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ALLERGIC TO FOOD?! | Weird Gacha Studio Story Reaction

Jun 02, 2021
Wow, how are you going to live? No, it can't have been years and now he's eight years old and he's somehow survived without eating for eight years. This is a win or done


. Hello guys, welcome to another Gacha


that you really liked. the last one in my


s to the last one, so I'll stick with them until you don't want them anymore because I enjoyed making them and seeing what kind of stories people come up with, especially the


ones that lead us. to today's story




goes to not


surprised emoji face episode 1 I think there are only three episodes of this series I don't think it's finished, we could probably watch them all in this video at least I have no idea what I'm getting into in this, some of these have amazing titles and I just need to always check out the


ones, you guys already know me, let's get into it.
allergic to food weird gacha studio story reaction
Hello, my name is Ellie, I am the


allergic girl my parents love me even though I am allergic to food my dad is the best because he is funny my mom really loved me she always protects me let's call her Ellie I love mom Ed, Excuse me, yes, your daughter is allergic to food. How is she going to live? No, I can't be surprised. Sorry, you're late. I hope, I think they mean years later, I just want to make sure we're all on the same page. Years have passed and she is now eight years old. she has somehow survived without food for eight years.
allergic to food weird gacha studio story reaction

More Interesting Facts About,

allergic to food weird gacha studio story reaction...

