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FULL Graham Norton Show 24/1/2020 Robert Downey Jr, Emma Thompson, Hugh Laurie, Terry Gilliam

May 22, 2024
He, it's worth shouting his fact during the Albert Einstein and Clint Eastwood


, he was ugly and stupid. guitar and harmonica quite selfish, but the rowing thing is true, yes, it's true, yes, you were probably one for that, that's why I went to university, it was to do that and nothing else, all this, you know, things of the -dee-da, you already know. was that I fell in love with you, was the yellow bricks, well that was the American Olympic couple, that was the year the Americans boycotted the Moscow Olympics, so they had nowhere to go but the Henley Regatta and we raced against them and they defeated us, so look.
full graham norton show 24 1 2020 robert downey jr emma thompson hugh laurie terry gilliam
Size aside, yes, the legs are very impressive, right? I noticed you chose a slightly shorter short film. Thought these were working for me, if that was the most important thing on my mind. Look, Robert, do you feel like you missed out on not doing all this? I feel like I was there because your stories don't match up. upstairs, so I need you guys to have a little corner sometime. I bought some photos. Laurie brings us to project night. I did both things with Amanda. Lucci. It's very strange. It's very strange because we did these things. a year apart, if not more, and it was never intended for them to collide the way they did, but several things happened.
full graham norton show 24 1 2020 robert downey jr emma thompson hugh laurie terry gilliam

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full graham norton show 24 1 2020 robert downey jr emma thompson hugh laurie terry gilliam...

I really don't understand why and they came up in the same week. It's very strange and probably confusing and unpleasant. This is a movie the first is a movie it's the personal story of David Copperfield is now available and this is more fun it's almost a vertical of a fun book and who do you play? I play mr. Dick, be funny, is a very interesting character and I think possibly one of the earliest, if not the earliest, depictions of characters suffering from genuine mental illness in novel form, this admits that he is a schizophrenic, essentially because is hearing voices. and seeing apparitions and that, of course, you know, mental illness in Victorian times was and is not cool by any means, but that would have been a particularly brutal situation for anyone, but it's under the wing of Betsey Trotwood and the two of them form a kind of alliance and I find it very, very touching in its own way, it's very good, I think it's a very good-hearted film, it's like you fall in love with all of them, even though even the villain says it's a wonderful movie, it's very surprising, so your performance, well, let's stop pooping, the other one you can't understand, but even that pales into insignificance, so this is the second demand of your unity project, to be fair, it's very different, they weren't, they're not going to get confused, no, Avenue Five has just started on Sky1 on Wednesdays at 10am, also available on Now TV and it's a great premise for a sitcom.
full graham norton show 24 1 2020 robert downey jr emma thompson hugh laurie terry gilliam
Tell us about it. We have spent several decades. The future and space tourism have become commonplace or this is one of the first adventures in that area. I mean, we, in a way, project at 30. I mean, we, the writers, project at 40 years, but in reality, Elon Musk is already kind of planning this first and I think Richard Branson already sold seats in the first virgin here in space. This is a big spaceship with 5,000 fun-loving people who will take an eight-week trip around the galaxy. This is the plan. the plan is altered by a well a problem there is a problem and suddenly they realize that they are going to be trapped in each other's company for possibly more than three years and from that moment on we basically saw the complete disintegration of the society and We Talk of this because in the first episode, your character when we meet you has a soft America and the Captain is a bit of a hero, yes, but we couldn't, you discovered that that's not who he is, that's right, I'm a fake. the captain actually isn't a proper captain, he doesn't really know anything about space travel and he's not even an American, he has absolutely no qualifications because the premise is that trust is what matters, calmness is the façade is what matters. rather than technical competence, and I think that's a pretty telling statement about the world we live in, that coping with things has become a more valuable gift than actually knowing how things work, and I think that partly explains the great anxiety that The world now feels that we are all dominated by people who have the trust without our lease with much less competition than trust.
full graham norton show 24 1 2020 robert downey jr emma thompson hugh laurie terry gilliam
You know what I hear what you say. Yes, Avenue var, this is a clip from next week's episode. Do you want to set it up for us? No, it's okay, it just completely escapes me which I also don't know what it is, okay, the answer is Graham, yes I do, it's one of the two, so the news that our trip is. is going to be extended to three years, it has been kept under close surveillance because obviously panic will occur and one of the passengers is a kind of nosy passenger played by the front of Magnificent Rebekah has learned of this information and that is why the question of whether or not no, we'll be back in three weeks or three years and then it becomes the precious nugget of information that I think we were discussing now, here we go, okay, don't worry, I'm Kelly, okay, so tell me what's going on here and Be honest with me because I've had enough ass to fill a bathtub between you and me, we may be looking at six extra days, no, oh, six weeks, months, six months, what's that?
What is it? I should have said the word six. months you hung up on me for six days and I got emotional and I didn't know Jack. I corrected you instantly, corrected me very slowly, if I may say so, my guest tonight is both a Monty Python star and the acclaimed director of Brazil's 12 Monkeys, Fisher King and Now the Long-awaited Man Who killed Don Quixote, please welcome the great Terry Gilliam. They've all been leading up to this, I mean, sitting next to a bright blue Norwegian, it's fantastic. Normally, they already come to the stores. Let's talk. about the donkey movie, but just before we do, we just have to convey our condolences to you, Terry Joey, oh boy, which means I've had a sad week for everyone, but particularly for the license.
Exactly, now we are even more endangered as a species. a third of us are gone. I could talk all night about Terry. Terry was an extraordinary, incredibly wonderful human being. We're not going to talk about my movie. Instead of the problem with Terry and I, we were both called Terry, so that's it. confusion and the fact is some people would even mix this up and understand what Terry had done, they were blaming me and vice versa and now that Terry has left us and the next time I see the death card traveling the streets of London looking For the fresh bodies, I want to make something very clear: it is very sad and what is so sad is seeing what dementia does to people and it is a long, slow and painful process.
You're looking at Terry, who was one of the most


