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Indian Mystic Says You Will NEVER Live in BLISS Without THIS w/ Sadhguru

Apr 27, 2024
Is your life a search for happiness or is your life an expression of your joy? That is the question, as long as there is fear of suffering in you, you



walk at full speed in your life, always, what is it that stops people? What


happen to them? I what will happen to me means what will I suffer I will die these are just two things true what else is there what will happen to me what will happen to me means simply


I will suffer I will die


is all there is nothing else but fear your suffering and your death so right now If you make yourself that way, no matter what happens, this is how I am, I am


ful by my own nature wherever you send me, this is how I was once, it is like this now there is no fear of suffering once there is no afraid of suffering you will walk at full speed for the first time in your life welcome back to the program everyone is special today because I think I have a special being with whom I can share my At the same time I decided to turn on some cameras and microphones so they can to see this commitment with this very, very special person, so Sud Guru is my guest today.
indian mystic says you will never live in bliss without this w sadhguru
Most of you probably know who he is, but he is a yogi, a


, a visionary. I just feel that he is a beautiful enlightened human being and every time I have the opportunity to hear him read any of his work, I am better, I am simply better for it, so I hope that gift extends to all of you. Here today, by the way, I want to tell you that there is a new book on karma, a yogi's guide to creating your destiny and it is spectacular, so I recommend that you get it, but I said guru, thank you for being here today, namaste, thank you so much.
indian mystic says you will never live in bliss without this w sadhguru

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indian mystic says you will never live in bliss without this w sadhguru...

Ed, this is wonderful, well there are so many things I wish I had five hours with you, but I don't, so I have my own things I want to ask you about, but we should start with karma, since you wrote a book about it recently. and I've always had this understanding of karma, it's like if I do bad things, bad things will happen to me. You know, if I do good things, good things will happen to me, but your definition is completely different. I think it's beautiful, so could you share with us the karma to start the interview?
indian mystic says you will never live in bliss without this w sadhguru
Namaskaram for you, Ed, and all the people who are watching this show, they see this idea of ​​what is good and what is bad. Basically, let's say you and I are walking down the road. On the street something that works well for you you would think is definitely good, but what works for you if it doesn't work for me I would think it is bad, so this simplistic judgment about life as to what is good and what is bad. It's bad in the first place. needs to be reduced because essentially what sustains life what does not sustain life sustains life that is how we should look at it not in terms of good and bad because once we look at it in terms of good and bad we will divide the world right now this is what has happened over the centuries in the name of race religion uh nationalities we are divided because two nations are fighting both think they are right both think they are completely right and of course once If you think you're good, it will give you the right to kill it is a license to kill so we need to tone it down as a mature society in terms of what is good and bad if you look at it fundamentally what I do is good what you do is obviously bad so We need to tone that down and see it in terms of whatever we are doing in thought, emotion, energy and action, whatever we are doing, supports life, my life and all other


s when I say my life, not my life. activity is not my business, it is not my other thing that is socially relevant because there is something that may work for me, something that may not work for someone else, but what works for me as a life will definitely work for you and there is no doubt about it. respect, so it's time to be human.
indian mystic says you will never live in bliss without this w sadhguru
The beings look beyond these identities of uh, you know, nationality, race, religion, tribe, well, many other things, it doesn't stop there, not even the football club, you know, people will fly, fight each other. yes because I support this club, you support that club, so it's time. with the way humanity is empowered now like today a thousand years ago a thousand years ago what a thousand men could do today one man can do you know what a thousand human beings could do one human being can do today thanks to technology and empowerment that we have had with this type of empowerment these small identities as to who I am can destroy us completely there is no other crime on the planet there is no other evil on the planet the only evil is limited identity I think this is me do you believe that Is it you and are constantly in conflict with each other without ceasing and how men how much damage have we caused to the planet to people with each other without ceasing throughout the history of humanity simply because our identities are limited then karma means this that what I believe is my What I believe I am is essentially a certain volume of memory within me.
There is an evolutionary memory that makes me think I am human. There is a genetic memory that makes me think that I am an Indian who belongs to a certain family and whatever else. There are other types of memories, articulated and unarticulated memories, unconscious, subconscious and conscious memories that we have accumulated within ourselves, it is only this memory that makes me who I am and makes you who you are, it is your memory that makes you who You are, it is my Memory is what makes me who I am. This is karma. The type of memories we have simply depends on the type of things we have been exposed to in our


