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Guess The Player, Buy Them

Jul 01, 2024
I am going to be a guest of a footballer to build my FC24 team, which I will then have to use in a competitive game and if I lose, there will be discards, expensive discards. I will show the club's nation and shirt number, and if I can. Guess the


correctly. I can add his best card in fc24 to my team, but if I make a mistake, I have to use his base card first. Bay Munich, English, number nine. Harry Kane, that's easy, perfect. His best card in FC 24 is his team. season 97, rate me, come on, this is amazing news because if I lose the game at the end, I will be discarding one of these very expensive


s for every goal I lose, but there is another twist that I will tell you about in a minute.
guess the player buy them
Leipzig has to be Simmons right M Javi Simmons Simons has to be it, he's the only Dutch leig player I can think of now that I have the highest rated card of him. I'm pretty sure it's an SBC I recently did there, he's only 95 ranked getting on the team I wouldn't have liked to have taken his base card because his base card sucks, let's go through the top 11 and the substitutes, all good, next a Ki has to be a Ki it can't be just any Otherwise, true Ki, I have a separate challenge for you. Can you top me?
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guess the player buy them...

What is your best card in the game? Ooh, a Showdown Plus card rated 90. Clearly I didn't do it, aangi. I actually have to use their base card, that's a scam. I wonder if Cristiano, of course he does, I don't even need to look at his best card is his 96th team of the season, 3.5 million coins, he is a monster soie, so who cares, get in front with Harry Kane, look at this partnership. cross this like cross kundai it has to be kundai he is the only French defender in Barcelona. I can think of kundai thanks. I'm going to start adding his team of the season card now because you know I didn't recognize him so for a minute you know how much I love this kund card right, it's beautiful I don't want oh rudiger has a red card Naughty Boy kundai welcome to the team yeah, actually we have a good central defender, I'm a little worried that there won't be a goalkeeper in this oh this


