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How To Draw A Coral Snake

May 09, 2024
Hello our friends, today we are going to




, yes, a



, they are really cool. We hope you will follow us. You need something to


with. We love using markers. Some papers and something to color. Alright. Do this, yeah, first we're going to draw the head of our snake, so first we're going to draw one, we're going to draw it down here, first I'm going to draw the front of the nose and it's flat, then we're going to draw the outside shape, so we're going to do a curve out and then in and we will do the same on the left side curve out and then in.
how to draw a coral snake
Yes, it already looks great. Yes, now let's draw the eye we are. We're going to draw it near the nose, we're going to draw an oval shape and then we can also draw a little hole here for the nostril, yeah now the other side of the snake is being covered so we're just going to draw one side , now let's draw the body and we're going to draw both sides together that way we can make sure we don't overlap too much, so we're going to draw a curve that comes out like this and We're going to curve up and up, I'm going to draw it a little bit more and also backwards so that it almost looks like an upside-down C.
how to draw a coral snake

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how to draw a coral snake...

Now we're going to draw the other side and we want to keep the same distance as we continue. the first line that we draw, so we want to make sure that we don't get thicker or thinner as we draw, we want to make sure that it's uniform all the way around, now we're going to continue, but we're going to continue down the left side of the snake, so we're going to start here and we're going to go down and we're going to get closer to the neck of the snake here, then we're going to curve and we're going to draw more around and I'm going to keep going up and then we're going to stop just like we did on this side, yeah, so we curve so we almost have a C shape right here, now we're going to draw the other one. side we are going to follow it make sure you keep the same distance you don't want to get thicker or thinner and it's okay if you do because we are practicing well so the most important thing to remember is to have fun and practice practice yeah I I got a little bit thicker right there, yeah, and it's okay, it's totally okay.
how to draw a coral snake
Now we'll continue, except we'll continue on this side, so we'll curve like this again and get closer. The other side of the snake, I could even go ahead and touch here and then we can go up further, touch even more curves and then I'll stop there, so the same thing we've done. It's shaped like an upside down C so let's finish it on the other side stay right next to it itself distance curve up oh I'm a little thin oh it looks so cool now on this side let's leave some space in the middle here like this that we can turn backwards we are drawing our snake all coiled up they like to be this way they feel a little safer I think insecure especially if they feel threatened yes so we are going to continue on this side but we are going to leave some of space between here, so we don't want to go up to it and touch it, we want to leave some space, we're going to turn back and then we stop like this, yeah, so we're going to draw.
how to draw a coral snake
I'm going to turn my paper on its side to make it a little easier. Then we will draw the match on the other side and we will stay right next to it, at the same distance, we will go down and stop there. Now we are going to continue drawing, but. We'll start on the left side, which I think has actually been the right side. We're just going to start on this side, go down the curve and then connect with the body and We're going to continue following it like this until we get into the big loop, we're going to make a curve and then we're going to stop just like we've been doing with the c to back.
Now let's jump to the other side. We're going to keep it going, we're doing great, you're doing great, continue now, we get to this part, we're going to start getting smaller because now we're at the end of the snake's tail. We'll get a little bit closer to the line so it starts getting thinner and thinner and you're done with the snake. Good job man, I'm not done with mine yet, it's totally fine buddy, don't worry because it's fine for both of our drawings to see each other. different and it's nice that our friends finished their snake right there too.
I'm going to extend mine a little further. You're so funny. I'm going to spread mine out like this and then I was going to turn around and finish like this. I think it's amazing, Jack, you did a great job. Now let's add the stripes to our snake. This is what will make it look even cooler and also more 3D, so we're not going to draw straight lines, we're always going to draw them. a curved line, so here in the head we're going to draw a curved line that goes up and then comes back down on the other side, then let's draw the other side so that the first stripe is yellow, we're going to curve up, so that does so that it doesn't look super 3d, yeah, or much more 3d than it was before it looked flat, we're going to draw another stripe right next to it, so we're going to draw a curve like this and now I'm going to draw another curve, so these little stripes that we're drawing are the yellow stripes, the tip of the head is black, then the neck is black and then it alternates and becomes black, red, black, red, but in between each of those colors is the yellow. little stripes, yeah, so let's leave some space, let's leave some space and then we're going to draw another yellow stripe, yeah, now on this side, when we're going to turn and turn this corner, we're going to draw the stripe that goes towards this side.
So we will draw two curves stuck together like this, then let's go down a little more, we will draw the curves going in the same direction, now let's go down here, this strip in the middle of this curve will not be so curved we will draw it a little straight but a little curved yes, so here in this corner we're going to draw the stripe in this direction yeah good job let's make another stripe right here this one won't be as curved as the curve whether it's similar to what we did here now the curves going up in this direction are really curves.
I'm going to add two more up here and I'm even going to do one more around this corner. Good job and then here let's change and go in the other direction and go down this side of the snake, we're going to draw them the same, they look upside down, use them all the way down and then here, going back up, we're going to change and still make it are seen. like they're upside down, use them to go back up and then even in this corner here, I'm just going to draw them a little bit curved, not too curved, now here at the end of the tail, I'm going to draw this last stripe. here a little thicker and then I'm going to add one more in this direction on the tail, yeah you did it Jack we finished drawing our snake it looks really cool and super 3D except we're going to make them look still cooler, what are you doing?
We still need to color it, yes, we need to color our snakes. This part we're going to fast forward, but at the end, you guys can pause the video to match the same color. They're ready to move on fast, yeah Jack, great job coloring your snake. it looks so cool, yes, much better colored, yes, first we colored our snake solid, but then we went over it again with our white colored pencil to add highlight and make it look more slippery like a snake, yes, then we used the gray marker to add. a shadow, yes, and that makes it look even more three-dimensional.
You had a lot of fun drawing your


snakes. Yes, we hope you had a lot of fun. I'm sure your drawings turned out great and we'll see. you then our friends goodbye

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