Each of us lived in different places, in different atmospheres, so we have different types of memories. We don't necessarily have to determine our future based on our identifications of those memories right now. You're an American, it's just your memory. If you delete your memory, you don't know which nation you belong to. Similarly, any other identity is simply. It is a question of memory, we can use this memory to bring richness to our life, but we cannot use this memory to limit our lives because right now, when people identify with that memory, it limits their life, their ability to experience life.
It is limited when I say life. I'm talking about life itself as we are and also the depth of our experience in general when used when people say life, they may be talking about their home, they may be talking about their family, maybe they're talking about their new car. in this days. It may be just a dog, we don't know what they're talking about, but I'm talking about life in terms of this living being that is me and the depth of experience, because our life is what it is only because of the way we live it.
We experiment. What happens around us may not always be determined by us because in the atmosphere around us there are too many forces, we have our peace, we can try to push it, we can try to make it bigger, but how we experience it is entirely within ourselves what must be 100 in our hands if this happens if you are determining the nature of your experience would you choose happiness or misery for yourself happiness yes what you want for your neighbor may sometimes be debatable but what you want for yourself is 100 clear , so one thing that will happen to you if you are


ful by your own nature is that you no longer seek happiness once you stop seeking happiness you are not a vested interest in this world you are happy by your own nature means you will just do whatever necessary, nothing more, nothing less, right now we are destroying this planet, on what basis is the search for human happiness, ten thousand years ago, what percentage of people were happy when they lived in a cave and today?
With all the facilities we have, the percentage of people who are happy, I don't think it has changed to a great extent, convenience has arrived, convenience has arrived, pleasures have arrived, but the joy and happiness of life have not reached the majority of the population simply because they are always looking for happiness. This is like you want apples, but you go up to the apple tree and start digging thinking it's a potato. No, if you want apples, you have to look up. Similarly, if you want happiness, if you want joy, if you want peace. If you want depth of experience, you must turn inward because all human experience, pain and pleasure, joy and misery, agony and ecstasy, whatever happens from within us, the experience of life is generated from within us, if we do not become charge of this, we will be in search of happiness in search of happiness how much damage have we caused to each other and to the endless planet OMG I'm 50 years old I've


