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How To Draw A Sea Serpent

May 30, 2021
Hi Jack, what are we going to


today? A sea


. A sea


that is like a dragon that lives in the ocean. Yes, it's amazing. We hope you are excited and follow us. You need a marker or something to


with. with yes and some paper and something to color with yes something to color with some colored pencils are you ready to start yes okay, first let's start by drawing the eye of our sea snake here on the top left, we're going to put its head here up so that he has a big long neck and his body down here, so we'll start by drawing that diagonal line here on the top left, this is for his eye, the top part of the eye, then we'll draw the bottom part. of his eye we are going to draw a curve that starts on the left side yes, it connects up to the top then we are going to draw his mouth we are going to draw a line s we are going to start here by drawing s line that comes under his eye, now let's Let's draw the bottom of his mouth, we're going to draw another line that comes out to the front and he has his mouth open, so next let's draw these cool sharp teeth, yeah, Let's actually draw, we can draw a big sharp tooth, then we'll draw a bunch of little ones behind him, then we can repeat the same step for the lower jaw of his mouth and drop a really big one. and then many small ones, after now let's draw the top of his head, we'll start over his eye, we'll go down and then connect with his nose, yeah, now let's draw his jaw, we'll draw a line and we could draw a zigzag line on his chin and then we're going to draw his beard, yeah, he's got a little bit of a beard and now we're going to draw the bottom of his jaw, getting back to being cool, now we're.
how to draw a sea serpent
We will draw many fins on it to make it look like it belongs in the ocean. Good job. A really cool, big one, coming out of the top of his head. We're going to draw a curve that goes out and back to his eye and then. Let's draw the back of his head so that the curve coming back looks like it's going to connect with the bottom of his jaw. Yeah, now let's draw a couple more really big spikes, let's draw a really long one and then draw. a couple more, shorter or smaller, yes, you drew, yes, one more, there you go, good job, so let's connect each of these spikes with a kind of net like on the tail of a fish or on its fins, yeah, so we are.
how to draw a sea serpent

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how to draw a sea serpent...

