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I Saved West Ham from Relegation...

Mar 20, 2024
West Ham has tried to get into the top six figures in the Premier League. They even spent 170 million last summer to improve their Swan, but their project has failed and they are in the


zone. You might think that this is because their team is average, but No, the truth is that they have enough talent, like Lucas Paqueta, Declan Rice, these are world class players. Clearly, David Moyes, their current manager has not done a good job and it is time for him to be sacked, so there is only one man we can get West Ham out of this situation, get them out of the


zone and make them the best England love and yes that's me, I'll become the manager of the Quest Ham they won when the manager of West Ham starts now.
i saved west ham from relegation
The first thing we have to do is evaluate. the team and discover how a team with so much talent is doing so poorly. It still baffles me that the team with Lucas paquetta Declan rice sushek Jared Bowen, all these amazing players, are doing so poorly together and after analyzing some Scout reports on the team I think I figured out what the problem is, there are two areas of this issue that if we can improve I think the results will be much better. Number one is pretty simple, but the left backs we have at the club, Emerson and Aaron Crespell.
i saved west ham from relegation

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i saved west ham from relegation...

They aren't particularly that good, we can definitely look for an upgrade in that position, signing a left back in this window is now one of our priorities in midfield and you would think Paketa Declan and Sushank are incredible but I'll be. Honestly, the way I want to play this team I don't see declared Rice and Sushek playing together, it just won't work for me. I want a box-to-box midfielder alongside Declan Rice, that way Paqueta can get a little help. and it will also help connect our attack with our defense, sorry sous chef but we will put you on the bench and bring in another midfielder but this all depends on whether the board really wants to back us this season and just before it starts.
i saved west ham from relegation
Thinking about the design of the players, we received a call from the board of directors. Hi Sid, welcome to West Ham. We desperately needed a new coach and I hope you're the right man for the job, but without wasting any more time, let's get right into it. business, what do you think of the team? Honestly, I like it a lot. Lucas Paketa is Ebola. I think it's going to be amazing for us, but I still feel like I want to make a couple more signings to improve the team because I think if we do that. We could go far What are you kidding?
i saved west ham from relegation
A couple more signings. I just invested 170 million in this club. I do not think that's possible. Let's go guys. They have brought in a new coach. They have to let me execute my ideas. Do you know? What a Sid, I'll give you the money, but there's a catch. I will give you around 70 million to spend this window but you will have to guarantee me that this season you will take West Ham into the top eight, oh that's a challenge but you know what I think I can do, give me the money, let's do it for one moment.
I thought we were going to be here at West Ham with no signings to make, but it's good to see the board listening to us. They support us with 70 million for the season, but they expect results. We need to finish at least in the top eight in the Premier League. Now is the time to use those 70 million to negotiate with Eric Denhawk for our first transfer. Whose player could it be? Man United and the Manchester United player is Luke Shaw. Yes, we somehow convinced him to join his friend Declan Rice at West Ham. This transfer was incredibly difficult to achieve.
Convincing Luke Shaw that our project is real, but it is not easy, but in the end he. We agreed that we had to get out the checkbook, although for this we paid around 30 million to make Man United's Luke Shaw shine, but we weren't done yet, it was time to make that box-to-box midfielder shine. I've been talking about Deathrun Two. the next player we signed an absolute player in midfield, Marcus Tudam's younger brother, 30 million for this brilliance, but I think it's worth it with the arrival of the Captain and Luke Shaw, our team was definitely coming together and looking a lot better, definitely, more balanced, so it's time. test our team in our first match of the Premier League season but when we started our first match against West Ham I quickly discovered a major flaw we had in this team guys I just realized we literally have without any rhythm Ben Rama cannot beat anyone for peace and so, our first game with the West Ham engine and a goalless draw, this is a problem, no matter how good we have done our defense in midfield, we have no pace to attack and this is a I'm talking about the real problem because Kimaka is not fast in any way, he needs runners and we don't really have fast players and we don't have that much money either, only 13 million, I think we need to win. sacrifices to bring an end.
