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How My Vault RUINED a YouTuber Server

May 05, 2024
What are they. making an attempt to get into hold wait listen listen listen someone is taking a beating at first the defenses seem to be working but soon we hear one of them getting milk completely counteracting our mining fatigue no no and to make matters worse their name tags were substantially Getting closer and closer, okay, I'm going to scream, let out at the top of your lungs and you're going to fall, get ready guys, okay, I need you to get off of me, we knew this wasn't good, so we got closer. the wall ready for them to crash you're in the middle that's what you think holy friend it's dark what's up guys open open open open open we got more Obi can we just put it up?
how my vault ruined a youtuber server
Despite their effort, they still hadn't found a way to counter the guardians allowing us to remain protected enough to claim the empty vote, alright, and after this it looked like the enemy team wasn't going to come back anymore, so we were able to complete the third and final completely contested ritual, oh my God, oh my God. God, come on, come on, come on, tell me, tell me, when this was perfect, now we had three of the strongest weapons on the


, I only took seven hearts, what, oh, I pulled, I threw my bad, I pulled, I threw my thing, my seven bad hearts.
how my vault ruined a youtuber server

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how my vault ruined a youtuber server...

This is crazy, wait. I make seven hearts when I throw. All we had to do from here was safely exit the Vault so we could take the rest from our enemies. We're out, we're out, we're out, we're out. J J oh my god oh my god oh my god char No you can't get things Zam right at the last second jpex accidentally got caught in a chain of explosions from the guardian being down a player was super bad for us but we still decided to chase after our enemies with the momentum we have hello guys, they are here, oh, here, above me, hello guys, kill the immortal player, oh, they are leaving, it seemed like they were trying to escape, but we keep chasing, look at the way they They are acting. look at the way they act look at the way they act i'm here on duty here you want to appear in front of us it was flame fragments and pentar had the life thief and the dragon bone sword so we played aggressively immortal player immortal player hey hey immortal player hey immortal player immortal brother is angry Immortal is so immortal caught him I need help oh wait oh wait that's what was killed cat was killed by Pretty Kitty sword in the water buddy what are you talking about?
how my vault ruined a youtuber server
They're attacking me, let me hit, let me hit, let me hit, let me hit, let me hit, come out, come out, hey Bentar, they're BL, this thing is fine, Zam, your cats are all over me, how can't I do anything, wait, my cats. they're going to kill M okay wait buddy oh don't overlook that dragon has a dragon oh the dragon is crazy I hit the back I hit the back I hit the back Yo my god your cats are crazy what's going on? Zam, I'm killing your friend, I'm him, hehehe, hehe, I'm trying, we were doing so well, but soon they would try to escape, guys, don't let them go, don't let them go? ready, I actually changed my mind, bye, no way, I'm a cute kitty, I'm a cute kitty, now Flame managed to lose us, but his teammate Pentar was still vulnerable with Dragon Blade, are you back where I was? ? no, he's running, um, what's his name West, empty B was helping me locate him, but we weren't the only ones going for him, oh, I see you guys, I see you guys, I see you Sam, sweet, nice, nice, eventually, Pentar fell, but When I got there, no one knew who had picked up the mythical Get the sword, get the sword, get the sword, who got it, Arin, did you get it?
how my vault ruined a youtuber server
After looking around a bit, I realized that a player named Arin was the one who had picked her up. I have no idea what his intentions were, he could just fly away, so maybe he had a quick idea, come on, we're sorry, we're sorry, the SW got the sword. God, this idea worked, but then Sharos took it back. Don't know. So Sharos may have gotten it, he didn't panic, he started running away, it's okay, oh my god, oh my god, dude, I feel so bad, oh man, as much as it hurt us to attack him now, we knew we couldn't let this will finish. on the way to our first day mission, okay, now I feel bad, oh, I'm sorry, shark, I'm sorry, dagale, impossible, oh, it went in somewhere, it went in somewhere, yes, I know, it I found it, I found it, I found it.
I have no chorus so keep chasing I have no idea wait wait wait wait wait wait um unnatural unnatural Blocks he's right he's digging he's digging I see his particles do you see his particles? Maybe I'm wrong oh yeah, you're on him, you're on him, you're on him, I'm sorry, come on, I've got the sword, I've got the sword, the step back is crazy, dude, the back is crazy, I feel so bad, I I feel so bad, oh my god guys this is the D we needed come on this is it. We needed this, we needed this slaughter to make us feel terrible, but Mapic was right too, we had a mission to complete and now, with four of the five mythicals in our possession, we needed to track down flame fragments for the life stealer, but he could have done it.
I've already been somewhere, okay, CH already disconnected. I feel like not really, he's going to stay there, he's like that, right, it's like he's polishing equipment, yeah, our first idea was to see if we could find the base of him using a technique called pyate, this involves using. Move F3 to bring up a menu at the bottom right that will tell you if certain blocks are in your charged fragments, for example a telltale sign that you're close to a base is if something like an E-chest or an E-table appears, so we kept our eyes open to see if we could find anything on the real