I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Oh, she's okay, okay, take a shower. I really need to go to the bathroom. What boy, push? Oh, dad, disgusting, I can finally go out, mom, dad. for breakfast mom dad, but what's up? I did it wrong? No, no, it's just that you're allergic to what, oh my god, wait a minute. Do you have this conversation? And just one morning she came down and said, What's for breakfast? oh baby, oh baby, oh sweet baby, a joke, oh, you keep forgetting that you've never eaten food in your life and you keep thinking that you choose, you will have food, but you will never have it.
allergic to food weird gacha studio story reaction
This is a wedding story or ready, let's talk about it tomorrow let's go and promise to feed ourselves, not to eat food at school, but I'm hungry, I know you're hungry, but I'll think about it, okay, okay, I promise, okay, let's go, bye , have a great day, darling. She's just in a constant state of hunger, that sounds horrible, this is a horror movie at school, oh my god, are we going to princess school? I want to be a princess, can't I be a princess? because I can't eat food because I'm allergic to food and We will always be in a constant state of starving.
allergic to food weird gacha studio story reaction
Okay, we're here. Thanks Dad. No problem. Bye, have a great day. Goodbye, hey, hey, pretty eyes, diamond eyes. 'cause I'm Diamond Eyes, you guys are just jealous, you all are just jealous, oh, oh, no, oh God, oh no, I only have eight girls, let's get in our Lambo, oh wait, that's not our Lambo, who hell is it? Let me help her, Eric, she will. Pay up, it's our lying on the floor oh, I'll call his parents and thank you, okay, and call me if he wakes up, you can go now, let me call his parents real quick, by the way, nurse, what are you wearing, what are you doing? , girl, hello, this is it.
Elly's parents yeah, wait, I thought she was the nurse. Your daughter is hurt. They harassed her a lot and one of her new students saw her lying on the ground. Sorry, we can't help you. How can someone do this to my daughter? No, honey, it's about our daughter, she was bullied, why is everyone looking at me like that purple girl? She looks at me like a disgusting senpai. I don't like them, she wait a minute. She seems like a totally different person than what she went through. hair that was a different outfit what's going on girls Oh No oh they're going to hit me again Oh Peter carried me on his back thank God really eight she's so pretty boy you're eight you know where why you know where I live sir Yes, Ellie, Thank you very much, no problem and he is clearly rich with his new Lambo.
Okay, they are also preparing, right? Mom, I promise you that mom will make you pretty. Sorry Ellie, love you guys, the next day dad my face is a mess. Who thought an eight year old on a budget could do this to me? Oh my god, yes, bath time, best time, totally necessary for the story, put this in my head, but why is it happening? Well, oh, I like her outfit, why are you so happy? Well let's go to the dance, yeah I can relate to this and I have a new car, yeah what's wrong with your other car?
Come in guys, the other car was a convertible dad, what is this? A Prius at the mall, people, model worker, hello, welcome. to makeover Beauty hello my daughter needs a makeover so over there please over here she doesn't need a makeover she needs a new eyeball. Oh, something bad has happened to her real eyeball, go see the doctor. She was also eight years old, why is she giving him? an eight year old girl a makeover none of this makes sense so how is she still alive her? she hasn't eaten anything at eight years old she should be dead oh she's a paint brush oh my god and her eyes please fix our daughter's two destroyed perfect beautiful eyes before you go here heal oh my god she is a genius, not only was she able to instantly turn my eyes back to normal and change my hair color, but she can also cure who these magical beings are by the way your hair will grow in two. days because I'm using my power, she would have something special for you, really, yeah, oh, cars, get up, whoa, oh my god, I like what, but how do you think?
Okay, first of all, I'm in shock, second of all, I want to cry and I have a new iPhone 7, yes, my God, because if she was a superhero squad, they were like what's your power. I can make people become incredibly beautiful. Plus, you'll get an iPhone 7. I know you're allergic to food, but you're not anymore. because I can read minds and I can change people's lives, am I really allergic to food? Bomb dad, yeah, we don't want to hurt your feelings, so we brought you here. This girl is actually your sister. They like to throw in a random plot twist on these. stories huh what part two 10k views please well she got a million so we moved on from part two of the greatest story ever told sister yeah I was going to say they look alike I miss you , I always wanted this, yeah, anything for my little sister, hey, baby, oil.
She waits a minute, her knees are oiled. Oh, a concealer boy, not this again. You better not be dating my daughter. I am her boyfriend. Old lady, how dare you wear sandals? Oh, she hit him. You are smelling. Take a shower before she hits you. this is okay this is okay I'm sorry see what's happening okay Ally why do you have boyfriends okay I'll tell you better tell me young lady it all started when mom went out with friends okay and remember I don't want you to have a boyfriend Is your mom a ghost ray too floating, come on girl, come in, did you steal your dad's car or something?
No, I'm still my mother's car, why, although I don't know, by the way, I have a new boyfriend, you don't either, why. I don't know, maybe I can get you one, no thanks, maybe you can use the welcome block to the restaurant, ladies, how can I help you sit down for us? Please, okay, lie down here, please, can I bring you food or drinks? a Starbucks then OMG this story is literally melting my brain as I read it bad grammar, spelling and plot and it's everything I ever wanted. There is no Starbucks in our restaurant. Can I know what the hell is wrong with you?
Ladies, well, I'd bring you some drinks and food, thanks, but what is Apple? It's a dating app. You should really try it, yes, you can have my handsome boyfriend, but be careful, an old man can catch you. I can really expose them. yeah sure and download the app let me help you log in. Well, I write your name and the age you are on your birthday and that's it. Okay, sign him up and pick up your boyfriend. Wow, I like this one better with him, but don't forget your profile picture let me add one fact, oh my God, it exists, oh my God, he said.
So what are you waiting for? It takes him back to Wow, you see that's cute, oh, you blush, yes, the food is ready, you're crazy, let's go. alley to Starbucks, okay, wait Mrs. Cho, you got the food from him. I don't care, you must pay. What is happening is a long story. You know, it was also the worst reunion story I've ever heard. It hurts much. You should continue, uh, yeah. We're grounded, let's go home, but wait, where did the chair go? Whatever at home, baby, it's time for bed, your sister is already asleep, okay guys, why do you have to wear this? because these are my pajamas, wear these there, my husband is dead and now I.
I am the body of the Dragon, what part three, twelve use of the cloak, please, she got seven hundred thousand, hooray, the next day, does she look older? Mom, why did you pack all my things? We moved out of her old house with a new house and packed up. your other things but what do I need to get ready oh my god oh my god look at my clothes my favorite watch in the bag here of course my headphones and I don't know what this is in the bag um what else my phone in the bag I think I'm ready that's it everything you wanted we will miss you old room I'm going to ruin your photo oh this photo is so ugly wait what oh can you stop laughing you've ruined my photo can you?
Stop taking selfies and help me, huh? Are you ready? Wow, what a classy parent duo, seriously, up there they go, wow, what a happy family. many rooms calm down we have a surprise for you too look over there there is nothing wait for it oh my god you got us a puppy it's okay honey it's a puppy I'm so happy I always wanted a dog licks wow oh my god it's cute and pink and everything is fine Ally Come on, get up, I never knew this was going to happen now, this is our dog, wait, I need to check my room on my knees, guys, let's go see this house, that dog looks dead inside, look, okay, come on, Wow. own room okay, that's enough, now let's put all my things, is it that important to the story here? okay, she's unpacking, she's in okay, they moved house, why was it such a big deal? um, I'm smelling, I have to go take a shower, of course I do.
Of course, every episode has had a shower scene, mom, where the hell is the bathroom, how about you go to the backyard? There's a beach, okay wait, you're telling me we don't have a bathroom, we go to the bathroom in the ocean, that's how much? you're telling me oh she's going to go to the bathroom Wow what do parents do who have a house by the beach too whale Pet I have money and you don't what's going on boom what's her hat I feel like I'm high okay every photo what I take must be ugly I can really help yeah give me your phone you're done here yeah let me see okay this looks good I'll send it but okay she got 2.7 million likes on her photo 2.7 thousand millions of likes don't even come close to that, what am I ugly?
I do, oh, who is that, oh, is it his boyfriend or is it someone else because I'm confused, hey sister, does he know what's going on? Can't he just not date anyone? What happened? grounded for two weeks Alli, we need to talk about this in private, come on young lady, I have a mental image of me oh yeah, oh my god, hey girl, uh, don't tell your daddy about this, you think I'm stupid, yeah, go dead. I think I'm going to be scared with a girl with a small ass. You better shut up if I beat your ass to be outdone.
Uh-oh, she slapped his butt. Pizza, oh she ate your pizza. I can't believe you kiss a boy and do this in front of your little sister I'm sorry, okay, let us get married, no, I can't marry you to him, tell your dad if he allows it, I've done it, I'm sorry, no, because it's the best, why part 420. use of gabe please this took me a long time to do. I have many questions. I don't think I'll continue this story, but it was the weirdness I was anticipating. My most important question of all the questions I have.
The title of this story is allergic. to food and we talked about it in one episode and then we never talked about it again, so she's allergic to food, but the story doesn't even revolve around the fact that she's allergic to food. What did I just read right? I hope my


s did that. Much more fun for you if you enjoyed it and made it this far, as always, make sure to leave a like before you go. If you have any stories you want me to read, be sure to leave them in the comments below. You may find some new ones, subscribe if you are new to the channel.
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