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May 31, 2021
What are you doing bro, come on during the party, bro, oh my god, good morning, Jake Ballers, what's up, it's a party, it's a fucking party, bro, show up, show up, basically Titus's parents are on a date right now and they asked me out of all people? to take care of Titus and right now he is a ghost, show us your ghost, are you having fun without your parents? So yeah I'm basically


ting titus four year old


Jake Paul welcome to the vlog guys if you're new here my name is Nick Paul. You are Jake Pollard and he is on.
jerika 24hr babysit challenge with mini jake paul gone wrong
Every time they want to play again it disappears. I want this to be the most fun you've ever had. Okay, it's time to spin, baby, are you sure you want to do this? them, this is okay, oh my god, was it brought in degrees? oh oh whoa, what do you want to do? you want to get candy you want to watch a movie you want to make a vlog well we're currently in boston so my lambo is not here what else do you want to do? There is no blood test. Not here, yes, it's at Teen 10's house.
jerika 24hr babysit challenge with mini jake paul gone wrong

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jerika 24hr babysit challenge with mini jake paul gone wrong...

No, no, I wouldn't let you drive it because you remember what happened last time. I want to tell Titus what happened last time. I'm going to let you do it again, okay, but what else did you want to do? You want to go to the store, are you excited? You want to play the swing game one, two, three, one two, we don't care, we're just taking care of the kids. “You're going to fuck, his parents are on a date, long story, dude, now I normally wouldn't do this, but you can have whatever you want, this is the most fun I've ever had at my house, you want to sit down, got it?” ".
jerika 24hr babysit challenge with mini jake paul gone wrong
You're going to be a good father Jake, the girls are following us, yeah, back off, okay, there you go, what more do you want? He said what he wants to run around with is that all you want more, get more, it's your big day, it's your big day. but give them as much as you want, but hidden, just remember you can only eat this much candy with


ter Jake, okay, hey, okay, what else is a problem? Okay, I need to interfere why don't I just do it. I know, but it just doesn't feel right, tell me then I can fall asleep or something.
jerika 24hr babysit challenge with mini jake paul gone wrong
I don't know who your best friend is. That's right, your favorite babysitter. That's how it is. I can't help but feel that this feels a little like a bribe. Because? It feels like you're bribing him. Because? What's that? Is coffee. Oh, is this it? Do you want you to be able to have that friend? Hey, it just feels like you're bribing him. It is realistic with all the time followed. I mean, simply. It's, uh, I'm bribing you and then in typical social interactions, sometimes you'd like to make a joke. Do you have any jokes? You could tell a joke like dad's YouTube channel.
It's the biggest candy you've ever had in your life. Yeah. He wants that too, okay, but if you want those you have to say Sandra Kobach/Jake Paul close enough, go ahead, man, this is the best night ever. Yes, I'm a dad, I'm a damn dad, the boys taught him how to make a joke. whoo Titus, you remember the joke, okay, say it, look at me being a father, play the music, dad, giving me a good father, how do we know that we are, in fact, too far away? How many do you know there were when he didn't have too much sugar?
Hey, how do we know when he hasn't eaten too much? If he's like me, you can't have too much sugar in this damn body, he just needs a break, yeah, bring it, he said, okay, five for five. a five minute break five dad okay yeah don't give him any candy Uncle Jack come on Titus did he give you candy he didn't give you candy what's in your mouth wait let me know promise you won't He gave it? candy so he gave you candy don't lie to me any harder daddy gives you candy do you promise so what is this day what is that Titus Titus I know you're lying to me I'll ask you again Did you get this from Chad?
So where did you get it from? Not a five minute break, more candy, okay, 12 seconds, lie down, yeah, did you take candy away? I thought you said you weren't going to accept candy from him, you promised, wouldn't you get caught? a lie with your girlfriend's candy, do you want it?, yes, are you going to accept it?, no, she won't get it, candy, vacation, okay, Eddie, I told you you can't eat candy, so when you I offer the sweets, you say no, it's okay, Titus. you want the candy No, good job, buddy, good job, okay, you got it, so you wouldn't be kidding, okay, so no more candy for five minutes.
Okay, you want to watch a movie, where's your merch? By the way, well, if you don't have it. the merchandise goes depends on where it comes back sighs


well okay uh the hottest gear in the game titans go get it try some spaghetti you ain't looking just get it real quick are you doing something


out there? You mean he would be? Well, yeah, okay, I'll be right back, I'll be back in about two minutes, okay, two minutes, that was your terrible idea. two minutes, he'll never know, oh my god, we thought you were, that's good, good job, buddy, you were loyal, you followed me. the rules you said no to candy buddy high five now you can have all the candy you want cause listen to me Jake Paul is babysitting okay Titus it's time for bed yeah it is yeah , yes, yes, it is, yes, we love you, uh, everything. well, everything's fine, yes, no, no, he's in, we'll put them here to sleep in a second, he's definitely safe, yes, yes, no, no, he's good, he's very tired, yes, yes, we ate.
I just talked to your dad, definitely not. eat sweets, yes he has always died, what are you eating? Oh my God, it's okay, oh my God, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, oh my God, did you eat this? I just saw you eating it, throw away the clip, you can't eat this, your dad said no more. candy don't lie I caught you on camera you ate it I know you ate it this could be us one day okay ata this your parents are here are you sad do you want to spend more time with us are we going to miss you?
We're going to miss you Titus, see you tomorrow morning, sleep, come on buddy, thank you, thank you for watching the kids, yeah, how was your boys' date? It was very good, Titus, in the homeland, tell him who your favorite babysitter is, that's right, he may seem like he has a lot of energy I don't know, I'm great, yes, please hire me and that's what we call dinner and get rid of, that has been all for today's vlog, that subscribe button, if you had fun, join the everyday brother movement, have you seen anything from the best mercenaries?
In the game, the company's camouflage collections, are you ready, go, go, go, go, get it, see you tomorrow because it's every day, brother, where are your pants? Join the daily movement of brothers, people and helicopter some of the most popular birds in the world. The game continues right now because the callers sell everything and cut off the subscribe button. Join the most enlightened YouTube channel on YouTube. I'll see you all tomorrow.

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