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How the Arbiter Influenced the Events of Halo CE and Sparked the Downfall of the Covenant

May 31, 2021
Hey guys, welcome back, it's a kid, first time clickbait, here again with the first of hopefully many to come Halo Combat evolved story videos to celebrate the re-release or alternatively the port of a port of a port of a port of a third-person game of a real-time strategy game for mac I thought about combining this renewed volt comedy with one of the best characters in


history, the referee, where was he during the game and, more importantly, how it




of the war in Alpha Halo, since Halo 2 is next on the list of MCC releases, I thought now was a better time than ever to cover how ended up on trial before the hierarchs, the councilors and the whole silly pact for the worst crime imaginable: failing to protect one of the sacred rings, so his relationship with Alpha Halo actually begins before the Halo was discovered, so In the final years of the war, the Arbiter or as he was technically known then fell Vadym II, was the supreme commander of the Particular Justice fleet. a war fleet consisting of approximately 60 ships, an armada he led with honor and distinction before the discovery and the battle to reach his feet was responsible for the deaths of over a billion humans, the crystallization of 6 colonial worlds and the destruction of 123 UNSC ships.
how the arbiter influenced the events of halo ce and sparked the downfall of the covenant
Throughout the galaxy he proved to be such a credible threat to humanity, in fact, that he was designated a priority target only by those who carried out multiple failed assassination attempts against him, which only led to the deaths of many of his own agents and the continued survival of the most wanted officers. however, the Covenant is a discovery and the subsequent reach invasion would cause the career of the companion you led your fleet to begin as part of the main invasion boss, make no mistake, these initials are a smaller fleet, which means appearing on the planet during this iconic scene when he and the other fleets, but the final nail in the coffin of reaching out with his glass beams, a single human ship was detected leaving the planet and quickly fell, followed with all the ships that They remained under his command, they were tagged on the Altimas pillar. destination course and after almost three weeks of following them through space, yes, there is a three week gap between the range of the


and the pillars.
how the arbiter influenced the events of halo ce and sparked the downfall of the covenant

More Interesting Facts About,

how the arbiter influenced the events of halo ce and sparked the downfall of the covenant...

They arrived at alpha greeting the first halo ring ever discovered by the Covenant and the greatest sacred artifact their religion had ever witnessed. to fall while keeping a cool head and without being blinded, paralyzed or stupefied by the majesty of the halo ring, he immediately made contact with the benefit of the stewardship, the highest ranking political figure within the entire Particular Justice fleet that was stationed aboard the DDS class cruiser. Rising justice, given the caliber of the artifact they simply presented after consulting with a large profit, was absolutely necessary, but the profit not only confirmed this ring as a creation of their gods, but also attempted to implement the recovery procedure that would mark the mission as it was not only a religious matter that would also require not ceding command of the mission to the holy prophets and this posed the problem: the entire mission to search for and destroy the fleeing human ship was his idea and, being the proud commander Decorated man that he was, he was reluctant to cede control of not only one mission but also his entire fleet to this prophet.
how the arbiter influenced the events of halo ce and sparked the downfall of the covenant
In light of Fall's stubbornness, attempts were made to contact the high charity and have someone there dispute, but contact could not be made, this lack of resolution led to a constant power struggle between the two during the war on Alpha Halo and, in fact, could even be cited not only as a reason for the defeat of the coven and the destruction of the sacred ring. , but also quite possibly as the fall of the entire pact the first The disagreement between Fall and the prophets was possibly the most serious of all as the fall moved towards the alpha halo.
how the arbiter influenced the events of halo ce and sparked the downfall of the covenant
The captains of the halo ships within the fleet ordered the crew to fire at the human ship with their plasma torpedoes, but the prophets stopped them claiming that a stream missile could damage the human ship. The now fallen platform finally overruled this order and, in retaliation, the Prophet ordered the boarding of the ship; However, the boarding crews were not as effective as they needed to be and by the time the torpedoes were fired it was too late. autumn had crashed on the edge from here on things would only get worse the administration's profit ended up overseeing the entire skirmish in the halo and continued to subvert the sale and make decisions that would lead to its