I'm going to draw a curve that connects each of these spikes and then I'm going to draw one that goes down and connects to its head, doesn't it look like a fish's fin? Yeah, great, now let's draw one more, uh. Back here to make it look 3D, let's draw another peak. I'm going to add one more spike that's even bigger right above. Yes, now let's connect those spikes to the straps as well. Oh, it looks amazing. It looks really cool. Yes, now let's add. a few more spikes back here, I'm going to add some zigzag lines that connect to that fin on the side of his head.
how to draw a sea serpent
Now we're ready to draw his neck, we're going to draw a big S-shaped line. We're going to start right here under his jaw, we're going to draw a curse slanted to the right and then back to the left side. Now I'm going to start curving this all the way, look it looks like an s. back yeah good job now let's draw the back of his neck we're going to start here and we're going to draw another curve that does the same thing we did with the first one yeah continue we went right next to If it's perfect then We're going to draw the belly of his neck or the bottom of his neck, it's going to make him look like a snake, so we're going to draw another S-shaped curve, although it's closer to the left side.
how to draw a sea serpent
I'm going to extend it a little bit beyond the other two lines, yeah, like this, now let's draw their fins, let's draw them with two fins and a tail like a seal, yeah, so a dragon shield, a dragon seal. I'm going to draw a very long downward curve, yes, then we'll curve it back up for that fin, if we want, we could even add little wrinkles on each side, it looks like it's connected to its body, so let's finish its belly on that fin, let's do it in 3D so let's add another fin here on the other side of your body and then I'll attach it back to your body if we ever go too fast let's remind our friends what they can do if they need more time pause the video yes you guys can Pause the video if you want to take more time to draw your fins or additional details on your sea snake.
Now let's draw the rest of his body. We're going to draw a line coming out so we're imagining this line coming behind his fin right here then we're going to come out on the right side I'm going to go up and curve great yeah now let's draw the upper part of his body. I'm going to draw another curve that matches this one, so we're going to go around like this and then I'm going to zoom in, but I'm not going to touch here at the end for its tail. Now let's draw its tail. I'm going to draw a curve coming out and make it look 3D.
I'm going to go after his fin since I'm so close, but you have too much extra room so you can't do that. You don't need to draw the 3D or overlay it, so I'm going to draw another curve on the other side and you're running out of space, okay, you can imagine it coming off the page. Yes, perfect, now let's draw the rest of its tail. I'm going to start right here in the middle and I'm going to draw a curve that goes up and then right at the end curve in the other direction to finish his fin or his tail and we're going to do the same on the other side draw that line that goes out, right?
Doesn't it look amazing? Yeah, it looks like it belongs in a killer pit or maybe a dolphin and a mermaid or a mermaid, yeah, mermaid, and then it's got these extra fins here, dude. I love it, it looks like it belongs in the ocean. Yeah, now it needs a lot of extra details to make it look even cooler, so let's add fins going down its back, maybe like a seahorse, so I'm going to draw a spike. coming out from behind his head, I'm going to draw a really big one next to it and then as I go down I'm going to add a couple more really long ones.
Now as we go down his neck, we're going to make them get shorter each of these spikes will get a little bit smaller you can add as many as you want you don't have to add the same amount yeah oh yours is my favorite it looks great now we're going to do it The same thing we did here in your head, we're going to connect each of these peaks with a curved line so that it looks like there's a web between each peak, going all the way down and then here on this last one. I'm going to draw one last line to connect to his neck, okay, let's add another one, let's put another row of spikes going down his back, so this time I'll start small and get bigger as we go. on his back I can even make some really big ones and maybe even some smaller ones, then as we get closer to the end of his tail, I'll make myself smaller, yeah, perfect, so let's add that netting, so I'll do the same.
What we're going to connect each of these with a curve, so we have this, this is where our friends may need to pause the video if they need more time because we're going a little bit faster, so each spike is connected, it looks totally like uh. like a seahorse yeah yeah the back of a seahorse oh it looks amazing it looks really cool now let's add gills let's add some gills on its neck so I'll add just a few lines going down his neck and I got a little smaller as I went down towards the end, we could also add some spikes like we did here on the side of his head to make it look more 3D.
So see this line here, let's continue that line under your belly and then I go. to taper it and make it smaller as it goes into its tail, yeah, now we have one last thing to draw, let's add some lines that go across its neck and you can curve them to make it look more 3D. Now this looks a lot like a snake. like the belly of a snake, so I think it looks really cool to add this to a sea serpent and we added a lot of these same details in the dragon lesson, remember yeah, we have to leave a link?
For our friends, if you haven't seen our lesson on dragons, you have to do it too because it looks really cool, okay, we did it, we finished drawing our sea serpents, they look amazing, except they will look paired. better once we do what color yes we still have to color them now this part we are going to fast forward but at the end you guys can pause it to match the same color that you are ready to fast forward let's use let's do it right we did it We finished coloring our sea ​​snakes and color them solid, they look pretty impressive, yes, but we still need to add shading.
Yeah, well, we'll keep moving quickly in this part, but at the end you can pause it again to add some shading. make them look even more 3D you're ready fast forward again yeah now we're going to fast forward but I want to show our artistic friends the technique we're doing real quick so in one of these on the net between the spikes, starting very dark with our dark blue and I'm pressing hard to the side of the body next to his neck and then as we come out of his body we get lighter and lighter and fade away, doesn't that look cool , Yes I can see? much more 3d and we're going to add that to each of the segments between the spikes.
Okay, let's move on. I'm going to add some shading below his jaw, right where his neck emerges from his head. Now we're also adding some shading to this tail fin to make it look more 3D. Now we're also going to add shading to its body. We will do it on the lower part of his belly because the light shines from it. up where the sun is, so let's shade the bottom and I'm also shading the bottom or the back of his neck, okay buddy, we're done shading our sea snakes, they look amazing, don't they? Yes, guys.
You can pause the video right now to match the same shading and also the same color, but it's okay if our drawings look different, yes, and it's okay if our friends' drawings also look different from ours because the most The important thing is to have fun, yes, have fun. company and for practice I hope you really change your drawings, you could even add a background, you could draw the ocean, you could even draw other creatures around it, yes, like piranhas, like piranhas, that would be cool, see you later, our friends, bye bye.

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