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The Brutal, Disturbing pre-Halo 2 History of Tartarus - Chieftain of the Brutes (Halo 2)

May 31, 2021
Hello guys, welcome back to Halo 2. We were introduced to Tartarus, the chief brute, for the first time along with his entire species and from the beginning it was quite clear that they were vile and dishonorable beasts and yet Somehow, Tartarus managed to take that to the next level. However, what if I told you that her character in Halo 2 is like a damn fairy compared to her character in the expanded universe? What if I told you that Tartarus, the man who literally decapitated an elite, ripped off his skin and flashed his skull? and then riding him in a shoulder pad is even more


and gruesome in the books, what if I told you that even his infamous hammer, the rooked fist, has its own violent and


the brutal disturbing pre halo 2 history of tartarus   chieftain of the brutes halo 2
Well, today, my friends, let's dive into all of that. and more the ruthless and masochistic story of Tartarus, the boss of the Brutes mr. Mohawk is not playable, so before continuing, be sure to leave a like if you enjoy the video at any time and also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. Oh yeah, don't do that either. Forget about going and following the contraction or your meat will be charred just like Mr. Mohawk did clean it hmm anyway she we are going to work our way through these laws so let's start from the bottom where did the tartar sauce grow in the fine and primitive planet of toys?
the brutal disturbing pre halo 2 history of tartarus   chieftain of the brutes halo 2

More Interesting Facts About,

the brutal disturbing pre halo 2 history of tartarus chieftain of the brutes halo 2...

ACK, of course, the homeworld of the


. He was born on July 8, 24 91. and was the nephew of the revered brute Maccabees, an infamous religious warlord and one of the few brute ship captains in the entire covenant, so Tartarus was actually born into a strong family, probably gave such a prestigious and rare position for his species due to his unwavering devotion to the prophets, foreigners and the great journey, but we will touch more on that later, Allah with the Maccabees, the Tatar belonged to the Opel Stein, essentially a brute clan , one of the two major clans on the planet, the entire earth was more primitive. in their beliefs and traditions that their opposing clan removed their veil and the two were not involved in a civil war that almost ended in a complete and


extinction thanks to nuclear weapons and that ultimately set their species back hundreds of years, but all this was long before.
the brutal disturbing pre halo 2 history of tartarus   chieftain of the brutes halo 2
Their discovery by the Covenant When they were discovered, Maccabees was quick to embrace the prophets and religion and as such was one of the few


to be gifted a weakened ship by the elites. Now, if you watched my last video on paralysis, then you will know that when the brutes joined the pact, the elites gave them some of their ships, but with their weapons systems almost completely disabled and with other internal systems and mechanisms completely blocked or at least partially functioning so the brutes wouldn't. having their hands on anything that could cause too much damage in case they went into a fit of blood-fueled rage and attacked anything in sight, it really was a safety precaution for the entire pact to ensure that one species could not just getting angry and causing the entire pact to fall, which, to be fair, breeds animosity between partners.
the brutal disturbing pre halo 2 history of tartarus   chieftain of the brutes halo 2
The entire ship on board that Maccabees received was called the Quick Conversion and Tartarus served on board as a security officer to get revenge on the elites for hindering his new pride and joy. replaced what was once a gravity that the elites had eliminated with stairs knowing that because of their oddly shaped legs the elites couldn't climb them now I have to give it to them as petty as it is, it's a pretty clever way to Return to Elysium especially for a brute, however, what happened to the human colony of Harvest in early 2525 would change the lives of Tartarus and Maccabees forever.
The Cova lenders' first contact with humanity was not very good, to say the least. Jackal pirates raided several human ships. not far from Harvest's orbit, killing its crews and looting its supplies. Now at first they just believed that these attacks were insurgent terrorist attacks. They were in the middle of a galaxy-spanning civil war and Harvest was a hotbed for rebel activity, but after Avery Johnson, who was trading marines to fight the insurrectionists on the planet at the time and set a trap for them, try to catch them. It is clear that the course of human


