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The Elite and Human Cults that worshipped the Flood

Jun 04, 2021
Hey guys, welcome back, it's officially spooky season, so celebrating Halloween is Halloween, even something to celebrate. I mean, it's basically a pagan ritual holiday about warding off spirits, so anyway, to celebrate the season of spirit warding, I thought let's take a look at some actually. disturbing halo law that of course belongs to the




and the



that worshiped them no, I'm not kidding, these are two extremely dark laws that originate from and have only been mentioned in two books, ghosts of Onyx and Krypton, as well so if after this video you want to dive into the original material, fortunately for you, this video is sponsored by our good friend audible.
the elite and human cults that worshipped the flood
Do you want to listen to an unrivaled selection of audiobooks that include almost all Halo audiobooks? ever published well, sign up today for a free 30-day trial by visiting slash hide experior or text hidden experior to five hundred five hundred if you're in the US of A and get your first audiobook and also to audible originals or completely free. I'll have you know that the vast majority of my


knowledge is transmitted to my skull via audible. I've used it on my PC and phone at home and on the go for years to listen to Halo. audiobooks and assimilating more and more into the hive mind and you know what I'd say, it worked out pretty well, so if you want to get access to the two audiobooks that this video is based on, as well as the larger Halo selection. audiobooks on the planet go to hidden bar experia all texts hidden expiration is five hundred five hundred in the US and you joined the glorious hive mind by starting your 30 day free trial today okay so let's start by checking out a look at small but Covenant Stream group known as the governess of contrition first and only mentioned once in the onyx ghosts now the religion of the Covenant itself was extreme and vensim the entire basis and ultimate goal of the Covenant was basically Heaven's Gate but on a galactic scale driven by a gigantic delusion of grandeur and yet somehow the governess of contrition managed to make that seem relatively moderate, as with any religion, the Covenant had fringe extremist groups that they practiced more radical beliefs about foreigners and the artifacts they left behind and contrition was One of these groups believed that all foreign creations were sacrosanct, which is fine until you consider the fact that they believed the flood was a foreign creation.
the elite and human cults that worshipped the flood

More Interesting Facts About,

the elite and human cults that worshipped the flood...

I'm sure you would have heard rumors about the existence of the parasite after the events of Alpha. halo, but when they first came into contact with them in Delta halo, their fascination got out of control. One


who particularly fell in love with the flood was Tan Owen and Rory, the captain of the ship of the Incorruptible, an LRS heavy cruiser that came to build a halo with regrets of the Talo fleet took a disturbing step beyond the vision of the Contrition believed that with the flood the foreigners had created the perfect way of life and that it was his sexual religious duty to protect it.
the elite and human cults that worshipped the flood
The beliefs even became so extreme that during the outbreak in Delta Halo ordered his cruiser to rise to the surface of the ring to embrace to flirting and allowing the parasite to come aboard. It was safe to say that this boov had completely lost his mind at this point. Now what he thought would happen if they came aboard was never revealed, but based on his views I think it's safe to say that he would have let them consume the entire ship and if that happened it would have drastically changed the outcome of the war by Delta Halo with control of the incorruptible, the flood. could have used regret to spread the entire fleet and if he could have caught them off guard, which ship more than likely would have, the UNSC forces in the ring could have faced not only a serious mind and a colossal outbreak. in the ring, but an entire flood controlled fleet staring at them from orbit in short, would have ended terribly for all parties, however this clearly did not happen.
the elite and human cults that worshipped the flood
See Tanner, his crew was becoming increasingly restless over his devotion to the governess of contrition and his beliefs and when he ordered the ship lowered into the ring to allow the film to board, an old friend and acolyte of his decree Varro Norman decided that finally enough was enough, like the rest of the candle pact, he saw the flood as nothing more than an affection that needed to be washed away and swore that as long as he could breathe he would never allow such a thing to happen, the tones of contrition were abhorrent and There was absolutely nothing sacred about the parasite.
When Tanno issued the order to begin his descent, the man's decree pulled out his needle. and he blew the ship's captain's brains out with his now former ship's captain's brain and skull covering the cruiser's command. The man's soul decree had just committed one of the greatest acts of heresy known to the covenant, and yet the crew peacefully accepted it as their new ship. teacher, everyone secretly grateful. I figured his previous cult of the flood and the Commander who was going to feed them all the parasite was now dead as fucked up as they were. In fact, I hope some of the contrition governesses survived the war, I mean, they are. exactly the kind of religious zealots you want in the universe, but from a story perspective, there's real potential there, a Covenant group so radical that they believe the flood is a totally alien artifact, its creation perfect and that all Believers of the great journey should embrace them and allow themselves to be consumed by them.
I'd love to see a story similar to Shadow of Intent where Arthas is sent to his remains or something. I mean, it will be perfect for him given his hatred of prophets and also. the incredible story of him with the flood ah three four three please okay, now that we've looked at the elite cult, let's look at the



