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The Snake Tier List

Mar 05, 2024
Snakes are one of the most feared classes in the game, with a number of powerful builds and a wide range of exceptionally lethal abilities. However, some of these strategies have clearly been more successful than others, so today we'll go through the




to see which builds rank highest. But before we start looking at specific


builds, let's do an overview of the basic attributes and special abilities that the snake faction has access to, as well as a quick summary of the history of the snake faction. So, the Serpents are one of the newest factions in the game, joining the game's roster during the latter part of the Mesozoic expansion.
the snake tier list
They started out as a niche branch of the lizard faction that was specifically tailored to digging gameplay, and to maximize the minimum for more efficient digging, this player base eventually opted to remove the "legs" attribute entirely. This ended up being a much more successful tactic than anyone could have anticipated, as it not only gave these lizards better burrowing ability, but also opened up many other strategies for them. While the snake build first appeared on the scene during a dinosaur-dominated metagame, it didn't become a major threat in the meta until major dinosaur powers were banned in the K-T balance patch.
the snake tier list

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the snake tier list...

During this chaotic post-banwave meta, Snake players experimented with some crazy builds, including the giant Titanoboa build. But while Titanoboa's giant size guaranteed him short-term success, I think the strategies that the snake player base specialized in are even more effective. Fast forward to today's meta and the Snakes are one of the most successful predator factions in the game, due to a handful of powerful unique abilities. The most obvious of these is gliding, the snake's unique mobility option that it gained in exchange for losing its legs. At first glance this may seem extremely limiting, as snakes cannot jump and move more slowly than if they could run.
the snake tier list
And while those are major limitations, the ability to slither opens up many other options for top snakes. Instead of jumping over barriers, snakes can often find a way to slip through them. This gives snakes access to many areas of the map that are normally much harder to access, and means that things like lairs, nests, and other player-built bases are often less effective at keeping players away from snakes, which makes them one of the best spawnkilling classes. Gliding also allows a comparatively large structure to remain very low to the ground and benefit from the stealth advantage of even the shortest grass and foliage.
the snake tier list
Despite not having claws, snakes are very effective climbers, making it very difficult to actually get out of a snake's reach. Still, as a running option, the slide tends to be too slow to reliably catch other players. So while the snakes may not have the ability to catch you, they have specified their movement equipment to ensure that no place is safe from them, and if you let your guard down, they will be prepared to take advantage of that. The basic strike of a snake is a bit weak for such a dangerous predator. Their bites can't do that much damage on their own and are easily blocked by armor.
It is for this reason that snakes tend to use various venom effects to infuse their bites. Snake venom can have a variety of status effects, which we'll delve into as we progress through the



, but in general, venom greatly increases the potential damage a snake can cause with its bite. Without this, many snakes would have no means of defense and would be completely helpless if caught outdoors. On the other hand, snakes are one of the most feared classes in the game. But which snakes should be feared the most? Which snakes are really top tier? For that, let's get into the tier list.
So the lower levels of this list contain members of the snake faction known as colubrids. This is the largest group of snakes and contains almost all forms of snakes in the game, except those that you are really afraid of. Starting at the bottom of this group we have the garter snake, one of the weakest snakes of all time. Dataminers aren't actually sure if this build is poisonous or not, but if it is, it's one of the weakest poisons in the game, and without other offensive abilities, the Garter Snake essentially only has favorable matchups against things. much smaller than her. like frogs and mice.
Because they are so vulnerable, snake players love to attack aquatic targets like tadpoles and small fish, but they have no real skills that synergize with this style of play nor are they particularly good swimmers, and are therefore at considerable risk. when they venture into the water. The snakes are also stuck in an endless loop where they waste a ton of their evolution points and develop extreme toxin resistance to the venom of a specific newt structure. This isn't very efficient, but I guess the snake needs to preserve its few favorable matchups. Next on level F we have the running snake.
