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I Made a Minecraft Base in One Chunk

May 02, 2020
Minecraft is




s, a


is a 16 by 16 area and when your world is generated it is generated in these chunks. Now, I personally really like the idea of ​​trying to build an entire


within one. Yes, it's going to be complicated. , especially considering how bold my plans are, so the first thing is to clear this place up a bit and then we can start trying to figure out where everything will go, obviously most of this space will be underground. . Well, with that being said, there are some larger scale things I want to get on the surface for anyone who has seen the hermit crab series.
i made a minecraft base in one chunk
You'll probably recognize what I'm building right here in Minecraft 1.14. A change was


to TNT that allowed this. drop every item that explodes, so I used to just blow things up and then you'd lose them. Now with TNT it blows things up and you can keep the items, which means it's incredibly useful for auto farms and auto tree farms. I mean, you know, when you don't need wood. So let's see if the first part works if our tree grows. Yes, that needs a red stone clock next to it to update the piston, as I said, the tree grows, everything spreads and everything pushes.
i made a minecraft base in one chunk

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i made a minecraft base in one chunk...

So what is essentially going on here for those who don't know? This little redstone clock here is constantly providing updates to this piston. It constantly makes the piston check its condition. Now, when this block receives power from this repeater right here. He realizes. Oh, it should extend, it extends by pushing all these things, which means the block is pushed out and then the piston moves. Oh no, I don't have power anymore and then it retracts, you kind of get this kind of The circuits are working so we can push a bunch of trees across the road like this red stone logic at its finest with wood covered in the moment, now is the time to conquer the other really important thing that we always need, a Minecraft, which is Cobblestone. all the time making recipes, and personally I quite liked building with them.
i made a minecraft base in one chunk
So we have the piston design in place. This is designed by The Mango, and it's amazing. All I have to do now is place it in the water and lava, which for the life of me I always get wrong. I don't think I've ever gotten it right the first time. Yes. No, I'm wrong here. I think I think the lava goes on top of the Pistons and then no, the lava now I'm going to have to double check that the water goes on top of the Pistons. The lava rises at the top like this and if we flip this over.
i made a minecraft base in one chunk
Lever. That is, it spawns so quickly and gets out of the way so quickly that you don't actually see it spawn. It just seems to appear here. This is the strangest setup. I know the space already looks very technical and a little ugly, but don't worry, it will get real soon, but there's one more really ugly thing I have to build quickly before I move on to the cool stuff and stuff. of course, it is our TNT duplicator. It's kind of the heart of the build, it's quite necessary and I hope everything should be working. Now needless to say, I've made several backups here. lever.
Well, TNT is down. Nothing has exploded, this shouldn't have. exploded, that seems really risky. Look how close the TNT is when it explodes but it seems like everything is fine. Oh, okay, I mean, we might have to prevent that from happening occasionally. Oh, that's even worse. I accidentally broke this thing and then it threw the TNT into the side of my storage system. After a quick rebuild, I think we might actually be on to a winner. here, so I'm testing it with the cobblestone generator now and it seems to be working pretty well. I mean, as you can see, the cobblestone goes in, TNT explodes breaking the cobblestone and all the items end up falling into the water.
I've been running this for about 40 seconds, maybe a minute. And as you can see, we already have two stacks, which isn't bad considering I'm not really doing anything right. Now, other than standing around the tree farm on the other hand, it wasn't that simple, but thankfully with the addition of leaf shredders. I have gotten it to work efficiently and now the wood explodes as it grows. Free wood but ugly