We start a club, the first to leave is Angelo Ogbona who we get 3.7 million for next is Antonio who we get 8.6 million for solid sales of topless players but we are still at only 27 million we need more and finally this was the transfer that could help us bring in a new left winger an offer from Spurs for Ben Rama if we can get around 17 million for the side bench that will give us good money to bring in a replacement and there you have it it seems which worked so benorama's transfer was completed he was also leaving the club we now had around 43 million to bring in a left winger but the only problem we had was the deadline and time was ticking and so here it was me in the offices trying to fight and sign a left winger and I think I found the perfect one, so deadline day, only a few hours to go, we bring in a new left winger, it's Harvey Barnes from At Leicester City we have to pay 31 million for him, but one thing is for sure: he is fast and that is something we don't have in this team, but if this team we have built is good enough to be in the top eight, that will totally depend on whether we can deliver time in the Premier League to see if everything we have built so far is working or not, she is Declan Rice and the captain could end up scoring our first goal.
Come on, Declan Rice's scores, come on, Harvey Barnes, with this beat. of that and Declan resurfaced since when did he become a gold scorer like this. What's going on? The Club Captain is leading by example. Oh, I get it, oh, what a headbutt from Harvey Barnes. I didn't expect that to come in. Oh, my days, five to zero is the The score against Everton shows that all our tactics and all the signings we have made all fit together. We can keep the store in the Premier League mid-season and it's not bad at all? We are eighth in the Premier League, not far from being fifth just three points away, this is brilliant.
I'm sure the board will be happy with this, unfortunately, although we won't really have any money to invest, we're already over budget and I don't want to ask the board for more money. They have already done enough for us this season, so this is the team we have until the end of the season. There will be no more changes. Can we still get that top 8 result or maybe even Beyond to prove we belong at the top? eight, we potentially belong in the top six, we need to beat some of the big boys and well, if we can beat Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, another London club, there won't be a better statement like that, that's why we have Harvey Barnes. the team to achieve that rhythm and, of course, also the deception, will go to the end.
It's brilliant stuff from Harvey Barnes, what a uniting goal. Luke Shaw had a phenomenal run, squaring it up inside and skimmaka doing the goal poaching that you'll love. Look, that's a brilliant ending to Harvey Barnes' Italian space that has really changed the game. We could end this game if Barnes decides to do exactly that and yes indeed Harvey's links this season have been stellar, what an incredible transfer and it gives us a win. Against Chelsea, this is the moment where we can look back and see where West Ham emerged as one of the best teams in England and that was the result that drove us through the rest of the season.
We are at the end of the season and Under my management West Ham managed to finish seventh in the Premier League in our first season, not bad, beating Chelsea was a change for us as we finished above them, this shows that we are in the right direction, we have taken a club that was 18th in the Premier League to seven and this is just the beginning. Now it's time for our second season at West Ham. We need to build on this incredible foundation we built at this club. He wondered what has improved under Harvey Barnes. Lucas Paquetta Tulum and Declan Rice as a leader, if we can do a few more things to improve this team, then I think we can come out on top this season.
I know it sounds crazy, but did you see what we did to Chelsea last season? With more quality we can do it consistently and, of course, the West Ham owners are willing to back us in this project. They have given us 77 million to spend, but just when I was planning which players to sign and improve the team, I received a message. by Declan Rice Daffa, you know my contract expires at the end of the season and I've just had an offer from Manchester United, they'll sign me on a free transfer at the end of the season and I'm considering it, wow Declan! our captain this is crazy we are building the team around you the truth is boss I want to win trophies and I don't feel that at West Ham we are a club that can win many trophies the career of a footballer is very short and I don't want to end up wasting it.
I respect West Ham a lot but I feel like this is the right choice for me, you know, cycling, let's get a deal done, if we somehow win a trophy this season you'll have to re-sign with us for the next few years, if not , you're free to go wherever you want, okay boss, I'm with you, we won a trophy, I'm in, there's nothing more I want than to win a trophy with West Ham. Immediately after that call with Declan Rice, I was surprised because if our key player, our best player, if the captain of our club leaves this project is a complete failure, we have to show Declan Rice that we are a team that aspires to be the best club in england and we are going to do everything to win a trophy to win trophies we need to improve our team and we immediately get into a transfer business making our first shine we just made the transfer of sergino dest for that right back position and American with a lot of talent and we managed to sign him for 24 million and then to earn some cash I sold the file, we got his replacement in the dust, it made sense to do this, we will need all the cash this season because I want to improve this team to try to win trophies .
