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Guess The Secret NBA Player ft. Giannis Antetokounmpo

Mar 31, 2024
are you 6 61? You played with the Cavs, yes. you also play for Golden State no, it was a he could be lying he could be lying you know how to cook the guy uh that uh was very close to yes that guy looks like him yeah, I see that guy Quin Cook is around here I've seen him in the center maamba that could be no, we have to vote for six, that could be Quinn Cook, okay, let's get a revoe, you start with number four, I'm going for four too, I'll go for number three I'll do the number four, I'm going with number four, yes number four, you've been eliminated thanks for playing, he wasn't even one of the original people we were arguing about, now there are three left that want to be a volunteer, we'll make you defend them, I would defend them, you want to go, Jeff Jeff, we would like you to try your best so you know a possession against Jeff, Jeff is an elite defender, he has a big chest, uhoh, okay.
guess the secret nba player ft giannis antetokounmpo
He, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, sorry, sorry, let him cook. Day come on they have that slow comfortable dribble they feel like retired


s and they don't like to try more dribbling oh my god I tried that was good my back hurts after that Jeff you're too small if you let six score on you brother you don't score me you score the signal play basketball I think he has to go I think he has to say who was the most difficult, definitely number five 100%, what was their day like when they played, woke up, watched TV, went to the gym , it's off season, in season, off season, okay, and when did they go to the gym.
guess the secret nba player ft giannis antetokounmpo

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guess the secret nba player ft giannis antetokounmpo...

What did you do? What was your routine? I came in, I talked to my people and, you know, you started doing hoops, you started doing hoops, so no, there's no treatment, there's no stretching, there's no weights, no, nothing, you just started doing hoops, no, okay, that's not normal, he gets right to it, okay? You have to respect it after practice. You did something? Any recovery? You ate the food. What exactly did you eat? Whatever they have. Burgers. Pizza. French fries. Wings. NBA teams provide that now. Well, I haven't been in the league for eight years. whoo wo wo your history just changed history yes history changed I haven't been in the league for eight years what you're talking about overseas no I was talking about the NBA overseas we don't understand any of that stuff you played in the foreigner yes I played in Russia, what is the name of the Russian League? um Z something Z something he has to go well uh now number five what was your routine how do you wake up go to the gym go to the physical therapist give him treatment I need to get some injections get up after that do his stretching maybe normal tech and then you know , call it a night, okay, game day, what did game day look like?
guess the secret nba player ft giannis antetokounmpo
What was your game day routine? The day of the game. I, uh uh, will probably sleep well too. I'll have a good night for sure and then I'll get up, it depends on whether we've walked or not, go to that, make a movie and go back to the hotel, then shortly before the game, stretch again, warm up, come back, get ready. for the game is that look, no, there were so many good things he said, but I, good things and bad things, yeah, number six, how was your day of practice? Wake up, eat well, come in, grab the stem, and then have a quick. jog and then practice come in and get what shank on my hamstring what is shank activation muscle activation he's just trying to throw a curveball there stimulation I think he's like a he wasn't a basketball


he was like a basketball coach conditioning St. or something like that, oh he's your best friend, basketball player, yeah, okay, go ahead, I want to hear your story though, practice, lift weights, and after practice, what did you do lifting weights?
guess the secret nba player ft giannis antetokounmpo
He's lifting weights all day, this guy tells me about your game day. day get up do a workout stretch get some food in play and just play and I'm so lost James who do you think is sus right now three do you think three is sus said he was eating burgers and wings yeah and pizza he's throwing away. for a roster spot and he's just eating burgers and wings, I didn't know, um, if it was the EUR League, something like that, yeah, it was like he got the WR league, so are you ready to vote? His presence is bothering me.
Okay, James number three. I'll go with number three too, uh, number three, okay, Jeff, uh, I can go with number three too. I agree with the group there, ah, I was going to choose six, well that's already a majority so okay, we'll vote out the number. Three, please get off the basketball court. We believe that you are not the NBA player. Now there are only two left and I would like to see them play 1 V. One, just a couple of possessions against each other. Two Sixers fighting, so he said. he played with AI and then said he played with Christmas IG cookies.
The number five is not TR. Oh, that's his signature move. Make the move. Do the move in the mid-range. Everyone thinks number six is ​​faking his abilities. Don't know. I don't know if they would pretend that much, oh my god, disgusting, that's disgusting, hey, hey, I got what I wanted. I feel confident, is everyone confident and ready to go like I know him? I know number five, I can't tell. Who is it? I know. Do you have any last questions before the final round of voting? Do you want to ask number six? Do you think number six, oh I'm going to vote him out, yes, I'm going to vote him out, yeah, I'm going to vote him out, okay, six number six six six number six six, you've been eliminated and now we're going to take out all the contestants and see Yes guys, you are right, we are standing in front of an NBA player, can you P the ball?
Oh yeah, how much did you pay for those shoes? the pr of the NBA, are you confident? Yes, yes, confident. Now it's all come down to this. We believe that number five is the NBA player. Will the true NBA player step forward? It's a p, please unmask Quin Cook. It was Quinn. He knew it. He knew it. it was qu cook that's why I didn't do it he was the NBA player I knew he was qu cook we could all unmask we could all unmask it's thank you all very much for watching A big thank you to Giannis Alex Quin cook everyone for coming, you have done it Channels from YouTube that have launched them, they have been posting great content, be sure to subscribe to Alex and Giannis, their channels are coming up, thank you all so much for watching, see you in the next one, peace.

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