heard the pursuit of happiness said that way but I love it the word happiness Use it all the time as you and I become dearer friends in the constitutional pursuit of happiness.
You're right, my goodness, so this would be an interesting interview today because I'm so enthralled with what you're saying that I'm processing it. when it comes to me and I need to be aware that I ask things that they really know. Can you get to know everyone here today better? One thing that happened to me is out of curiosity: what do you think it is? I'm 50 years old. I turned 50 last week. and uh, this is not a confession, okay, you can, yeah, I'm ready, I'll take it, there's a pride associated with that and then there's a uh, I don't know, shame or sadness, but I'm actually very grateful, but one What has happened to me is that I have gotten a little older, it is that identity that you have described of the tribes in which I used to take comfort and belong to them.
I am one that I find less desirous. You know I'm in a group, but what I'm curious about is telling you what happened to me as I grew up and I'm interested in your comments on this. The older I get, the more I contemplate the end of my life. life the more I contemplate death and I find that it makes me want to live much more in the present and that in reality the almost obsessive contemplation that I have with death I would almost say that it is to that point that I feel that it has made me live more happily.
Right now I'm crazy because that's the case and it's a healthy thing to contemplate the death of the body at the end of our lives. Look, this is a fundamental factor in our lives. We don't know if anyone will be successful or not. We don't know if anyone will get married or not, we don't know if anyone will have children or not, but we know one thing: they will die. Well, I say the most obvious fact of our existence is that we have a limited lease. of time if we forget this we will live a stupid life if we think we are immortal here forever we will live an idiotic life if you are truly aware do not contemplate do not contemplate death that is like inviting do not do that but aware that I am mortal be aware that I am mortal it means I know I have a limited amount of time if you are always conscious not once in a certain way once in a certain way if you become conscious you can become paranoid but if you are always conscious well you will Plan your life and live your life sensibly because that is the most important thing because life is essentially a combination of time and energy.
When it comes to time, there is nothing you can do. I know that in the United States it is fashionable to say time management. I don't know how you manage time, do what you want, laze around, it will go away, do a lot of activity, it will go away, lie on the beach, it will go away, climb the mountain, it will go away, sleep, everything will go away. suitable for everyone at the same pace for everyone moves away at the same pace no one is able to go back many of them okay, today I wasted my day can I go back and leave it tomorrow?
There is no such thing every moment every second moves away means seeing since we sat here together we are both I think about 12 13 minutes closer to our graves that is a fact if we are aware of this we would be very very we would see life as a precious process , which is the most precious and wonderful and the greatest thing that is happening here is life, but people are frustrated, thousands of people are killing themselves every day and misery is spreading all over the world for one reason or another. other. to go to work on Monday mornings they were miserable now they don't have to go to work they have to stay home and work now they are even more miserable I say they are just finding an excuse for everything but the fundamentals The reason why people It's miserable and why life seems so complex is your misunderstanding.
Your psychological process is existential. You are taking your own thoughts and emotions too seriously. You don't understand that you are creating them. Your thought and emotion are your creation. you take it seriously and completely ignore the creation of the creator and think that what is happening in your head is the best, then you will suffer and must suffer, how else will life happen when you can ignore the cosmos in contrast to your foolish thought if you don't suffer what does it mean you must suffer there is no other way because that is life if you are not in touch with the truth you will stumble and fall that is the only way life can happen now that we want to improve In our lives, people always thinks they should live longer.
That is not always in our hands. Yes, we can, we can strive to stay healthy, we can strive to see that we are not infected by this nonsense that is happening in the world and, whatever else we can. we can takeall the care, but still it is absolutely not in our hands, at any moment something can happen to anyone, it's okay, that's always possible, well, it seems that someone as big as a dinosaur was wiped out in one day because an asteroid collided , okay, scientists are. predicting, I know, a lot of times they tell us that an asteroid missed the planet by a million miles, something, something like that, but I'm saying that there are so many things flying around that can hit us, the Earth, that it just falls out of its orbit.possible, all these things are possible, above all, even if the earth is not going anywhere, you or I can die any day if we know that we are mortal and that there is no control over time, we can do it.