is making me thirsty I'm into the taste of lime because it's summer it's nice and refreshing that's not Kevin De bruyne it's it's de bruyne it's him 22 no it's not uh no it's not de bruyne it's do I can't believe it I just can't think of any belg oh that's so frustrating oh he also has a 97 rated card I'm pretty sure that Dooku's base card might even be silver, that's not what dreams are made of, right? there, although he has 91 pace, remember that turn I mentioned before, well, here every time I make a mistake, his player Bas has to be in my starting 11.
guess the player buy them
The other bad news is that discards are not on the base cards. the discards are on the best card of all, which means I have the 3 million coin doku rated 97 on the line, which means I already have 7.8 million coins on the line. I just realized that these are also Euro 24 players, no wonder, uh. ooh, so that's the number eight for the country, it has to be Tony Cru, right, no, he wears six, right?, no, he wears eight, so this is a shirt number for his country, not his club. It's fair enough now that he has a 97 rated card. but correct me if I'm wrong.
guess the player buy them
I'm pretty sure that's a goal. Yes, I only have 33,000 points to get it, so I think it will be a difficult pass. Their best card I can buy is a 94 path to the final. I love it. You can't actually see the trophy because you can only see the gold on the inside of the trophy, but it is a wonderful card. I think so, it's five stars, five stars, it's dirty. 1.1 million, welcome to the team. Mr Cru Bayern Munich Dutch is that one. Matson or Marlon maton maton has to be maton left back I need left back come on maton his best card in the game is this 90 rated Fantasy FC card which is actually still a decent car it only has two playstyles but I'm not going to reproach him for that if I understand this correctly you will subscribe to the slai channel he is the only Hungarian in Liverpool right slai subscribe right now he has a road to glory card or something like that, right?
I also got his name right, he has this Make Your Mark Plus card, beautiful card. I'm 99% sure it was an SBC that could still be an SBC, yes there it is, we should do it. I think we should be SBC, welcome to the team unfortunately only one bank at the moment because doku has to stay twist number 10 TST number 10 plunger oh that's so annoying. I would have happily taken the best card from him in the game. I have to buy this base 49, don't forget it when we get there. to rule out your team of the season us on the line raspadori that none of you got that sorry but you just didn't oh no just none of these guys have to go to the bench har Kane You're going to have to go to the bench, mate , he doesn't even have a special card anyway, but at least if I do it right, I wouldn't have to use this 78 rating on my first team, oh cool yeah, buy it for 450 Co yeah F yeah awesome yeah cool luckily the monster sui Javi Simons and Tony Cruz are going to carry these three guys on their backs by the way they don't allow me any substitute until the 60th minute nine brucia Dortmund layma Sait and I I loved it, do you know why I would have loved it?
Let me tell you about Sabit, who plays for Dortmund, didn't you know he has this 96? Look at his statistics, unfortunately, I have to use a toiter with a rating of 80 and he has to replace tony cro but he is 96 he is still the one subject to discards is that pedri do you think that pedri has to be pedri I am saying pedri your M is fine Please tell me it's not in FIFA guys so I have to go back to the German 10 for Dortmund musala, it has to be musala, doesn't it? Oh my word, literally all I wanted to say was Thomas Müller.
I'm waiting for the players to sell, so I don't have the coins for your team. the season, so we're going to take honorable mentions to the team of the year. Anyway, he's at the bank because I have these beautiful cards. I have to win a game with this. I need a little more water before this question. Thanks to Aire Above, this is my third water refill of the day. The Turkish number 10 has to be Kalahan and Ogo, right, Kalahan Ogo, yes, but he is not a right back or a goalkeeper. I have his best card in the club, which has a rating of 94 as a team of the season.
It's a lovely card. I can tell you this guys, he's going to come on in the 60th minute. Mark for one of these guys. Look, there aren't four left desperate for a goalkeeper, if we get a goalkeeper. Subscribe, yes, and like the video. be sauce M, isn't it? It has to be Scott Momin, it's M. Now Scotland are out of the Euros and I know they have a road to glory card that hasn't been upgraded because they didn't do very well, oh actually yes. They in the club and M Fuente joins the teams. I don't think they will put goalkeepers because he will only be number one and it's too easy, right, that's Orban, it has to be Orban, right, Leig Auburn, his best card is.
Fantasy FC and I actually have that in the club. I'm not going to leave him on the bench. In fact, I'm going to play him at right back for now and I need a goalkeeper. I really don't think he's going to do it. get one oh oh that's um VAR varell VAR a Shell v v a Shell you know what I was trying to say oh come on I mean it doesn't really help things does it do it even though it has a beautiful path to the glory with a rating of 99 pce and 95? card, he'll just sit on the bench, please, next goalie, Robert Leowski, yeah, okay, you know, I'm going to take this as a sign, yeah, Levendowski should be a team of the season goalie.
Levendowski rated 95 goes. to be my goalkeeper, I just realized that I don't have to keep a can in the team because I understood it well, so Aubin is going to be the center back and Kaho is going to come back and that is a team that I need to try and win without substitutions until the 60th minute if I lose all the goals I lose by will be a random discard in the team, but remember that it is their best versions that are at stake, which means I have 10 and a half million coins at stake. I'm scared to think how good his team is going to be.
Oh, I assure you, he's still much better than M. You're not scoring for Le. Oh yeah, I have Leowski and the goal. Yeah, you can score from there, buddy. I forgot it. I have Leowski and. goal, oh my God, he is, I told you he is a goalkeeper. King Leowski, please defend this if I lose this header, it's the curtain. I told you, oh, I totally forgot. I have a goal, it goes to the 60th minute, that's what I'm saying. Well done. no no no no no no no no worth two discard yes good boom thank you that's why it's called a monster suie Ru oh that's beautiful doku oh oh a chisti M the only problem with drinking so much water is that you need a wig I I'm desperate, I'm literally Desperate, right, gotta go, oh my days, I didn't concede, I did concede, how am I down 3-2?
Minute 60 Minute 60 the boys are coming Boom we're ready oh you're not going to do it you know, we're going to hit you buddy, go there, go there, the Super Subs oh no, leowski leowski, it's not over yet, come on VA no, don't you dare, Don't you dare, big tackle, big tackle, big tackle Mason, no, no, no, no, I'm facing a discard the players are numbered Echo give me a random number between 1 and 18 here's a number between 1 and 18 it's 18 VAR that's a 400,000 coin card I have to discard it and you have to like the video and subscribe to the channel like I do it's fair and you want to see me build a team around that verts card using a random wheel just click on this one.

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