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Game Theory: You KILLED the Planet! (Subnautica) #TeamSeas

May 03, 2024
hello internet, thanks for stopping by today is not just any day and this is not just any video because today we are going to help save the


sorry that intro was too creepy, I planned these scripts way in advance and my brain was still in halloween mode when I wrote it two years ago my good friends mr beast and mark rober, you may have heard of them, they are quite popular on the internet and they had massive success with a charity movement called Team Trees that raised 20 million dollars to plant 20 million trees and now they are at it again, this time their goal is to raise 30 million dollars to remove 30 million pounds of plastic and trash from the ocean.
game theory you killed the planet subnautica teamseas
According to National Geographic, there are 548 million pounds of trash in the ocean, including 1.6 million. An island of garbage measuring one square kilometer located right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I think it goes without saying that it's kind of a problem and the thing is, that problem isn't going to go away or get better plastics. It takes a long time to degrade, 450 years. in fact, meaning that it will continue to exist in the oceans for centuries after being washed into the water. This affects marine life, which can become trapped in plastics, causing things like famine and drowning, but it also affects us humans if the fish do not ingest plastic, the toxins break down and enter the body.
game theory you killed the planet subnautica teamseas

More Interesting Facts About,

game theory you killed the planet subnautica teamseas...

We consume the body when we feel like a bite of sushi. It's not a great situation for anyone, especially


Earth, so Jimmy and Mark are trying to do something about it. and they're not doing it alone, there are hundreds of YouTubers over the next two weeks, all posting videos to help raise awareness for the cause. If this is going to work, we need your help. 30 million dollars is not a small amount of money unless of course, you are Luigi and you inherited a haunted mansion, but we are not Luigi, so we need your help. Loyal theorists.
game theory you killed the planet subnautica teamseas
Go to the donation link in the description below and give what you can. One hundred percent of your donation will go directly to the Ocean Conservancy. and the ocean cleanup nonprofits that have partnered with us to help achieve this goal, one with the goal of collecting existing trash in the ocean and the second with the goal of preventing the problem from getting worse using machines as a preventative measure to Help catch trash in rivers before it escapes into the ocean preventing the problem from getting worse. In short, every dollar translates to one less pound of plastic in the ocean after 10 years on YouTube ruining their collective childhood.
game theory you killed the planet subnautica teamseas
It's time for you to take advantage of the opportunity. to redeem childhood for generations to come so follow the link in the description below and donate if you can today if we don't help solve this now who knows what will happen in the future. Oh wait, we know this because Subnautica reveals it. a lot about this exactly, even though the story glosses over it, do it by skimming, removing the junk from the top oh and with that seamless transition, let's get to the episode hello internet, welcome to



, the show that's on willing to dive deeper and deeper and deeper to clear the smallest ounces of history, believe me, there was a lot of diving and searching involved, this


is mostly water after all, regardless of whether you found something, a bone, in fact, a bone I have to pick with Subnautica. developers unknown worlds entertainment dear unknown worlds entertainment hi it's me austin no, no austin go home we've talked about this you can't keep interrupting my recordings sorry about that where was I um oh yeah entertainment from unknown worlds so amazing Like your


