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It's Time To Stop YouTube Rewind

May 30, 2021




Youtube Rewind! When Youtube Rewind started, everyone loved it. The like ratio was amazing and it was something beautiful and healthy that everyone loved. And now, the new one has WAY more dislikes than likes and everyone unanimously agrees that it's a total cringe fest. (#2 least liked video of all


) So, I want to see the new one. And I want to go back to 2013, which was one of the most precious Youtube Rewinds and that I LIKE the most. And see where Youtube has changed its methods and why many people seem to not like where Youtube is going with these Rewinds.
it s time to stop youtube rewind
For the first time, without irony, I say this *notification sound* YAaauuHHuuHHHHHH It's time to


! You know, if I control Rewind... I'd like... F O R T N I T E and Marcques Brownlee. A lot of people have been clowning around with Will Smith here, but I have to say this is one of the best performances of his entire career because this... these are two of the biggest lies I could imagine thinking YOOoOOoOOoO Fortnite! I love Fortnite! And I watch YouTube all the time. And why is he in the Grand Canyon? Is he ready to jump?
it s time to stop youtube rewind

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it s time to stop youtube rewind...

Someone should convince him. Maybe he's watched Youtube Rewind and he's ready to jump. Good point. Is this what you wanted? Do you know who he would have asked for? Stop joking! Play me some of that jumping music? So Ninja is definitely a big Youtuber but he plays on Twitch AND all they do is upload Twitch clips to Youtube. I find it interesting. He's not really... he's not... I mean, he is, but he's not (uncopyrighted music) (No, even a THANK YOU?!?) (uncopyrighted music) So guys , apparently... we controlled Rewind this year. We can all do what we want.
it s time to stop youtube rewind
What do we do? This video is missing an important aspect, which is why I would like to implement it in this video. Pop music sung in an unfathomable language that has captured the attention of people around the world. Poor Casey (laughs). Poor Casey, it looks like he's trying to squish you. They put him next to these little twins and he screams K-POP with them. I don't think Casey cares about K-POP. Pop music sang in an unfathomable language that has captured the attention of people around the world. Poor Casey K-pop! Right guys? (No, thanks) That's why it's always hard when you commit to doing these Rewinds because they'll put you... they'll put you next to a pair of little twins screaming K-POP and you don't even know what it is. what pop music sang in an unfathomable language that has captured the attention of people around the world.
it s time to stop youtube rewind
Poor Casey. This joke is getting old. I swear I'll