This is a snake build that puts an above-average amount of evolution points into mobility, making it one of the fastest snake builds in the game. That's not really saying much since snakes tend to have pretty poor movement speed, but give credit where it's due, this gives them a much better chance of taking cover when under attack. Unfortunately, as with many mobility-focused releases, this alone is not enough to make them competitively viable. In fact, even with their above-average glide speed, they are often too slow to pursue many of their preferred attack targets. They are also worse climbers than most snakes, making them one of the few snakes that can be countered by simply climbing out of reach.
In almost all cases, a snake's worst matchup is against birds of prey, and unfortunately for the racer, the snake's speed is usually not of much use against a surprise aerial attack. Their lack of practical applications for their distinctive abilities puts them firmly in the F tier for me. Next on the tier list we have the vine snake. Now, there are a lot of powerful tree snake builds and overall the vine snake isn't terrible. He has great stealth and is an excellent climber. But I mean, just look at this thing. With the lowest HP and defense stats of any snake, this build adapts to absolutely any attack.
Vine snakes rely on their above-average stealth stat for survival, but if that fails and the vine snake is discovered, they resort to intimidation. His intimidation tactic consists of sticking out his brightly colored tongue as a warning. As with the blue-tongued skink, I don't consider this to be a particularly effective defensive display, especially when this warning is backed up by one of the weaker venoms of the snake faction. It's definitely not F Tier due to its decent camouflage, but with nothing else going for it, it's stuck at D Tier. Next up in D Tier we have the Tiger Keel.
This snake build breaks the mold when it comes to toxic strategies in snakes, as instead of dumping all of their evolution points into poison, the keel also allocates some of their resources to becoming poisonous, meaning they can inflict the Toxic status effect both when dealing damage and when taking damage. This added defensive ability definitely raises the keelback's rating compared to most colubrid snakes, however overall it is still not that good. Both his poison and venom are not that potent, and betting on one may have been the better play in the long run. Still, the keel strategy mitigates one of the colubrid faction's main weaknesses, which is that it is difficult for them to use their poison defensively.
Many colubrids, including the vine snake and the keelback, are venomous. This is helpful, because I mean, how else would a snake barely thicker than a piece of spaghetti cause any damage, right? The problem is that colubrids lack the efficient ability to deliver venom found in the most dangerous forms of snakes. Their fangs are located at the back of the mouth and do not actually inject venom. The poison is only a part of their saliva and therefore, to harm it, they need to chew on their target for a long time. Unsurprisingly, this makes the single attacks of most venomous colubrids fairly harmless, as they don't contain much venom per hit and they also can't use their fangs unless they actually get a solid bite.
Therefore, keelback venom is classified. of coverage for this weakness, which is great, and why it rises to the top of the D tier. However, a defensive poison is by no means the only way to mitigate the drawbacks of having rear fangs, as we will see as we Let's go from low level to medium level. At the bottom of the C level we have Boomslang, the most venomous snake of the colubrid faction. This snake simply does everything the vine snake does, but better; It is an excellent climber and has great camouflage, but it also has a devastating bite with extremely powerful venom for its level in terms of power.
And although it has rear fangs, they are significantly larger. But its best adaptation is that the boomslang can open its mouth much wider than most snakes, allowing it to deliver a venom-filled bite despite the unfavorable location of its fangs. This allows the boomslang to go toe-to-toe with high-level structures like the chameleon, as well as allowing it to use its potent venom as a defensive threat rather than simply a hunting tool. Now, obviously this is still far from ideal. Its poison acts quite slowly, so it is not very useful when attacked. In my opinion, the boomslang is a perfect example of a snake that really only needs one or two more upgrades to be a high-level build, but in its current state it just doesn't get there.
At the top of the C tier we have our last member of the Colubrid faction, Kingsnake. The king snake is a large snake with no venom-based abilities. Instead, this is the first constrictor version on our list. Constriction is a type of grappling attack that, when executed correctly, results in a guaranteed KO, even on extremely large targets. Its main drawback is that this attack strategy is very vulnerable to interruptions. A constrictor player must be able to survive all of his target's counterattacks while attempting to contain him. That being said, you would think that it would be very difficult to use this technique against a poisonous snake, right?