We don't slow it down, we can't go back, we can't go forward, it just goes at its own pace for all of us, so the only thing left in your hands is your energies, your energies, you can increase it, you can earn it. and you can enhance your energies in such a way that your life is improved. You don't have to improve time. You don't have to manage time. It's just that if your energies are intense and even what someone does in 10 years, you now do it in one year. , if they both live to be 100 years old, it looks like they lived a thousand years simply by the level of activity they do and what they accomplish in terms of depth of experience and impact of activity because these are the only two things we have in our lives our rest is all imagination our ideas of wealth money influences nonsense everything is just imagination the only two things we have is in terms of inner experience how deep my experience is in terms of activity how impactful the activity is this is all there is simply There is nothing else in life if you understand this you will also understand without depth of experience you cannot create impact in activity yes, if you create impact of activity without depth of experience your activity will bring you enormous suffering This is the nature of life.
Oh, I have to tell you it's interesting because a lot of achievers listen to this show and if you're all wondering where I discovered this beautiful man, that's enough to tell you which club I belong to. let people know but tom brady is a member here our lockers are next to each other and his locker was what is a golf club? It's a golf club here, why are you leaving me out? uh you're invited anytime to the whole thing. However, when we play the way I understand it, I can't worry as much about my score. I have to enjoy the experience happily while we play, so that's something you could definitely teach me on the golf course, but he had his locker open. and I looked and your book was there and so on the way that day on the way home that day I thought it was good enough for him, you know, I have this blessing for some reason, there are many millions of people listening to this program.
Okay, so I'm listening to it and you caught me in about five minutes, you said that most people think that only other people die and I had other people in the car and I said did you hear that? and they didn't, I said. I'm going to say this again and what led me to what you said was that I've noticed when I suffer the most. I take myself too seriously. As some beautiful blessings came up in terms of you know influence or some financial rewards, you know, you might have a tendency to say "think, yeah, maybe I'm becoming a big deal here" and I said something, I'm being transparent, You said something that impacted my life, and that is that you know that it has to do with a lot of suffering and that maybe we just take ourselves too seriously in the scope of the world, so could you develop that thought and share it with us because I think that everyone to some extent probably causes suffering to themselves for this reason they see in this cosmos of which we do not know the beginning or the end in this this solar system is a small particle if that specification disappears tomorrow nobody will notice it no extraterrestrial life will keep count, oh planet earth and the rest is gone, it just fades away, it leaves nothing, there is no disturbance in this little speck of solar system, planet earth is a microspec in that microspec, California is a super microspec in the sense of that you are a great man, this is It's a tragedy, it's so amazing, how great a man I am simply depends on how small my vision is.
Wow, it was, it was. Wow, you and I are just pop-ups on this planet, you know, like a pop-up window appears on your computer screen. and it disappears because they paid only for two seconds of advertising, so we are a pop-up and we will appear before you and I came countless people who thought they were smart, they thought they were kings, they are emperors of all kinds. Of idiots have walked this planet, yeah, where are they now? They are all the best land, you are absolutely right and this will also be the best land, unless some friends fear that you may rise from the dead and bury you very deeply, yes.
For me it was life changing because even the way I will share with you is just a gift you gave me. I think about that often and even when I pray now I find myself kneeling. People say why do you pray when? you're on your knees, it just reminds me how small I am and these little gifts you've given me don't mean that as a human being I don't have trouble going back to these ego-driven things, but I find My greatest happiness, by the way, in Indian temples, in Indian temples, when they pray, they adopt your posture called hashtag, which means they lie on the ground like this, with their whole body on the ground, because this is a way of expressing themselves head-on, you know?
When you think about what the source of creation is, the creation itself, you are not able to decipher the source of creation, obviously, you did not discover anything about it, you are like a worm, you must crawl, you know, that's it, guys, wait. I don't know if you're listening to this right now or watching it, but I hope there's a part of you that's almost stopped and you're writing and contemplating this. This is one of those conversations where you're in. I'm going to listen several times and this thing from the source of creation


