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I made 100 players live in a world that destroys itself...

Jun 06, 2021
Well, a little story before I start this video. I thought it was a good idea to put 100 people in a confined area and then create a plugin that slowly devours the entire


while they still


in it. I told everyone to just be normal survival and nothing would happen at home, oh and um, also everyone is into hardcore, enjoy, let's try something. I want to do your bass, a little social experiment, okay, yeah, a little social experiment, it's going to be a small area, it's going to be a small amplified area, as you can see, there's not much going on, it's some animals, it's a quiet place, no. there's nothing strange and we have a little box here, you guys should be able to appear there once, once I give it to you. guys, the IP is fine, how many people is it?
i made 100 players live in a world that destroys itself
I don't know it's a group of people oh we're going to let them loose we're going to let everyone loose it'll be 100 people and as soon as they're loose he we're going to play survival we're just going to play normal survival and it's absolutely not going to happen nothing strange, we are going to give everyone freedom, everyone is going to have a great time playing survival chat, we are going to play survival, what is that skin?, what is this skin? it's backwards it's funny why do you have the


addon world eater I wonder what that is that's cool Oh what have you done Mort's friend Mort oh my god Mort let's help Mort get out real quick Mort , you have a second chance, don't you need it?
i made 100 players live in a world that destroys itself

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i made 100 players live in a world that destroys itself...

I know I need to fall into your death, friend, go, do your thing, okay, do your thing, do your thing, if you die again, that will be it, that will be it. You will get an extra life. Mort blocks are admissible, no, no, no, no, there is nothing. Going under the ground look at all the bases in the sky there's fire oh no no the Wallace fires and I can't do anything about it it's Oh No I can't stop it it's spreading so fast and it's not even mine I can't do anything about it oh no oh no all this stress oh we won't


