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I Tried Delivering A Baby

May 29, 2024
you open like this Okay, yeah, okay. just cut along the line very superficially, let's open that up a little bit more, so we're going to go between the abdominal muscles, so now you're going to take your knife and cut through the peritoneum. Yes, okay, take your right hand, put your hand in and pull it out, you have your head, okay, I'm going to push the hill, take it out there, you go, a lot of pressure, you have everything right, excellent moment. It's really shocking to see what my mom went through, you know, babies are born every day, you put it right, but I don't think people really think about what it means and the birth of a


and how much a mom gets up to make this happen.
i tried delivering a baby
I appreciate everything she went through so much more because thank you so much for showing me this, she sure was great, thank you oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh how cute, she was eight pounds, 11 ounces and 21 and a half inches long. Your son still feels so surreal. in my arms you are mom I know you wanted to hug him I am I am allowed oh my God look at your little arms everything what a beautiful name thank you happy birthday to you wow look she is smiling look how happy she looks, this is the best birthday ever .
i tried delivering a baby

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I can't get over this. It's a shame we can't ask you to be godmother, huh? you love me so you want me to be your son's godmother oh yes oh my god it would be an honor for me yes she looks happy this is so easy right this is such a magical moment thank you so much oh god mine, thanks to both. Thank you very much for letting us be part of your lives this week. This has been such an eye-opening experience and has given me a lot of hope for myself, so thank you. One day, when they have children, they will know that she will be like one of them.
i tried delivering a baby
The biggest challenges you've probably ever gone through, yes, but it would be the happiest thing you've ever gone through, so trust me, dear mom, I've never fully understood the sacrifices you've had to make for me. the pain you experienced, the difficult decisions you had to make that I may never understand until I have a child of my own, all I can hope is that one day I will be a mother as brave, as strong and as compassionate as you have been to me thank you I love you mama
i tried delivering a baby

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