you say something I had with a good friend of mine a few weeks ago named Irwin McManus, he is a pastor of a very large church and I thought I would wonder if the messages would be very different. because I knew you were going to say they weren't and one of the things you discussed in great detail is that we are creators, that there is a creator but we are also creators and you talk about that, I was a little surprised. that a pastor felt that way and then backed it up with different scriptures that he believes in and it's really a beautiful conversation and there's a little bit of talk about this as it relates to karma and destiny as well as how destiny isn't necessarily something that is I predicted that this would happen anyway, but we also have a role in its creation and the way you say it I've never heard it before, so can you enlighten us on that?
Because I think we all struggle. Do I trust exclusively? in my prayer or in emptying my mind if I meditate or whatever my faith is what is my role in creating my destiny so if you misinterpret destiny as a physical situation, it is not the physical situation that determines the nature of your life or the quality of your life, you can be sitting on a rock and be happy, yes, you can be sitting in the most comfortable palace, but be miserable. It is true that destiny does not depend on the physical arrangements that we unfortunately make in the world today, particularly in the United States. it got out of hand people think that their physical arrangements are more important than their life experience because they didn't focus on this because they focused too much on the physical arrangements now the only way you can cause experience to yourself is through of chemicals or alcohol or something else yes, because they are trying to gain the experience chemically because physical situations will make fun of you after a while you live in a palace and you don't even know how to sit comfortably you have the best sofa to sit on but you can't sit down In the east now, the only way you will seek inner well-being is through chemicals and the abuse of other things because you are trying to create an experience, but you must understand that human destiny is not in the arrangement of physical things or materials that surround us.
Destiny is in the way we are experiencing life right now. How deep and fantastic my experience is. This moment is what is important right now. What kind of arrangement do I have around me? All I have are two cameras, wires and cables, and there are some wonderful people. Of course, what I'm saying is not the atmosphere, it's not the agreement, it's the way you are, if you don't fix this destiny for yourself, which is 100 in your hands, the agreements we are in now may not be 100 in your hands. hands like uh some of you know, unfortunately, some very important people in India, very rich and successful people lost their lives in the last few weeks, well, the arrangement that you have around you is no longer the palatial building in which They live, it's just the hospital with pipes and tubes and you know, wires and whatever else that's the same thing that everyone gets, maybe the doctors will pay a little more attention to you, but it doesn't matter, it didn't help, I say it, like that I'm not saying this. in a mocking way, everything I say is correct from a young age we must realize that we must tell our children that future generations must know that the quality of life is determined by how I am, not by what surrounds me, neither for the expensive car nor for the home. not the clothes, never mind seeing all the richest people in America today wearing clothes of all shades all these are desperate ways to experience something all these are desperate ways to somehow, but right now we have structured a society where our idea of ​​good-being is being a little better than someone else.
This has been instilled in us since our kindergarten. That you must be number one. See if I have to be number one. Where should you be? Maybe number ten. Who? Where should the others be? Maybe in the number seven billion. Okay, so my idea of ​​well-being is that everyone should do worse than me. This is illness. This is not well-being. This is not joy. This is not happiness. This is illness. I enjoy. You're not doing well or like. Well, at least I, how do you balance that with the desire to do well? In other words, one of the things that surprises you and I think that's why people like me connect with you so deeply because they don't equate us, but you know if you do. do your research on this beautiful main topic, you know, will smith, there are others, what i would call achievers, they are really great, we gravitate towards you and there is a part, i'm sure you've been asked this before, that sometimes i say, well, some of those things about me The desire to grow or expand has served me well Is there a place where we meet where we understand what to separate from the result?
That getting this house or this jet or this plane is not going to bring me the joy that I want, but at the same time I guess it's the concept of just wanting to grow, that's the healthy part so that we can expand in our life to a certain extent. Do you understand what I'm saying. There is a balance between letting it come to us and not seeking it. at the expense of someone else, but at the same time wanting to grow, explore, contribute and even achieve more, how do you feel about that nuance? Let me tell you this, this incident probably happened when I was nine years old, maybe at the latest. ten, I'm not sure nine or ten years old, well, I came home, you know, normally, well, in those days I think it's still practiced at school every month, they'll give you a report card that you have to take home and get. your father or your mother signs it so in my house it was arranged that my mother will not sign it because she is too gentle, she may just sign it, so my father is a person who must see it and sign it because he is critical enough to look at it . things, so one day I handed him my report card and went about my business.
He opened it after a while and saw that my rank was 33. I was ranked 33, so my father asked me how many kids were in his class. I told him 33. Then he said, aren't you ashamed? I said I got the highest number 33. I thought it is the highest number in my math calculations. The guy who gets only one must be a very poor guy. I got 53. Okay, tell me, would you like 1 million or 33 million, so I'm saying that this whole idea that you want to be better than someone is a sick idea that is instituted in our educational systems in our social structures everywhere.
So how can we do it right? You don't have to go to any scripture guru philosophy anything you just have to observe life right now there is an olive tree here there is an apple tree there is an olive tree thinking can my olives be bigger than the apple? No, it's just trying really hard to be the best possible olive tree, right? none of the others live, either to and from the elephant, they are trying to be something other than what they are, human beings have this problem, why has this problem arisen, it is just this, for all other creatures, theI started paying attention to everything and everything to such an extent that it left me having people thinking that I had lost it, some people thought that I must be stupid, I have nothing to do, but if I looked at something if I looked at people I would know so many things that others would not have dreamed of because my attention was absolute towards anything I must tell you this this happened about 15 years ago this school where I studied almost 50 years ago came to invite me for the 125th anniversary of the school and then I said look, you know, not only I haven't been a good student, I haven't even been a student, I only came there when it was absolutely necessary, otherwise I had gone somewhere, so why? you ask me to come I am not a good inspiration for your students they said no no our school has produced film stars our school has produced cricket stars our school the school has produced union ministers but you are the only