Now we will reach 67 million and the next improvement that I think the students lead is the goalkeeper position. Should we go ahead and sign England's number one goalkeeper Jordan Pickford? He has played in multiple World Cups. he has the experience and I think he will be a great personality to lead our back line and I can't fly, we got him for a good deal, only 28 million with some season ticket money, we are winners after 43 million now. After looking at the team I finally decided that maybe we could get a better central defender. It could be huge for us right now we have Kurt Sumer Agar and Kejerer in the team.
Maybe we can change Zuma and get a better central defender. Nothing. Like it and show me how to make a bold exchange agreement between the consumer and Gabrielle. Gabriel played for Arsenal before now playing for Juventus, but he has Premier League experience and I thought he was perfect. A signing like this shows Declan Rice that this club. has a proper project with that, I think our team is better than ever, massive improvements in our backline, can we be in the top four in the Premier League, can we win a trophy, remember we couldn't win a title and the device Declan will not renew with us and So our quest to win a trophy begins this season.
The first trophy we can really win is the Carabal Cup and our luck is incredibly bad, as we draw with Manchester United at Old Trafford, literally in the first round, we lose this which is an opportunity to win. The trophy is gone and that man could be heading to Man United, the team we are facing, Manchester United with a chance, how did that happen for Pigford? No, oh no, this Knight gets worse when Harvey Barnes ends up injured and it seems like a pretty serious situation. A thank you couldn't have been worse for us all my days Manchester United oh wow oh wow it's done, our chances of winning the Kettlebell Cup are gone to make matters worse.
Harvey Barnes dislocated his shoulder and was out for the next two days. months Avi Barnes was our only way out for peace if we didn't replace himwith someone like we're in trouble Playing Pablo Fornalskin but he doesn't have Pace Maxwell Cornedo maybe this is his charge to show what he's all about and boy am I glad I trust Maxwell corny he made a big change when it was needed oh , now it's time to check out Maxwell's beat, cheesy, oh he's fast, he's an absolute rocket, check him out, go this way, still, cheesy gets the job done too.
Incredible, here's Corner, the most direct player we have in our team at the moment, as he looks to open up space absolutely ridiculously quickly. Nobody touches him, but he looks for a ball inside to rambang. Courtney has been crazy halfway through this season. fifth in the Premier League, I'm very much in the fight for the top four, even potentially, but let's not forget that winning a trophy this season is equally important to stop for anything because Declan Rice, his contract expires in six months, we don't win titles. this season is not going to renew for us, it was time to focus on the FA Cup, realistically the only trophy we can win this season, but look at our luck in one of the first rounds of the FA Cup that we brought to the Arsenal, this match is due or We die, we lose and we get knocked out Declan.Rice is gone next season, D4 will no longer be there, all to play against Arsenal, we won this game and we can believe that we will win the FA Cup or two angles of Ram, but managed to score a great goal from 10 one to zero. against Austin who ran again oh that special let's go to the new we could do it and yes we managed to knock Arsenal out of the FA Cup but now it's just the first hurdle but with the return of Harvey Barnes this team He started to believe Bobby.
Barnes is always quick, he's very quick and that's a phenomenal goal in the FA Cup, it really backs up Bobby Barnes, oh what an effort, it's absolutely brilliant to do that in the FA Cup, just sensational, so we get to the final of the FA Cup. against Man City, if we want to keep our club captain we have to somehow beat City, this was an FA Cup final, it started with both teams having chances at the spaghetti, yes a lovely bit of shimmies, still Paquetta tries something here, looking for Harvey Barnes has to do it. be it, he will not retire for Holland, this is bad, we are just about to clear, only this game was


towards the end, we had a chance for Ram, who will be the hero.
Jared Bowen, ball in and Skip back of all players, has barely had a job in the Italian is about to win one of the biggest trophies they have ever won against West Ham and yes, it is already done, we have just won the FA Cup with West Ham, he secured a trophy in our second season in the job and so we get to see Declan Rice lift a trophy for West Ham. This is emotional. This story is not over yet right after the finale. I get a message from Declan Rice Stuffer. You did. You built a team that is only one: the FA Cup.