. Very ugly base at the moment. Let's fix things a little and I think we can all agree on that. This looks a thousand times better. I really like the way this area looks, so here you can see we have my little house.
It's absolutely small, but it will take us to the lower levels of the base. So we'll work on that in a second. But we also have this nice little path system that allows us to access the storage system for our cobblestones and our wood and then also head over to the tree farm, activate it and start using it. is this I want to move here. I want to move here in real life and live the rest of my years in this piece. You know, it turns out that a chunk is actually a pretty big place. I'm still checking that I haven't done anything totally wrong here and I'm building a 32 by 32 area package now.
This is sixteen by sixteen. This is huge. We can put everything here. Now, as I think I mentioned earlier, we're going to build floors with this thing. So obviously the top floor, well I guess the ground level is the tree farm on the cobblestone farm. And then the first. The floor will be for food now because I don't like an easy trip. And I don't want to simplify things for myself. I want our main food source to be pumpkin pies with this one simply because well, first of all, it's a good food source. But most importantly, we can use pumpkin pie inside the composters to get a reliable source of flour. bones.
Which will be useful because we don't have skeleton grinders at our base and those tree farms eat a lot of bone meal. Is it the most efficient way to do things? Absolutely not, but is it cool? Yeah, I think it's going to be great now Obviously the first thing we need for a pumpkin pie farm is actually a pumpkin farm, but to make things more efficient I had to create a melon and pumpkin farm because if you only have a A single crop of only pumpkins that actually reduces efficiency and reduces the likelihood of things growing due to technical issues.
I'm curious, okay, I've been sitting here for about a minute and I haven't seen anything grow. I thought that would have happened by now. Oh, is the light level too low? I just realized it's completely dark. Yes. Here we go. Yes. Yes. Okay, lower the random ticking speed. I have a night vision potion here, it's pitch black. Wow. There were a lot of melons and pumpkins. Now that things have calmed down a little, I added some decoration here and this looks very, very nice. I like the idea of ​​double layer glass. You can see the melon and pumpkin area.
But you'll also be able to see the mine carts coming and going when I finally put them up. I thought I wouldn't put them up for now. Because yes, I don't feel like it. To be honest, I'll just listen to them for the rest of the video. Another culprit of really annoying noises are chickens. We need an egg farm to create the pumpkin pie farm. But again, you know I really don't want to put the chickens in their place. because they will put me against the wall. The final stage of this is, of course, the sugar cane farm.
Now, for those who don't know, sugar cane is a little interesting. This is once again, thanks to ill mango who posted a video talking about growing sugarcane without ticks. Oh, it's a little strange, but if you tick zero on the block under a piece of sugar cane back and forth using zero tick pulses, it will actually make the sugar cane grow much faster. Minecraft is a strange game. Okay, Minecraft is full of weird stuff and I built this weird thing right. So look at this, the sugar cane is breaking down so fast you can't see it and it seems to be exploding everywhere.
It doesn't really go into any kind of area that we can do anything with. I really don't know what to do with this if I have a hopper here. Will you pick something up? Okay, I picked that up a little bit. I mean, this might be one of those things that you have to stand in front of and just pick it up when it comes in, but look how fast it is. There's no fun business with random tick speeds or anything like that. This is in pure Minecraft. The sugar cane is simply growing so fast because of the block moving back and forth beneath it.
It's strange. It's weird, I don't want to talk about it, it scares me. So going down. However, the piston seems to have helped. Now we are collecting all the sugar cane. This seems to work. I mean, it's been running for five seconds and we already have about 30 pieces of sugar cane. That's not bad. Now that I've decorated this place a bit, it looks a little cooler than it was, obviously still very industrial. I mean, that's how it works. You have many farms here. But it's enough. It's a nice place to be, so I'd say this floor is now finished.
It's time to move on to the next floor and don't worry. I'll add all the chickens and mine carts at the end of the video. Again, I don't want that headache. Anyway, my goal for this level here is obviously to make some kind of super casting system. We can't have a base without some kind of super foundry. You guys have seen me build them many times, so I'll go over this one quickly. This design is a small seven oven system. It's not exactly the fastest super foundry in the world, but it's now seven times faster than a normal furnace.
It's a bit of a big and bulky design, but it seems to be working pretty well. Let's check it out, so we don't have anything inside here if we put sixty-four cobblestones there and then if we also grab the coal and put 64 coal inside this chest and then we pull this lever that will activate everything and then our furnaces will start to work. So if we look, we have two in each of these, obviously now we have four. But the elements are distributed evenly among all the ovens. So the load has been shared and that makes everything much faster because now we are melting things. simultaneously And I have to say that I really think this design looks great.
It looks very good here. But you might be wondering what I plan to do with this area here. Well, two pistons facing each other three blocks away might look a little familiar. Yes, we are going to build another zero tick bamboo farm, this time for bamboo because bamboo can be used as fuel for furnaces and let's say the zero tick bamboo farm is ridiculously fast. So if we quickly prepare with that, in fact, I actually think that that torch needs to be there to create a super fast zero tick pulse and we need two of them.
And then, in theory, all we need is this line of red stone on the top hitting the piston. But as you can see, I have dismantled it because it doesn't seem to be working. I'm just going to make sure it's not directional. No, it doesn't seem like they are. They may have fixed it. It definitely feels that way. They fixed it, right? Oh, that's one of my favorite mistakes in Minecraft and it's gone unless of course I did something totally wrong, in which case just yell at me in the comments section. You know, I'm sure one day I'll remember that I actually have a night vision potion and that things generally don't grow when it's really dark.
