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I Played 100 Days of Graveyard Keeper

Mar 19, 2024
forging and tree building, including steel, iron smelting, access to new minerals, and a higher level carpenter's workbench. I built a level 2 stone cutter and then resurrected zombie number three and this filler had 12 percent efficiency. I took him north and put him in the iron mines. too and while I was there I discovered another blockade, it looked like a zombie had dug up coal and I had nowhere to go, but before I dealt with that I quickly hid in the city and gave the merchant his five gold star dinners. I also bought some Silver Star grapes from him, as well as six silk ones, then I went back to the zombie outpost and built a stone stockpile, but that didn't solve the problem, so I tried a chest and sure enough, the coal was transferred to him with that blockage now resolved.
i played 100 days of graveyard keeper
I was hoping to see a Glorious Bounty of iron that flowed from the hills on the 88th. I burned one corpse and buried another and then worked through the night so they could make a level 2 carpenter's workbench. I was still a little hungry for metal, so it was a little complicated. but I finally got enough joints to install two soft Church pews. These also used the silk I had bought from the merchant and now the quality of my church was 51. Next on my sights was the quality of the cemetery, so I unlocked Stone Tombs and knew I was going to need a lot of stone, so I created this glorious Conga Lion with pieces of stone.
i played 100 days of graveyard keeper

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i played 100 days of graveyard keeper...

I was delighted to discover that every gray stone fence or headstone I made gave five huge Blue Tech points for a paltry cost. a couple of stones and then I immediately stopped making infinite conical flasks and decided that this would be my blue dot method from now on and with my first load of decorations I increased the quality of the


from 20 29 to 60 so without further ado I showed off my new 50 plus the inside of the Church for the bishop and then I unleashed an absolute beauty of a sermon and earned a whopping 16 faith and almost five silver.
i played 100 days of graveyard keeper
I harvested my grapes and thanks to the fertilizer I had used I received two gold star grapes and two gold star grapes. very good seeds. I had enough of my second bucket of grape juice, so I brewed it and then dumped two buckets into the barrel to turn it into wine. It said that I have a 50 chance of producing silver quality wine, so let's keep our fingers crossed that it happens, since that is the quality the Inquisitor expects. I put some charcoal in a kiln to create graphite and then went back to the stone pushing silly creeps and put up a bunch more grave fences before resurrecting zombie number four.
i played 100 days of graveyard keeper
I managed to get this one up to seven white skulls and this gave it a work efficiency of 18, so I guess efficiency correlates with corpse quality, which makes sense since this was my most efficient zombie. I brought him in to replace one of the newbies in the mines because I wanted my iron collection to go as quickly as possible. I put the rejected zombie on the big tree for now. Have I mentioned how fun it is to command zombies? I think I've gone back to my stone Shenanigans and sent the quality shot to 95. I mixed some graphite with iron in this kiln.
To start smelting my first bars of steel and as I was breaking off a chunk of iron I was pleased to find a couple of silver nuggets falling out so I was now starting to accumulate some precious metals. I resurrected zombie number five and unfortunately he had pretty bad stats. only eight percent efficiency. I built two zombie spots in the stone quarry and placed it on one and also grabbed the old friend from The Sawmill and placed it on the other side, so now I have plenty of stone to get infinite blue points to create tomb decorations.
I then got back into the business of making headstones, achieving a cemetery quality of 118. I picked up my wine and was pleased to find it in SilverStar quality. I upgraded my Anvil to rank 3 and put some pieces of steel into it to craft it and then paid the Inquisitor a During my visit he was satisfied with the quality of the wine and my friendship with him was raised to 50. I asked him how business was going and his answer in short wasn't that great, he decided he needed some snacks to draw people back into the spectacle of a good witch burning, which makes sense to me, everyone loves snacks, so he tasked me with creating a snack stand. sandwiches that sold beer and hamburgers.
He said he could keep the profits, so, frankly, I thought it was a clever plan. I opened the brewing stand. I looked into it, but I didn't look into it yet because I was hoping to hit 200


quality before the bishop showed up, so I went back to my business of crafting large quantities of stone grave decorations, but by the time Sunday was almost upon me and I'm alone I reached 141 points. I gave up until next week and decided to build a brewing stand and discovered that I was going to need hops, except I wasn't sure where to get hop seeds.
I also unlocked tricks of the trade and the engineer who gave me a few useful perks to make crafting work better and then I headed to the church. I hadn't reached 200 points yet, but the bishop was still completely impressed with my stone work; In fact, he was so impressed that an idea formed in his little brain. He commissioned me to make three marble statues in the shape of a gold star, one for his office, one for his soup kitchen, and one for the front of the church, which seems like a perfectly normal and reasonable request to me.
I gave my sermon and earned a spicy 15 faith and almost 10 silver coins. I don't really know why the money was so much this week, but I didn't argue. Then I made a preparation. Place 2 refrigerator pallets and two embalming table. The embalming table allows me to inject trash into corpses. I guess The Fridge Pallet stores the corpses and prevents them from running, obviously, and Prep Table 2 seemed the same to me, so maybe I needed to unlock more tech to make proper use of it. I harvested and replanted my grapes and some of the replanting was actually gold star. and on day 98 I googled about options and found out that the miller sells hop seeds, but I found out that I was only at level one with him and that I needed level 3 to buy silver quality hop seeds.
I sold eight burial certificates and 10 silver wines and made 23 silver, the 10 actually sold for 11 silver and 10 copper, so it could actually be a decent money-making venture. After all this time, anyway, I then went home and started producing a billion flour to sell to the Miller and hopefully be able to unlock his higher levels, but a corpse arrived, so I made zombie number six, another 18 efficiency zombie. I researched zombie farming and built this Zombie Farm which looks glorious but is a bit inefficient as it used nine tiles but there are only six farms. The benefit, of course, is that it's automated and then I go back to making tons of flour.
I sold a bunch to the miller and it worked. Level 2 will be available tomorrow. I bought some Silver Star pumpkin seeds and a bunch of carrot seeds from Old MacDonald and finally set up the buffet. and found out that I will have to provide gold star beers and burgers, which will be a challenge as I need golden hops for the beer and golden onions for the burgers. I planted 24 carrots at the Zombie Farm and put the zombie six to Work, I also planted the pumpkins and then discovered that my rock pile was overflowing. Good job mine zombie, so I processed everything and on day 100 I upgraded Zombie Farm to rank 2 using 12 fertilizers.
I cut up some human flesh and cooked it. While I was preparing the burgers, I made some more zombie juice so I could resurrect zombie number seven and I hit it against the big tree to cut it down and with that I had


my first 100


as a cemetery guardian. I have accomplished a lot by drastically upgrading my graveyard and church, building a thriving production area and farm, building an army of zombie slaves, and progressing on my journey to find my way back home to my love, but I have a long way to go, let me know if you want to see more or if you know of any other games you think I should play check out this video where I get stuck on a raft for 100


and kill an entire family tree of sharks out of spite

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