Snakes are so flexible that it is very difficult to grab them without giving them an easy opportunity to bite you. That's where the king snake's second ability, venom resistance, comes into play. The ability to ignore all snake venom damage makes the king snake's matchup against other snakes horribly one-sided. Just in case, kingsnakes have high enough precision in their attacks that they tend to attack the head, further negating a snake's counterattack potential. However, this is where the King Snake's supremacy ends, as the rest of its confrontations are pretty standard for a snake and, having no venom itself, it doesn't pose much of a threat to players it can't immobilize. reliably in their spirals.
Fortunately, there is a fairly simple change a constrictor can make to increase the effectiveness of his constriction: size. Boas and pythons are the examples of this type of strategy, being the only snake builds that can be properly classified as tanks. While technically these are two different factions, functionally they are extremely similar and both contain specific examples of highly effective tank snakes. Although boas and pythons have no venom, their large teeth and incredibly high physical stats make them more than a match for almost any player who challenges them directly. With their thick scales and enormous size, it is very difficult to quickly defeat one of these in a 1v1.
Their ability to take a lot of hits during a fight means that even extremely powerful builds like the tiger will face a fairly uphill battle. up if they decide to stay and fight.Well-established builds with high defense and DPS, such as crocodile factions, are easily overcome with brute force once a boa or python uses its piercing fangs and powerful coils to trap them in an infinite grab combo. The drawbacks of the constriction strategy are vulnerability to third-party attacks and the immense energy cost of failed kills; While many constrictors are large enough to challenge other large structures, pursuing an overly powerful target can expend a disproportionate amount of HP compared to other snakes.
Since large structures tend to be more conspicuous, the most successful constrictor players will make good use of the camouflage ability. Outside of the boa faction, the most powerful structure is undoubtedly the anaconda. These are among the heaviest of any snake type and by far the tankiest, with an HP stat that makes most physical attacks almost negligible. While anacondas lose a significant amount of viability on land due to their greatly reduced speed on land maps, their mobility, stealth, and camouflage bonuses in aquatic areas make them nearly unbeatable in this biome. Anacondas are capable of great speed when their buoyancy abilities can counteract the limitations of their enormous size, making almost any unsuspecting player who enters the water an easy target.
Their eyes and noses are oriented towards the top of their faces, allowing them to expend minimal energy as they camouflage themselves in aquatic vegetation waiting for the opportunity to carry out an ambush attack. Despite their formidable base stats and proficiency in highly specialized forms of play, the fact that anacondas are only truly viable in aquatic environments limits their usefulness and puts them squarely in Tier B. The Most Competitive Build in the Python Faction It is the Burmese python. While many snake builds are competitively viable only on certain maps that suit their specialized abilities, Burmese Pythons fit more into the jack-of-all-trades playstyle and have sufficient mobility in aquatic, land, and tree biomes, despite its great size.
Therefore, Burmese Pythons make excellent generalist builds, and as seen with many other generalists, they have been causing serious outages on servers where they were not supposed to appear. Burmese pythons have completely destabilized the Florida Everglades meta, primarily due to the python's extremely one-sided confrontation against non-social mammal structures. and the lack of the types of builds that normally keep Python's player base in check. Now, fortunately, the current top tier of the Everglades is quite capable of defeating or repelling a python in single combat, but because the alligator's domain is restricted to the aquatic zones, the pythons essentially have complete control of the arboreal zone. , which has led to a drastic reduction in the number of players running mammal builds such as rabbit, raccoon, fox, and wildcat.
While Burmese pythons are at the top of Tier B due to their versatility, their slow speed and lack of venom make higher-tier snakes much more viable options for most playstyles. While some snakes at lower levels can use the poison ability, placement at level A and above for snake builds depends almost exclusively on choosing to dump the majority of evolution points to maximize the efficiency of poison and poison methods. administration. Members of the Viper Class Dominate A Tier: Among the most feared builds in the game, Vipers have a variety of sensory and special offensive abilities that help offset their generally low defense stats.
