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I Tried Flight Attendant Academy

May 31, 2024
In this episode of Challenge Accepted, I'm going to the Flight Attendant Academy for this episode, we actually travel to Dubai with Dynamic Advanced Training, which is located in a facility that trains cabin crew for the most extreme situations, so Fasten your seat belts. Ready and accepted the challenge Hassan, it's a pleasure to meet you too. I am very excited to be here today. What are some things I can expect? Surprises. That's all you should expect in the past. Being a



used to be so sexy. and like Pan Am, I mean, it was very romantic, but we're not sky waiters, we're first responders and our main reason we're there is to protect you in case something were to happen and there's a lot of things that can happen.
i tried flight attendant academy
One of the things Michelle is going to learn this week is how to put out a fire, so here we have a fire extinguisher. You have something we call PVE, which is protective respiratory equipment to help protect you from the effects of smoke. When can I use this? It's never okay, so we keep these things. We know. Yes. This is so cool. It's like simulating the interior of an airplane, but everything is fireproof. Yeah. Oh, you don't even have a computer here. But. For a long time this is what I want your opinion, what do you do when you are in the middle of your service and you see fire coming out?
i tried flight attendant academy

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Well, let's say, are you starting a fire right now? Yes, oh my God, what do we do? What do we do? We grabbed a fire extinguisher here. We need to grab a fire extinguisher. Oh my God, hurry up, oh my God, oh my God, and here we are, oh wait, oh my God, just save and shoot, even shoot, aim for the base that's fine. The fire's out, oh my god, son, you've got tricks up your sleeve, so there's another fire somewhere, fight with duck cover, oh my god, fire, fire, it's a fan, never leave the hatchback open because you end up exposing the fire to more oxygen, which only helps it. grow even more why would there ever be a fire in the overhead compartment?
i tried flight attendant academy
Oh, there could be many reasons. I once had an incident that we had when you were a