l planeted ocean Did you really expect everything to be okay when a massive spaceship crashes from orbit?
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, in 2014, the world was stunned by an early access game called Subnautica, an open-world survival actioner. adventure game I wish I was inventing that genre, but it's literally taken from its Wikipedia page. It's like they used a random word generator for the game description. However, what was impressive about this game was that it mainly took place in the ocean of a distant Alien Planet, now a game built as a large water level will be a difficult task. I've played enough sonic and water temples in my time to know that water plus video games equals a lot of suction, but Subnautica is anything but.
This game plays like a dream and is absolutely gorgeous the spectacular water graphics the colorful plant life the wonderfully creative creatures when they're not trying to eat your face the game even has a bit of story the ship we're on in the accident Aurora lands on an alien planet with us as the only survivor, we try to piece together what happened, we use scraps of the wreckage to survive and eventually escape, you know your usual survival tropes, but of course it wouldn't be complete without some type of human salvation. the extraterrestrial story while we are on the planet we learn of an incurable and deadly disease that was being studied by other hyper-advanced extraterrestrial life forms called architects long before we got there, this disease actually wiped out the architects and it is predicted that the same thing would happen. to the entire planet if a cure is not found, but we flew with our crash-landing ship, a chief maintainer of non-essential Earth systems and, of course, we discovered it all in a couple of days saving a nearly extinct species that It was key. for the long term survival of the planet, suck that super advanced alien species, we solved their problem in a couple of days, humans, humans, it's a good thing we have to land there guys, or is there something that has always bothered me about Subnautica, something that is never really addressed in the game and that is our impact on the planet's ecosystem, sure we stopped a deadly disease but have we caused more harm than good just by being here?
I think we might actually have doomed this planet before we even set foot outside our life capsule we're talking about the aurora, the crash and devastation left in our wake, it's the waves that follow your ship, these games of words won't get any better as this episode goes on, I promise a spoiler alert for the episode a spoiler alert for the channel they don't get any better we wake up on this alien planet and see that our ship, the aurora, has already crashed there's a huge trench Where it initially impacted the water is dark and sandy and there is no natural flora in the surrounding area.
So far this all seems pretty accurate on the surface, we know from shipwrecks that when ships hit the ocean floor, especially near the reefs of coral, we see damage and destruction in those environments, but when you look closer the math doesn't add up, here is the map they give us in the game that sandy section at the bottom right of the map is known as the biome of the place of the accident here is the location of the aurora in that biome notice something strange to me it is strange that the biomes to the left of It does not seem to have been affected at all by the accident in the year 2000, there was a container ship called Bunga Teretai Satu that unfortunately It crashed into the Great Barrier Reef, immediately destroying an area of ​​fifteen hundred square meters, which is approximately five thousand squares. feet but that was not all, it also dispersed the toxic paint from the hull up to 250 meters or 820 feet away thanks to the abrasive impact with the sandy seabed.
The bunga teretai satu is only 184 meters or 600 feet long, but the Aurora spaceship in the game is 1,280 meters or 4,200 feet long, almost 10 times the size. Based on that factor alone, we would estimate that the initial damage would have a radius of 10.5 square kilometers or six and a half square miles, which is not the type of damage that we are seeing on this map as this type of damage would occur on the left side. and aurora right, which is basically the entire game map totally destroyed just from the impact, and not all the negative impact our spaceship would have caused by crashing.
That amount of earth excavated and water displaced would likely have caused a tsunami. Tsunamis are a series of large waves caused by a large displacement of water leading to what appear to be rapidly rising tides rather than traditional waves. Tsunamis are usually caused by things like earthquakes or volcanoes, but sometimes they can be caused by underwater detonations, man-made things, and a ship this size crashing at high speed from space, yes, I think it has a chance. real to have a similar effect or else. So definitely, the explosion that comes after a tsunami would obviously be devastating to any civilization on earth, but we don't have any of that in Subnautica, so what do tsunamis do to life in the ocean?
I mean, they're underwater anyway, what's the problem? The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami in India gives us an idea: naturally, a tsunami will displace a lot of water but also a lot of sediment as it tears up the sea floor. In India they learn that this causes breakage and suffocation of coral reefs and the death of seagrass beds thanks to sediments that block both sunlight and oxygen. These coral reefs and seagrass beds are home to many species, especially in their early stages of life, as they suddenly disappear. It is more difficult for marine life to survive, plus the tsunami itself will wipe out the algae. and bacteria in neighboring ecosystems, ecosystems that may not be adapted to deal with this new invasive species.
For a really strange example, look at this block of concrete that was transported by a 2011 tsunami from Japan to the Oregon coast when studying that block, researchers found that algae and microorganisms had survived the trip, giving them it allowed new communities to be established on the Oregon coast and upset the natural balance that existed there and all of this is just talking about the initial impact that gets worse from here that I mentioned earlier. how to survive we have to search for materials around the aurora crash site, we found some very useful supplies, there is a lot of scrap metal that fell off the ship after the impact, but there are also things like batteries, food and water. floating and while all that floating trash will be good for us and our survival, it won't be so good for the survival of our ocean planet.
Our ocean planet's survival batteries and electronic waste in general are unfortunately quite common sites in ocean cleanup in 2019 53.6 million tons of electronic waste were collected worldwide and only 17.4 of them were recycled, so 82.6 of them are disposed of by dismantling, incineration or dumped into the ocean. As batteries degrade, they release toxic chemicals. This may be due to the use of cadmium, nickel and lead. of which leach into the ocean over time and cause fish to absorb these toxic chemicals as they try to get oxygen out of the water. Now in the game, batteries do not use the nickel letter.
