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How Humans Broke the Game

Mar 06, 2024
This video was made in partnership with Curiositystream. Oh,


are the current number one build in the meta, but they haven't always reigned supreme; in fact, they were initially one of the least powerful builds in the meta and took several improvements, refinements, and adjustments. before the human became even remotely threatening within their home server of Africa, so today we are going to look at all the different variations of the human build throughout history from the outside and discuss their unique traits, stats, and abilities with the hope to demonstrate why some of these unskilled options worked while others couldn't compete.
how humans broke the game
The first players to unlock the human class were a group of African primates who changed from the knuckle-walking quadrupedal structure to a bipedal one. It is important to note that at this point they had not yet sacrificed their arboreal mobility advantages and relied heavily on their climbing ability to escape danger. The upper tiers at that time were all large land mammals too strong for the Australopithecus to challenge, so their only option was to avoid them. It seems counterintuitive to switch to a bipedal build when your playstyle focuses on the tree zone, but the reason this was so crucial was because it freed up their hands to be able to carry items back to their tree.
how humans broke the game

More Interesting Facts About,

how humans broke the game...

This was the first step in refining the cooperative. The loot-sharing playstyle that has made


so dominant in the current meta. Now you will be surprised to know that developers have weakened humans in the past. The tree-dwelling strategy was seen as a cheap way to avoid dealing with other players, so the developers decided. To reduce the number and size of trees on the Africa server, this forced humans to abandon their tree strategy and specialize in ground skills, and for a time, humans became absolutely corporealized by other players, even with the ability of using elements and creating tools with each other.
how humans broke the game
Constructs in the region, such as sabertooths and giant hyenas, were too strong for humans to deal with, they had to rely solely on the thief skill to survive, but this disadvantage was slightly mitigated by their new ability. of breaking bones using tools that allowed them to search. marrow after the big cats finished off a slaughter, once humanity gathered enough evolution points through scavenging, they were finally able to level up some of their stats and give themselves the ability to survive by hunting instead of scavenging, they became longer legs and less body hair. allowing them to finally unlock one of humans' most powerful signature abilities.
how humans broke the game
Sweat, Sweat, allows the player to recharge their stamina even while moving, while other builds are forced to stop and use the pants ability to recharge stamina they could justify putting all their evolution points into. mobility rather than power because at this point they had also leveled up their crafting enough to make spears the best two-handed weapon in the slot until the invention of gunpowder, a sustainable source of meat, worth much more XP than collected fruit or marrow. So much so that this allowed humans to finally start increasing their intelligence to a truly astonishing level by promoting both cooperation and innovation, but once again, nerfs were on the way just before the Age of Balance patch. ice will hit a faction of the human player base that migrates to the servers and establishes itself. on the Europe server, most of the others stayed in Africa, the ice age patch arrived and caused two very different changes on the two servers that humans in Europe played on, as you would probably expect, the temperature of the world fell and ice damage became a threat.
Humans, as well as most of the other major players there, became bulkier structures that could better survive the cold. In short, the update didn't really affect them too much. This group became known as the Neanderthal faction. The humans who remained in Africa are now known. As the sapiens faction faced a much worse upgrade, ironically during the ice age Africa became hotter and drier, the large herbivores, humans had a good matchup against everyone left and the human player base in Africa It was reduced to the brink of extinction with the number of players. below ten thousand survived by leveling up their fishing skills by searching for shellfish and other sources of low XP while they too escaped from Africa when they finally escaped from Africa they were finally back on a server where they could thrive but had competition.
Neanderthals had the highest stats of any human build in history they had bigger brains thicker bodies stronger muscles hands down a more viable build compared to sapiens so at this point I guess You may be wondering, if Neanderthals were more powerful, why were Neanderthals eventually more powerful? The Neanderthals lost the faction war against the Sapiens. It turns out that his physical superiority was actually his downfall. Neanderthals and sapiens had a very different hunting strategy when it came to killing large herbivores. The Neanderthals had the strength to defeat them with hand-to-hand combat and they had the defense. and hp to be able to take a hit or two from even some of the strongest ice age herbivore builds, they were also fast enough to be able to close the distance between themselves and their targets.
This all sounds incredible, but there is one key detail in this plan. As you may have noticed, since Neanderthals were fit enough to take on these herbivores head-to-head, they didn't have to invent ranged weapons. On the other hand, Sapiens would have a chance if they tried to take on giants like mammoths or woolly rhinos. near. Fortunately, although their brains were not as large as those of Neanderthals, it was more than enough for them to use the aforementioned crafting skill to create the first ranged weapon. The atlatl atlatl are a relatively simple but effective item that allows the user to throw spears at more than twice the distance, this was essential for the survival of the sapiens, as it allowed them to match the dps of the Neanderthal but also stay out of the reach of a potentially devastating counterattack.
Sapiens also tended to have larger groups, Neanderthals were fewer. social and tended to adhere to small, close-knit groups, while the sapiens formed much larger communities that could eventually control much larger territories, although the Neanderthals were the best fighters, they were the ones who did not find enough experience to survive and this is where Their physical power became a great detriment, the bigger you are, the more energy you need to survive, so the strong and powerful bodies of the Neanderthals eventually became unsustainable, most of them were defeated in combat or died of starvation, although Some ended up switching factions and joining the Sapiens, but eventually after defeating their most dangerous opponent, the humans were free to dominate the


, as the new higher levels mastered several key advanced techniques, such as agricultural archery and navigation, allowing them to take them to a level far beyond what other configurations would have ever thought possible. they would all work together to rule the


but unfortunately many of them ended up engaging in pvp with each other, it makes sense given that other players are barely a challenge but anyway infighting is their biggest weakness right now anyway, Hopefully, that will give you a better background on the history of the most powerful version of the game.
Oh, by the way, I bet many of you noticed the amazing ancient hominid footage I used in this video. These images are from a new documentary called Out of the Cradle that was animated by Square Enix, the masterminds behind the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest video games, it's available right now on Curious Stream, a streaming service that has over 2,400 titles , including many of my personal all-time favorites, such as Walking with Dinosaurs, Ice Age Giants, and, of course, Out of the. Cradle, the subscription is only 2.99 a month, but if you go to Teasu right now and use the promo code Teasu, you can get a whole month free, so check it out from the Cradle.
I can really say that it has some Anyway, some of the best animation of any prehistoric documentary I've ever seen. Thank you all so much for watching and special thanks to my patrons on Patreon, until next time, good luck.

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