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My Daughters First Breakup *Emotional*

Jun 25, 2024
Blair who bullied her in high school oh no hey coach hey Blair hey zie want help putting up signs. Yes, thank you very much for supporting me. I need all the help I can get. Blair and Stie are friends now. I forgave her for what happened at the dance. Everybody loves you. You don't need help. She is popular and has a boyfriend. Whatever


is about to happen can't be that bad. Oh, we should go practice. vote for zes okay ladies gather around and take your seats now before we start practice today we are going to vote for cheer captain for next year.
my daughters first breakup emotional
Would anyone like to say something? Ah, Zade, our current cheerleading captain, go ahead and hello everyone, although I'm Your Team Captain this year and I'm the only one running. I still wanted to ask for your vote for this year and did a special dance. The fact that she is cheering even though no one is competing against her really shows how cool Z is. Z vote for me the best will be the best I guarantee W excellent job Zade, thank you and I have some ideas to put us on top la next season, you know what I want to hear, but right now I just need to use the bathroom, okay?
my daughters first breakup emotional

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Guys go ahead and start, hey honey, I'm Zade's boyfriend again. The bad news is that I drink too much water, but the good news is that there is no way zie won't beat captain of her. Girls, it will be over soon. We need the gym to practice. You're on the schedule, go practice somewhere else, yeah, besides, just because you're a kid doesn't mean you can take over the gym, right, Zadee? How about you girls do your little dances in a classroom, not like cheerleading is a real sport? Anyway, of course, we'll go practice in the classroom.
my daughters first breakup emotional
I can't believe she would have done that, it wouldn't have happened if she had been on the show. Hey, wo, wo, where did all the cheerleaders go? Oh, they're practicing. in the classroom, what are you supposed to do being a cheerleader in a classroom? I don't know, it's not a sport. I think your girlfriend wouldn't agree with that. Actually, she just agreed with me. I can't believe zie agreed with her boyfriend about being a cheerleader. It's not a sport. Do you think the advice I gave him in high school is counterproductive? It's not so bad here oh yeah, I can't wait to do a backflip over Mr.
my daughters first breakup emotional
Miller's death. It's okay ladies, we're cheerleaders, we're over it. obstacles before, but now I think we should move on to the voting here, that's it, once you're done, put it in the box, leave it here we go and Zade let's see who will be the captain of our team for next year, okay? we have one for Z we have one for Blair one for Blair Z is crossed out which means it all comes down to this is Blair Blair is the cheerleader captain next year they chose her friend to be the cheerleader captain Blair is the worst they gave me Blair, you ran against me.
She had no choice. Nobody wanted you to be Captain anymore. You helped me put up my posters. but she would probably become someone so accommodating or should I say a boyfriend pleasing her, yeah remember that time we had to cancel our bake sale because you let the boys soccer team practice Tik toks in the parking lot, oh no the advice that I gave. It's the reason she's not captain now well there's nothing wrong with wanting people to like you, you want people to like you, you don't care about the rest of us, that's how you guys really feel, face it you lost , don't drag it.
Oh my God, I could forgive you for not supporting me during my parents' divorce and I could forgive you for dating Chris, but I will never forgive you for this, dad, go and leave your uniform, zie, wait, the best of Z. "A friend betrayed her and she broke up with her entire cheerleading team. I told you it wouldn't be easy. I just need to help her. She tried to get back on the show. Isn't that okay?" I'm speaking at DA's college graduation. Well, I can fix this. Okay, zamfam. I can't believe she's speaking at Z's graduation.
The thing about her big announcement, wait, is that Chris from Z High School is dating him, how did that happen? No, but I think he plans to do it after graduation, he'll definitely propose to her, we'll see, she's been acting pretty slick lately. Zade was approached with a proposal. I thought my daughter was graduating. You're kidding now? This is too much for a mother to handle. I need to concentrate, wait for the diplomas. I'm supposed to hand out the diplomas. Congratulations, graduates. I know how hard you all have worked to get here. I want everyone to know that your family, especially your mother, is very proud of you.
Today is the time to present the diplomas. We have Chris, congratulations. We have Jess W. He is definitely not a player. I'm very happy that you are a righteous and he finally he is someone that I can't. be more proud of Zade zamolo congratulations uh thank you president Z can you get that ring? Ok, wait for the proposal. Do you think that will be the


? this might be the worst one yet congratulations grad I bought you a cake congratulations Miss Val Victorian a thank you babe oh my god Z I love your necklace oh thank you I bought it on my favorite beach trip with Chris yeah , you know, apart from the sunburn, the sand and the water, oh, it wasn't that bad at least we didn't have to go dancing, why?
Chris proposed to me but maybe he's nervous. I just need to push it a little. Look at this cake. He says congratulations and I would really love to congratulate you on more than just graduating. Oh, um, I have an announcement to make, Zade, you forced me. the happiest man in the world and i was wrong dating smco he's amazing well im glad you finally came to your senses zie will you marry me? Yeah, she said yeah, maybe this isn't a breakup, oh yeah, Z is getting married, oh my god, Z is. beautiful, I'm so happy too, I'm so happy to start our beautiful lives together in Alaska, did you just say Alaska, Alaska, yes, that's the other part of my announcement, I joined the Marines, that's where I'm stationed First, can you come?
You're excited with me, right, uh, yeah, he's moving to Alaska, come on, let's celebrate, I have to stop this wedding, there's no way I can let zie marry him, he's not right for her, yeah, Please take it off, you finally agree with me. I don't like dates with Zie. She needs to figure this out on her own. What are you kidding? But I can fix this. She needs to figure this out on her own. Put me on. I'm going to fix this by sending it to the wedding. I better not interfere, okay zamfam. I'm at Z's wedding.
I'm going to do my best not to intervene, but I don't think he's making the right decision. Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join Chris and Zie in marriage. If anyone has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace. I wanted everyone to know that my right arm is a little longer than my left, uh, it doesn't matter, it's okay, as much as I want her to snap, this is Zade's life. make your own decisions you take Zade as your wife I do and Zade you take Chris as your husband as a mother you always want to protect your daughter but at some point you have to let them make their own decisions I don't You don't want to be with me I do, but We are not meant for each other.
I like going to the beach and it's what I've always wanted and my family is here and you want to go to Alaska so be happy for me I am but you should have talked to me about going to Alaska instead of just assuming I would do the same. what would you like. I can't believe you're doing this right now. You're just scared. You're always scared, you're right, I was scared of people leaving me, I was scared of being alone, but now I'm just scared that I'm not doing the right thing for me, I'm sorry, it's pathetic, zie, which I'm so proud of .
You, that was amazing, you didn't need my help at all, you made that breakup on your own, thank you presidency and thank you for coming to my wedding, that's a little strange, I don't remember inviting you, uh, I have to go, that was strange . My daughter survived every breakup and she did it alone and I think we can all agree that she will never date again, she won't wear it.

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