no, there was 2% yes oh I have a table e on oh it's that old base waits I have a table e on mine I have to investigate which base waits no this is new this is new we haven't been here wait wait uh a 600 and 1400 there's an enchantment table on my pie chart and there's only one village right here my discovery was promising as neither of us had explored this area before so I called Mig and Zam to help me, yes, yes, there definitely has to be a base here, there is no way there isn't, is that positive? 500, yes, positive, positive.
I feel like they feel like they definitely had to start singing well. under the village, so if we just dig somewhere we'll hear it, yeah, well those villagers like to walk outside, yeah, there are some that are here, oh, they're maxed out, why are they Max? Wait, that's your name, did you start? digging down yeah okay okay okay wait there's another name the flame right there right there I'm on it what tag it tag it tag it tag it tag it tag it to our surprise this area was their base and Flame was now outside outdoors and alone, this was our perfect opportunity to take back the thief of lives.
Where did you go? I see it, it's still to the east, to the east, from where we last saw it, brother, where are you going? Go east from where we last saw him. on me on me right here on me right here I'm taking hits on him where in the water in the water of the ice This of the ice that's you g I'm here pretty oh I hurt don't call oh you guys kill him oh guys kill him oh guys come back start stabbing him in the back now, despite our odds the llama is still a tough opponent and will soon stop long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
W is coming, big deal, big deal, big deal, big deal, oh he's hitting boing. quick fall, in any case, even though Flame's teammate jumped we still had the numbers, we just couldn't let him get away Zam, how frustrating are your cats. I can't do anything about it, no I know, someone just hit me with the third one. That's my problem, I have speed too, give me a second, he's just not faster than me. You get this, he's fighting back, oh wait, he turns you the wrong direction, yeah, he turned you the wrong direction. I'm going to avoid B later, okay, okay, okay. work two crits go minute I don't think I hit I do I should try something I'm trying something yeah try try to get one out of here just get one out of here just get one out of here pains are a big deal flame now I had a third teammate who would be flying with fresh resources we needed to keep them apart, put him palmed, I think I hit him with a dagger too, I don't know or I missed two crits, where is he?
No?, oh oh. that's man I mean that was woo yeah dude those daggers he's pearling he forgot they were B good job good job minute so dead here so dead here so dead here God Zer throw Zer throw alright come on here H here we have to get there quickly go go they are just chasing I have to stab in the back that was such a good moment it was so good with my webs distancing the flame from his mapic team and now he had it just cute oh he took a bad turn , he took a bad turn so much faster than him in the water minute I have no idea where you guys are, yeah, maybe just keep him busy to cut him off, he runs towards the ice, okay, that's good because if he stays on water, I'm faster than him just with my momentum. he's using so many still, oh my god, turn this water if you can wait, think about it oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, get the dirt, get the dirt, get the dirt, we got a nice minute, we did it, Yes, I couldn't fight.
I plan so much, so I want to continue. I'm in the Village, yeah, I see it, you see it, yeah, they're the ones that come down, oh, he's dead. He's okay, so he's dead, oh, that's the Rockets, if I hit him, I'll catch him. I'm going to get him, I'm going to get him, okay, yeah, this is so dead I'm like a stab in the back indicator I have no idea what I am, good things, good things, my God, oh my God, you're C we. we need this team for jpex we need this team for jpex we need this team for jpex Sam look how crazy I look right now we it's sa how it feels a minute great this is the screenshot to end the video what's up guys we're out we We went out, we went out, oh yes, and when the night concluded, our team, against all odds and against every trial and tribulation, became Kings and maintained five mythical HP at once, setting a server record that to this day no team has come close to Breaking JX I. have useful articles about me please no J, get out of here what are you doing? what are you doing?
SK on me, open up.

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