of life there was because I've ever met passionate mad mad happy all generous sweet kind and little by little he's fading away and in the end I think he finally got bored with everything he just They went and he forgot to take his body with him and that's what ended yesterday his The body finally left us so it's been a long process but greetings so this is it ladies gentlemen the man who killed don Quixote is finally emerging blinking into the light of day. It's coming out on January 31st and I mean, that's not an exaggeration. that you've been working on this for 30 years, yeah, they're not, I think 30.
Wow, it started in '89, after I finished The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen. I called Jake Evans, who had been the executive juicer. I told him he needed 20 million dollars. I have two names, one is Quixote and the other is Gilliam and he says you got the money. It started brilliantly 30 years later. The film was completed for $20 million. Wow, yeah, so Adam's driver, Jonathan Pryce, they're actually both nominated for an Oscar this year with that. It has never happened that the two main actors in a film compete for the same Oscar. I mean, they were nominated for another movie, it wasn't this one, but you can watch them fight and I personally and honestly think they're better in this movie than the two movies they've been nominated for because you actually see them in all their talent. , they really go from one thing to another very different in the end tells the story of this has a strange link with the Holy Grail well, in terms of oh yes, the character of Cybers is a director who yes, oh yes, we talked about this before and I forgot about them, yeah, because that's why I'm here, the character is now very successful as a director of cynical commercials ten years earlier.
I made a little movie that put him in this position and he made it in a town in Spain and these real people from this real town became actors in his little movie and the movie is largely about what happened to them and this is coming It's my fault when we made the holy grail in Dune in Scotland, a small town and all of us in London have invented all our fancy ways and styles in the movie business and we kind of made a mess in that small town the marriages fell apart the relationships ruined people He followed us back to London hoping to do it, so I felt like there was a sense of responsibility that one would have to deal with, which helps the script a lot because our main character now feels responsible and guilty for the little shoemaker who played Don Quixote. that now he has gone completely and completely crazy believing that he is Don Quixote and it is a part of me about the responsibility of making films, what films do to us.
Cervantes wrote his book about a man who read books of chivalry, you know noble things, and he became evil. trying to live them in reality and we do it now trying to be Tony Stark, but I guess the Knights and the chivalry and everything is now the world of the Avengers, those superheroes. I tell you the clip plays with that because this is Adam Driver's character trying. to explain to Jonathan Price's character, you know where he's coming from, that this is a movie and that it's not really Don Quixote. Look, remember about ten years ago? I was making a movie, you were just an old man, I found out she was sexually abused. garden yes of course but then I found you and I thought this guy has an interesting face it's the kind of face I would use now to sell insurance I owe you a big central debt very history you don't really remember Don Quixote of la Mancha the knight of the month


face come on to restore the lost age yes well I wrote that ok ok I'm sorry you can apologize at the feet of my lady Dolphin a lady Dulcinea of ​​course of course ok this fantastic response was a pain it wasn't a but this was recovered it was after 20 minutes rounds of applause standing for a friend the time had said it felt like an hour I mean clapping for 20 minutes is embarrassing awkward is embarrassing how many times can you bow how many kisses can I


you here it's just horrible don't let this happen do it actually I have something for you I have a small prize a small gift this is a letter I wrote in 2009 and I never received a response it sounds good maybe that's the way it is I'll just let you read it quietly boy out loud I'll read it I can't see dear Robert I'm supposed to read this out loud yes one night your date the date is 2009 yes it's like Star Trek dear Robert includes the latest hot off the press born again connoisseur of the man who killed Don Quixote I would love for you to read and seriously consider the role of Tobey and for the world of advertising he makes the long and painful journey towards transcendent madness Don Quixote and love are his guide his happy conclusion collaborating with you on this baby would be a pleasure



PS at least because if we work on Tropic Thunder one of the most astonishingly, extraordinarily, brilliantly funny and convincing performances I have ever seen, okay with the praise please. read, thank you, not a word, I heard images, designed images, I mean, what is the name of my company, it was designed for lawyers, ages and serious people in suits, we have to talk about my company, we have to use baby language, Tropic Thunder, but you mentioned in your The Letter just because I was hoping we would get what, but Tropic Thunder is a movie about disaster movies, it was in some way inspired or funny.
I think Ben was going to do a Vietnam movie and then when some of the actors came back from boot camp. They were whining like a bunch of sissies and he thought it was funny how soft they all were and then he started thinking about this comedy about a movie within a movie, and to me, every story worth telling is about something within something. otherwise yes, because you are the best storyteller in these complex things, you are a master in filming, we have the next part, don't worry, it is meant to take notes to get it right, you did it sir, you did it, the man who killed Don.
You will find Don Quixote in cinemas on January 31st and if it is successful you would make a sequel with Robert there you have it