Their long, hollow fangs are placed at the front of the mouth and can pierce most armor to deliver lethal doses of venom, but a disadvantage of the flesh-destroying hemotoxins used by most structures in this group is which can take a while to immobilize. other players. Most viper builds also specify infrared heat detection ability, making them extremely powerful ambush attackers and making up for their lack of speed. Some members of the Viper faction add tail adaptations to access Intimidate and Lure abilities, but these advantages are minor compared to their raw offensive potential. At the bottom of Tier A are Gabon Vipers, which combine the highest defense stat of any poisonous build with nearly unbeatable stealth and incredibly high attack speed.
Despite their bulky appearance, Gabon vipers are nearly impossible to detect during gameplay and are known to destroy unsuspecting players due to the large volume of venom they deliver despite their relatively low toxicity compared to other builds. With the longest fangs of any viper, they can cause significant physical damage in addition to any toxic effects caused by the venom. They conserve energy by remaining motionless when not in combat and are difficult to provoke an unnecessary confrontation, and often choose to use intimidation tactics rather than waste poison resources on opponents who will not grant them XP in the event of defeat.
While Gabon Vipers are a great choice for gank-based play on jungle maps, their lack of versatility and low aggro means they can easily be outclassed by other builds. Cottonmouths are ranked slightly higher at Tier A due to their rare ability to use the viper class skill set effectively in the aquatic realm. As the only viper in the game with aquatic adaptations, their potent venom and hook-like fangs make them incredibly effective at raising fish and frogs for easy XP. This incorporates specs on the Caudal Attraction ability at lower levels, allowing them to quickly become competitive and ditch this ability at higher levels in favor of better camouflage.
Cottonmouths are also relatively tanky and escape many combat situations by using intimidation tactics, allowing them to conserve venom for necessary engagements. Their dominance in aquatic maps allows them to occasionally outperform more competitive generalist builds, but this is limited by the biome and therefore not useful for most of the game. Rounding out level A is the rattlesnake. Best suited to desert and forest biomes, these snakes combine a variety of powerful special abilities with well-mapped base stats. Rattlesnakes are very capable builds for ambush-based stealth play due to their ability to create heat maps of other players in low visibility situations, making them one of the most effective counters for mammalian players with the ability to night vision.
Rather than risk health by fighting other players, rattlesnakes release a lethal amount of venom in a quick strike and then use their prey tracking abilities to find them after they have succumbed to the effects of their toxic state. However, this strategy is not always effective and can result in wasted valuable poison resources that take a while to replenish. A big advantage for rattlesnake players is the highly effective rattlesnake intimidation technique, which allows them to scare away more powerful rivals without wasting venom or risking serious harm. While rattlesnakes rank at the top of Tier A due to their relatively well-rounded stats among members of the viper class, all viper builds are still classified as glass cannons and tend to lose to venom opponents. faster action, superior speed or high enough HP to stop their attacks.
Snake builds placed at S tier overcome the weaknesses of other poison users by maximizing mobility stats and employing a variety of highly effective poison delivery techniques. The most competitively viable snakes use highly neurotoxic venom, giving them the ability to deal toxic damage and status effects much more quickly than most lower-level venom users. While these buffs have a base defense cost, S-tier snakes are only weak to the few players with poison resistance or effective bite evasion skills. Since some snakes at the top tier even have ranged attack capabilities, these players dominate their respective maps and can take on some of the most powerful builds in the animal kingdom.
