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100 Illegal Houses In Minecraft!

Jul 04, 2024
left. This legal base is almost as hot as our merchandise okay, okay, let's go chase the ring, you'll get an Ender pearl, that's it, this is probably our biggest base, okay, let me inspect everything, okay, okay okay, let me, I just need to take all this, oh, oh, he sees something, oh. he's hot oh you're hot but no no no no no no no more TNT for you we're fine, yeah, no more TNT for me Chase, you're hot right now wa second oh wait a second wait before you throw that Pearl all I'm I'm going to say: Choose wisely, what's right, so it's your eye, your other eye, your eye or your mouth, remember?
100 illegal houses in minecraft
I just told you I have to get glasses. What is this? Who wants to be a millionaire? God, okay, which eye is a? good eye which one do you remember which eye of mine is bad ok and this is not the left one try it try it maybe next time you will pay me better attention if I give you a good grade can I? Join you, yeah, uh, five, well, I'm definitely not letting you in now, that's a terrible rating. Your mind probably doesn't think of bees coming first to protect your legal home, but they are a perfect mob to protect your home.
100 illegal houses in minecraft

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100 illegal houses in minecraft...

The trick is that when you step on these pressure plates the bees below will activate, but if you stay calm and don't hit the bees they won't actually attack you, however I have a feeling that when you walk into a house with a lot of bees. You'll probably want to fight back because you're going crazy. This is pretty easy. I chase you saying that it makes me feel like I need to avoid something. I have used something


ly inside this house, but depending on how you interact with it it will be


or not illegal. You are getting me nervous. just get in just get in look just I'm going to touch it I'll get in with you come on no no 3 2 1 come on come on oh God oh they're waiting they're aggressive PR passed the challenge what's that, oh why would you hit my fly, not the Beast?
100 illegal houses in minecraft
Hey, chase, it just has to be you, but not We Wrong Channel. Now you can rate the house just for the effort. I'll give you a 7.9 if you attach it. From Redstone to elcon you can make a hidden room open, but only after you reach the last page of the Reader and get bonus points, if you put something really boring inside, I'll let you see what that is once Chase figures it out. was our favorite commercial on YouTube growing up Chase uh Ty Lopez oh knowledge knowledge that's your head okay so candles what is why is there no knowledge in the candle?
100 illegal houses in minecraft
Well, no, no, because you light a candle when you need to have enough light to read to read H, is it up here? Don't lecture me, what? Oh listen, if I read that book, it will put me in a strange place, no, it's not just reading the book, it's beautiful, being a Jerry Seinfeld movie, narrator, black screen with text. the sound of oh come on she's going to read what I made a mistake I made a mistake there is no way to the last page like in the middle last that last page whoa don't forget to like and subscribe wait what is this wait yes wait PR You can stand right here, uh, where right here for me, real quick, yeah, I can, why okay, here we go, hey, ah, damn, hey, you're trying to choke me, Preston, you're not going to like my rating for This, okay, that's all?
That's it, I'm locking you in there, you can come out when you read the entire script. Okay, I'll give this one one because everyone's going to turn to the last page. It's a great movie, these three


look very normal, but what? If I told you he was completely indestructible, let's be honest, we know how much Chase loves his TNT. If you water all the leaves this way and put water on the roof, then no one will be able to blow up your base. I don't care how big his TNT is. the cannon or the amount of TNT they have, they won't go in and in case they try to mine The Treehouse, I have a surprise for them, okay?
Chase, what items do you have now? Do you only have one TNT? Oh finally. that's right baby, I'm actually giving you the option to blow this up, wait, you didn't even look at the house before turning on the TNT, oh god, wait, this is impenetrable, oh friend, yeah, that's right, you can't impregnate this house. uh look at me okay he's going to a TNT oh it looks like nothing happened buddy maybe you're losing the edge with your TNT friend oh he's going to the top oh very much this one is good P oh , he goes from the bottom, okay, okay, I like this. this is going to work oh wait there's a hive this is also a trap everything I'm going to break it I'm going to break it I'm going to break it oh wait that's not going to work what the hell are you trying buddy are you trying okay this is it oh Preston, okay, okay, oh , what is this, this is this, let me go in and see, yeah, oh, you kind of walk in and they shoot me with a laser and then, oh, I'm still not at what now Chase, have you tried?
Maybe use a pickaxe to get in, that might work, you didn't give me a pickaxe, well come here, okay, wait, I didn't try this, okay, okay, mining, yeah, I didn't count, oh, it didn't work like I was supposed to do it. there's a command block every time you draw the blades that summons crazy TNT so it's not vanilla zero out of 10 base terrible you should probably be arrested for how legally stupid this is this is ridiculous dude 0 out of 10 brother, leave the base alone. I saved the best for last, this is the House of Death, a house so impossible to find that your friend wouldn't find it in a million years because the way you enter this house is that you actually have to die like gentlemen, this is the most illegal house. that we created and everything is vanilla, so look, set your spawn point here, press the button here so this locks the spawn point, so if I died right now, for example, I wouldn't be able to respawn here. because my bed is clogged which is what makes this house so good but if we wait 30 seconds the pistons will retract and the bed will no longer be clogged yeah everyone wait Chase are you above base ?
Yeah, I'm fine, good luck getting in. Dude, this base is impenetrable, it's surrounded by Bedrock deep in the darkest area of ​​Minecraft. Can we make a bet? I'll even tell you which one this Bas is. The only way to get in is if you somehow set your spawn point within which I didn't do it because well, you couldn't have done it. The only way I could have done it is to work with the server and we know the server doesn't like me so no, not at all, so good luck getting in here buddy, can we make a bet, yeah, okay, what's the bet?
If I enter the house they will ban you from the server, so if you enter the house they will ban me, but if you don't enter the house they will ban me. I'll call it off, that's a good bet, okay, let me, oh man, I don't know how to do this. Execute order 66, activate, yes, wait, how did you say you are the spawn point here? Preston, I made peace with the server, wait, the server bans me before it kills me, oh. oh Preston, don't come out, come on baby, fight illegal with illegal

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