Everyone 2015 is a Grammy nominated singer-songwriter, she composed the hit musical Waitress and is now making her West End debut on paper majorfrom Jenna here acting she used to be mine she's sarah brass it's that simple to say most days I don't recognize myself oh that's true I was never attention sweet center I still remember that girl he's with but she tries she's good but she's tough so she's broken and doesn't ask for help she's messy but she's kind most of the time it's all mixed up and baked into a beautiful car she's gone but she's still mine and it wouldn't be for steinem.
I would have the chance to start over for the girl, start sooner. Yes, her butt when she's hurt. Who catches you? and then they will stab her and give her a cookie from the ID. We're just going to beat you. She is messy but she is kind. she feels alone most of the time it's all mixed together and baked into a beautiful cake it's gone but it's over thank you finally well done that was so beautiful absolutely beautiful and I saw you on Broadway doing this and now we'll come to the Adelphi Theater on January 27, but not for long, it's only six weeks, six weeks, yes, March 7 is the last day, okay, but Gavin Creole is coming with him, yes, I know, he has a dog huge anyway, obviously not.
I have seen it because it has been running for years, but if not I have a waitress, the musical is the story of the official waitress, but yes, she is Jenna Hunterson, they served you food, other topics she works in a southern restaurant in a kind of unnamed American city and is a pastry chef extraordinaire and classifies. She channels all her emotions into her food and she's in a loveless marriage and she gets pregnant and she doesn't want the baby and then while she's doing it she has an affair with her gynecologist and a lot of things happen, it's like musical screams, yeah, the songs.
The songs are written very well, it matters, you wrote them and the lyrics to bake, you have that little chorus, the sugar, yes, but it is not my way of thinking, that is not correct, so I was educated from very early on. I had written this. little motif that repeats throughout the show it's like Jenna went into her baking daydream and then I thought oh how sweet the butter flour shows so it repeats itself over and over and then an expert pastry chef took me to one side and told me: "you know there's no sugar." It's salt, give me back the tickets to the show, that's rude because he's a Jew who would know that Emma's husband Greg, who was a champion, Baker, yeah, just a celebrity pageant, yeah, that's classy, It was elegant, but no, you almost ruined it. what they gave them this challenge, I mean, it's extraordinary, what they asked them to do, bake themselves into cookies, make a cookie version of themselves, so he created himself and decided that there were pancake makers, something that It was a kilt, so he made a kind of structure that was his cookie legs and his and then this kilt and then more of him on top and leaves and trees and things and the whole thing was kind of a Salvador Dali meet, You know, cookie anyway, um, I came in one night and had a drink.
They had taken it and I walked in and saw the structure and it didn't really take in, but then I saw the kilt and it looked good, it looked good enough to eat, so I went down the next morning and I was just waiting, Krispies Bolt. You will be there from the 27th, yes, for six weeks, it will be March 7th. Okay, thank you very much for that beautiful performance, Sara Bareilles. We all have time to visit the big red chair that was there. Hello what is your name? Nick, I'm sorry. I'm Mitch Mitch okay waiting for Mitch I'm from the Philippines okay and you live here.
I'm studying here, yeah, okay, what are you studying? Social entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, trying hard, nice, be nice and then no, you couldn't try. another one, I may have lost it hello hello hello what's your name Elizabeth hello Elizabeth and where are you from no Terry give it a moment I think you're in trouble where are you from well I'm from Ohio Ohio okay do it you don't live here oh you live here, what are you doing here? Well, I used to be a school principal, but I'm still studying here. Okay, teaching people, training teachers, oh okay, it's boring now, okay, okay, so when I was 12 and this.
It was in the mid 80's that I used to buy these Tiger Beat magazines because I had a Robert Downey Jr. board in my room, so I got it for the shine, I snatched the board, the board was packing it, so I had this great idea of ​​choosing my room wall with Robert Downey Jr. glitters so I plastered his face all over my bedroom wall and it looked amazing by the way anyway my dad came home and was completely furious I mean he gave me a whoop that's what I got and we ended up having to scrape Robert's faces off.
Downey Jr. from my bedroom wall and it was absolute carnage because like there was one, I left it, it was horrible. I know there were huge holes in the wall, so my dad had to putty the wall, he had to repaint the whole wall this ugly sea foam color. And, frankly, I blame you for the whole ordeal, Robert Downey Jr. Because of that unfortunate turn, I tell you a story, you can contact us through our website, the address of it, please thank all my guests tonight. Cerberus, our new Capaldi actress, Carrie Turner Smith and Daniel Chloe.
Oscar nominee Margot Robbie and comedy legend Jim. Carrey I'll see you then

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