The first place in the S level is the cobra build. With impressive base speed, these snakes can actively chase other players instead of having to rely solely on an ambush strategy. Variants of the cobra build can specify moderate aquatic and climbing proficiency, allowing for a particularly well-rounded game. Its fast-acting venom is mostly neurotoxic, but can have mixed toxic effects that melt through flesh and maximize the amount of pain inflicted. Even elephant players, the tankiest ground build in the entire game, can be defeated by the ridiculous amount of toxic damage dealt by a well-placed bite. While all cobra builds have forward-positioned fangs to maximize venom delivery, spitting cobra players can use the only ranged attack in the entire snake class by spraying venom up to 2 meters through holes in the back. front of its fangs.
This move has great accuracy and can permanently blind other players when used effectively. Cobra builds advertise their power through the use of a unique hood modification, intimidating the vast majority of players from attempting to challenge them in the first place. With enough offensive capabilities to take on an entire team of attackers at once, there is no doubt that Cobras are one of the most competitively viable builds in the Snake faction. Next on the S level are the sea serpents. With full aquatic adaptations and special underwater sensory abilities, these setups can access hard-to-reach areas to demolish even the most competitive fish.
Its fangs are relatively small compared to closely related cobra constructs, but this works in conjunction with a special attack style. Its poison is one of the deadliest in the game, but it causes almost no pain, meaning other players may not even know they've been hit before fatal toxic damage is dealt. While they are effective in using trickster tactics to defeat enemies independently. , sea serpent players can also hunt in teams to capitalize on their offensive potential and compensate for their low individual HP. However, this build has a bit of a high skill level, inexperienced players may find it difficult to play with the Sea Serpent's defensive weaknesses.
The Sea Serpent build has a unique playstyle that can be difficult to master, but with the ability to take on Eels 1v1 and win, this build ranks at the top for those who enjoy a challenge. The last version on the list is the black mamba. With incredibly powerful base stats for its class, including ridiculous damage and speed, the Black Mamba is by far the most competitive snake in both ground and arboreal combat situations. Its speed does not depend only on movement: the black mamba's lethal venom takes effect extremely quickly and can decimate enemies of any size due to the high dose released in each bite.
The black mamba's venom imposes a variety of effects on neurological status, including respiratory failure and loss of vision, making it one of the most feared opponents in direct combat. Mamba builds have an extremely aggressive and fast-paced playstyle that leaves little room for counterplay, especially considering that his HP and defense stats are among the highest of any Venom user due to his large size. While they don't have any unique moves to speak of, Black Mambas dominate by using strategies common among snake players, and they do so to an exceptionally effective degree. Topping the charts with the highest DPS potential of any snake and respectable defensive abilities, the black mamba is the undisputed ruler of snake builds.
Snakes are by no means a meta definition, but it's still worth itKnow how they compare to each other and what their main strengths and weaknesses are. However, there is much more to snakes than just their combat abilities. How do snakes deal with cold damage? How can snakes climb trees so easily without claws or sticky pads? If you're really interested in learning all the ins and outs of building the snake, I recommend checking out the sponsor of this video, Curiositystream. They have this excellent documentary called The Secret Life of Snakes, which answers a lot of questions you didn't even know you had about snakes.
It goes into much more depth than I have time for here on YouTube. And well, speaking of videos that don't fit perfectly on my YouTube channel, did you know that I have a Nebula series called Let's Play Outside? It's my opinion on letsplay style content. I just released a new episode with the cheetah as the protagonist, but I also have some old episodes with some dinosaurs and one where I am the mantis protagonist. Curiositystream normally costs twenty dollars a year, but I have a special offer just for TierZoo viewers. Twenty-six percent off annual membership, AND it's included for free with Nebula, meaning you can get access to thousands of high-quality documentaries plus tons of amazing original videos from dozens of top YouTubers, like reallifelore, lowspecgamer, realengineering and script lessons.
Oh me too! All for only fourteen seventy-nine a year. So don't miss out on the best deal on streaming, head to the link in the description or go to Curiosity Stream Dot Com Slash Tierzoo to get started. Thank you so much for watching, thank you so much to my patient patrons on Patreon, seriously, I'm sorry it took so long, I promise future videos will come out faster. Anyway, thanks again and until next time, good luck.

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