Hooray, but the good news doesn't last because the batteries use up. Copper is yet another heavy metal and is also toxic if ingested. The entertainment of their unknown worlds is lost. We have a similar problem with food and water supplies and find that the food and water itself isn't really the big problem here, it's their containers that are causing it. problematic things like water bottles in 2017, Ocean Conservancy conducted an international coastal cleanup of the 20,834,689 items they collected. Plastic bottles remained the third most common source of litter. 1.5 million collected and plastic bottle caps came in fourth place. 1.1 million collected and that's just the bottles, other plastics such as bags, straws, food containers, lids all ranked five through nine in the top 10 most common pieces of trash collected, plastic is the most common that you will find in the ocean trash, only the Americans.
We throw away 35 billion empty water bottles every year and that's just Americans and that's not including soda bottles which is crazy, that's a huge amount of plastic and when it doesn't end up being picked up by 700,000 volunteers, ends up forming what are known as garbage patches there is actually one of these off the west coast of the united states a discarded plastic bottle from california carries the california current south towards mexico there it can trap the northern equatorial current which crosses the vast Pacific and ends up settling in one of these vast patches of garbage that could mean traveling more than 000 miles these plastics are ridiculously harmful to marine life turtles confuse plastic bags with jellyfish albatrosses confuse granulesplastic with fish eggs and we have all seen those photos of seals trapped in abandoned fishing nets all this ends in broken organs due to starvation or drowning of innocent marine life and it doesn't end there either thanks to ocean currents, it breaks into small pieces that They begin to affect the plankton and algae by blocking large patches of sunlight, which means they cannot photosynthesize, this means a decrease in population, which in turn decreases the population of everything in the chain. food, even sharks and whales, is like a huge and horrible set of dominoes, all this is to say that having plastic water bottles scattered throughout the accident area will have dire consequences for the local flora and fauna if our planet is of some use, because this is what, friends, the aurora accident has released a ton of garbage into the ocean that the aurora was sent to. build a phase gate on the other side of the galaxy a construction plan that according to the ship's status log will take three years and according to that same log there were 157 people aboard the ship with that amount of crew you will need a lot of supplies , how well we can figure it out using the international space station as a guide.
Rehydrated foods eaten in space initially come dehydrated if that weren't obvious and those dehydrated foods need to be contained to keep them safe for consumption. Typically, food on the international space station weighs 0.27 pounds or 0.12 kilograms of packaging weight. We know the timing of the aurora project. We know how many people were on board, so let's do some quick math. We'll assume a standard three meals per day per passenger, which gives us 127.17 pounds or 57 kilograms per day in packaging waste, then we have to multiply that by the number of days in a 365 year and then multiply it by the three years of the year. mission that gives us a total of 139,251 pounds of trash, 63,000 kilograms of packaging that was just released onto this ocean planet overnight and that's without even considering anything else, like ship parts floating around other storage containers, things like that that refer to that 2017.
Coastal cleanup Food packaging tends to get caught in ocean currents, carrying them up to 5,000 miles away, which when the map we have is only a few thousand meters long means that we are now affecting areas that go far beyond the scope of our accident. site, this has suddenly become a planetary problem, luckily the aurora doesn't seem to have hydrocarbons like crude oil on board, so that's good, at least we don't have to deal with a huge oil spill, but we do have You have to deal with a large radiation spill, if you try to swim near the aurora at the beginning of the game you will encounter radiation in the area that detects higher levels of local radiation, this will begin to deplete your health until you die and respawn later.
We are informed that the aurora drive core is not in good shape, warning that local radiation readings suggest that the aurora drive core has reached a critical state. Quantum detonation will occur within two hours, in other words, big ship about to explode, big boom, big boom, it certainly does. The game describes it. like a quantum explosion which doesn't really tell us much about quantum is just one of those science fiction words that get added to things when they can't explain the science behind them, but that's not how we explain here what kind of explosion they are.
We're talking about the impact, we know there was clearly damage to the drive core and that caused radiation to spill into the environment even before the explosion occurred. This to me screams nuclear reactor and it's not that crazy either. NASA actually uses thermoelectric radioisotopes. generators for long distance missions to places like Mars, this is because radioactive substances release heat as they decay over time, that heat is then converted into electricity that can power the spacecraft. This would also mean that if there was a gap in the protective casing of the radioisotope then we would see radiation leak into the atmosphere around it and an explosion would likely cause more damage creating more gaps for more radiation to escape, hence the radius of radiation of almost 1000 meters that appears after the explosion, why does all this matter?
Well, if the radiation is nuclear in nature, you can bet your bottom dollar that it won't do the planet much good. We know that if you, the player, are too close to the aurora at the time of its explosion, you will die instantly, so it is likely that any other marine life, be it flora or fauna, would suffer the same fate. The radiation radius increases greatly to 940 meters, which is almost the size of the aurora itself. This not only affects the crash site biome but also the koosh zone, the safe shallow waters of the mushroom forest.
Kelp forests and grassy plateaus, all these ecosystems are now in serious danger and not only the current residents but also the next generations are the ones that will be most affected, as was found in the Japanese seas near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant explosion this year. This is because the eggs and larvae are still developing and therefore radioactive atoms can begin to replace the atoms in their bodies, altering their DNA and causing cancers, as well as other strange mutations and physical deformities, and To be clear, no, I'm not suggesting that we're going to start seeing two-headed fish like cows in Fallout 4.
These physical mutations typically result in deformities like smaller or misshapen limbs. Altered camouflage. Things like cataracts that eventually cause blindness, as seen in mice near Chernobyl. Because of these deformities, young fish do not tend to survive for long, their mutations cause enormous disadvantages in the food chain, which in turn can cause radiation poisoning in larger fish that decide to eat them. I'm sure we eventually fixed the leak in


