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SNEAKING Into KSI's Boxing Match (In the ring)

May 19, 2024
This is the knowledge of making your first


walk in years, living in front of millions and somehow managing to fight my way into that bottle right there, even though I have a history of being excluded from


events. I know this sounds crazy, but please let me. Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicole Molana, formerly known as Ringside, the man who used to sneak into the


s, but it's been almost three years since you were last on a break. My return is now unfinished business every time I try to sneak into a ring I would never reach. the center always got me caught in the ropes and now the knowledge is in the past, she is fighting and my brother Kenny, now it's time to get back in the ring, so how do you plan to get there?
sneaking into ksi s boxing match in the ring
I'm so glad you asked, let me tell you something. story about the Trojan horse this is a story about ancient Troy where the Greek soldiers gave their enemies, the Trojans, a large wooden horse as a gift, but when the gift was accepted and brought within their walls, many soldiers The Greeks went out and killed all the Trojans. The Trojans believed they were getting one thing, but in reality they were deceived and got something completely different. I'm going to use this technique and call it master trojan. I'm going to use the main drink of knowledge against him and give him a huge main pet. which you will think was created by another youtuber when in reality the entire plan was created so that I could get into the ring and walk with knowledge about the fighter, but for all this to work I needed the main mascot to look beyond perfection, which leads us. to Oxford where we met Jake, so I found a Prime, but I also found something better, a much bigger Prime that was made by my man right here, Jake.
sneaking into ksi s boxing match in the ring

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sneaking into ksi s boxing match in the ring...