comrades do it it's over oh no one else one more one more one more you have this get rid of it yes the fires have been stopped start our house does anyone have? seed carrot potato pumpkin melon or beet roots we should probably give them some food what is the best food in the game I think it's time to create havoc chat I think it's time to create havoc well let's see what happens Let's just see what happens.
i made 100 players live in a world that destroys itself
Oh, guys, guys, it's hard, you don't listen, you don't want to die, you don't want others to die, okay, okay, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen to this guy, he knows what he's doing, he knows what. he's okay so this is what this is what I'm going to give you this okay I'm going to give it to you I'm going to give it to you I'm going to give you a um I'm going to give you a turtle helmet okay, that's what what you will get if you wear that turtle helmet, there you have it, you are now part of the police force.
i made 100 players live in a world that destroys itself
Okay, buddy, you're not part of the police force. What are you supposed to do if you see any bad activity? I'm going to take care of it, okay, you'll take care of it, we should probably get more people on the force. I'll give you a few more of these. Mort is dead. Did Mort die? Did more Mort die Mort Mort friend Mort listen? I, Mort, told you I wouldn't revive you, do it one more time, okay, don't die again, don't die, okay, there's some loot right there. I'm going to need you to get that. Mort, go, go, go get it, go get the loot. job, good job, good job, good job, okay, turn yourself in, make sure you're ready and don't die again, okay, don't die again, okay, okay, Mord's going to, what have you done, promise your loyalty, use the ball we need to keep watch or something police police force I'm going to need you to do what what go on a hike someone has to be shot down go get him yeah my police come on daddy see the squad with one slightly behind Oh revive Mort why not he committed suicide Should we revive Mort last time his last chance revived Mort?
Okay, but Mort will live with the police. Mort will live with the police. He will be in this little place. This is your place. Private propanol becomes perfect. Well, I once RESPECTED Mort's privacy. Mort listen to me Morton listen to me now you are part of the police force yes thank you thank you there is another story now you are part of the police force okay don't die anymore to say thank you that's amazing the community here with the police force and everything seems pretty safe it seems that the people have a small air economy running I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed someone once told me the world is going to roll well for me check the tomb which tomb is there half of 100 people for that Thanos 4-2 for Thanos who is the void and war rips Mort but he's smarter rips Mort but better Mort but faster Mort but dearer more Rick Rick but pickle you know what you can take you know what you can be whoever puts the sign up, you're not a gravedigger, now you'd care of every person who dies and you would respect them. coffin dancer, yeah he's the guy, yeah yeah he takes your stuff and dances every time someone dies. the coffin squad, oh my god, oh, he's going to go why.
Are you building down here? How did you get so much wood? Shep Oh Shep oh fool you don't understand give me some I respect those who want to build instead of live I respect almost half of the world almost half of the world is already gone chat almost half of the world is gone who lives in these territories Oh , the wisdom is that I'm eating, I'll be right back please don't kill me you know that a full stomach is a good stomach here we go there we go does anyone live? Here too Oh, what is it?
It's a sneaky place and they have a table with four seats, but there's only one person. This is a very sad talk. I hope this is an underground home, please, I need friends, I got you, I got you, there you go. this is amazing look how healthy this is it looks like I've acquired friends it looks like Eric formerly known as Technol I joined a game Eric fell from the world more than half the population is dead including Mort is better and plus two smarter o Dirt's I need a graveyard of grass I got you, buddy, I got you, we need, we gotta give our grade boy some stuff, we need to give Griff a win, let's give him some dirt on the field, we gotta give him some dirt too bit. what's like a grave block we have to give it a spider web or something like oh the police Oh - police, whoever did that, whoever did that police, the police, do something about it, there will be consequences. what is happening here. what is happening here. rez and fireworks please, I'm not giving that, no, oh you know what you know what you want, light up rez, you want to light up rez, okay, I got you, I got you like lighter and fireworks, you're still about 15 seconds.
Oh someone's really close Oh Oh, will he make it? No way, so close. 50% of the world is now gone, you might want to make that sign very, very dangerous to play with, buddy, you might want to go back up. I feel like I feel like we're not seeing enough color here, okay, I feel like we're not seeing enough color, give everyone pink 16 wool here we go, how did this happen too? I guess this guy's cake makes me feel like this guy's Cana, but I'm not quite. mine sure feels bad look at the color chat it's beautiful you know what's not beautiful the impeccable and inevitable doom that's raining down on our citizens what's going on here oh you finished your meal how was your meal buddy was it Good, was the burger good? my mom did it ah dude mom burgers chat let's be real here mom burgers those are the best chat mom burgers mom burgers pug can we get a mom burger place this is so dangerous this is so sad listen like I like your grave here what I want you to do I want you to promote someone to a musician Okay, that's not exactly going to be music, but if you say: Can I be?
I don't know, we need a name, we need a name, okay, here we go, sorry about Suri and Buddy. music man music man okay, we'll give you music sneakers first take the sneakers take the music sneakers okay, put it on now it's officially music man now disco no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there you have music man, no, no, music, man, you have your stuff, no, go, play it now, yeah, you come back, you come back, okay, there you go, now share your beautiful music with the world, chat of music, we have music, oh, people decided to change it.
Oh, here we go, here. Come on, come on, oh he killed one chaeyeon, he kills two, law enforcement is where the law enforcement is, we're chat sweepers, you don't have much time, boy, the world is getting super, how did we get here? , what, what, what, no, no, no no no no no we'll call him there we'll call him there buddy we'll call him there oh my god it's actually getting really close Chet 85% of the world eighty-five percent of the world It's gone very, very soon everything will be gone, let's see what's happening down here look at that look at the surroundings how many people are here three four five oh four curiously this is 75% 75% of this is our police academy and It's not even they're taking care of most of the people, seventy-five percent are down here, just a chilling game mode, survival.
Mort Mort Mort, listen to me, I'm going to need you to create some havoc, do whatever you want, okay? No, I'm not saying what you should do. I'm not saying what you should do. I'm just giving you some potential items that may be useful in a certain way. Now, come on, talk about the last few seconds of the potentially last solo. The gravedigger is here, you have to perform the song too, come on, okay, do it again, do it again, we'll just cut this, we'll recover, Chad, the merchant, the last seconds of the grave things are here, no you get in. up oh no oh nobody mr.
Payne, it's not worse, the last guy, where are you running? He is the last one to leave. This guy is one of our sneaky guys. Oh my God, this is yes, no, you have to write, you have time, you can, you can help your citizens, you can. help your citizens what are you doing don't be selfish now you can do this I guess this is it friend Isabel fell from a high place I guess this is it friend Oh No, since Mort knows what he's going for it, he's going for it the island the last citizens have left down there and what is on the way citizens of flora gangs I advise you to prepare Oh Oh dead mortis, citizens of gangs of Florida survived or citizens of the earth or university citizens whatever you want to be named ok chat, this is This is the end.
I'm going to revive everyone who enters PvP to take a second look at everyone. Okay, everyone, everyone. I wanted to bring her here, beautiful. Okay, why would you do that? Why do you think it's time? The social experiment was about the real social experiment.

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