you should come I said fine and I went there, well I got up to speak in that quarter angle, same oppressive buildings and then all of a sudden I remember I was about 12 years old less than 13 years old in that particular classroom, I just looked at it and remembered that on a particular afternoon a The teacher is trying to get me to answer a question.
Those days made me like this for days and days. I wouldn't say anything because I don't know anything. What do I say? I mean you say no, nothing at all. I don't talk for many days because I'm still trying to drink in life. I haven't understood anything that surrounds me. I haven't understood a sheet. I haven't understood a glass of water. What am I going to talk about? so I just watched him for about 35-40 minutes and he tried his best to get a response from me, but I don't even listen to him after a while, after a while, you know, when I sit there I can see his past, present and future, but I can't hear what it


because it's not like that.
I don't care what he's saying, after 35 to 40 minutes he got so frustrated that he came and grabbed me by the arms and shook me violently like this and said: you must be the divine one or the devil. I think you're the last one until then. The problem was what is this what is that what is that I had a question about everything I had a billion questions in my head but I knew one thing this is me suddenly this guy confused me about this too now I looked at myself is this god is this devin the devil is this something else what the hell is this?
I never had that question until then I was sure that this is me suddenly this man confused me about this too so I started looking at myself it didn't work so I started closing my eyes and there began my journey of spending more time with eyes closed than with eyes open, my goodness, so you spend more, it's true to this day, you spend more time with your eyes closed than with your eyes open, uh, not now. days, you know, the last 13 days I've been driving, my eyes were open, um, by the way, I drove a camper from Tennessee to Florida and Los Angeles yesterday afternoon.
I just arrived in a small caravan being pandemic free, you know? he's being, as always, incredibly humble, but everyone, I'll ask you one last question, but I just want to tell you something why I love you and I'm so grateful and, um, you're one of the ones who will win. You don't love me at the end of every game of golf, okay, that may be true, I certainly don't love golf at the end of every game of golf, so maybe I should stop, but I just want you to know that and everyone knows it. you know you're one of the great forces for peace and good in the world and your foundation has 11 million volunteers, I mean there are reasons why they invited him back there, he's being very, very humble, I just love it be present with you.
I find myself not wanting to be anywhere else and um and I thank you for that. I guess what I would do would last because I want to be respectful of the hour that we committed to each other and I would literally spend six hours and hopefully one day. He will bless us if he returns. I want to remind everyone to buy his book on karma. I have already read it, but I also ask if you can give us some advice. There are people watching this saying: I want more. happiness, I have this pattern of not having it, although this pattern of my thoughts maybe when I was young people installed in me some of these identities hundreds of different times that I didn't have, I didn't have the opportunity to be present with Myself more often and somehow undo that a little bit.
Is there any parting advice you would give to someone listening or watching this? The whole interview stayed and I just want more happiness and peace in my life and um. You've covered so many things, but is there anything additional that you would share the last thing I said? The thing is, this is the nightmare of the world right now, particularly in the United States of America. I must say this because people have become goal-oriented, yes. They want it, yes, they always want something, so in yoga we have a saying like this that says if you are focused on the goal, that means your one eye is on the goal, that means you have one eye to find the way. .
Very inefficient you will have desires and desires more and more misery you won't get there because you have one eye on the goal you must understand this whole karma thing it's just about this what karma means it's a memory bank it's unconscious software you wrote for yourself, if you can do something unconsciously, you can also do it consciously, look right now, if I move my hand unconsciously, I can also move this consciously similarly, if I can generate a thought unconsciously, I can also do it consciously, so essentially the problem fundamental is this. As a human being, you have been given intelligence and powers that no other creature has.