when I was a flight attendant where we had a passenger who had brought in some pyrotechnics. apparently because he was a foreign illusionist, really the real threat to airport security. Hassan gave me a brief tour of his private plane mockups which I took as an opportunity to try to pull a song out of a shell. I don't know how to dance. He moves towards it, but knowing you can't rush it, it's a good thing it was time to board the flight simulator for cockpit training.
i tried flight attendant academy
Welcome Michelle, welcome aboard. This particular plane can represent motion in four degrees so we can do a crash. turbulence we can do a decompression and it feels like the real thing, not like an amusement park, why could you easily say very close to the real thing so we are ready for the flight, let me close the door and I can close the door. in heavy yes, oh, it's closed, okay, I'm going to take a seat for takeoff, wait, you're a passenger, yes, I'm a passenger, okay, so you're a passenger, yes, then you resort to my needs after takeoff, oh my gosh it feels like we're taking off, oh it even has little bumps on it and oh you can totally feel it going up into the sky, ah hey assistant can I have my tea or coffee now?
I'd like to have a hot drink, uh, we're not. at cruising altitude we still appreciate your patience good response people close can I have my hot drink now? um we're not even starting yet people close but we're sailing it's from what I see I mean okay I don't even know what these things are oh my gosh I can I can I have my hot drink this job is unique because , in the middle of an emergency you are expected to have a customer service space if there is turbulence and to actually be able to stand upright like you think someone wouldn't order coffee, where's that hot drink ma'am?
My God, he's not coming. Some people just don't think like that and they don't know that they shouldn't do certain things that make sense to us, so I think if you can have that mindset of empathetic understanding. I think you'll really make a great stewardess. It sometimes bothers me when people just hang things in the forward closet without asking, but there have been times where I've had to restrain myself as if people were hanging. your suit to go to your son's funeral you never know what someone is going through hello hello coffee tea or milk can I have a cappuccino please we don't serve them unfortunately you said coffee I have coffee with butter it's good great in your face and use the wait elastic I'm supposed to help you, my God, I'll help you if there's ever a decompression, which is when there's a rapid loss of air pressure in the cabin, like a bus window, or it cracks or the door opens, the dough falls immediately.
I do not do it. I don't know if you ever paid attention to the safety demonstration, but it always says, put your mask on to help others because if we're not okay, how can we help anyone else? I've probably been on a plane hundreds of times in my life and I heard the announcement, do it yourself or someone else and right now I'm like frozen. Freezing reactions are normal, okay, that's why we train here, so when it happens in real life you've corrected yourself and if you don't you put on the oxygen mask. As soon as possible, it could lead you to become hypoxic.
Come on, Michelle, what the hell is this? You're about to fight now. Okay, this is our hypoxia simulator in the room. Let's play with the oxygen levels. on your body just to give you the feeling of decompression, is it safe to do it like it's absolutely safe? You have nothing to worry about. I'll be in this Control Center and I'll keep an eye on your vitals too, okay? There are a lot of cognitive tests waiting for me while my brain has less oxygen. Yes, sign, your full name is Invincible, okay, get ready, we can start with the hypoxia.
It's scary because the symptoms are gradual and you may not know it's happening until too late dazed your motor skills are not going to work properly and there will be a lack of oxygen and you will be able to feel that and see that it looks enough. I have to finish it heading 1-0 take a deep breath, okay, so let's start. the exercise with Michelle is Invincible the second time it asks you to write Michelle is invisible and your response was oh my God, before and after my writing there are many tasks that reminded me of the tasks and Among Us, yes.
Now you would know, well now I know that if I play Among Us with my friends and get hypoxic, I'll probably have a huge advantage. You're in an extra hurry. I need to know what all the tips and tricks are for Better flying, staying as close to the cabin crew as possible greatly increases your chances in the event of an accident because they are there to help you when you get on the plane. In fact, I get under the seat and check to see if I have my life jacket on. place where it might be missing, take this, yeah, what's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you on a plane, non-stop women, but in reality, the hardest ones to deal with are situations where people suffer medical emergencies, literally crying , okay, I'm ready for the Next thing that happens are medical tests all the time, a lot of seizures, in fact, that's a very common thing.
I think it's a big mistake to think that it's just this brilliant, romantic job, and while that's true, there are a lot of other things too, the job of evacuating 150 passengers fell through. to flight attendants airline credits flight attendant for helping deliver newborn now those flight attendants are called Surviving heroes say she carried people twice her size to safety if she could To tell the public one thing is that you really have to appreciate what a flight attendant is. In reality, it is very demanding and it takes its toll. The first thing you do is get into the position of your brace, so your position will be like this, with your elbows closed.
Well, whatever comes and falls on you, you have this to protect you and this. It will feel like we are colliding. Yeah, okay, starting the crash sequence. No hands, stay down. Check the outside conditions. Check the door. in like Legends of the Hidden Temple or something, you know? Yeah yeah okay that rings true he has Legends okay when I was your only passenger so you were right to evacuate me from here because there were like 300 passengers that's what a cabin crew has to deal with that and you do it while dealing with your own trauma. All of this should be done in less than 90 seconds to learn about bowel movements.
You are presented with so many different scenarios, so maybe you are the one who lands in the Arctic, oh literally my nightmare, maybe you land in the jungle, a manual water maker, people don't know the huge amount of information we have to learn as a flight attendant, well, that's for me, build another one yourself, oh, it's easy, nice. survival here are not so bad, however trying to survive at sea causes the most danger, so for Michelle's final challenge today we will do a abandonment scenario which is essentially a plane crashing into the water. We will add waves.
We will add rain. We'll add thunder and lightning and it'll be a very interesting session for Michelle, so this is after we crash into the water and evacuate the plane. Generally speaking, if there is rain or bad weather around, you will want to cover it. your canopy I want you to figure it out, okay, every time it's too much, let us know, okay, the sign means, okay, and we'll stop, alright, come up, use the net, yeah, yeah, use the next handle, use that, yeah again. Good job Michelle, unroll it from the other side, yeah, yeah, don't worry me, yeah, well don't keep it covered, how are you, how am I, nature won't cooperate all the time, so you gotta be prepared when the worst comes to the worst.
You're ready for it, so next time you find yourself on a plane, be sure to thank your flight attendant for her service if you didn't know that we're currently on a mission to convince the United States Secret Service to let us film a video with them. please help us reach 3 million subscribers to help make this happen

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