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Mar 09, 2024
throwing? online he's saying goodbye to us first what's your real name i'll be honest my name is john i was still trying to throw you off my name is actually william but he said william no yeah but i just said it was like i gave you that name can i look up back on the tapes, I said william, let's look at the pictures, why don't you just say like william or something like that? Yeah, oh, could you look at that? I'm right William, so where are you really from? because you said Scotland and something like that. else but I don't feel well my mom is from Eritrea and my dad is from Cape Town this guy goes from Alembic to William and he's changing where he's from he said Scotland now he's from Eritrea which I don't even know where he's from he's and he's the one only one that does that, so now he looks very sus, listen, I don't blame the guy who keeps changing his name, he just has so many names because he's been adopted so many times that no one kept him, might even adopt him. him next and just call him a rat, have you ever broken your nose? uh yeah,


people don't break their noses, it's weird, yeah, I thought I was thinking it's actually a fact, I've never heard this before, but yeah, but it's weird, but wow, it's like flat is what I'm saying, I'm not just talking about how it's weird for a


man to break his nose, what's weird is that a man can't grow a beard at the age of 28.
guess the black person ft ksi
Jj is right about that. I know I box, I train a lot, you know, I've never hurt my nose, inspirational, but white people who have trained often get nosebleeds, you guys were ever stopped by the police, yeah, here's how sometimes. Did the interaction go well? It wasn't friendly. What happened? What happened, let's stop me because it's our speeding. Okay, yes, I deserved it. I never saw talk today. Are you OK? What are you speeding up? Yes, what do you say? I just said: Stop speeding no, he just tells me that I asked him that he shouldn't have gone and that they were going to fine me.
guess the black person ft ksi

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guess the black person ft ksi...

Yes, Anthony has had a pleasant experience with the police. oh no, you caught me speeding. oh, don't do that again, anthony. You better be on your way again, Jamal, anything else for tomorrow, uh, say the n-word, I know Jamal very well, he doesn't want to be disrespectful to our people, does he? Yeah, there you go, man, I still don't want to. Say that, no, actually, it's not fair, Anthony, have you ever said that? Nothing, for your sake, I hope it's black, I hope it's black, have any of you ever been called the n-word black friends, but okay, okay, and anyone in a racist way.
guess the black person ft ksi
So only at school you know it's horrible oh wow and what did they say so they just told you that word and how did you react one of them on the cold nose I'm voting for Anthony it's not you I'm funny sorry bro no I think it's you, take anthony uh, I'm just going to make things interesting, I'm going to pick uh, ricky, who's not here, get out of here, that's my vote, yeah, save him, get out, thanks, anthony, hesitation arose. we, you know why we see each other and then there were two left, the black one on the white, william, what is your date of birth, May 25, 98 and Jamal, February 24, 1999.
guess the black person ft ksi
That's cool, that didn't make sense, um , yeah, what was the point of that shark? What are they doing? Can you fight a little? Catch him? You're going to understand that these guys are fighting each other and I'm a little nervous that this may be a hate crime that we're seeing right in front of us. Now even if one of them is black, yeah, we don't claim any of them, yeah, what was that? So, let's say you have three pounds in your pocket, what are you going to eat after school? Okay, KFC, what do you get for us? you're buying bone of course, another stereotype, yeah this guy is starting to be a little rude.
I think Jamel has changed and even if he is not the black


, he is still black, we should vote William out and say no because I want to. win I don't want to lose my money we've lost a lot of games so maybe Jamal has to convince you with a fast freestyle I can have a beat please come on let's go my name is Jamal I want the money give me the money before I steal from you oh I saw this about stealing man not all blacks rob everyone happy yeah i love jamaica yeah okay and that's it jamal is out now william is our chosen black


yeah now william has to be black william slash .
I can still tell you that you tried to play the mind games, the tricks from the beginning and there was something in you, something in you that just screamed, I'm a black person, it's time for results, who's the black person, okay, that's it. the end of the game. William, reveal yourself, come on, that's what I'm talking about, our losing streak is over, listen, no one can take this back, honey, well, ladies and gentlemen, the black expert has done it again, but my God, I'll be here all the time. week if necessary. find the white person trust me I'll be able to find her because I'm so white I'm so white I'm a bogeyman I want to meet my best friend jamal wow don't you go talk to us come on ricky wait So would she be a snow bunny?
So yeah, you see, oh yeah, let's go with Anthony, come on, how many likes, a million, a million, likes, a million, you don't even know what I'm going to ask the likes and it'll happen, okay, a million . I like it and the beta team will take all the segments at a charity soccer game. All that's left is the trailer, so okay, certainly the trailer, could you please know how to say play the trailer? Okay, we'll dub it bye bye, main and then we'll play the trailer. I'm going to match the bride with the groom. You're happy, darling.
I have no idea. This is technology. The best brothers. I'm going to vote for my God.

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