I can't believe it this wouldn't be possible without you just as I promised I'm going to sign the contract but let's not stop here we're going for the premier league and even the champions league let's do this captain and like this We finish the season with Declan Rice signing on the lines of points and continuing as a West Ham player last season was something special. We managed to win the FA Cup with West Ham, but while we were fully focused on the FA Cup we couldn't really deliver. It's all in the Premier League and we finished fifth, but this season things are different, we have a full team, a solid team, death if we make some signings, I'm sure West Ham can compete for Premier League titles once once again.
Managing a club where the board is willing to give us all the money to make West Ham the best club in England, so 160 million to spend this season but honestly I'm really enjoying the team we've built and I feel like our team . "It is very complete but of course there is always room for improvement so I think this season the plan is to improve the depth of the team a little bit and bring in more players to compete if we can bring in a winger and a centre-back this season." We will have a full team of 22 players ready to fight for the Premier League, so for 46 million we signed a Brazilian winger, Raffinia, from Barcelona.
He is the type of player who will bring some flair to this team. It definitely feels like adding Raffinia gives us an incredible amount of squad there, but even after the brilliance of Raffinia we are left with 110 million and although I was thinking that we don't really need to improve our first team, I had an idea and for 90 million we do our most expensive glitter yet. Christian Romero to win the Premier League we need Radiance Defenders who have won trophies. Meadow won both the World Cup and the Copa América, he knows how to win and that's why we hired him and the real question is what changes are we going to make?
We have done enough to become a Premier League winning club. The good thing is that our new signings fit perfectly. Christian Romero was a real rock at the back and he greatly improved our team in defense. Rafini, on the other hand, was providing great support. He a little flair for the team, making fake shots inside the charming team and getting the goal from him. The Brazilian player is now in this team, so in the middle of the season we were really in the fight for the title. There are three points from Manchester City and one point from Manchester.
United, who are looking to be our rival for the title for the season, in the second half of the season we now have the opportunity to improve the team, bring in some reinforcements for which there are 14 million left. I don't think there's much we can do and to be honest, with the team working so well, do we even want to make changes? No, I think we will stay with this team and do everything we can to win the Premier League to win the Premier League with West Ham, what we have to do is Very clear, we need to beat both Manchester United and Man City if we can do this.
I think we will be champions of England and first we have Manchester United. Jared Bowen has broken through for once. Bowen looks to play this one in place of Paquette. next minute 70 we take the lead against Manchester United as things stand, we are going to cross our first hurdle to beat United Barnes oh, that's a lovely finish, what a touch from Harvey Barnes and voila, it looks like we are going to win. Man United and that is exactly what happens, we have overcome our first obstacle, now only Manchester City remains because we were completely focused on the Premier League, we let other competitions be shuffled, we lost the card battle, the Cup final against Man City was eliminated in the FA Cup.
In the semi-finals it is also the same with the Europa League, so we have sacrificed everything this season for the Premier League title. If we beat Manchester City tonight at home we will be champions of England. Jared Bowen Jared Bowen Jared Bowen, my goodness, what a run and what a goal on the big stage. Aaron Bowen scored the goal that would potentially win us. The Premier League is starting to kill the game again. It's Jared Bowman and he's done. We will end up winning the Premier. League, what an achievement for West Ham and yes, we did it.
West Ham are the winners of the Premier League. He was an easy man. Look how close it was against Man City, which made that win against them even more important. The man who scored his goals against Man City Jared Bowen ended up being our player of the season, we have now turned West Ham into the best club in England, maybe it's time to relax a little but just when I had that thought we received a call from the board of directors, yes, Sid, we have won. the Premier League I can't believe it, I know this is crazy, but let's not stop here, the momentum is with us, let's go for the Champions League next season, that's ambitious, let's see what happens, we are now in our fourth season with West Ham and we have really built a team that can maybe go all the way in the Champions League, that should be our goal now that we are winners of the Premier League and with the backing of the board of directors of 194 million, it seems that we can make a superstar signing that could instantly become US Champions League contenders and that shining superstar is Raphael Leia, if we can somehow follow this up I will be just ridiculous and start negotiations with AC Milan starting with an offer of 130 million which, by the way, I didn't agree with, but they counterattacked with 139.6 and there was no way I was going to let this go.