One day I will remember, but today is clearly not the day. Well, the good news is that the game still has this crazy bug. All I needed was some light. There are bamboo flying everywhere. How do I turn this off correctly? I've managed to get things under control a little more and look at this. None of what I was about to say, not a single piece of bamboo is there. I escaped this, but it seems like that's how I started the sentence in typical fashion, but check this out. Fuel flying from a farm. That's the size of my pinky finger, I mean, I mean, I love Minecraft for stuff like this.
Okay, things like this that don't make any sense, but they're brilliant. I also love the crazy people who find these things, that is, the ones who discovered it, the ones who thought there would be no block under the bamboo. It just makes some sense to me. Anyway, just to finish off this room I thought it would be worth adding some of the additional new furnaces, so we have the blast furnace and then we also have the smoker for all the things that don't really apply to being super molten. and it also makes sense here and So I guess I probably have a little bit of light in this area too because I imagine without my night vision potion.
It's probably completely dark, which direction do you read the signs? Do you read them like this or do you read them down and then down again? Obviously with this it doesn't matter because it says supa dupa dupa. Dupa dupa dupa Dupa swell, let's say anyway, leaving that nonsense behind, let's move on to the next layer of this design and I would say: This is where I want my bed to be and, mostImportantly, my storage system. Storage is... Yeah, it's pretty important. It's where you spend about 90% of your time in Minecraft now. The question is whether we have room to do anything remotely fancy with our storage system here.
The good news is that we have this huge space. here. So I think we just do bulk storage in this area. I think it would look amazing. You can search up or all the cobblestone and stone chests you have. Okay, I wanted to have some kind of ranking system. I just don't know, it might be a bit of a struggle, but I think I've come up with a good compromise for all the elements that are all over the place. Things like Redstone resources, you have all your precious items and your villagers trading items. You've got all your farm items, wood, nether concrete, all the different types of stone, all the different types of glass, all the different types of terracotta and then the ends, all of those things that I'm going to sort into all of these chests, right? ? here, but I'm going to do it manually because there are so many variations of all those types of elements that you only have with the amount of space that we have.
It works best to do it manually, but for things like stone, cobblestone, dirt. All those things. It will always be in your inventory. We will have large bulk storage silos. They will also have rating systems on top of them. So we place all the items, let's say, for example, in this chest right here. Then they are collected. Sorted into all these chests, they will be stacked with cute red stone lamps next to them and it's I'll end up looking amazing and I already love this, I think it looks ah. That's wicked, being able to look and see all these chests and they never seem to end.
You say surely that will stop that. It still goes on, except unfortunately. I have some bad news. The Redstone just didn't fit the original configuration. So I made this new setup with just two of the storage silos and I have to say, I think it actually looks better. I actually think I prefer this and the redstone is now in place for the silos so those redstone lamps are now fully connected as these chests fill those redstone lamps will light up so Let's say, for example, that this chest is filled with cobblestones, that redstone lamp. It will be in this one that lights up.
Yes, you get the idea. I'm sure anyone who's been on my channel for more than five minutes has seen them before. All I have to do is get the storage system up and running. So this is where our stuff is. I mean, can I even how am I going to fit this in? I guess something like Yes, actually this will fit very easily Yes, because I just need it I mean, I just need to do something to make it fit Okay, I'm terrible doing Redstone under pressure while I'm recording, but I ended up ordering it, so now it's just a case of sending the items from our entry chest to the top so they can be sorted, so let's try that then.
If we throw down a pile of cobblestones, I can hear things happening, then we should start seeing lights flashing. Okay, buddy, okay, we might not see any lights flashing, but I can see elements coming in where our, I mean, none of them. Yes, everyone is coming in. Are you missing any? Is it just taking a little while? Yeah, I guess it's not the fastest thing on the planet, right? Okay, so pavers have been laid, that's all good. Now, if we pour the dirt, all of that should stay in place too. And I think there were ten pieces of cobblestone before.
Maybe only eight. No, it was ten. Okay, so everything has entered correctly. Now the dirt is flooding the system, this system works, we have tidied up the storage silos. Okay, well, let's get into the final details and I'd say that's enough, so we have a bed. We have a place to sleep. . We have crafting benches, ender chests. Here we have a bit of repair and disenchantment. We don't have any way to get XP in the base. That's why we don't really have a lovely setup because I guess it's going to be off base. But other than not having that, I'd say that's all we have.
It's okay, because here we have literally everything you need to survive in Minecraft. We have a way to obtain wood. We have a way to get paving stones fully automatically, very nice and fast. We have a way to get food. on a large scale. We also have a way to obtain bone meal thanks to new composters. We have huge super smelters, we have a self-powered super smelter, as well as blast furnaces and smokers and things like that, and then we also have a gigantic storage system here at the bottom, which includes classified storage silos. I would say this is probably one of them.
One of the coolest bases that fit within a 16 by 16 area I've ever seen. I'm super proud of this. I really hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, hit the like button and if you really loved it. So make sure you subscribe, but thanks for watching guys. This has been Mumbo and I'm out. See you later Oh, and the link to the new video just released from the filming channel will be on the final screen or right now, I think you'll enjoy it.

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