What happens when we die. Some people have very hopeful answers. I do not know that. We're low and you lose bladder control, yeah, I mean, you hit a nerve, okay, favorite action movie, oh um, oh, you know, I'm what Mel Gibson and the mullet was, uh, uh , the Patriot or or uh, um, William Wallace, the, what is it, what is it. the call you would call Braveheart no, you would call Dirty Harry an action movie for sure, well sometimes it's Bambi, let's go with Bambi, Bambi, okay, those fire scenes, yes, it's very scary, very scary, favorite smell , oh, garlic, garlic, okay, yeah, cook garlic. not garlic on other people, I don't particularly like raw garlic or roasted garlic or when you're cooking a Sugo or something or the smell of your babies, but before they poop, you taste like they're babies, baby, smell a baby, yes, and what were they. you are cooking with garlic sugar, what is Sugo?
cate blanchett takes the colbert questionert
Sugo you don't always cook is, I don't know what sugar is, it's Sugo it's like a kind of tomato base that's used in a lot of Italian cooking, that's lovely, yeah, your ceiling is. Really beautiful, by the way, isn't it? It's really beautiful. All this is a digital projection. It looks like some kind of butterfly. We do laser light shows and play Zeppelin. It's nice when no one is here. Least favorite smell and uh uh bo om oh yeah. yeah, no, no, no, yeah, no, I think it's actually yeah, yeah, and you don't know how to tell people, and the worst thing is when it's your own Bo, what's really bad is that everything surprises me. , it surprised me, okay, right? comfortable very yes, the most used application on your phone I don't like applications, that was not the question, do you have a phone?, does it have applications?, does it work well?
Yes, I have the most used app on my phone, um, there is an app. where you have to pay for parking when you take the train his name is Ringo I use him quite a bit okay cats or dogs definitely although I have a cat called Warwick who is like a dog thanks what number am I thinking of seven? Don't describe the rest of your life in five words oh, it's two, two to go, three to go Mom, help me, congratulations lady, you're known, okay, Blanchard, everyone, we'll be right back.

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