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Hard Times Should Never Be A Problem | Sadhguru’s Way to Happiness | Compilation #6

May 07, 2024
Imagine a life that listens to you, how can you make that a reality? This is not just any list, it is the one that moves you forward on the path you want, no matter what comes your way, prepare to face success in life, it means that you are living your life to your full potential that is what does success mean if that has to happen you need perception and an active intelligence most of the intelligent people on this planet are generally the most miserable people on the planet this is simply because they have an active intelligence but they have no perception of life simply yes You make an effort, it's a silly effort, isn't it just work? the right type of action the right time the right place all this is an important question how can I grow my intelligence will not get you somewhere?
hard times should never be a problem sadhguru s way to happiness compilation 6
Don't worry about that right now. The important thing is to improve your perception, if you are able to see life as it is, you have the intelligence necessary to lead it well, success means that you are living your life to your full potential, that is what success means, if that has what to happen. you need perception and an active intelligence your idea of ​​success is right now everyone


be below you you must be at the top this is your idea of ​​success this is not success this is illness so


think about success just tell how to achieve it in your Be full if you want your potential to open up in the world, one important thing you must fix in your life is your experience of life, whether it is peace or turmoil, whether it is joy or misery, bliss or you know suffering, whatever it may be. your experience. your experience is made entirely by you, other people are doing what they want, the drama they are directing is your reaction to what is causing these experiences for you, so I tell you that your experience of what is happening with you right now is 100 determined by you The human experience happens from within, not from without, there are outside influences, to what extent we allow them to affect us, unless they are physical situations, you are in a war zone, someone is shooting at you, that is a matter different, okay, that needs to be treated in a different way, even there, a conscious response will give you a better chance of survival than wild reactions, so the privilege of being human beings is that we have an intelligence to determine what


be our experience of life.
hard times should never be a problem sadhguru s way to happiness compilation 6

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hard times should never be a problem sadhguru s way to happiness compilation 6...

Other creatures are in a different situation. natural instinctive compulsive reaction we are supposed to be above that, but most human beings are trying to refute this and are also in a state of compulsive reaction, in fact the more you try to do in the world, the more and more you will find ugly situations. You have to face whether you like it or not, it's okay now, because you face ugly situations, will you also become ugly or will you use this as fertilizer to bloom and become your wonderful flower? This is a choice you have, so everything hurts. us everything that is in any way negative in a given situation whether you become wise or get hurt is your choice do not look for ideal situations because there is no such place there is no such place wherever you go there will be something happening that you think is negative , whether negative or not.
hard times should never be a problem sadhguru s way to happiness compilation 6
I don't want to pass judgment, but in a certain place you think there is something negative, there is no way you can fix an S today, but you can create it tomorrow, let's do it. It happens, look, the best thing about this is that you only face one of them, either the boss or the wife,


two of them together, so you can swing. You know that as a military man, you can escape from the wife for some time and you can escape from the boss for some time, unlike other jobs where you have to face each other every day.
hard times should never be a problem sadhguru s way to happiness compilation 6
Sorry, I'm just joking like that anyway. Look, you can't live without your wife and/or your boss. Both are important in your life. You order the career and You got the job, you got the best boss, you ordered my relationship, you got married and got a wife, so these are the things you aspired to, when the things you aspire to happen, then you suffer, this must be analyzed, this is not about wife, this is not about the boss, this is about yourself because human beings have gotten to this place wherever you put them, they have found a way to suffer look, we say this like, uh , life is like juggling a ball if you are alone just one ball easy to do you become two two balls a little


er more it takes more attention then you become four you have four balls to juggle then you have an Indian army with you You have 10,000 balls to juggle or how many balls?
Can you juggle joy? That's the amount you have to choose, so this aspect of life gets dragged into all kinds of things. A key reason is whether it's our career, our business, or our relationships, we're trying to extract


