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PIPO | Scary Gachaverse Story Reaction

Jun 28, 2024
Give it back to me never oh oh oh don't worry pimple, you're safe now my people my lovely amazing Pippo well hello guys it's a creepy finger. Lauren's hands bring you my first horror


that I'm sure won't be very good. She's


and instead she'll just make me laugh, but that's just as good. I just discovered that horror and horror stories exist, so I decided to try the scariest sounding one I could find. Pipo Pipo, you got your first mini movie. I'm really excited about this, I'm really excited to see what Pippo is and I'm excited to be scared or just, you know, have some fun with more gotcha stories, like I normally do, so hold my hand here, hold on.
pipo scary gachaverse story reaction
Hold it hold it digitally hold it I'm going to hold your hand okay because this is going to be really creepy can I say hello my name is Ania when I was little I didn't have any friends okay well what are you talking about you're playing. In a robe with three other kids how do you say how do you say you don't have any friends? The teacher always tried to encourage me, do you want this toy? I don't know why the teacher sounds like that to make it creepier even though everything is wrong. super bright, colorful and happy, okay, so they are at school, although they are in a house, but they have a teacher, okay, she always gets the nice toys.
pipo scary gachaverse story reaction

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pipo scary gachaverse story reaction...

I'm going to go there and steal her toys, hey, Brett gave me your toys, why do you just give him? Me, your toys, idiot. No, oh how dare you? I'm going to get my, oh my god, she took all my toys, I'm literally dead inside, look at my face, she took every one of my toys, how dare you? Oh, get mad, oh, I am. getting angry well she took the Unicorn that is the best oh no oh no she is stopping the Unicorn passing by Ania stop they stole my toys why did you steal them she always gets nice toys well can you share how she is she still doesn't play with children I think she has autism this poor poor girl, so how was daycare?
pipo scary gachaverse story reaction
I'm going shopping, I want to make sure mmm, where is the toy store? Oh, he just missed the toys, a lot of toys, I found what I liked, honey, there you are. Mom, I need this toy, how much is $30, honey, that's too much, but, but Mom, it's pip, oh, look at her face? Money does not grow on trees. What is paper money? And where does the role of trees come from? Here daughter. You have to buy it from me now, just return it. I'll pay for it with my own money, honey, you only have $15, but I need it, I mean, look at it, it's pip, oh, it's so cute and not evil at all, okay, yeah, my mom is the best. yes I'm jumping for joy and love, Pipo Pipo is my new oh my god yes so what will you name him?
pipo scary gachaverse story reaction
Hmm, I think I'll name it in pip. Oh, what do you think is a great name? I was talking to pip, oh, by the way. He likes that name, let's go home, so do you like your new home, hippo, my love, I'm glad you like it, here's your lunch, honey, thanks mom, do you want some food, Pippo, okay, I want to go watch TV, well, how about we go out, okay? come on oh my god Pippo is talking to her I want to go to the slide if she wants to go to the slide that's okay, let's go Pippo and me or our best friends, you liked it and we loved it, I'm glad you liked it oh god.
God, it's moving, it's moving alone. I'm coming, mom, come on, Pippo, you played with him outside, yeah, you should go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow, okay, grab Pippo now, Pippo, don't look, don't be. a disgusting Pippo don't you dare look at me don't you dare look I'm cleaning up Pippo okay Pippo now I'm covering up can you look good night Pippo wake up darling good morning Pippo go get ready mom looks very worried wow, I look so pretty, my hair is longer, yes I wonder why I have no idea. Damn, Pippo did it, here's your food.
Thanks, he feeds Kay, takes a spoonful of whatever and just shoves it in her face and she's like I fed him, he's real. I'm definitely not going crazy, but nothing