Hi Jake, it was nice meeting you. Can you tell them what you have done? Done, we've built a seven foot tall Prime bottle costume, perfect, can I see that? Yes, yes, please come on, this looks crazy, this looks sick, actually it looks sick to everyone, Sebastian, this is what I'm going to use to sneak out. In the fight for knowledge, now you might be thinking how the hell am I going to fit an entire pet in there and then put myself on it. That's where the real plan begins. This is Kaiser, a fellow YouTuber who creates elite content, and me.
sneaking into ksi s boxing match in the ring
I'm going to make it look like he was the one who made the main mascot. I chose him because he has the backstory. I approached him for this idea and found out that he had been to awareness events and made videos of the main bottle before. He was perfect, all he had to do was tell him over the phone what my plan was. I have a plan to crash the Knowledge event next month with a pet as a main pet and I want you to make it look like it's your idea, we've made a 3D design of the bottle to make it look like you made it, you basically appear there, You bring a bunch of different shirts and make it look like you've done everything the same and that brings us back to the present.
sneaking into ksi s boxing match in the ring
Hello Kaiser. Hi, now let me tell you a quick thing about Kaiser. He's been coming here pretending to build this magnificent bottle, not pretending to build this magnificent bottle right here, yeah, well, he's got some great photos. that makes it look like he built it. You can also post it on the Mr Knowledge reddit and make him believe that Kaiser was the one who made the condolence card, the sympathy card, so now all you have to do is film the video that we are going to post on the Mr Knowledge reddit , come on, let's do it, no, no, wait, come on, okay, now for this first scene, will Kaiser say hello?
I know you're probably thinking what the heck is this huge main costume? I'm thinking about that, let me say hi jj, now I know you're probably wondering what this giant bottle of Prime is. Well, let me tell you, my name is Kaiser Action, my name is Kaiser and I have been a fan of yours for many years. years I even went to upload an event I took a prime bottle of space I sent a prime bottle to space but I never had your attention but I never managed to get your attention and that's where you go but it's not over yet, but it's not over yet because I've decided to become in the main bottle, yes, you have it perfect.
The next step is during the last few months. I have come to this same warehouse after work every day to build this huge pride box. I even made a nice, unique nightmare design, but you decided to change it at the last minute with a white design, which means I had to spend the last seven days in this same workshop trying to get it ready for you to react because it's so infuriating when someone You just randomly decide to announce a new design when you've been working for years on making a black design. It's very inconsiderate. This costs money.
I feel like people don't realize that, but now that it's done, I don't think it looks too bad. At least I hope not because I've spent my life savings on this, that's good, I want it there, that's the easter egg, we intentionally put my foot here, everyone must have been thinking who's easy, let Snickers be easy, plan that from there, yes. From the beginning, my dream is to accompany you in your fight on August 27 as this huge main bottle because if someone has admired you for half of my life, you would be making my dreams come true, so I ask all the members. that he likes the fat guy to help me and make me watch this and see if we can get in that ring and I'll see you there off script, but with yeah, wow, that's amazing, I couldn't have written about that myself and I know that that'll be on Reddit getting all those numbers please, so Cash took the video, edited it, and three days later it was time.
Hello, was the tweet tweeted? The tweet was tweeted. Our post was made and it took everything. 31 minutes to get our first news there is a guy on Twitter called man tailor who is the knowledge manager and it's safe to say from this point he just blew up this video had appeared on Twitter Logan had responded the youtubers were reacting to the video I saw someone who had basically built a giant main mascot drew the inventor that person was me and you have no idea and the video was right at the top of the knowledge reddit the only thing we were waiting for was for the big man to see himself, my dream, jj.
I will go out with you in your fight on August 27th like this huge bottle of premium because if anyone has looked up to you for half my life, you will make my dreams come true. It is not a coincidence. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Look. I've already contacted him and we're going to make it happen, we're going to make that happen. I love how he says that he had a contact when he was Mrs., but okay, okay, so it's happening. coming out with knowledge and he will have no idea with knowledge fully on board, it was time to celebrate the success with Kaish, how does it feel to joke with the entire YouTube community?