he was the only member of the council of Masters denied Zuka Zama Mieze's request to hunt the demon.
The Master Chief had previously ordered two ships to have intact entelechy and purity of spirit to conduct a short-range study of the halo, both of which ultimately succumbed. to the flood as a result of this study and then, during the war, sent an expeditionary force led by Luca Band Olli and said, sir, refer me to a gas mine orbiting the threshold, an act which he saw fit to veto believing that all Cooler forces should focus on the humans in the ring instead of investigating the nearby planet now if the name Caesar, if you may, rings a bell, it's because they should, that's the heretic leader, so clearly the prophetess' plan ended up being another blunder but it only gets worse from there, this prophet was in fact the one who ordered several squads to go in and cover a secret weapons cache which as we know turned out to be the flirt and when the outbreak started by his hand , instead of blaming himself and taking the blame on himself he had an elite noble, so she, Ola, I, another member of the Teacher Council, was executed.
If there is one thing that all prophets are exceptional at, shifting blame, by now it was more than evident to feel that the Prophet was completely incompetent and certainly had no means even remotely fit to oversee the war effort, for so plans to usurp him were put into action. At first, they tried to do it peacefully by sending a single infantry unit to the ascending justice to bring the Prophet, but his ship was destroyed on approach after being threatened with severe punishments if he tried to affront their leadership again he fell decided that finally enough was enough, The only way this prophet was being relieved of his position would be by force, but while a strike team was being assembled to do so, an emergency beacon on the Infinite Relief One of the fleet's supply ships was activated unsure. of what was happening on the ship.
He assembled another team, this one led by Special Operations Command, a vadym II artist, to investigate and rescue the Prophet stationed aboard a few hours later while Fel prepared. leaving to go to ascending justice with his autostrada team he returned to me only the flood had broken out and the explosion in the halo was out of control what was once said to be a resounding victory for Thal with the discovery of one of the seven secrets To begin with, the rings were now his worst nightmare and things would only get worse. He immediately enacted emergency containment procedures ordering his ships to gain orbit to shoot down any ship that returned from the ring and failed to return a clean biological scan with how extremely Rivlin looked like the foot.
To be so, he could not rest a single spore that reached the rest of his fleet, meanwhile, knowing that he was running out of time to act, he brought his task force to ascendant justice, but the benefit of the administration was not realized. found nowhere, it turned out that he left. seeking the truth and reconciliation located at the heart of the outbreak and yet it was no matter to fall, the crew of the Justice instantly recognized him as their Supreme Commander clearly tired of the prophet's incompetent leadership and then, over the halo, the Prophet turned out . had been captured by a group of Fall ODS tests and crew who had attempted to attack the truth and make a bet to use it to escape this hell of a ring to which he had sent multiple emergency rescue requests only to fall begging for his all. those who fell had very quickly denied leaving the administration's prophet to his fate in the ring, however, this series of distractions had allowed the Chief and Cortana to go relatively unnoticed and access Autumn's fusion reactors, overload them and begin the destruction of great knowledge.
As the clock was ticking, he ordered the rest of his fleet to retreat to the other side of the threshold to avoid the explosion and brief inhalation as they watched this artifact of extreme sanctity shattered into pieces, all sacred artifacts and knowledge on board expelled. In the darkness of space, the vile dinner, knowing that his honor shared a similar fate, ordered his fleet to retreat to try to at least protect what was left of his men from any flood that might have survived and begun their shameful return. to high charity, but the The story does not end there in a final act of simply adding insult to injury.
Chief Johnson and some of the other human survivors captured Ascending Justice and later used it in Operation First Strike, destroying one of the largest repair and overhaul stations in the entire Covenant. Armed and marking one of the most significant defeats for the Covenant as a whole in the entire war, so after the war on Alpha Halo, the Covenant suffered heavy losses both in the ring and elsewhere in the galaxy as a result of What had happened in the ring, his enemies learned invaluable information, a prophet was killed, a sacred ring was destroyed and, to top it all off, a group of Covenants were abandoned in the gas mine, forgotten by the criminal, his crew, where they watched the destruction of alpha halo and eventually became heretics and that's where the referee was during Halo CE II and also how he




of the game, not only is it cool to know that he was in the halo at the same time as the boss everything time, but also adds a lot more context to his trial at the beginning of Halo 2, although to be fair I would say that 99% of the things he was accused of were undoubtedly the prophet's fault and also his interactions with the leader heretic.
A full video on Caesar FMA and his small band of heretics was planned for when Halo 2 launches on MCC PC, but for now all I'll say is that it's cool to know that Caesar, the heretic leader, wouldn't serve in the Arbiter fleet. and I only became a heretic because the referee forgot about him, so that's all for today. Thank you, of course, to all my amazing sponsors over there for the continued support of a bomb tree with an uncommonly fashionable exterior and thank you all so much for watching. I really appreciate it and I'll see you all in the next one.

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