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May 10, 2020
good morning Jake Pollard welcome to the mission break into the Dobre


mansion hello boy we're almost done with the


guys what are we supposed to break into the White House? You are currently in Maryland at the team store or if you don't have your tickets go to the link in the description and come see us in your city, come on, the original plan was to put the white


up for sale, that was my original plan, we're right next to Washington DC but instead I thought why not walk into the


man twice I had to pay like a little kid $10 to get his address what only $10 that kid is cheap he raised your prices, son, no, I don't know how he got his address, but I sent it to you, Pablo, you saved him.
i broke into the dobre brothers house
The point of the day is that we will take revenge on the Dobro brothers. The mission is to sneak into their house to see if we can film them without getting caught and then leave. Oh wait, we should steal their food. Steal their food and then leave. I'm coming for you Lucas I'm coming for you Marcus I'm coming for you dari I'm coming for you Cyrus damn there's a lot of no last night we went to the store to get some supplies throw out the clip just I got my prettiman in Tasha guys we got our per diem and We are in the funniest store ever.
i broke into the dobre brothers house

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i broke into the dobre brothers house...

Have. Came. I have a cane. I'm going to buy these grass flip flops. We're picking up some looks. I made it. To the beach we know you're late so my God, brother, what do you have? I know I need them, oh my gosh, I'm having so much fun in flip flops, oh my gosh, I'm going to get some for Erica. I have some teddy bear feet things I did, I did no one does this bro no one does this what are you doing right so much going down non stop I miss Apollo oh my god guys are they going to kick us out?
i broke into the dobre brothers house
I'm gathering all my supplies in the car here Thanks kid oh my god the kid from stranger things is in a Jurassic Park in I'm in Jumanji and the daughters are still going bro oh my god it takes all hands under the cover underneath, okay, so I have Erica, let's see it, oh my God, wait, wait, listen to the music Adam, what are you? It's over, it's over. I hate you, zaps, insects die instantly and sing the same thing. You know, we're going to get this and we're going to get this. Chad, you think I should get this knife in case someone tries to come to the Torval, right, Anthony said, I think we should get it, sorry, so I'm going to help me get this knife.
i broke into the dobre brothers house
I have my share of zombies, I definitely only had the knife from the clip, that's quite an eventful store, he runs a pretty eventful store, however we got a knife from that and I got this camo hat so I could blend in and not stand out, though, I'm wearing these bright blue Jakubs with confidence. joggers from the camo collection that are not available now or another time and will be out on Friday, will be out tomorrow these are the most comfortable joggers, the sexiest joggers we have, yeah bro join the everyday movement bro you know , man, real, although this is probably my Although it's my favorite release guys, check out this hoodie, oh my god, it's honestly the best March in the game, so go to the link in the description or Phandroid.
I'm calling Celeste Jake Ball again and get some merch guys I think we're getting close okay. You're in the woods bro, bro, I don't know if that guy Pablo really has the right address, he just sent this here to get killed or something, bro, don't say that, bro, the Collinses might show up, Chad, Why Chad, where are you going? Hang up the phone bro, we're about to break into a house, we're going to fly, what's Chad doing in the house? your drone over you, yeah, yeah, we're almost there, point three point three miles, okay once we get there.
This direction we fly the drone and we can see if it is his house, which I really don't think is a house, I blame Pablo, we are here, Anthony, Anthony, brother, stop, that's not the mission, brother Anthony, why Are you supposed to be stealthy? buzz Jake I can definitely still see you I can still see you No I can definitely still see you okay now we have to take this seriously I think this is his house here I laid down on the trees and then we'll see if it's his house whatever you do don't eat no branches right there, something is going to come in their direction, they're actually in a golf cart, yeah, oh my gosh, wait, this is their house, okay, Ari, you're standing, aerial view, okay.
I should stab a tire so they I can't go get him - I need that to be his house right there we're in sight no we're over the hat here we go I feel like we gotta go bro I'm wearing all white shoes that look muddy rest on peace - the white shoes, sorry, stay in the pictures, also remember if they look like a tree, act like a gift, but seriously guys, if you haven't gotten your tour tickets, go to the team's official dot com ten and get your tour tickets right now. and you also taught yourself how to get dirty in the game, that confident camel killer, no, that's the company's camouflage collection, it comes out tomorrow, remember, film the robbery, they steal their food and then they leave, yeah, I'm sure there was one more, right, let's go like a tree or a tree I'm just a tree that bends in a hurry we're fine we're clear how you heard it spider man this is where it's going to get denser let's go to the playing field we have the hillside as our advantage you can't even see me it's like John Cena you can't see me I never see you I found a dry one you buy it oh it's a dragonfly it's a dragonfly oh that's a nice house I'm sorry oh my god no, don't do it we're not hacking them we're stealing his food daddy goes daddy goes there's no way there's no way to get up what are you doing window screen screen screen relaxing what am I going to leave a message no snacks oh wait on your damn?
Don't think it's a nap we get this hello Marcus hello guys, it's a pleasure to see you I'm sorry I'm not a brother they're everywhere oh my God, oh my God, well they come here oh my God, oh my God, never they fooled me act, I say, shut up, no, no, John, well, John Wow, yes, we have their golf guards. Well oh my gosh guys Frank Joy oh my gosh oh my gosh we didn't get any snacks though I don't know guys calm down some of the best. march in the game these are coming out tomorrow I'll go to the fans when I get back sigh Jake Paul and get it before they sell out guys hit the subscribe button join the daily shit oh man future tour tickets and I'll see you tomorrow because every day bro join the people in the everyday Pro movement and get your hands on some of the best boosts in the game go right now because the callers sell everything smash the subscribe button and join to the most enlightened YouTube channel on YouTube.
I'll see. all tomorrow

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