The most expensive transfer in West Ham history is about to happen. Convincing Raphael about our project was the easy part. He wanted to join a winning Premier League. Club, that's the difference, we now have the drive to attract the best talent, he is our first shining superstar. Rafael Leo, welcome to West Ham. It's time to start our journey through the Champions League. Question about West Hampshire in our first Champions League match. Could a player be the man who took us to the Champions League final this season? We had brought a really difficult Champions League group, we had Bayern and Ayaks, but with this brilliance from Raphael our team was different.
Raphael opened space once again from the left wing. position and make the pose this time against Bayern Munich and he is also doing the brave thing and showing me that he managed to top our Champions League group. The fact that we did it with Bayern Munich is huge, but now the serious business is about to begin. In the Champions League round of 16 playoffs we tied with Sporting and if I'm honest with the team we had, we managed to make this work with Sporting eliminated, it was time for the Champions League quarterfinals, but we get the toughest draw possible, that's right PSG, we will face Killian Mbappé for the first time, although this seems like a daunting task, it is also an opportunity, we eliminate PSG, we make a statement, Rafael presents what a beautiful ball for skin marker and that's a brilliant finish from the Italian, the new Rafael has managed to break through cleverly see the cut in skimaka again he's tuning in against PSG this could be a special night in Paris oh PSG have been left completely exposed as Leo tries to retreat outside because was in a hat brick skip Frame 3 8 history a heartbreak in the Champions League is surely over for PSG and yes, we created history by eliminating PSG, now it's time for the semi-finals and I think we just reached The most draw easy in the history of the football club Brugge was no match for us and that's why we did it with West Ham in the Champions League final at Four Seasons.
We had them on the verge of being the best club in the world before playing. In the finals, let's see how we did in all the other competitions. The focus was mainly on the Champions League, so that affected our Premier League season, but hey, we still finished second, got a community badge and the FA Cup and it all depends on it. I want to make West Ham the best club in the world and these players deserve it. Jared Bowen with another ridiculous season. Schumacher also the design has been a tremendous signing. We have to do it for them just when everyone was preparing for the Champions League final in the locker room. room Declan Rice approached me Hello boss, remember that two years ago I was about to leave this club, but you convinced me to stay, you showed me that Westhampton became the best lover in the world, although we are together on the verge of achieving it.
I know Declan, this is crazy, but we're not here and a big part of this has to be you and the Club Captain, you've let the team get to this point. I'm glad I decided to stay, but the work is not done yet together let's make West Ham the best in the world let's do it and here we go The West Ham final The peak a chance at eternal glory Champions League final against Barcelona The Champions League final started intensely with both teams having scoring opportunities, but as the half progresses, Barcelona will get better and better and just before half-time they reach the first floor.
It's half-time, guys, one to zero. Ah, we can't lose a Champions League final after everything we've built. We had to produce something special, there was no way we were leaving this stadium empty-handed in the second half, we gave it our all. Oscar Maka got in behind with the volley, oh that's a brilliant shot, come on, we're back at it, but even Barcelona. We weren't about to give up when they scored the next goal to take the lead. We now have only 14 minutes to score. Otherwise, our dream is over, but just as you thought it was all over.
West spawn throws a water ball for paquetta squaring this one for Leo, oh my God, Barcelona's defense is missing Redville, since we achieved the tie in the end, there are only five minutes left plus added time, whoever scores the next goal, will It's over, they're winning the Champions League, it can only be us. Tired legs for Barcelona when Rafael breaks through and scores in the 90th minute. We havecrushed Cloud. Race our dreams when West Ham become Champions League winners. The most dramatic part of Wiz is over. We just won the Champions League and that was it. guys, literally the last shot of the game we just made.
West Ham is not the best club in England, but the best love in the entire world. Look at the celebrations guys, what a project this was. West Ham came from 18th place in the Premier League the Premier League winners and now also Champions League winners, if you enjoyed this trip with West Ham I'm sure you will enjoy me, take a trip to Spain and Valencia, make click somewhere here to see it.

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