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After THIS, I HAD to Ban Logan from The Team 10 Mansion..

May 31, 2021
yeah well I don't think that's a good idea bro honestly you don't look so you sign the waiver when your brother pulls up. I don't think that's a good idea bro, you're not allowed in the


10 house, just Jerrica, that's a fact. Are they in a fight? Are they coming together? No, yes, they literally went from one place to another. I have something better to hit them with called water. Stay hurry, party. Ok, yes, we can use them as weapons. Hurry up. So we took the caps off the water bottles and then we started throwing them away and we also threw out Jay Paul's pillow, which is still super painful.
after this i had to ban logan from the team 10 mansion
Hey, Anthony, there's no PDA, so next time you guys kiss, remember there are no couples allowed. To keep that out, what kind. by hose Hello good morning J koalas that's great welcome to Moe's YouTube channel on YouTube if you're new here my name is Jake Paul you guys are Jake's break and I'm here to put a smile on your face o at least. try to throw water grenades mostly at my friends, put on the vlogging belt so I'll get ready for today's rollercoaster, well honey, trees, grab the hose, yeah,


time we'll use a thank you, love you bro, You have to never leave.
after this i had to ban logan from the team 10 mansion

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after this i had to ban logan from the team 10 mansion...

I stopped loving you bro cool ok bros speaking of bros although we actually have a problem with my brother look at


he's building a giant ramp and I've seen a lot of ramps and this one is by far the biggest because apparently has this. friend named Ryan who is trying to get on the cool bus on a little Boop BMX bike like that. The first thing I will say about Apollo is what a good dog he is. Look at Logan's plan, so Ryan is going to meet up with Yo, yeah, kid, and Jake, Paul, we visit Paul.
after this i had to ban logan from the team 10 mansion
I'm going to take them on my dirt bike down the driveway. He's going to come to this giant ramp, go up and over the cool bus, land on this side, and then hopefully stop before he enters. tan



Wow, looks legit, just another day at the team 10


, Sunday, man, grounded, I'm right, oh yeah, when I walked in here there was like a fat Beatle at the front door, oh my god, what? How does that man act like I got him on? My hand is chasing me, don't pick it up, why wouldn't you? I think the reason Logan wanted to do this at my house is so that if Ryan the BMX rider goes up in the air and lands on his primary responsibility, yeah, then they'll sue me and not Logan if something goes wrong. wrong here so I think it's actually perfect now that we have this year a giant RC car that we can use as a test so if this can't make it over the ramp and then it doesn't happen and then in that case we'll need to sabotage the video from Logan, we'll probably burn these ramps down, we take them down politely, okay, testing on 10 9 8 7 6, go to the phones when Celeste Jake Paul comes back and grab some of the hottest virtual death loaded with commercial break 5 oh my god, what you would have actually landed perfectly sabotages a lot because it's like an RC car and he's really dumb but you know we do dumb things he got so high though he repeats Logan I just got here look this is Ryan this is Logan Do you trust these two?
after this i had to ban logan from the team 10 mansion
Just look at them guys, do they look? You know they don't seem trustworthy man it's time to sabotage the mission honestly that's right hey Paul oh I can. Hi Ryan, what do you mean you signed it with so many different waivers from everyone? I have to sign them. Do you have any exemptions? Rick. Do you ever have a bike to jump on? Wait, where did you put the bike? Yeah, where did you put what it is? this is to induce Jake Paul to allow the signs below to enter the premises they are harmless and responsible and then chapstick you didn't think about it the chopsticks were good enough you didn't sign it we are signing with chapstick chapstick now we have to start implementing other tactics to sabotage the mission, come on, it's a shame, I'm walking away, you guys are heading now, oh, you'll be back in a second, yeah, I'll be here now that Logan's gone, it's time to execute the final settlement plan, what do you think, what do you think?
We need to kidnap the workers, that's not what I was thinking, but that's a better idea I had, which is to just kidnap Ryan, because then if we didn't have Ryan, then there wouldn't be anyone to exactly make the jump, oh Oh my god, get a pillowcase, mom. Below, this bicycle is in the pantry, perfect plan. Well, where is the bucket? It's in the pantry 100 just follow me bro, come on, someone hit them, make us look tough, okay, I'll turn it off, I guess, I think that's what What do we do now? Talk later. What can we talk to him?
No, no, I have an idea that he needs a vlog belt shirt. Now he racks up time through those callbacks, that's a mark, yeah, and make him feel ten, sit back, there you go. man I just thought this would make you feel a little better about yourself mmm you look cooler while you're kidnapped you piece of March and they're back rains kidnapping yeah we'll ship it no I don't know if it's ready or not yet you're going to do this, I'm not going to do it, Ryan is doing it, that's why we need him, oh yeah, I don't know where he got Bob, yeah, you're doing the gym.
Oh, Jake, hey, hesitate, sure, that's what he's doing. the taste of work ha ha ich I'm giving you an ultimatum Paul ultimatum Ebro it seems that I care yes it seems that you care we're going to see a lot here I'm sure it's not okay I've seen you cry before I realized Oh, cry, I just cried, roll the clip, awesome, if you make this jump on Ryan, he does it, yeah, then you can never come back, stop rolling the clips, okay, I'll probably come back anyway, just kidding, he can never come back. In the period of teenage brain problems, well, I guess if you're going to hug it, then I'll help the hook.
I'm the tallest official guy. I'm towing you guys and that's for the entire tower, you know everything. that's cool dude that's super sick yeah I didn't do it I didn't make the jump because it was Logan's vlog even though I was the one who took full responsibility that's what brothers do for each other other. I'm just going to hit him. from my own vlog you can bet you don't know I used to be M and seen. a BMI FX like your brother stop pulling, that's a good idea, brother. Oh gosh everyone has a lot of hidden talents guys that's it for today's vlog cut off killing the smartest ones in the game guys it's just stateless of course that subscribe button.
Honestly, this may sound strange, but I think Donald Trump is coming to my house tomorrow, China. I'm not even joking, although tomorrow I will explain to you that he is every day, brother, peace, join the everyday brother movement, people and tell yourself. Some of the most popular people in the game are leaving right now because the call girls sell out, smash the subscribe button, and join the most enlightened YouTube channel on YouTube. I'll see you all tomorrow.

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