was about to change what they believed to be human rebels they were ambushing, turned out to be jackals and when the higher ups realized the implications of killing them, they quickly acted to stop them. calm tensions as much as possible.
The insurrection was already consuming too much manpower and resources. They simply could not afford to start another war, especially one against a totally unknown enemy. They plan to contact these mysterious aliens is to make amends for killing them even though they were invading human space and then start trade negotiations with them or at least try to and thus the rapid conversion made its way to harvest to negotiate with one side. Seeking to make peace and prevent a war from starting on two fronts and the other just looking to recover the millions of ancient relics they detected on the planet, the pol a sank next to a river and turned out as well as expected Tartarus along with the Maccabees, some Brutes and Grants served as Covenant delegates and Johnson and the Harvest Militia served as human delegates.
The aliens demanded the entire planet so they could seize the millions of ancient artifacts it contained, something the humanists were not at all willing to do. give them to them, but then, in the distance, the crack of a human rifle being fired was heard and the peace talks immediately went downhill. Maccabeus instantly brought out his Spiker firing at the squad before Tartarus threw his infamous hammer, the Rooked Fist, at him to begin killing the Rooked's first victim was Captain Pond, who was hit on his prosthetic arm by the hammer. , completely shattering his arm along with half of his ribs and sending him flying more than twenty feet.
The brutes continued to fight their way back to the spirits with similar aggression. Along the way, the fireflies had exploded, not because of a trigger-happy human, but because of one of the grunts he trusted to be part of his delegate, one named Yul who had nervously lunged at one of the militiamen, scratching and biting him. until his stomach burst open in a bloody feud. Maccabeus threw the grunt into a whirlpool watching his methane pipes dislodge and he drowned in a horrible combination of oxygen and water when they returned aboard the Conversion Tartarus and Voronezh, one of the other survivors.
The peace talk brutes were sent to explore the tiara, one of the orbital platforms that connected to seven different space elevators on the planet, after the two discovered that it was completely devoid of life, they left sixty smiles on board commanded by the heroic deacon dad. To defend the station from any humans who attempted to use it to flee the planet now that the two species were truly at war, the Covenant began planning their first assault on the planet the Siege of Shimon, a truly defining moment in