. KPOP! KPOP! please finish Why is Casey Mr. K-POP? How did you end up being Mr. K-POP? Casey, what's going on here? I need bleach wtf CASEY LIKES K-POP GODZILLA Why is Casey K-POP Godzilla? Alright, we all agree that if we could do Youtube Rewind as anything, it would be K-POP! It would be K-POP! KPOP! YES, free PUBG and pop music sung in Korean (plus royalty-free music) o h n o Trevor Noah, flossing is what we all knew... we KNEW it would be here, but we were dreading this moment.
You know those videos that play for ten hours on YouTube? I want ten hours of flossing from Trevor Noah. Please re-evaluate your life choices and click if necessary (music begins to fade) (wind howls begin to increase in volume) (thunder) (music) right? ok you're missing out Woah huh oh oh I wasn't expecting one of those! Hoo, hoo, hoo! What is he, dancing like a village idiot? Does John Oliver consider himself a loser? What is this? Is this a Fortnite dance? Oh no! It's a F o r t n i t e dance! (emotional hit) Oh, I just realized John Oliver is doing a Fortnite dance (groan of pain) (music) Oh, that's so embarrassing for him that they actually made him do that, John, you shouldn't have have done it.
Now we're going to have to have John Oliver for 10 hours making that video (music) (group sings In My Feelings incoherently and weakly) (silence) You know, that's when people on Youtube Rewind realize that it's become So embarrassing I know they're making a joke but Everyone's like Ugh... Eesh... We better change course quickly. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You know who really needs to be in this Rewind video? (Not you, for sure) Everyone who managed to do something bigger than themselves this year (MrBeast?) Oh, Lilly Singh. I remember last year she gave birth to a virgin! She basically had a miscarriage.
What...was she...what it looked like...her water broke? I don't know. Maybe the metaphor was that "Youtube is Lilly Singh's miscarriage" -Ethan, 2018 Huh That's beautiful and poetic Wait, wait. You know who really needs to be in this Rewind video? Do you know who really needs to be in this Youtube Rewind video? Shane Dawson, who had one of the most explosive years on Youtube of all time Jontron, Flex Tape had 35 million views That's a viral video of original content We almost never see that on this platform How about Pewdiepie who keeps smashing, smashing , crushing and elevating the game from what is possible on Youtube How about KSI vs.
Logan Paul, one of the biggest fights in the history of new media that rivals some of the biggest fights we've seen in traditional media? How about MrBeast's meteoric rise and everything awesome? videos he has made How about Joji? Filthy Frank, one of our beloved creators who is making a very successful transition into music. That's what he was going to say. I think you know who really needs to be in this Rewind video? Everyone who managed to do something bigger than themselves this year Everyone who managed to do something bigger than themselves Whatever that means Oh, I know what I was going to say We need an emotional tag We need a Youtube Rewind 2018 tag ( EMOTIONAL) because that's where this is going Who found a way to help the causes that mattered most To everyone... who showed that it's okay to talk about mental health this year And show their viewers that... it's okay to go through times difficult like that.
There is a lot of bravery in being so vulnerable and I am so proud of this community that I think this year's Rewind should celebrate the fierce, fabulous and empowering art of drag. I want to see all of you be beautiful and those people who have raised money in the field of education. And also give Asian representation in entertainment a moment this year. Great progress was made. And the people who put aside their differences Yes, and created something truly special. Because ALL women in 2018 find their voices. It's nice to see how women grew and became empowered.
Can we give a moment to working moms? We're forgetting something K-POP! Oh, sorry, I saw Casey again and had a flashback. I think we are forgetting something... we should read the comments. The fact that you're saying, let's read the comments shows, in itself, how out of touch you are because... bro, my response when I heard... I'm so out of breath it's embarrassing my response when I heard you say read the comments was like WOAH This is about to be X rated, let's not read the comments. I think that in any case Youtube Rewind should be like this and together let's agree to stop reading Youtube comments (Ethan reading) Oh, that's why they got him for this comment, this.
Random comment with no name and no likes from this guy who has no profile picture Ohhh, that's why they included Will Smith. Oh, they were taking suggestions, so they weren't going to look at the top comment with 200,000 likes. Says (Ethan reading) Do you know what I think people want for Youtube Rewind? Alright, let's erase 2018 Rewind from our minds, go back to 2013, one of the most loved and liked Youtube Rewinds of all time, and compare how it's different. Why did everyone hate the new one but love this one? Let's look at 2013...let's do this So right away you'll notice that the person opening is this beloved meme NOT Will Smith, NOT the mainstream media, but the president's son or Obama's son, right?
This... this is much healthier, like no... like no one really wants to see Will Smith. We want to see new media, we want to see one of us. And I think, immediately, a much healthier openness and intent. to be something that you're not, which is what it was all about, the whole, you know, Will Smith liked to lie about him liking Fortnite. So here we have Kassem G. Now Kassem G had a super popular series called Going Deep interviewing porn stars, okay? So here they are putting someone who is raunchy, creative and more mature and he is, and is one of the main characters, the focus of this Youtube Rewind, so I think they were more adventurous, more daring, more creative and more representative, right?
If they had ignored KassemG back then, everyone would have said what the hell because he's obscene, but they kept it on (music) OK, WOAH WOAH Do you know what you're seeing? This is Alison Gold's Chinese food reference, Patrice Wilson. Wow, that's so weird, dude! Wow, that closeup makes me really uncomfortable. This is the video Patrice Wilson made with Alison Gold where he turned her into Chinese food, he ate her and crawled on her in a panda costume, and they put that on her! WOW GUY, WOW! That's crazy! They were not afraid. Holy shit. Patrice Wilson made a video with Alison Gold where she is naked, almost naked in a prison and he sacrifices her body in an orgy.
Alison Gold... WOW So here you have a night guy, but I have to say he's tasteful and doesn't end doesn't bother me because it emphasizes that he's peripheral Okay, he's not the main star There are YouTubers watching him on a screen in the desert and they have fun with the song that is with The Roots, their band but the fact that it is on a screen is something interesting, it's something like Hey, they're here but they're up there, no... it's not like Hey, I'm Will Smith. and I love Fortnite AH HOOOOOO This is so much better This is so much fancier Although I will say it might be a little better if I could get everyone to do this for a minute (demonic ritual dance) If I could get them all just to do this for a moment, I think it would improve a lot.
They gave a lead role to the prancercise lady, the living legend, the living meme, she gets a lead role and THAT'S what I'm talking about, dude. The prancercise lady levitates, ascends to the heavens because she has become beyond a living meme, she has become an immortal meme and Youtube is recognizing that... wow, what a moment in... what a moment I mean, wow . And of course, the most powerful and powerful shot of all the foreshadowing, the biblical foreshadowing even of PewDiePie (Sub 2 pewds) coming to bury the entire platform when... the impending apocalypse would come and change everything (laughs).
That's fucking incredible. Gotta do it, man, I love this shot of Felix burying the platform, ugh, how funny, I love you Felix, but it's hilarious and angrily walks away noticeably healthier, less corporate, less mainstream Hollywood and more representative of the creators. creators first and less afraid to take risks for... for the sake of pizza. I feel like they represent two very different worlds. One, in 2013, it was still YouTube, it was a very healthy place before the apocalypse and YouTube felt less restricted. they could show real Youtubers and have a real representative expression of what Youtube was and what it was like to be on Youtube and be a Youtuber.
But here, fast forward to 2018, YouTube continues to pander to advertisers who hold them to ransom which they continue to hold. trying to be more Hollywood by acting like Will Smith is the face of YouTube, which is so insulting to everyone and so disingenuous and...refusing to acknowledge anyone who is even the slightest bit obscene. And so every year it's becoming... -A growing disconnect between Youtube and Youtube consumers and this year it really, really showed badly. So I think it might be Wow Ethan, great moves, keep up the good work, I'm proud of you.

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