has happened, uh, mom was just waiting in the car for some reason. GOODBYE MOM, goodbye, darling. Oh, her at school, oh no, don't touch her. Pippo, never give it back to me. oh oh oh oh, I hit her. Whoa, beat it, nerd, stop, I'll give her back, try it, she's like fighting again, sure, here's Pippo, here's her. Oh God, ah, she kicked him in the face, don't worry, pimple, your thief, now my Pippo, my lovely, amazing Pippo, and I love you so much.
Pippo well why is the teacher holding a knife in a hole witness what school is this teacher what's wrong with her Anaya beat up Himani show me oh my god take her to the nurse Anaya what's wrong why did you hurt the house Ani took my toy from me bye bye Pippo buy everything you can't hit someone just for a stupid toy oh no my face Oh Oh No Oh God Oh Oh I'm fainting How can you call Pippo stupid? He has feelings too. No Pippo, you're not stupid. She is. stupid for this I'm going to take away your hippopotamus toy touch your toe Peppa Peppa give it back to me Ania not until you behave well oh oh I stabbed her oh she did but I have my Pippo always fine I just got up and left the house with a bloody knife but at least I have my document, no one will expect this girl dressed all in pink, no one will suspect anything, what am I doing?
This seems a little sketchy, so apparently I just took the murder weapon and threw it into a very sketchy looking haunted lake. and let's pretend that no one has any idea what's going on hey do you know where mom is or even cans of spray paint? oh, thanks, thanks Pippo, hey mom, how did you get here? The teacher said we could go home, you should have waited. I'll come, I mean, yeah, that seems legit. The teacher told me a week ago. How did you know where she was? Pippo told me what. How do we go home?
Mom is very worried, very worried, she looks at the people in the back seat and says: I'm going to go. I'm going to have an ayah that you only wish for, so how was your day? I'm sure Pippo was with you. Mine too. Yes, you are the same day. Talk to Pippo, darling. He go get ready for bed. You don't want to be late for your first day. school, are you okay? wait the first day of school I thought we were just them they're what's going on what's the timeline also why am I still holding a can of spray paint stupid dog did you curse my daughter oh no oh no oh no oh god Pippo where this? him mommy yes Sonny hippo is gone look at his face don't worry honey we'll surely find him Oh God Oh pillows back Oh keep panting hippo I was so worried about you nabob why did you take him mommy just get out of my room? this is not your room this is the living room sorry Pippo we should go to bed now I love you Pippo you are mine Lord and Savior Pippo oh I wonder where my bed is 1 yes what's going on Pippo watches over me while I sleep darling I wake up I have I have to grab Pippo, here we go, am I really that angry?
Do you think she is better than me? Let's see how pretty she will be after her face is all bruised. Oh girls, don't come near me. I have Pippo close to me. I have Pippo close to me. You do not know what are you doing. You're messing with the girls behind her no, they were like no, don't go near that psycho Hi ugly, hi, why do you have a toy with you? Is it because you are alone and have no friends because no one loves you? that oh no, don't you dare raise your dirty dirty hands so that Pippo will never give it back oh oh oh, we scratched his face, stop it, please, I'll give it back to him, that's what I thought, come on, Pippo, we have to tell them. the teacher hello mom don't say hello to me young lady wait a minute what happened to the person who was stabbed why doesn't anyone know that there is a dead teacher in the daycare or whatever I got a call from your teacher saying that you heard a student those days what did you do that he stole my toy did you listen to a student just for that stupid toy only a creature with two brain cells would think of doing that what mom Savage stop peeing your eyes right now stop peeing your eyes this is what I've never done I've heard that as a term for crying it's disgusting and scary at the same time.
You are not the victim here. I'm so embarrassed with you. You're lucky there are no witnesses here, but you will be. so dead when you arrive Oh at home stupid pet teachers those had to give me away Oh God I feel like we're going to murder the mother eh where are we what? I don't remember this street why the car stopped mom please calm down Ania We are in the middle of nowhere, how can we calm down? I'll go get food and water. Wait here, literally, you've probably been driving for half an hour instead of trying to get the car to move or figure out where you are.
I need to go get food and water before we starve, hey, you want to show me something, okay? Oh no, oh God, where are we? What do you want to show me? Pippo, I love you so much, Pippo, demon puppy, Pippo, oh my God, oh my God. Oh my god, Pippo's eyes, the laser beams coming out of his mouth are a star of Satan, what do you want in? Well, where am I? Pippo, what are you, my God, oh these dogs, what are these things? Who are they? They are your friends. Okay, but why am I here?
I will become a god. What are you talking about? I murdered someone. Wow, Pippo, what are you doing? Oh my gosh, Pippo is a hot guy. Pippo, my goodness, it's okay, now I feel a little better about changing it. When I took a bath before I thought it was a bit silly scene but now I understand that it was for purposes is that you do, don't be afraid Ania, oh my God, soon you will gain power and become God, are you ready? What yes, guys, now, my God, I'm a beautiful fairy, what's okay, what am I?
God of animal toys, animals, humans, people, toys, thank you all, thank you for giving me this power, now I live it, now I live a happy life with Pippo, that was the end, that is the end of the


, oh my god, what did I just read? Oh, even though the story is horrible, I'm going to upload this video because I need you all to be a part of what I just did. I witnessed, let's recap, a small hole. the girl is bullied. The girl goes to the toy store and finds a very cute dog that stares at you with dead eyes.
Mom buys it every time someone touches Pippo, beats them up, stabs them and kills them. I would do it. I guess because she stabbed and threw a murder weapon, a teacher or the daycare person, no one found her and then you know that Pippo became a handsome boy and now lives in paradise with Pippo like a goddess. I didn't expect that to end permanently. It wasn't scary, but I guess it's as scary as it could be, but that's it for this video. I'm going to go and question my life choices that led me to this moment.
Feel free to join me without sitting through this entire moment. video also, if you watched the whole video make sure to leave a like before you leave, if you don't leave a like pitbull will know people will find you. I know Pippo, I love you, he is my Lord and Savior, like this video or If not, subscribe if you are new to the channel. I post new videos almost every day and as always, I'll check them out soon.

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