and after three days the radiation subsides. but in a sense that doesn't really matter the fukushima nuclear accident managed to transport radiation from japan to canada's continental shelf in 2.1 years and continued to be high until 2016.
This shows us that the aurora explosion will potentially have global effects for the next five years and if we look at Chernobyl 35 years later we are still seeing massive repercussions from that explosion. Researchers examining plants such as wheat, rye, oats and barley that are near Chernobyl still show high levels of radioactive contamination, making them very dangerous for human and animal consumption. The radioisotope that tends to be used for radioisotope thermoelectric generators in space is typically plutonium-238, which has a half-life of 87.7 years, meaning the planet could be dealing with the effects of radiation for centuries. . the accident, so while we managed to stop a mysterious disease affecting the planet, we also introduced destruction to a delicate ecosystem between the garbage we brought, the tsunamis and the radiation, we are probably not a net benefit to this planet, we destroyed for I complete the world of Subnautica and we are not done because two years later, Altera decides to do a little more research on the planet, bringing with it more people, more waste and more damage to the environment. planet 4546b just can't catch a break, enjoy the quiet world of subnautica while it lasts because humans are about to destroy it like we usually do, but hey, just because we're doing it in the world of subnautica doesn't mean our planet has to suffer the same fate.
Today's episode may have been about a spaceship crashing into an Alien Planet, but the science we use on marine ecosystems is very real, so what are you waiting for? Go to the top line of the description to click the link to become part of the C team. Help us reach that 30 million goal. I really admire how much. Thought and care has gone into this two-pronged approach to saving the oceans by first, removing trash from oceans and shorelines one pound at a time, and second, preventing trash from reaching the oceans in the first place. , I don't know how the garbage gets there.
It turns out that eighty percent of the ocean's trash starts in rivers, so Team Seas will place trash-eating robots in the world's most polluted rivers to devour all that trash before it reaches the ocean. I've used that kind of stuff on planet 4546b, so once again, head to the description to donate whatever you can to the cause and tell your friends and family too that they've made it super easy to remember, for every dollar donated, that's a pound. of ocean trash, as simple as that, let's all come together to help save the planet, so hopefully when the future comes, not only will we have saved our own planet, but we can save everyone else as well, but hey, that's just a


a game theory thanks for watching

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