from it. The moment you try this, your loved ones will slowly become your enemies over a period of time because that is how it works, we must understand that human experience essentially comes from within us, whether it is pain or pleasure, it comes from within us. , joy and misery come. from within ourselves Agony and ecstasy come from within us if we understand this if we take charge of this if we take charge of the seat of experience within ourselves what experience would definitely cause us the highest level of pleasure then if you are joyful and lovely?
You are not enslaved by anyone, you are joyful and loving by your own nature, then every relationship will work well, whatever type of relationship you establish, everything will work well, whatever your career, your business or your activity in the world, You will do it in the best way. because today there is substantial medical and scientific evidence that shows that only when you are in a state of pleasurable experience will your body and mind function at their best for you to be successful in this physical world, this is all you need. you must have some brain cells functioning properly and therefore limbs to do the things you have to do without getting your body and brain to function according to your needs you will not succeed you will only succeed some


by default or by accident that is not a good success because that success creates anxiety it is very important your success is rooted in your competence your success is calculated in your mind if this has to happen it is very, very important that you are in a state of pleasant experience that There may be many


s and issues outside, but you are never the


in your life, but right now the problem is in the lives of most human beings, their own thoughts, their own emotions are the biggest impediments they face if you just cross this one thing .
You will see that every human being will be able to perform at the highest level. Find the maximum expression. This is another concept that is Mediterranean in the world. Something else should motivate you to do what you are doing. It's important enough, you don't need anything else to motivate you, what you are doing is truly important for life, why do you need any other motivation to make that happen? If you really understand and experience that what you are doing is really important to you. every life around you you don't need a motivation life just goes on look does your heartbeat need a motivation to keep going?
I am asking you that all live processes do not ask for any motivation, isn't monsoon approaching? some motivation does not come year after year because the natural process continues just like that and you and I life depends on what I am telling you, if you are doing something that is aligned with the fundamental life process of Who you are, this can find a million of Expressions doesn't have to be just spiritual teaching, you can find a million Expressions that what you are doing is aligned with your fundamental life process, then you won't need anything to motivate you just as part of life, it will just happen, you should not being a motivated person generally someone when we say that someone is motivated it means that they have their own agenda Their own life has no agenda it is for you to be a complete lie a grasshopper is trying to be a complete grasshopper earthworm is trying from being a full-fledged worm a bird is trying to be a full-fledged bird a tree is trying to be a full-fledged tree a human being should strive to become a full-fledged human being there are all our issues that each Of us start creating our own agendas and doing all kinds of things no, no, you're just a slice of life, don't take yourself too seriously because before you and me, countless people have come and gone, yes or no, what?
Where are everybody? Those people who you think were all idiots, they were all idiots and they died, right? They were like you too, maybe they were officials too, maybe they were kings more than you, all kinds of things, all the topsoil, Now what you call life is short. Sparkle all you have to do is get up and Sparkle as a full life when something is needed around us we will do it naturally because when you are doing wonderfully well you will do what is needed, isn't it when you are miserable you will be motivated this tell me when you are very happy you looked at yourself how cute and wonderful you are you are willing to do anything for anyone you backed away if necessary yes or no I am happy to see someone talks passionately about what they are doing someone no matter what they are doing they are right wrong it's right perfect or not but someone has put their heart into it it's right because human life becomes beautiful not because we do the right things, human lives become beautiful because we put our heart into what we are doing no matter what whatever we're doing, whether it's sweeping the floor or managing the country or whatever we're doing if we're putting our heart into what we're doing, it's beautiful to do that activity now that you're entering the world, it's not that you don't know that, but anyway you are now entering the world in a different dimension than you have been in until now once you enter.
There is going to be a lot of filth in the world, there is corruption, that is nonsense, so many things are happening everywhere, there is a group of people, a certain group of people who will develop an allergy to this filth, they cannot stand it. They normally run to the Himalayas because they are allergic to being full they cannot stand it they want everything pure but such a thing will not happen because the filth of the world in one form or another has entered our minds wherever we empower it Filth or not is all the choice we have but We can't avoid filth, all the nonsense that can happen in the world is there, you know it in your head, don't you?
