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How To Draw A Scorpion

Apr 25, 2024
Hello friends, today we are going to try a


, yes, it is a super realistic


, it will be very fun, we hope you are excited and follow us, you need a marker and paper. ready to get started yeah we're going to start by


ing our scorpion's legs and the pincers so we're going to start by


ing the pincer first we're going to draw here on the bottom left of our paper so we've got a bunch. of space for his body and his tail, so let's start here and let's draw a c backwards or to the side, yeah, now at the end we're going to turn this into the launcher, so let's roll it up at the end, cool and then we'll come back, we're going to draw a big s shaped line back, see how it curves in one direction and then the other, yeah, now we're going to draw the bottom of the pincher we're going to go out and curl up like we did at the top and then we'll come back for the pincher that's pretty easy yeah your pincher looks amazing now we're going to draw the arm coming back to the body so we're going to draw a big shape that goes up and back almost looks like a u that is connected to the clamp, then we are going to drop leaning forward and we are going to draw that same shape, look how it looks the same but going in the other direction now right here at the end we are going to draw another one, it is a kind of semicircle, yes, okay, now that we have the first arm with the clamp finished, let's draw the second leg. or the first leg actually and we're going to draw, we're going to draw another U shape that comes out back, then we're going to draw another U shape that comes forward and we draw them a little thin, then we're going to draw the long part of the leg, it's going to come out and go down, we'll see how it curves right at the end, yeah, and then we'll come back.
how to draw a scorpion
This is very thin. Now let's draw the second leg. and we're going to draw it pointing a little bit more up, so we're going to draw the same type of shape. To practice, don't we draw the same segments for each of the legs? So now let's draw. Crouching down now we're going to draw the thin part that comes forward and then we're going to draw curving back, now well, right at the end, let's draw another little foot that sticks out back, okay, now we're going to draw the last leg and we're going to draw an overlap , so let's draw a part that comes back like this and then comes back in.
how to draw a scorpion

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how to draw a scorpion...

Yes, it's right under this leg. Now we're going to draw it bending up, so we're going to draw it going up and I like the second stage and then we're going to draw the next segment coming back. Now we need to draw that thin part, the skate part of the leg that goes down. Oh, it looks so creepy. So let's draw it back. and we could draw that little foot just like we did on the second leg pointing back, cool, we did it now, we draw the front legs, we're going to draw the back legs after we make the body, so let's draw the bot, the main big one .
how to draw a scorpion
First we're going to draw a body part, we're going to draw a curve that goes up, it's going to come back and then it's going to stop at the last leg, oh wow, okay, curve it back towards the knee. or the curve in the leg, yeah, okay, yeah, square butt, square butt now, if our friends do that at home, they can curve it down like you, now let's draw the tail, let's start down here, where the third leg. start so let's curve it, let's draw a line and let's imagine it goes behind all the other legs and I'm curving it up, so now we're going to draw the tail curved up. so it looks like a sideways u or a backwards c oh that looks so cool man are you having fun?
how to draw a scorpion
Yeah, next we're going to draw all the tail segments and the tail looks really gross, so we're going to draw a curve that goes up and then it curves down like this and you could do the same thing, let's start down here and curve and you tail may be a little thicker than mine, but okay, great, now we're going to do the same thing. We're going to draw another shape that comes out and curves down on that line and we're going to make one more here on the side and we're going to make another one that curves up and then we have the last one on the right. here this one is a little big so we're going to draw a curve that goes up and then connects to the end of that, cool, now between each of these segments we're going to add another little detail that I'm going to draw a line that goes back to each one of those segments now we are going to add segments also to the body it seems that they have armor on the back we are going to draw a line that goes down and separates the body and we can go to the end of the body now look at this part here I drew it at the bottom of the leg yes, so that line goes behind the perfect leg now we need to draw the clamp and the legs on the back of our scorpion so that it looks In 3D we are going to draw the same shape right here, the same clamp and we can draw it behind the head, so we're going to draw a curve like this and then we're going to imagine it going behind the head and going under it.
Yeah, now we're going to draw that curve in the next step just like we did down here, it curves up and then we're going to draw the S line that goes down and comes to the bottom of that. Yes, now let's draw the bottom. clamp we are going to fall curving up and then we are going to draw a curve back now we are going to draw this leg or the arm that is connected to the clamp we are just going to draw coming back like this and then curving towards the body then we can draw it coming back we are going to draw another line going back to the body now we're going to draw this leg the second leg the first leg is behind the body and I can't really see it but the second leg is bent up so we're going to draw up like this and then down, yeah, and then we're going to draw this part that goes back down as well and I'm going to draw another shorter line right next to it.
Now we're going to draw that last leg sticking out here, we're going to draw another curve going up like this and then we're going to draw those two lines going down now here under the body, maybe you can. Let's look at these last two legs just barely, so I'm going to draw two little lines sticking out and we can connect them and then let's also draw that little foot coming back and then we can do the same thing for the last leg here. two lines that are connected at the bottom and then that little foot sticking out from behind.
Wow, now it really looks 3D. You can see there are legs behind the body, now up here in the front, let's draw the head or the eyes. I'm not sure if it's the eyes, I think it's the mouth. I'm going to draw two little lumps. It's like three backwards. Now we need to add some more details. Let's add the eyes. There are two, oh, creepy eyes. upper body that's really creepy so we can also draw, let's draw one more leg or two more legs up here, so we're going to draw them very small, we're going to draw like this a little U shape and then we're going to draw another one that comes forward and then we're going to draw a little foot right at the end.
Now let's repeat the same steps right next to it. Let's draw another U shape, then that longer segment, and then a small foot. right at the end and these things are so gross now this little three upside down here's the mouth or is it the mouth parts the gross parts now what are we missing in our scorpion the pointy part the pointy part the stinger the scariest part at all first we are going to draw a little bit from the side and then we are going to draw a big curve that comes towards here yes, now we are going to draw a smaller curve that goes in the opposite direction and we will see how it is shorter because this part goes To make the stinger right here, let's plug it in for the stinger, the scary part.
Well, tweezers are pretty scary too. Yes we did it. We finished drawing our scorpion and it looks amazing, except it will look even cooler once we do it. what color is it yeah we're going to fast forward in this part but at the end you guys can pause it to match the same color so good job Jack you did great coloring your scorpion it turned out really cool yeah you'll be super proud. them now you can pause the video right now to match the same color. I hope you take the time to color your drawings because it looks much better colored now we use our yellow to color the fully solid scorpion first and then we use our red and orange to shade the tail and also the pincers and legs then we use brown and black to shade the body.
We hope you had a lot of fun drawing your scorpions. Yes, we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your scorpions. With us now it's okay if your drawings don't look exactly like ours, ours look different, yes, and that's okay because the most important thing is, yes, yes, have fun and practice, practice and do the best you can and See you later friends, bye. If you had fun following this lesson, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking the circle and then you can click the bell to get notified every time we upload new videos.
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