, the rapid La conversion remained in orbit above the planet's capital, but God, within which was a relatively rural town known as Happy Shame now, even though the cruiser above it spat white-hot plasma in a very sinister manner for the better part of a week , the city residents hesitated to evacuate. that their discreet secret rural area would ever be attacked and boy if they were wrong, the plasma that the ship was spewing was actually heavy plasma weapons carrying the few weapons that the elites had left on this stuck ship when its crew began scanning the area around From the glow of blood seeking Oracle detected by the luminary, the conversion began to destroy the surrounding settlements of the region and the invasion began.
The Tatars descended to the surface while the gunner of a Spirit led the invasion force with several Rebel drones on board. and also, of course, a good pilot friend of his, however, on their descent, the humanists had used agricultural equipment to basically crush the spirit in the air and send it crashing into a field of crops. It was a bloody accident. Many drones died from Tartarus or from the crash itself, all having been trapped in the ship's burning cabin. Tartarus tried everything to save his friend, scraping and scraping at the flaming metal to free it, but failed and burned everyone alive in the spirit's corpse.
Right before his eyes, when Maccabees, his spirit landed to rescue the survivors, he could smell the burning flesh of his nephew's fur and knew he was the culprit; There was no reason for him and his pack brothers to go down to the surface, his ship's weaponry could simply burn the humans out of their homes, but the lure of the sacred relics, many of which have been detected with joy and shame, it was simply too much for the boss. He was not prepared to see such a large cache of sacred artifacts destroyed. and was willing to risk everything to get them back, but this risk was not worth it and would ultimately begin his downfall as chief, the survivors would then retreat us again to quick conversion and when they returned on board, Tartarus had to crush a small drone uprising, so what happened is that an engineer had been brought on board with Deacon Dadaab shortly before the invasion began, in light of the masoom, the engineer was called in and replaced the drones' roles as engineers on the ship, forcing them to follow rules of engagement, something drones were not.
Content to be, of course, the petty creatures that drones are, they refuse to participate in the invasion because of this and instead stayed aboard the ship and tried to kill Leiter, but after Voronezh put his Standing on the ground and tearing them apart with a Spiker, the swarm went quickly. subdued, allowing the engineer to reveal his latest creation: it will combine two huge wheels with blades between a boat, a sea with a seat in the back that managed to float when activated and was ready to fix any weapon on the hull that the brute I wish running your finger along the bleeding wheel is almost in a sadistic way evaluating its usefulness against the weak, soft-skinned humans, Brutus had a new tool to add to his arsenal, the brute helicopter despite the absence of the brute VIPs, Sorrow of Maccabean Tartarus, etc.
A Siege of Joyous Shame was actually an overwhelming success, news of its destruction quickly caused panic and unrest among survivors in the neighboring regions and an evacuation plan was implemented using space elevators attempting to remove as many survivors as possible from the planet. possible. One big glaring problem: the Covenant Cruiser was ominously in orbit of the planet, so another plan was made to distract it and put into action for the humans to create a fake oracle using an AI processing chip that would then be used to defeat the ship. harvest capital, which is where the colony's only mass controller was located, which allowed him to fire and disable the ship and it worked like a charm.
Their luminary detected what they thought was a sacred Oracle in God's shopping center and MacCabe quickly eliminated the rapid conversion on the Capitol, Tartarus and Vorenus headed to the Oracle descending on the spirits and arriving by helicopter, they believed that the humans were on them. offering this Oracle as a sign of surrender, a symbol of peace, but when they arrived, all they found was a seriously wounded and dying militiaman. The captain ponders with an artificial intelligence processor, the source of the Oracle Tartarus quickly realized that it was a trap and before he could react, the captain ponders lit a Sweet William cigarette and a thunderous reverberation passed through them, breaking all the windows when Tartarus looked up and saw the conversion. being decimated by multiple hits with each shot piercing its hull as the ship's lights went out and it began to sink to the surface.
Tartarus, in a fit of rage, jammed the blades of his Spiker and pondered. Girt lifted the man off the ground with his cigar. falling to the ground before grabbing his neck, twisting the blade to the side and pulling it, severing his spine and letting him fall to the ground, however, before Tartarus could finish this deceiver with a swift massive stomp, a crushing sound and penetrating came from behind. For him, the quick conversion had crashed on the surface and he and his brute quickly headed to the crash site. This was now the second time his uncle's leadership had failed the pack and he was growing tired of his increasing incompetence at the corpse of the Conversion Maccabeus frantically tried to rally Tartarus, but when he looked up from the command console, He saw his nephew walking towards the bridge with the AI ​​chip in his hand,he threw the chip on the ground and finally confronted his uncle for putting so much faith in the luminary that The prophets themselves had literally told them not to trust Tartarus by now they had simply had enough, he confronted his own, whose leadership He told the pack that their arrogance had destroyed their ship and put all their lives in danger and we Maccabees tried to defy him.
Saying that he was still their leader, Tartarus took out his Spiker and strongly disagreed in Brute Culture, a boss can be challenged by one of his pack brothers for a fight to the death and if the challenger wins, then they become the new boss, I mean Maccabeus himself, even challenged his father and that was how he gained control of the pack and also his rooked fists and now Tartarus was about to do the same since his femur was still shattered. Tartarus gave him a head start, ejecting the Spiker's magazine from him and throwing him away. to the side and still allowed his uncle to fight with the tower's fist and then the struggle for power began, they charged at each other, Tartarus swinging his Spiker and Maccabees parrying with his hammer, but after not long, Maccabe he slipped on the AI's casing and left. crashing to the ground and before he could react, Tartarus was on top of him spraying his face, neck and defensive forearm with the Spiker's blades and cutting into flesh and muscle and scraping the boat, he tried to counterattack with a slight swing.