A group of people develop allergies and try to flee. I can never really do it, another group of people, a large segment of people, unfortunately, have come to their own kind of philosophies, anyway, there is a world full of filth, let me become filth too, so they have joined together and they merge into the filth we call. Filth can also be an excellent menu. Indian spirituality has always used the lotus as symbolism. A lotus flower has always been the main symbolism of Indian spirituality through the lotus flower. The lotus flower grows best where the filth is thick.
This tinkling filth that you can. The bear has transformed into your beautiful fragrant flower. This option is also with us at every moment of our lives. If the atmospheres in which we live make us, we cannot call ourselves administrators. If we make the atmospheres in which we live, only then can we call ourselves. managers being a manager means that we are going to create what we consider the most beautiful thing that can happen right now, allowing situations to create you is not management at all, the difference between heaven and hell is just that you are doing something voluntarily , that is your decision. heaven, you are doing something reluctantly that is your help we have already assumed attitudes what we like and what we don't like I like this person I don't like this person now with this person I will do things willingly with this person I will do things reluctantly this can be two people two aspects of life communities nations many things this I will do willingly this I do reluctantly this means that I have decided in my mind this is good this is bad there is no good and bad people People, everyone oscillates between the two, if you create a wonderful and very pleasant atmosphere, everyone behaves wonderfully if you create an unpleasant atmosphere, a lot of people act unpleasantly, yes or no, there are happy people and people miserable, but there are no good people or bad people.
Well, foreigner, we have the right to destroy the bad, right? Oh, we've been destroying a lot of people for a long time to stop that because human beings have different levels of experience and understand anyone's writing other than that. You're obviously bad, aren't you? So those who are not like me must be bad people because the basis of goodness and what you think goodness is is up to you to decide, no, you have nothing to do, loving means this. I'm only willing, I'm one hundred percent yes to life.I am not yes to this one no to this one I am not only yes and yes to life yes you are one hundred percent yes to life you are a volunteer you have become a willing life you have become so willing that you have no will for your own life it is important when I say life I'm not talking about your family your work what you do what you don't do your party I'm not talking about it like Life, this is life, isn't it?
Life is within you or around you, the environment of life, you are confusing the environment of life or life, your home, your family, your work space, your party, all this is the environment of life, This is not life, it is not. It is not you as a person that is not important, but you as a part of life, it is very important because that is the basis of everything. When I say that it is the basis of everything, the universe exists for you only because you are, doesn't it? Yes or no, the world exists for you only because you are, otherwise it will not exist in your experience, so in every sense this is important, you are confusing the environment with the real, no life is important because it is the only thing you know You don't know anything else Do you know anything else?
Rest is all imagined, right? The only thing is that this is beating and alive and that's all there is. So is it important? It is of utmost importance. So what is the purpose of this? See if you had a purpose and if you fulfilled it after that, what would you do after that? What would you do boring? It is not like this? It's just that life is so intricate and so phenomenally intricate that if you spend 10,000 years looking at it carefully, you still won't fully know it. If you spend a million years looking at it with absolute attention, you still won't know it completely.
That's how it is. It has any meaning? The best thing about life is that it has no meaning, this is the biggest aspect of life, that it has no meaning and there is no need for it to have meaning, still remember that there is no way to confuse them, so this is what flames For me, this whole framework of a human being is a consequence of a certain amalgamation of memory, so these memories allow you to function, this is your karma, without this memory, you would know one thing from the other, it's okay, just You wouldn't know a thing.
From the other, if you are any other creature, your instinctive and compulsive functioning was fine once you become human, you are supposed to function intelligently and consciously for any human being, this is important in all aspects of life, but particularly for a soldier it is super important. Because it is a matter of life and death, you are conscious and you function intelligently, you do not do compulsive reactive things because then you will do what your enemy wants you to do very easily, they can make you react, so karma is not a concept. Karma is not a punishment and a reward, according to the system that you already know, it is just that you exist only thanks to your karma, but it is as if you build a karmic stage on which you are supposed to do your drama, but if your stage Karmic is not firm, if it is like quick sense, now you try to dance on it, you will sink into it, this is the whole problem, your karma is not conscious, it is just happening in a compulsive and instinctive way, this simply means your investigation and development that has been made in you.