This type of intelligence and faculties that you can only handle if you are conscious, if you live unconsciously, you will puncture yourself. Look, right now, the problem with most human beings is that they have a sharp mind and they don't know what they are doing, they keep wondering what torture they are going through because of their own thoughts and emotions, don't they? It is your brain capacity that is doing them. would suffer if they had the brain of an earthworm, they would all be fine because all of California is trying to be green, they would be very green and peaceful, no meditation needed, no prayer needed, no yoga needed, nothing needed, the earthworm is fine. for his ability to live he is a human being who is not doing well because for his ability to live you need to drive this consciously otherwise it's not going to work it's just not going to work do what you want so forget about getting rich forget about becoming Blissful forget about going to heaven just for this moment can you do it consciously if I say consciously immediately? now the keyword in America is mindful, become mindful, no, no, mindfulness is just the alertness of the mind that will help you survive better.
It will not evolve you to another dimension. Being conscious is not an effort because right now just because you are conscious you know that you are alive, right? The question is to raise the voltage on this, that's right, now these lights. they're here they have dimmers you know there's a rheostat dimmer you can lower or raise the light what are you doing are you reducing the power right now let's say there's a light here that's capable of a thousand volts or watts and now it's 10 watts, What do you see just a point on the floor? only what is in that place, what you see, the rest does not exist in your experience, you increase the weight, what happens, you will see that.
The more space you increase the more you will see so much if it lights up completely you will see everything that is in that room right now this is all you need to do you need to get involved in something that enhances the life forces within you you can build your body, but a big body It won't get you anywhere. There was a time when a man with a big body would be the king, because you could defeat everyone. Now, if you have a really big body, they can make you a security guard or something. Otherwise, okay, I'm saying you want to keep your body good, that's fantastic, it's your business to keep it good, you want to keep your mind good, very, very important, you want to keep your emotions sweet and good, fantastic, but the important thing .
It is that the life process must be enhanced there since there is a science and technology for external well-being and comforts and conveniences, in a similar way there is a whole science and technology for internal well-being that in the East we call yoga but that came here to California now. it has become a fashion to just wear certain type of clothes and twist and turn it has become yoga no, this is a whole science on how to manage the human mechanism in such a way that it works at its peak, don't you believe it. about the goal because the goal you think of is just an exaggeration of what you already know, isn't it?
What is the goal you will think about? If you know millions of dollars, you will think about a hundred million dollars, if you are not a billion dollars, you will think. think 100 billion dollars if you know so much pleasure so much pleasure if you know so much knowledge that is my knowledge whatever your imagination or your goals are just an exaggeration of the past don't stay stuck in this you will waste your life repeating the past improving the past of many ways, nothing new will happen in your life if you do this, so if you want to explore this life completely, you don't determine where you should go, just enhance this power, let's see where it goes, it should go. a place you couldn't dream of I bless people and say don't let your dreams come true people say what I said look your dreams are just an exaggeration of insignificant things you know in your life something you couldn't dream of should happen in your life for this you need to design your interiority in such a way you need to do some internal engineering in such a way that all the stops are eliminated in terms of experiencing life and improving life what happens in the world are the times when We live It's not just about us if we were a thousand years ago.
I'm going to come back to cavemen again and again. Maybe it was all about how you could wield the stick better than me or I could throw a rock better than you. what our life would be today we are thinking about something else what we are doing in the world today is not all of our doing it is a consequence of the times in which we are born and in which we exist so the most important thing is the empowerment of in this life the People say no, no, I want to help everyone, that's not the point, if this life is like this, if the tree grows, you don't have to think that I have to give fruits, flowers and shade to people, it will happen anyway in instead of making the tree grow. you're trying to create a shadow you're trying to make fruits and flowers you'll end up with plastic fruits and flowers where there will be no sweetness or satisfaction in that OMG OMG I'm uh I've spent an hour of life with you and I'm an hour closer of death and I'm grateful to have spent this hour this way my life is better and I can teach you how to kick the can of debt a little more that's our next problem that's that kind of season now you're very curious to me but I'm you're very curious I love you I appreciate it thank you thank you everyone follow as much as you can about him and uh I don't think I have to ask you To share this conversation, I think you're obligated to do so.
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