Tartarus dodged his weapon to the side and ran at him, spinning him over his shattered thigh and throwing him into the hole. where gravity once was. Maccabeus clung to one of his ladders with one hand, the fire of the ruined ship burned below and Tartarus loomed over him now armed with the crow's fist and swung it at the back of his uncle's neck crushing him against the ladder with extreme force and sending him plummeting into the flames beneath Tartarus, he was now the leader of his pack and his first priority, which was saving part of his inheritance, descended into the flames to retrieve his uncle's warchief armor before setting her and his pact site on the orbital station that was being used to evacuate the humans from the planet when she arrived at Tiare Station, was in complete disarray, more than half of the 60 Deccan grunts had been wiped out by Claymores. installed in some of the elevators to clear the way for evacuees and members of the planet.
The militia had followed him closely, storming the station and trying to take it back. The deacon and a close friend of his father had been mortally wounded. There, the methane tanks were damaged, but then Tartarus appeared to save them. He gave the deacon a spare tank from a dead grunt but he killed bap, it turned out that the whole time on the station, the deacon and the lighter than sim engineer had actually been communicating with one of the human AIs to try to end the conflict and the new boss wasn't going to Letting this heretic die before answering for his crimes, he ordered the grunt to take him and his drones to the engineers' location along the way, however, Johnson in the militia cut them off, but this allowed a couple of buggers sneaked into the control room of the station where Leiter was located and finally got their revenge on the poor engineer by killing him for stealing their roles on the ship when Deacon's data entered the room and saw the bastard drones collecting the body of his only friend, the innocent engineer lying dead on the ground, became enraged and opened fire on them. hunting down the last one and executing him and then decided in his fit of rage and desperation that Tartarus needed to be killed for starting all of this in the first place, but more importantly he needed to be killed for killing his friend while Tartarus was still locked up.
In a heated firefight with Johnson in the militia, he managed to get the upper hand on the sergeant after an explosion killed the brute of him. He pulled his fist out of the turret and began swinging breaking barrels and nearly crushing the heads of Johnson and other militia members when he finally had Johnson on the ground reaching for another SMG Mac to save his life, he walked towards him, raised his fists. towers over Lund and dealt him a gruesome killing blow, but out of nowhere came an overloaded plasma pistol shot straight to his chest, taking the new boss completely.
Surprise, he knocked down his shields and sent him into a fit of rage. He was dad. He had accidentally saved Johnson, but in doing so he signed his own fate. Tartarus leaped towards the deacon and crushed his entire body under the hammer that splashed into his insides. the ground and leaving a bloody blue mass where the grunt once was can we get an F in chat please for Deakin? I repeat an F in the chat after fleeing the firefight thanks to near-fatal wounds Tartarus returned to rapid conversion in the Months after the mostly successful evacuation of civilians, they repaired the ship and got a capable crystal, then proceeded like a crystal by The entire surface of the harvest into oblivion, melting the planet until nothing was left but glass and so, despite his uncle's colossal failures, Tartarus is usurping his leadership had allowed him to turn what was quickly becoming a Defeat in the first victory of many during the Covenant War In the following months, the prophet of truth learned of this new chief, his incredible deeds and victory and began his rapid rise to the top. of brute leadership knowing that Tartarus would be the perfect leader when he was the greatest, Gizem began and meanwhile his perfect pawn, the two would plan together for years, their meetings were kept secret from the other prophets, according to the truth, this was to avoid petty jealousy, it was actually to keep his long-term plans to undermine the elites a secret until the time came after the destruction of the Covenant's main repair and refit station, the Hierophant Unbreakable, by the boss.
Johnson and a few other Spartans, shortly after their destruction of Alpha. Halo Tartarus was dispatched and a truly secret order to track down the remains of the station reported that almost the entire invasion force that was previously on the station preparing to jump to Earth had been destroyed and a foreign slipspace crystal that was being sought by the Prophet was almost completely destroyed, the pilots who went with Tartarus took out what little they could of this crystal, three small fragments and returned them to the truth, who then ordered Tartarus to reward them and then execute them silently, making sure that his plans would remain a secret from the rest of the Covenant.
The final orders before the events of Halo Two were to bring in the disgraced Lvad Ameba to reap the profits so that his fate could match the magnitude of his failure, something Tartarus no doubt knew would spur the Great Schism and act as a catalyst in his rise to power. Before long, he and the plan of truth were enacted, the elites were usurped as protectors of the prophets and Tartarus was finally named chief of the brutes and from there the rest is history and that's it, the bloody, sadistic and horrible life story of Tartarus and also his twisted pre


fists - rest in peace Maccabees, I'm sorry friend, but honestly you are very weakened.
Your nephew had his eye on that Gucci hammer of yours. I mean, can you really blame the guy for doing what he did? lighter than a sum and dad up: in species that went without friends, you just wanted to waste time together on an abandoned space station, you didn't want war or conflict or anything, you just wanted to relax. I mean, I swear to God almost every Grint story in Halo Law ends badly now, like the token attractive girl in a horror movie or something, you always know how his story will end and it always ends badly, it's a shame Anyway, if you want to dive into the messy and violent source material of this video, then almost all of the law in it comes from contact harvesting, another one by Joe Statham are masterpieces that I highly recommend you read or listen to if you still You haven't, it even has a Sergeant Johnson with a sex scene, no, no.
I'm not kidding, I know what women like and that's a good place to leave today's video. Thanks to Sean for becoming a new icon on Patreon. I'm glad if I say so myself and of course everyone else who continues to support us. I'm there and thank you all so much for watching. I really appreciate it and I'll see you all in the next one.

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