We are wasting, so this is extremely important for all aspects of life. Karma is not a problem. You exist because of your karma. You do not suffer because of your karma. You suffer because you are reacting to karma or you are reacting to your own Karma. or you are reacting to someone else's Karma, it is in reaction that you suffer. See, there are only two types of suffering, physical suffering and mental suffering, so physical pain is an essential part of our survival process, but suffering is a psychological reaction to any of the physiological situations. or social situations around us, so karma is not the problem, karma is vital to your existence as soldiers, you may have witnessed even when there are serious wounds, certain men do not suffer, they are still standing, no It's that there is no pain, there is enormous pain. because physical pain is a thing that multiplies that in your mind is called suffering physical pain is very important for our survival if there was no physical pain we would not protect our body we would destroy it you are an individual only because of your karmic matter Karma does not mean good or bad is just memory are things that already happened to you yesterday good or bad there is no such thing because it is not alive only if it is alive and can bite you you can say that it is good or bad but what is dead and gone, if you react to it even today, it seems to bite you and hurt you because what happened 10 years ago people still suffer what can happen the day after tomorrow, they already suffer, so what happened 10 years ago is not alive now. can happen The day after tomorrow you cannot be alive right now because it has not happened so essentially you are suffering from what does not exist that is why karma is important you understand that your joy is also your karma your misery is also your karma your suffering is also your karma your doing Karma means you are doing it karma means action in this Cosmos is it marked somewhere on this side up and this side down?
There is no such thing. You don't even know what's up and down. How do you know who's up there? who's down there so these are childish uh you know soloists that you create in your mind when you say my life is my karma you're admitting that my life is my creation this is the most dynamic way to exist this is the only culture on the planet Who has Seeing life like this, many cultures believe that their life is managed from somewhere above, but from above someone is managing, but we are sitting on a round planet that rotates all the time, you don't even know which one it is. up and down karma is a very dynamic adult way of looking at life this is my creation right now I'm happy this is my creation right now I'm miserable this is my creation right now I am the way I am that's the point of doing something that doesn't work hello I'm not telling you to just do what works do what you want but for your life because it's a limited time what's the point of doing something that doesn't work no.
Either it should work for you or it should work for the people around you if it doesn't work for you. you and everyone around you. What's the point of doing that damn thing? Say yes, you are misunderstanding this, you are trying to do this. in some kind of value system you are trying to make it your philosophy. I will do only what works when you took the oath. I'll just do what works now. You don't know what works because what works won't come with us. an oath or a commandment what works comes with constant observation an evolution of who you are isn't it hello the same things how you made them work how clumsily you made something work 10 years ago the same thing you could easily be doing today right?
Is it like that or maybe you're doing it clumsily today you're doing it right at one time whatever the type of evolution that happened this happened soldiers American soldiers we left service so one of them said to the other you know? Steve's wife read The Three Musketeers and gave birth to triplets. This is, oh my gosh, my wife is reading The Birth of a Nation. What am I supposed to do? That's not how it works, so don't turn this into some kind of ethics. or a philosophy I will do only what works so don't make philosophies and ethics of everything or don't tell yourself a commandment I will only do what works it is a good commandment but now you don't know what works so don't I don't know, you need to be aware and apply yourself to every damn thing, you should just learn so much that you don't decide what's important and what's not important, just to see what works, it takes a lot of application even for the little ones.
Damn things, isn't it good to do such a small thing as hitting a ball or kicking it directly? You know how much it takes for someone who can take a ball where he wants. Wow, the whole world loves him just because he kicks a damn ball. yes or no because people understand what is needed I just wandered without any purpose without any purpose I just wandered through the jungles in the forests in the rivers and this but I paid absolute attention to each plant each insect the air the humidity the works and everything that was aimless Wonder today is becoming a formidable knowledge that is not written in any damn book for the first time someone speaks comprehensively not from a textbook this was just aimless wandering as a child when I was young I just aimlessly wandered no purpose So even if there is no purpose, you can't live without attention, right?
Aren't you trying to live here without getting involved? That's why you have morals, you have ideals, you have ideologies, you have values, you have ethics, you have commandments because you are trying to live here without getting involved approach each situation one by one be strong and don't let anyone else decide how you feel you are responsible for your actions Live life as it should be lived, not comparing it to others. Click on the videos shown to see more. From us, what would you like to see in the next video? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
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