Now I feel like the best thing I can do, obviously, is going to be Talking to Moms, yeah, I feel like we need a phone call with him. Hi how are you my friend? It's time to focus on fight week and let me tell you, no one takes fight week more seriously than I do. Swarms is actually a relative. I don't know if you knew this, but he is a relative of Mike Tyson. Swarms. Swarms, the NDL was in full force. your presence as always, so if you want to join, hit the subscribe button right now so you can be a part of the biggest movement on the planet and join us in spamming ndl in random chats all over the world, so subscribe now, but there was one thing.
That kept being mentioned that really confused me. What are we going to see in the car in the ring? This guy will have something up his sleeve. Can we see Niko in the ring? I don't think he's in the ring in the sounds pretty tired, man I retired from that game, reef side gone, people know it, man, no darts, can't happen in this situation, you can say never, It will never happen, but before it never happens, I needed an inside man, someone who could get it done. Me in the combat hotel that is connected to the O2 Arena, since that was essential to my plan and it just so happens that I had the perfect candidate, the man I supported above all others, yes, there is Nico among the crowd and I get up, I see that Kenny gave.
I got the passes that allowed me to sneak into the first knowledge fight all those years ago and now I needed his help again, but to get his help I needed to include him in my plan. Do you know why you are here? No, but me. I'm watching ksl on the screen, I'm not sure why he just made this video, this guy made a giant Prime mascot, very cool right, I think it's a good idea, it's good for Ksi's brand and the Prime Prime smart way to get there, yeah, 100 don. Don't tell me that's what you're doing, oh my god, all that, oh, my day was orchestrated by me, bro, you won't have a clue, this is a brilliant idea, it's going to be crazy, I can't believe it, oh yeah , You can see that he was very involved in the plan, which meant that we had the hotel sorted, the intercontinental hotel to be precise, so now it's time to reveal our full plan to Kaish and Bats, as they are both essential to make this idea work.
Hello, my friends, it's fight day, see this model, this 3D design that I made right here. Would you believe me if I said I turned it into a full stadium and it turns out that's where they're fighting today? You did it, yes. Yes, it's time for us to go over the plan with you, this is Kaish, this is Bat, you guys are moving in, as you can see there is tons of security around the O2, go to the front, your name is already on the list. once you're in, you'll have the main bottle on. It is absolutely vital that when you are using the main bottle you make it look like it is very difficult to put on and take off.
He doesn't want anyone to question him and keep raising the p and saying you can't really put it down, yeah, okay, now raise your pee, keep my pm, yeah, what's so funny about that, eh, no, nothing, sorry, so You will have the essay you need to make sure it is clear that you can. Get in that ring now, I need you to tell me all the information about that walk around the ring, so after that you're going to leave, just make sure you see your face and that you look very attached to the main costume that you're not going to do.
Come back here because we have selected a hotel that is literally connected to the O2 and there is a secret tunnel that goes from the O2 to this hotel. Then you enter the hotel and you see there are two people there, me and George Kaish then he gives me the main costume, that is, you, yes, then you will give it to me or I, yes, you will give it to me, okay, and then you and I will move and enter. I'll be dressed in a morph suit, the main costume, they won't even know it's me, they'll think I'm kish, we pass easily, then I do the ring walk, I enter the ring, show my face, we hit and we.
I just made a joke of the whole event. It's an impeccable plan. Impeccable, can't go wrong. We should move on because rehearsals start in 20 minutes and one second. Now it's time for you guys to move on because rehearsals start in 20 minutes. Come on, come on, good luck, friends, see you on the other side, don't ruin this, uh, no, we're not going there, go, the primer in your hands now, the bat kaisen took a cable car to cross the river, where Kaisha He got dressed, let's go. Baby it's so hot I feel like Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, they then headed to the O2 where as I predicted they were stopped by the first layer of security but after a quick call to knowledge like managers, moms, mate they were escorted out to get a bracelet and In the sand, what's up?
You did. Kaisenbatz had successfully infiltrated the building. I just heard the news that Kaish has been admitted and the rehearsal is about to start, so let's hope they are behaving well. The boys waited for hours, even Kaish. I had time to fight Joe Weller, but luckily for him it was a


