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Jun 02, 2021
Welcome back, the Dobre army is about to light up here, that's right, as you can see, we have a dunk tank behind us with ice


full of sharks, so today we had a crazy idea, sorry, I want to know what are we going to do. Alright, so what are we going to do, one by one, trivia? If you get the answer wrong, everyone has a chance to dunk you in the


, so there are how many people here, seven people, so you have seven swings to dunk someone. Make sure you get the right answer, that's right, happy birthday, by the way, let's take it to 200k, explaining enough.
last to get dunked in freezing water wins 10 000
I think you get the point, who wants to go first? Marcus, yeah, so Marx will sit down and then the sirens will read a trivia question and if he gets it wrong, we all have a chance to dunk it, but if he gets it right, he gets to jump out of the seat and get back in line. Oh yeah, we've got the line right there. I am not going to lie. I tried several times and it is. Pretty hard, it's not, it's not that easy, yeah, wait, don't throw it away, yeah, no, don't relax, we haven't started yet, are you sitting up there Marcus, you know we haven't even started yet, it's Well, my pup, did we just call him Mark III? surprise him with the puppy yeah who's a blonde girl with a head bro they're so crazy sweet boring man okay I got the first question we'll start a little easier okay okay first question , you should know this because we I've been here many times, Marcus, so make sure you're up to date on which Disney theme park you can visit Japan China Germany Italy Mexico Morocco France and Canada in one day Uh-huh Is it an Epcot?
last to get dunked in freezing water wins 10 000

More Interesting Facts About,

last to get dunked in freezing water wins 10 000...

Is it from Magic? Kingdom, is it the kingdom of marine animals or is it D? There's no answer. Just one chance, Marcus, don't ruin Epcot, that's right, come on, that's not fun, okay, I'll try not to give you a really hard question, okay, smart question. Hydrogen is the most abundant on planet Earth, so what is the second most abundant? I think I know this is helium C or B, carbon or oxygen C, that's right. I want to see, brother, the answer here. your final answer oxygen falls helium okay good luck okay who's first? Oh my gosh, you guys are serious right now, no, you think you can shut down.
last to get dunked in freezing water wins 10 000
Okay, everyone, let's move the lineup. I didn't go yet, which means we all missed out. she can't finish I guess I'll go there right in the middle, that's crazy, how it didn't work out okay, so we move the line up a little bit just to make it more interesting. I received your question. Go ahead and ask a single answer question, no multiple choice, SARS, you're done. I'm always ready, brother. Which black mineral, especially popular with Victorians, was used to make jewelry? Kohl is incorrect, the answer is jet, there is no multiple choice, no. Oh, the answer is jet as jet. black, alright, girls and boys, shoot, it was two in a row, it ain't falling, dude, I don't know why it ain't working, you okay?
last to get dunked in freezing water wins 10 000
I didn't expect to go underwater. I thought I'd like to land on my feet, but like It was straight up like wow, yeah, it's actually pretty crazy, okay Madi, get up there next, how do you not know? Jet, are you ready, Madi, okay, yes, if you get this question wrong. Sorry, okay, name the historical prince whose name was used by Bram Stoker in the famous and his famous nah that's unfair historical prince whose name was used by Bram Stoker in his famous novel let's go big there's multiple choice are you ready what's up of you? it's so good oh wait there's a question is how many strings does a cello have oh no you should know this I was going to say no what if I mean cello seven I mean six six six Oh okay let's do this For all those times Lucas made you mad, okay, bring him back now, please, back off, hey, watch your mouth, wait no way. yeah, cold, but it feels good, it's someone you know, not really, no, don't put it back in the water, it seems like you see it, you look a little scared right now, okay, hands on your lap, you are ready for your question, relax. relax, relax, okay, sighs, you have the question, here we go, give us a difficult question, hello, this one is quite difficult.
What fictional character was also known as Lord Gray Stroke? Are you hearing the question? Okay, shut up, go ahead, what a fictional character. He was also known as Lord Gray Stroke, which character is also known as Lord Gray Stroke, who is Lord Gray Stroke, come on, you know what's in that water, bro, how do you not know? Lord Gray Stroke, huh, this is really scary. I'm too big. for this, calm down, wait, they didn't ask the question what is my


name, another


name, the next question they call me the mastered game jet was my correct answer, well, who invented the jet engine?
Can? Can you get back behind the line please? even saying I know this name, okay that's it, I'm out of time, did you think it's a doubt or I can't come out to do a bonus round? A person who didn't finish, didn't finish, everyone has to do it. you dive in okay guys ready bonus round bonus round bonus round what's going on are you ready okay tribute question for Marcus I have a trivia question which one is Cyrus dobre? The first two letters and you know you turned on, you have 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 what they call me side company I silica I know that's our song who did that hello baby next guy dives well, next we got Spooner careful are you ready?
I'm ready, okay, brothers, ask, should you I know this, okay, you only have three seconds to answer the question, the door brothers' favorite song, plays, crashes, crashes, come on, okay, sighs, this is it your chance, it's a good feeling when you dip someone there, hello sir, how are you today? This beautiful gadget. There's a dunk tank here, basically you just sit in the chair and try to see if you can hit the ball towards the target and drop it on the sticky tape. Okay, who throws the ball? All of us. right, if you want, if you get under, we have to sit you in the chair, why are you being so dramatic?
What is happening right now? Are we immersed in it or what brother? Yes, hurry up, hurry up, I can't click the button anymore I remind you, come up, how many subscribers do we have on Lucas the Markets? Oh, he doesn't know the exact number. Marcus Duncan brought him in. It's a good feeling. Yes, if you enjoyed this video, make sure you give it a thumbs up. Like and subscribe, we publish every Friday and Saturday. We love you so much and be sure to subscribe to all our channels. We love.

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