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I Beat Fundy's Annoying Difficulty for $1000

Jun 22, 2024



the new Fundy mod where everything is as frustrating as possible Can I open a chest? I can't break wood. I can not walk. Just walk on the grass. I can't hold this single golden apple. Fundy was so sure that no one could


him. mod that put $1,000 on the line and that was a big mistake so I destroyed it. The first day was about coming up with strategies. The first thing we noticed was how long it took to clear the pop-up tips that appear when you create. take damage or even touch the water, hell we needed a strategy, follow me, everyone knows that GUI scaling in your settings increases the size of your inventory and your hotbar, but it also increased the size of the popups once that we increased our GUI to maximize the ads that were off the screen were removed when we reduced the size again, this was a crazy time, but the strap went further instead of enlarging the ads to go out of the screen area, just We made the window smaller, reducing our window to a small size allowed us to remove almost all pop-ups from the screen with just one click.
i beat fundy s annoying difficulty for 1000
This strategy saved us hours in just 24 hours. I played in a single world long enough to find the final portal and when you get here this can happen, there's no stopping. this


eye breaks things but I did a lot of calculations to tell you how many eyes you need and it's about 15, we go in at the end, we die, we come back and then it crashes. I Slayed the Dragon and The World's Least Climatic Ending crashed. We go 6 hours 49 minutes. Okay, but there are 8 minutes left in the video. You've already overcome the


. I didn't tell you that I overcame the difficulty.
i beat fundy s annoying difficulty for 1000

More Interesting Facts About,

i beat fundy s annoying difficulty for 1000...

I told you I destroyed it. Discord mods confirmed that. Both chunk base and automatic clickers were allowed. With the chunk base we can analyze the entire seed very quickly. Remember that the two main things we need for this race are Ender Pearls and Firerod Bastions wouldn't work since the gold is heavy enough to crush you. ships turn Ender into pirates, so there is only one strategy left: villager trade, you level up a cleric to expert, sometimes they can trade you Ender pearls, but instead of using a village, our main strategy was to find an igloo, these structures always seem quite irrelevant to the average person. player, but it really helps with speedruns, healing the villager at the bottom of the igloo allows you to make discounted trades by trading just an emerald for an ender pearl on the way to the igloo, we grab a bunch of buried treasure, these are great for iron diamond emeralds. and food and even gold, although gold kills you if you hold it for too long, this is where we use a boat with a chest to store it while we travel towards the smaller ice path with just a few emeralds and some golds that we already have.
i beat fundy s annoying difficulty for 1000
Now I have enough endgame pearls for fire rods, so it's time to search for lava. Oh, we need a strategy. Luckily, this strategy was very easy. We came up with realistic ovens that require you to heat them up if you overheat. furnaces explode and generate lava perfect let's make a portal oh the cubes leak it's almost funny made this as annoying as possible but one strategy to overcome this was to use a cube of water with a fish inside of these cubes that cannot be filtered, so this We create the portal perfectly using a chunk base.
i beat fundy s annoying difficulty for 1000
We were able to find the Fortress. wo whoo whoo could appear in the Fortress, maybe oh, for a layer of lava and we only have to deal with the flames that have auto aim. Fireballs, a super cool strategy we found. was to create armor stands to block the fireballs before they hit us, although it took quite a while to set up, so instead of filling our inventory as much as possible, this crushed our hitbox to make us super hard to hit and allowed us to Jumping across these gaps of a block, the fireballs honestly don't usually squeeze us and damage us, but we can try to survive with the food we have from the buried treasures.
We've had strategies for almost every part of this mod except one. This will strike terror into anyone attempting to overcome this difficulty. This seemingly innocent guy just walks up to you, makes you follow him for a while and then you get a cool item, but if you don't follow him he teleports you and can. walks through walls you can fly over, it'll ruin a race in an instant, yeah man, and it just popped into my no, no, no, no, no, what happened 20 minutes at Blaze Spa number three and I don't know where There's this guy Quest Master.
Oh well, this is a legit sacred 500. I was teleported to the edge of this block. Wow, that's crazy. Oh, and you thought it was like that. No, because it appeared again. If I could see it as if I were walking down the road, I would go. and how to trigger him, you know if, if, he's right behind me, he's right behind, isn't that okay, okay, okay, okay, actually this might be okay, no, don't walk me to the second spawn , no, no, oh my God, it's okay. I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I have to kill these guys It's okay It's okay I'm alive How did I not die here?
I don't understand, another guy here, another guy here runs with the fire rods, we finally get out of the Nether and with a pretty good pace we find the fortress and even though the Quest Master tries to kill me again, we just want to have that. on our clipboard for when the Quest Master inevitably teleports us and like, oh, I didn't realize he was, uh, he was summoned, oh yeah, I survived after these stupid eyes broke a stupid amount of times, the final portal finally lights up, oh how good now. I had already


en the game once in 6 hours, but this time I reached the final portal in just 35 minutes 34 34 that's going to close it's going to be close it's going to be close I have to organize my inventory at 3443 this was particularly important because I only A few days earlier my friend Molly G had finished the game in just 39 minutes and 17 seconds.
No you had to play AR like step yes and then you play yes so I had to finish the game in next 3 minutes and finishing the fight is not easy if you don't know about the final fight in this mod every Enderman gets angry automatically with you on boats that can travel faster than you can run and you have to play Dance Dance Revolution the whole time as well as beat the Ender Dragon literally if you miss a note you take damage and this is what it came down to so , what else can I trust but my own family?
Okay, I'm going to ask you to call my stepfather to come and sit next to me. are you ready, go ahead while I'm beating the Ender Dragon, he's the one who clicks the arrow keys when we enter the end, that's good, that seemed fast, oh my god, two seconds and that was it, we destroyed the annoying difficulty and Funy called me. A few months later, to say this, you two at some point had the best and most pleasurable time possible for both of you, where you just both win and I don't mean you share the price, I just mean I add an extra thousand dollars, obviously a huge thanks to Fundy and also a very good game to Moly.
In fact, he got the drive back literally about 12 hours after I did, so I'm really glad we both got to share the prize on this. Also, please press. Subscribe, I really want to try to reach 10K this year and also all these efforts were broadcast live on my Twitch, you can follow it in the description, bye.

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