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100 Mystery Buttons.. Only 1 Will Let you ESCAPE!

May 18, 2024
okay, get in the box, get in the box, okay, what's going on, what's going on, you won't be able to get out until you find the magic button. You ask later, go into the box, there is


one exit button, you


try to look for it. exit button if you don't find the exit button 20 tons


fall and land on top of the box ah I don't even press any


yet it's summer time lucas okay make sure you like it and subscribe. I'm entering. the box everyone likes for good luck no luck no good luck in this challenge we are going to fall this is going to get very complicated here yeah so many


so these are all the buttons I guess they all say something and just an exit button, choose one right now don't look no, I'm going to choose one right here, what does it say free space, come on, are we leaving?
100 mystery buttons only 1 will let you escape
No, no free spin yet, you're safe for this round, okay Morgan, it's yours. spin well, I'm afraid, okay, let's do this ice, ice, ice, oh, let's take out the ice, no, no, ah, let me choose another one, we have to hurry, brother, what does it say money, where is the money, I need my money, okay? okay let's see what we got for both of us no not for lucas okay this is all you get 20 bucks okay that's good im going to save this for my girlfriend maybe i will take her to lunch or something like that, okay. let's pick another one, okay, what button, brother, what button, the one you create, let's press this button, yeah, yeah, why did you do that anymore?
100 mystery buttons only 1 will let you escape

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100 mystery buttons only 1 will let you escape...

Come on, say, Marcus, say milk, brother, are you okay? Oh yeah, brother, you got it right, oh. Oh my god, it's dirty in there, yeah, I have milk, okay, let me pick another one, oh, hurry up, bro, what does it say? jumper jumper oh oh cereal what oh perfect time perfect time actually you can't have milk but not cereal you know oh yeah pick another one I'm trying to get out of here okay let's go bro what does that say earthquake earthquake? He says coca coca no, no coca, brother, just drink it here, no, I have it on me.
100 mystery buttons only 1 will let you escape
I tried to shake her. So it exploded, but did I understand you guys, next, next, water, come on, don't wash this, yeah, you need a little shower, right, yeah, yeah, this is crazy, but we shouldn't have signed up for This, there are a hundred buttons. what's the way out oh yeah I have to use the bathroom I have to pee no no you can't go out you have to do it in the box okay I'll pick another one here pick one okay bowling that's not so bad . skittles yeah I guess skittles aren't bad unless it's raining skittles oh my gosh I guess I have to eat them 9-1-1 okay cheers hurry up I'm trying to get out of here this could be it Best challenge ever, right bro?
100 mystery buttons only 1 will let you escape
I'm not going to lie, this is fun, ah, well, there are like 50 buttons left, okay, pick a good one, please, we have to get out of here, please be the one out, please be the one out, oh three , come on, come on, wait, not yet, we have to think. about this we have to think well, should i choose this blue one, yes what does it say let's go to another one for free come on life is good right now choose another money yes let's give you more cash there you go thank you thank you , I'm saving I'm saving we're 40.
Steve, can you hold this? yeah yeah i got you bro let's pick this one oh applesauce the bad thing they got their heads down ready oh please like subscribe yeah actually bro like all of you. Yo, they're going through some things, man, they're going through right now, yeah, they are, oh my gosh, well, there goes my white polo. Should I choose one? Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and pick this one, what does it say I have? bad one what is mustard mustard whoa who made these who made these buttons brother who else said oh lord yes please like uh you guys might want to close your eyes for this one yeah I hate mustard okay oh yeah we have to go out we have to go out , come on, pickles, pickles, here we go, oh boy, enjoy, no, no, people, don't you love pickles?
I know, I know, I know, you okay bro, look at the stuff I'm wearing, what does it say, what button, eggs, oh? do the cracking, the cracking works, oh we'll go ahead and do two more for good luck, yeah how does that work? Oh, okay, come on, let me get out of here, okay, I want you guys to get the exit button because I'm a mess now we have a free one, okay, let's get out, pick, pick, come on, oh my god, another free one, okay, that's good, what else do we have here, oh cranberry juice, okay bro, go ahead, okay guys, oh oh oh oh oh. oh oh oh oh we gotta get out of here bro, I can't open my eyes, it's like a towel, what's that balloon, I guess that just means more balls, oh desert, oh my god, I'm choking, it's so bad. there dory syrup chocolate syrup okay pick one oh yeah we gotta get out of here I can't even see yeah we gotta get it sorry we got a towel yeah we got a towel here's a roll oh my gosh I got two rolls, that's it You understand, they need some whipped cream too, uh, whipped cream, okay, oh marshmallow, oh my god, whipped cream, they, ah, which one, let's do this, what does it say, come out, Come on, come on, come on, come on, okay, guys, okay, uh, yeah, guys.
However, I killed it and ruined one of my favorite t-shirts, so yeah, it was fun to be a part of this challenge, guys, look at the box, wait, what are the other ones? ketchup oh no, because they're going to get that one, I think it's the


one. one you guys missed the ketchup yeah beans oh my god oh that would have been the worst but we froze but bro I hate boxes now yeah let's go shower, wash up don't forget to hit it like it, subscribe, watch our latest video and that's it. Subscribe to the Way Brothers channel right here, see you guys whose idea this was.
I don't even know it will turn out like this. I want some paper towels, yeah, come on.

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