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HOT vs COLD DUNK TANK Challenge!

May 29, 2021
Put it on, oh God, you ready, brother, are you sure you're not? I am not ready. Welcome back guys to another video. Today we are going to do the hot bus





before doing it. Make sure to subscribe to our channel and like it. this video right now, let's see if we can get a hundred thousand likes. Everybody likes it so this is the




that's negative five degrees, maybe even colder and that one over there is the hot dip tank over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, yeah. It's not frozen, it was negative five no, it's not frozen, is it safe?
hot vs cold dunk tank challenge
Guys just say I'm not even ready, you're definitely getting sick, someone definitely has pneumonia, hypothermia on that one and that's like overheating or something we have to do it even though we're tough there's nothing for us we're going to go in there and we're going to kill him like this that everyone will choose a partner and the first team with five points wins the


eight how do you score a point you have to shoot the person so look at you on my team yeah okay pick your partner I mean Cyrus, you know we're always on the same team, let's do it, let's do it, brother, we're going to win this.
hot vs cold dunk tank challenge

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hot vs cold dunk tank challenge...

Brother, I played MLB baseball, you know, I have a 50 million year contract with the Yankees. Also, guys, don't forget to subscribe to the Dobby Brothers channel. By the way, guys, we're texting fans right now, so here's the phone number. Send us a text message. and we will do our best to text you back, okay let's start this game, everyone will have to take a seat in the hot and cold water tank, oh my goodness, okay, let's do this, you're going to continue. the cold and you're going to be in the heat because your shirt no no no no I'm just wearing this so I don't know what I'm a part of this is if we get wet we have to wait out here it's already cold here too so yeah, we're on the east coast, oh my god, this is the cold blue of course, and then this is the hot, oh my god, I don't know which is worse.
hot vs cold dunk tank challenge
You want to go up first. Let more kids go. in the cold, so we're going to go against Steve and I say in the first round, the one who farted here, brother, was that you, man, maybe it's okay, is that right? This is happening that year, man, I was nervous, okay bro, I got it. You okay, okay man, hey Steve, let's do this baby, oh, okay, oh, I got you, okay, uh, you got me, bro, well, I got you, I'm actually aiming pretty good, okay, make sure not understand, stay first, I have it, I will do it.
hot vs cold dunk tank challenge
I won't let you down, okay, subscribe, I say you're ready, let's do it, baby Marcus, are you ready, yeah, come on Lucas, are you ready, yeah, we can shoot rock, paper, scissors, wait, Steve, are you ready, yeah, of course, okay, rock, paper, scissors, shoot or we can do it. whoever guesses the number in my head, okay, that's the closest, oh, wait times, you gotta tell me the number first, okay, okay, one in ten, one in ten, whoever comes closest, steve , what's your guess, uh, seven, okay, that's everyone's choice, oh, three, okay. Lucas, you got it, there were literally three of them, okay, yeah, oh my god, okay, go ahead and take a step, oh, that's boiling, come out, oh my god, come on Marcus, so now we have Darius and Steve Upstairs, we have Darius and Cyrus, come on, no.
Worry, you won't need a towel bro, I'm going to leave it first against Steve and Adu said Steve, I got this, you don't have to worry bro, this is freezing, bro, I'm not ready, we got a point, good job. Good job, I've got you in my head, okay, it says six, okay, what's number one? what is number five? oh number six oh don't worry about it, look, dory, I'm about to dive in there because I'm like freaking out right now, come on Cyrus, don't worry, don't worry, I got, I went in, it was hot, it's cold, come on, brother, oh my god, how are you, baby?
We'll catch him next time, my bad, yes sir, that's how it was. Also that was too suspenseful good job I told you hey you're happy now that was crazy yeah omg happy now but not later oh it feels like a thousand knives bro jj jj, so since we have a point, lucas, hot water, okay. go, ah, come on, okay, you're ready, yeah, it needs to warm up a little bit, but I've got this, I'm coming for you, lucas, oh, there's a hat, well, I've got you, right? I've got you, brother, Come on, please, how are you?
Me because I didn't let them bring you down, okay, come on guys, let's do rock, paper, scissors to change it, whoever wins goes first, let's do it right, ready, rock, paper, scissors, shoot, I'm sorry, oh my God, come on Come on, get ready. we're good, we're good, we're good, two points, baby, come on, come on, we're undefeated, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on Let's go, let's go, we're undefeated, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, next, me in the hot water and Steve, in the cold water, yeah, yeah, okay, let's do this.
Okay, you got me again, bro, I'll try, bro, come on, come on, I have a feeling you're going to get wet, Steve, no, I hope not, okay, rock, paper, scissors, shoe, lucas versus ADO, winner goes first, rock, paper, scissors, let's shoot. come on let's go okay steve are you ready go get marcus are you ready wait wait this thing isn't going to get wet okay if you get hit no I'm not sure I'm sure I'm sure come on let's go better Don't come near me with you bro just throw it away. Wow, looks like you got burned bro, you look a little red right now.
I look bad, right, yeah, okay, so Dori and I already dive in. We're on a team, so we still are. or you guys have a tiebreaker what's going on now so I guess Lucas and Steve haven't dived in yet right yeah we do yeah so get up there okay so this is the battle for winter so , Yeah. Do I go to the cold or the heat? Well, I was in the cold. You go with the cold. I'll go to the heat. Okay, yeah, okay, let's get started guys, come on, I don't want to get wet. It's ice water like I don't want to get sunk today, even though I want to win, but you know we haven't won so I hope we win, normally you guys win this so I'm trying to win, you know, the first time I got to the final, so let's do it, come on Steve, come on bro, we're going to go first because Luke and Marcus lost the last round, so do the honors bro, I'll go after you, uh, yeah, okay, see you later.
Baby, wait, I have to do it, are you ready to die? No, it's okay, come on, oh my god, that was so bad, brother, Marcus, you got this, come on, oh, that was close, oh my god, Steve, come on, okay, mark, you got this, come on, please , monkeys. get it out good, good luck, well it was nice to stay dry oh wow, let's finish good, see you later luke, okay, hold on for this, I'm leaving today oh, you got this, come on, you got this, take off the rope, take off the boat today man , I can't hit anything hot it was cold oh my god come here this could be oh dude that's wild he actually touched it he did it but lucas take your time marcus try again try again you got this brother that's so hot that's so hot oh my god oh man this is so hot bro so hot it is so there you have it guys the coolest duct tape challenge if you enjoyed it mash the like button subscribe be sure that you watch our latest video, I love you. guys peace peace

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