. You did a little more than just worship the flood, but to do that we have to go back in time about one hundred and nine thousand years. That's right, throw away those history books. Everything you know is false.
Around one hundred and seven thousand four hundred and forty-five BC, ancient humans and ancient prophets were two of the dominant space travelers. The civilizations in the galaxy were also peaceful and funny how things can change, but randomly some ancient ships headed to human regions of the galaxy and crash-landed on their planets. Now these ships contained nothing but a fine, vile dust that was fully automated afterwards. Extensive testing by human scientists concluded that the dust was a harmless, organic, simple, short-chain molecule, so they began giving it to their pets, an ancient species called Faru who were basically that version of dogs from the galactic ages. which initially caused quite positive. behavior in the Faru, but over the centuries it began to corrupt them, fleshy lumps began to grow on their shoulders.
Flexible stripes, two rods began to sprout from their heads and other Faru were forced to consume these grooves, sometimes even consuming the entire creature. This was an incredibly terrifying form. Foreshadowing considering the Faru were proven herbivores as they did, no cure was ever found for these mutations and the infestation spread throughout the Faru like wildfire despite their efforts to return them to their natural habitat or even euthanize them, as It was too late and soon these growths began to manifest on the humans and caused a sudden desire to consume the Faru, this catalyzed the spread of the infection which you should now be able to easily recognize as the beginning of the flood.
Humans had become vectors of the plague. Their presence was helping it to spread and the discarded tissue and limbs of those the disease had killed were also helping to spread it and I imagine it will also not be a surprise that this disease will soon spread to the prophets as well and in a short time. Overall, large populations were succumbing to the infection and thus the first flood outbreak had officially begun, but where do the cultists come in? Well, this outbreak wasn't exactly like the outbreaks we know today, the victims and hosts of the parasite were infected, but they were not converted into fighting forms or used as biomass, apart from the fleshy growths and strange tentacles, they were still human and san shyuum, but with these new primal hedonistic urges to feed and consume that could never truly be satiated. then, using his still intact human intellect driven by the parasites, the impulses to spread and consume the infected humans gathered to form a flood of Cannibal Corpse, what they do is capture other uninfected humans and forced them to become infected through the cannibalism of another infected human, however, had maximized the spread of the infection, the sacrificed infected that the uninfected would feed on were force-fed until they grew to enormous size, which increased the amount of infected meat they they could be consumed, and if that were not enough, they were also consumed while they were still alive.
As more and more of these cults began to appear, the flood infection spread throughout human controlled space at an increasing rate. Despite attempts to quarantine the infected planets, the plague managed to spread to hundreds of different worlds in the fifth place in different star systems, the pandemic was very quickly spiraling out of control and when the humans asked their primordial captive about this flood, this shaping disease, as they called it, the answers they received were so horrible that those present eventually committed suicide, however, the humans managed to find a cure essentially using weapons. 1/3 of their entire population as genetic code against flirting and then sacrificing them to the parasite which caused it to recede, however, unbeknownst to the humans, this was not due to the cure, the flood had retreated on its own initiative, It wasn't time yet. for humanity to be tested by the full power of the parasite, so friends, that's what happens when you start eating people infected with a new highly contagious and lethal infection.
However, all of this makes me wonder, though any other flood worshiping cult out there with how big and widespread humanity is in the modern halo universe along with all the other species that encountered the flood at some point, there has to be other crazy jobs that love them. I mean, in real life you have those weirdos who fall in love. serial killers and also in other fictional universes similar things have happened, I mean, in The Lord of the Rings after the War of the Ring, humans began to found or coups d'état apparently where they worship and admire the orcs who were expelled ​​of Middle Earth and in The Walking.
Dead, we had the whisperers who believed that the undead were Nature's way of directing humanity back to their animal roots and that we should conform to their ways of life, so there were supposed to be other fanatics worshipers of the flood somewhere in the halos of the vast expansive universe. It's really not that far-fetched anyway, I think it's enough interesting talk for one video. I hope you liked it, don't forget if you want to join Hive Mind next barrier or hidden outside technology - 500 500 in USA I can promise you that a serious mind really is the best cook so I want to thank you Huge thanks to all my amazing sponsors for their support, as always, and thank you all so much for watching.
I really appreciate it. a spooky halloween and i'll see you next time

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