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I Reacted to Fan Made Gacha Life was a MISTAKE

May 29, 2021
no, that's a damn image, oh hell, so it's been a while since I


to fan


gotcha stories, but I recently came across an interesting genre of fan


gotcha stories, that use my audio or video as part of the cheating story it's like they made an animation around my audio or video and I'm living for it so this first one was made by Mike Scrub and it's like a year and a half ago but it's amazing it's basically like an animation, but in the gotcha animated style and features Bijou Mike, these you, my eyes are so ugly, what did I say, I beat you.
i reacted to fan made gacha life videos it was a mistake
Mike's eyes are so ugly, these you, my eyes are so ugly, I'm so weak, baby, I'm sending you home. for the rest of the day oh I'll have to take responsibility for this you're free to leave what worked wake up ugly ooh I have a plan I'm so bad at beating you riding a bike this oh oh what's the plan oh my god what's the plan ? What's the plan? We are nurses. Congratulations, you are devastating. Well, I stabbed you with an injection. That means you are pregnant. This is how we do it. That's how we found out that I'm a real doctor.
i reacted to fan made gacha life videos it was a mistake

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i reacted to fan made gacha life videos it was a mistake...

What's going on? We're getting divorced. I'm taking Lauren with me. No one, please, that was the fastest. Well, shut up, you stupid spoiled brat. You act like a baby. To be continue. What did I just watch? Oh my god, my brain hurts. What's good with the next one? It's from Vampire Gotcha and it's Scott and I Hi guys, welcome to the strangest Gotcha. You would never see clearly this person didn't see the last Gotcha that was just seen and that person is Lauren, oh my God, and you don't even say. Hello what's going on? Oh, Lizzie, we're talking, oh, they need it.
i reacted to fan made gacha life videos it was a mistake
Hey guys, date that loser. I saw him when I was walking here, so I walked with him and he walks very slowly. All these


are just me being super mean to my friends, oh no, Lauren, he's your friend, he's a pretty face in my own time. I'm so bad. I'll deal with this anyway. I need to make a video. I want to do it with me. You are so bad. Bored, well, I have to go. Look, it's Cassie and J, oh my god, so many YouTubers, oh, oh, oh, Lauren, are you going to skip now that we have a day off from school?
i reacted to fan made gacha life videos it was a mistake
Come out and I'm here with my friends, look at it there, they're there, that's all for now, so I'll see you guys later. Thanks for helping. So what did we do in the park? I wanted. Oh yeah, well, I have to go. Yes, say goodbye, what did we do in the park? You need the teacher to wait, can I come? I need to make a video, well I guess, apparently everyone thinks I'm mean to all my friends and I just want to film


often. Me, that's me in real


, I'm busy, yeah, same thing. Wow, they shut us down, well video, I want to film Gacha, oh god, they have a problem about me reacting together, but oh my god, it's like Inception, it's a problem about our reaction. gacho i'm reacting to a trap about us reacting to traps oh my god it's happened that the world is falling apart wait is this Lauren's phone Oh Bobby is calling his tongue what a great impression Lauren is so ugly oh I know right oh no nothing escapes Luke's own personality is a dish Know me who you are Lauren you're acting weirder than normal you're just scared of me yes yes I'm fine so this video is from mo Chait mo chat and it's the fun side of Lauren moments by what got nervous are you nervous oh you're not nervous but a lot of these actions I'm a bit of a slut yeah let's try to set it up Sharon you're kind of like Scotty Karcher guys you're mine hello I'm your Milton? your friend that's amazing one against two puppy three oh no, we have the milk, we have the little tail no, you had such a beautiful and majestic tail oh, it seems that you had an accident, now it seems that his butt does not know who is what.
Damn I forgot about that just all cool gray gray gray I'm using cool oh my god no but hello query okay so this one for that I let strangers edit me challenge someone took that video and put me In a gotcha story, look oh, hey, right? I don't see you there, who knew what to do with my hands. Oh, I knocked her off the ledge being creepy being creepy. I'm so scared you should oh hey I have this store downtown why kidnap someone? Come to Lauren's house. I love that person. I kidnapped us in I'm boring, better ha, it's true, very true, she is the best hot dogs, oh my God, the texture of her like a country character, oh my God, texture, do you understand?
I can't be surprised at what happens to her eyes. This is my favorite joke. by Lauren heck I'm playing my favorite game destiny oh no an alien behind me yes I have it oh my God my dear friend your cakes made with present very dear Oh God she's running away from me smart she's hiding in a tree for me I Me They had surgery to have a new face, I feel a little self-conscious, can you let me know if it's okay? Okay, what's okay? And lastly, I've seen this video floating around a lot on my homepage, but I haven't actually seen it yet. and a fan didn't do it, Mike did it, I understand you.
The thumbnail of this video always horrified me so let's see what the hell I did. Oh, hey guys, I'm from Lauren's side. I'm getting a makeover. I really need Lauren to say "yes you." I'm looking at this, just carry on, okay, it'll make sense, nothing personal, how dare you. I'm so offended, not really, but because of the video, I'm offended. You see, this youtuber got you, Mike, he is so handsome and we. I'm going to apply some of his techniques on my face, right? Mike has you now, hey, you called, oh my god, please teach more employees that way, I can get subscribers like you have your good hands, it will be impossible to force you. as beautiful as me, but I guess we'll try, I can't do it, I got you, Mike, come on, let's do this, that's right, you heard Lauren, she was looking at this, a tattoo you regret.
Oh slap me please, new profile. image, I hope it is, the sad part is that it isn't yet, since this bag is mine, no, it's a damn image. Wow, it got to Mike, thanks for making me beautiful, it was just as freaking amazing as I thought it would be, good job, I got you. Mike, hopefully, I don't even know where to go from here, so I'm going to finish it. Make sure you leave a like or else this Lauren that Mike made will haunt your nightmares tonight, so make sure you like this video. avoid that somehow subscribe if you are new to the channel and hit the notification bell so I don't miss out on the guy who is now YouTube and as always I will see you soon oh my goodness.

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