event and not a parking lot, so he came out unscathed, so basically no rehearsal at this point. I've been at this for four hours and now I basically just said, "Come back here and while you're here, we'll be escorted to the ring walk. Kash and Bat will escort you through the secret tunnel and up to the hotel room for the change.
Oh "Oh my God, I can't even." take off your shirt well, how do you feel about the day you're sweating, it's half full, we arrived at one, I've been chatting for three and a half hours and there wasn't even a rehearsal once you're there? once you have this on, they are so calm as long as you wrap it again, we are done, it's perfect, we have done it well, kaish, your work here is now well done, we destroyed it, but I tell you whose work it is. You're not done because you haven't hit the like button yet so like the video right now if you're impressed with what we've done and honestly if you haven't subscribed yet then your breath absolutely sucks here's how is.
I'll see good luck here, yeah, I'll see you in the ring. The mission to sneak into the ring is a giant bottle of Prime, ready, give me a hug, oh my God, the first test with the watches in the hotel lobby was successful, there were no suspicions. This is the live stream set up by everyone whoI'm going to be watching while I wait for Nico to go out with JJ, if everything goes as planned, with a little luck, there's not much we can do from now on around 20 sand, let's do this. My friends, it's prime time, let's see if the Prime Trojan works, this was a great moment, falling at the first hurdle was not an option, so to make sure I got in, I made my way through the security defenses and Once they felt my anger, they stood their ground.
I stepped aside and hit the first obstacle it was overcome this is crazy myself brother okay on stage let's go let's go everywhere nobody knows touch me again and I smoke here I'm hiding in plain sight No wonder he is wiser and the next scenario was being prepared. My goal is to step into that ring as my assistant. I need you to say that he's walking around the ring with JJ for his first fight. Can he practice how he will walk into the room so literally no one looks at me like the fraud? Was it time for me to do something I've been working on my entire career?
In fact, step foot in the ring and I'm in the ring. I'm here. I'm here before the fight. Go Go. I'm here, come on, the sand is going crazy. I achieved it in the fine ring of the century. Do you know how crazy it is to finally be in the center of the ring? I can't believe I did it. I don't know. a structure of the game without applause, but this was just a warm-up. I then ventured out onto the grandstand taking photos with anyone I could and then found my way to a place where I could really make a physical impact on the event you're hosting. let me control the light blue red blue red purple red blue perfect well done don't fall off the stage you think I'm good guys I then left to head to the fighters room where I accidentally put a spell on the bottle which means any fighter If he took a photo of me he would lose his fight buddy, this is phenomenal, I wonder who's in on this, you're leaving him hanging bro, oh yes sir, you're about to be Kenny's son, thanks sensei, but now It was time for me.
To evaluate where we were and where we were going from here, this was all mental. I initially went into a locker room full of fighters and met sensei, the man Kenny fights, but we're about to go to Knowledge's locker room. We introduced ourselves for the first time. At that time I was walking to see the knowledge, the question in my head was: will it recognize my voice and will I be real? I was terrified because this whole plan might be completely weird. Good to see you brother. I love the video. Incredible. I can not believe it. exactly, it's crazy, okay, so, without knowing anything, it was time for me to find his brother.
The Dejiji brothers had been dispatched beyond belief, so seeing that some of the crowd had entered the arena, I felt it was time to start dispatching some of them as well. Are you secretly inside huh? No, unfortunately not, I'm just Nicholas, so just before the ring walk, now it's almost time for the ring walk. Just moments away, the television crews entered the room for a pleasant sit-down interview with Mr. Knowledge. It would have been rude of me not to show my presence, that's right guys, I'm here with the man, we're all here to see the nightmare, the main bottle there, I was in the background, with background knowledge, doing his normal screams, saying that he is the man, but he. he doesn't know the real man is right behind him laughing legacy ladies and gentlemen legacy I'm about to show you what my legacy is all about the nightmare ksi about to hit the ring and he has no plans about swarms coming out of there awake again with you at the desk, you seem to talk a lot about legacy, but is this your hero a man who attacks innocent premium bottles?
We absolutely manage to survive on the strength and integrity of knowledge. We have survived the blows of him and we have finally made it. He made it to the heart of his camp without anyone realizing who was really in the bottle and now that the event has begun, it was time to walk the ring, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. We have been waiting for an event like no other tonight. here in the 02 so let's get this party started, the crowd was in place and the main event was about to begin, the knowledge was getting ready for its exit right after Mr.
Swamps who had just left which meant that I had to make sure I was next. For him, while all this was happening, he needed to be in the spotlight right next to the knowledge to be able to access that live broadcast. He could hear as he walked that the atmosphere was wild, the O2 Arena had sold out. About to complete this journey by doing a ring walk in front of all these beautiful people. What started as a completely unrealistic idea, step by step managed to bring me to this moment all the times I've been trapped in the ropes. expelled from the arenas and expelled from the events, all the effort, the sweat and the shocks have brought me to this and they have put me here on the big stage in a giant bottle about to take the biggest ride of my life and there was no So I wasn't going to take advantage of the moment I did, we were walking through the wall, the beta team in Georgia was there to fully support our great achievement and the real Geordie, he is also the master of product placement , as you see a giant bottle that accompanies it. to the ring, yes, they did it right, you have to rate it guys, this is what I'm talking about, there was only one thing left to achieve in this massive delicacy and that was to finally reveal it to the 20,000 fans present and the millions. from fans watching the broadcast all over the world who is really behind the bottle and on the other side of the ring his opponent fighting from the blue corner that's me right there I showed my face on the broadcast oh my god I still can't believe that This may have happened, but we did it We did it, my friends, the journey to the ring is complete, come on, we did it, I can't believe it, I can't believe the knowledge worked, then it caused a surprise and I somehow managed to defeat Swarm, so I decided to go to his locker room to congratulate him in person oh you really destroyed that man oh my god it was me the whole time I was sign language on the broadcast while you were there I just left it for a second I thought no, you.
Need to take me there next time, yeah, three in one night, let's do it, come on, then I got dressed and wished Kenny and Deji luck, if I'm not mistaken, you win today, your career record is one of them, so I found the man , I couldn't have done any of this without kaish sir because we needed to celebrate our achievement oh man it all worked out then kenny and deji made us proud and finally the knowledge completed an amazing event hello you reacted to my demand oh you thought it was history, I made it, yes, no I can't, you see, you see, I celebrated this huge w with the ndl, we did it, my friends, the trip to the ring is complete, ring sneak champion, I'm the one taking this. one at home, come on, the really bad man, I'm wrong, fair play, absolutely amazing man, I thought it was the other guy, the other youtuber, he was saying like he hadn't said a word, I thought, okay, he's acting a a little strange, but it's okay. maybe he's just shy or you know he's nervous about meeting me and then as soon as Nicole popped her head in I thought you played me, I like the video, my friends subscribe to Kaiser and Big Up.

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