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How To Draw A Mosasaurus Dinosaur

Jun 03, 2021
Hello art friends, today we are going to




, this one is from Jurassic World, a mosasaur, yes, I think that's how they say, it's the big one in the water that goes up and eats the shark, yes, like that, we hope they do. You're going to follow along this is going to be a lot of fun you need your marker or something to


with some paper and something to go with yeah let's get started okay first we're going to draw his or her eye down here on the bottom left or On the bottom right of our paper, we're just going to draw a little oval, since this


is very big, we want the eyes to be very small, then we're going to draw the mouth, we're going to open it.
how to draw a mosasaurus dinosaur
To start here we're going to draw a big diagonal line going down and then we're going to draw a little curve here at the bottom and then we're going to draw a diagonal line, okay, this is going to be cool, okay, next we're going to draw the tongue coming out of the back of the mouth, we're going to draw an s shaped curve like this so it curves down and then a little bit up at the end and then we can curve back. around and then connect it back inside the mouth now let's make the mouth look more 3D, we're going to start here and we're going to draw another diagonal line that goes down and stops there, pretty much in the same place where we stopped last time . time at first and then we're going to curve and imagine that it goes behind the tongue and then connects down at the bottom.
how to draw a mosasaurus dinosaur

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how to draw a mosasaurus dinosaur...

Now let's draw sharp teeth and we're going to draw small sharp teeth, so we're just going to draw small ones. Lines and we want to draw them sharp because this dinosaur is a carnivore, which means they eat meat from other dinosaurs, yeah, so we also draw teeth on the other side of the mouth and I'll draw them here at the bottom. draw them very little since the dinosaur is very big but the teeth look small and although these teeth are probably huge they look small since we are drawing the complete dinosaur trying to fit everything on our paper, okay, now let's draw the part At the top of our dinosaur's head we're going to draw the front of the nose, so we're going to draw a little curve coming out of the top, then we're going to draw a kind of wavy line going back to the eye and then we're going to draw the muscle of the nose. eyebrow that goes over the eye, we'll go back a little bit more and then just the curve at the end looks like a crocodile, that's right, the mouth looks a lot like a crocodile.
how to draw a mosasaurus dinosaur
Now let's draw the bottom of the eye. mouth or jaw, we're going to draw the front just a little diagonal line, then we're going to draw a wavy line coming back and then right at the end we're going to curve up, like what we did here. but below we have a chin, I like it, it is a great chin, it is very muscular, nice, next we are going to draw the back and we are also going to draw a big and long tail upwards, so we will start here at the neck we are going to draw a curve coming back like this, then we're going to curve up and then we can curve forward and we'll stop there for a second, I'll let you lift your leg and then just forward. a little bit yeah, so we're going to curve for the rest of the tail, we're going to curve back and up, we're going to use all of our paper, I love it, now let's draw the chest, let's start. here under the jaw and we are going to draw a line that comes down and then also back, let's draw the first fin, they look like whale fins, we are going to start here inside the body that we are going to draw.
how to draw a mosasaurus dinosaur
A downward curve connects to that line, but we're going to keep drawing and curving further back. Now let's draw a diagonal line. We're going to go back almost to where we started, but we leave a little bit of space and then draw a little wrinkle line there we could also draw a little wrinkle line in the front now let's draw the belly let's imagine this line for the chest going behind the fin and coming out from behind we're going to curve up and we want to start getting closer to the line, let's see how, yeah, like this, now let's draw the rear fins and they look exactly like the front fins, so we'll start inside the curve of the body and then we will touch the belly line and then we will continue. to curve really high now let's draw a diagonal line coming back to the body and then here at the end let's draw a curve that comes closer but we'll still leave a little bit of space, yeah, and then add those little wrinkle lines like we did here on the front, good job Hadley, it looks amazing now let's draw the rest of the tail, let's start here imagine this line, the belly line goes behind the fin, just like we did up here. go out the back and we're going to make the same curve as the tail, we're going to even it out and then up here we're going to come in and make a point at the end, yeah, that's thick. tip, I like how thick it is, it looks amazing, let's make our masasaurus in 3D, so we'll add another fins, another two fins, let's start here for the front fin, we'll draw a curve that goes down and also comes back, and draw a diagonal line that connects with the belly.
Let's do the same thing here for the back fan. We are going to curve the second rear fin outward and upward. Then we can draw the diagonal line going back inward just like we did with these. this other tail fin here and then right at the end we're going to make another little curve like we did on this one, yeah, what's our dinosaur with the spikes missing? This is my favorite part, the coolest part, the picks, you like them both. Okay, let's draw spikes going down the back, we're going to draw little ones upside down and this one here on the body might be a little bit small, so we're going to draw little ones going down the back and when we get there. in line, this is going to be really cool.
I thought that was an amazing detail on this dinosaur. They're small here, usually when I draw dragons and other dinosaurs I draw them, really, yeah, very big, small here and small on the tail. this is the opposite, so we're going to draw as we go down, as we go down or up the tail, we're going to get bigger and bigger and you don't have to draw them exactly like I do, you can draw them a little bit. different but we want to draw them taller and thicker towards the end of the tail and then we're just going to stop, we did it, hadley, we finished drawing our


, I hope that's how you pronounce it, yeah, maybe that sounds better, still we need to do what with our drawings we are going to color it, yes, my favorite part, this one we are going to fast forward, but at the end you can pause the video if you want it to match our same color, you are ready to fast forward, yes, nothing, it we did, we finished. coloring our dinosaur turned out super cool and we just colored it dark grey, we used our biannual markers, I used two greys, we used one that's wg03, that's our warm grey, and then I used a wg05 for the shading, I love that you layered it. the same color on top to add your tone, yes I let it dry and then edited another layer, it looks super cool.
Then we used red r105 for the inside of the mouth. I also used a white colored pencil to add more texture, but you can leave that off. To make the lesson a little easier, what else could our friends add to their drawing? You could add the stadium he swims in. Oh yeah, you could also draw a shark hanging there that will come up and eat. I love French and you are a


. We hope you had a lot of fun and see you later, our friends. Bye bye.

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