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Full Episode: E! True Hollywood Story "Kim Kardashian"

May 24, 2024
Knowing what I know now about fame, would I give it up? The answer is honestly, I think I'm cut out for it. Nobody knows fame better than Kim Kardashian. We have just begun to harness the power that she has. She broke the old rules. The publicist looked at me and said keeping honey on the cover of any of these magazines will never happen and she pioneered A New Path to Celebrity. She is a pioneer in social media. You used to pay people hundreds of thousands of dollars to brand you as him. The way we use social media now is because of Kim Kardashian.
full episode e true hollywood story kim kardashian
It's like all these things I never dreamed of in a billion years that I would ever get the chance to do. It's been such a crazy journey. This idea that people like to keep drilling into you. You're famous because you're famous oh that question is so stupid for me now famous for being famous I'm here right? I don't have to dance I don't have to sing I think my talent is marketing and Just feel what the really good moves are. Kim's rise to fame was a flash in the pan. The elitist world looked down on people like reality stars.
full episode e true hollywood story kim kardashian

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full episode e true hollywood story kim kardashian...

I had an agent demand that I stop working with her. They said she will never succeed and you. You're going to go down with her and you're going to lose your entire career, but I knew in my heart that wasn't


. I finally left that agent because I refused to stop working with Kim, so how did a reality show come about? The star best known for her revealing selfies is building a business empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars and gaining enough influence to gain access to Kim Kardashian's Oval Office. I guess this time it's about keeping up with President Trump when you have enough celebrity to get away with it. walking into the White House, that's huge, I mean, that's Oprah in the early 2000s.
full episode e true hollywood story kim kardashian
Kim was an unknown, she thrilled you, but new ways of communicating allowed her to forge a new path to fame back in the day. in that to be a top celebrity you had to be an actor. or a singer or an artist, Kim has changed, Kim has democratized fame by redefining what it means to be talented. We didn't think taking a selfie was talent before, but now Kim has shown how you can build a multi-million dollar company. Empire aside from that, she's a social media pioneer, you used to pay people hundreds of thousands of dollars to brand you and Kim is here, the power is in her own hands, it's so cute the way we use the social media is now largely. because of Kim Kardashian because of how she played the game at the beginning Kim is an OG she is the creator of this media power Social media happened simultaneously while her family was becoming known on television and that's why the combination made her a superstar that never we had seen before.
full episode e true hollywood story kim kardashian
What's going on in Vegas, hey, hey? I see myself when we were little, Kim joked about being famous, but I never took her seriously and suddenly one day I woke up and she was one of the most famous people in the world. I'm endorsing products right now. Part of her brand was built the old-fashioned way with end products and elements. When we started, the only thing Kim and I decided was that we were going to make a painting of her goals and then go out and try to do it. She is in the makeup industry, she also likes fashion and clothes and she is also a killer mother and wife. , she's proud of it, so whatever Kim does she does because she's proud, but the real core of Kim's brand was something new, it was herself.
She has been able to achieve even greater success than anyone else could probably have and the revolutionary power to connect directly with her fans like no one has before. We're all here ready to get started. Kim has done much more than just sell products with this new power Kim has always accepted that she is curvy and that she loves having a big butt I love that people don't want to believe it my butt is real Kim's impact on female beauty overturned the old traditional standards for many years sex All the symbols have looked pretty similar and then Kim came along and said, you know, no, I'm not going to settle, I'm actually going to stand out by owning my uniqueness, and in doing so, she broke the mold and redefined what it meant.
For a sex symbol in Hollywood, she doesn't look like any other woman who appeared on television and I think that appealed to a lot of people because most people don't look like a six-foot blonde model. Kim Kardashian was one of the first people to not only make that acceptable but something that people strived for girls just couldn't get enough of that look they wanted to look like Kim Kardashian and they still do, a decade later, she It's really raised people's self-esteem, young women who don't don't feel good about themselves feel like oh now I feel beautiful well if Kim is speaking body language then she had a dictionary you know what I'm saying you know what what I'm talking about I'm talking about the beginning of her career Kim's power as a beauty icon was doubted, even ruled out.
I remember in the past I said I just want to have a magazine cover like Cosmo and the publicist looked at me and said honey let's start setting more realistic goals because H being on the cover of any of these magazines are never going to happen looking back like a vog cover multiple vog covers I think Kanye and I were the first interracial couple in Vogue magazine I can't believe this is my life besides Vogue Kim has been on the cover of every magazine that matters but in 2014 she made a photo shoot for a small Niche magazine that brought a new phrase to pop culture: break the internet, that phrase was never used before the phrase is used everywhere now, Webby Kim Kardashian West's Nude Selfie Winner to I Die Kim Proving his critics wrong, he brought about big changes in his rise to fame.
I don't think my career path has really been this way before, which is why I've always been so free and always done what I want. Very aware that I have a big influence with my followers and I try to do the right thing. Kim didn't fade away quickly like the haters predicted she had the power to stay on top, the girl knows how to dream and when. Does she make it happen? My family was always very close, except when my dad represented OJ. The tape you didn't want to come out was published. I'm so sorry Kim, I don't know what to do.
Kim called me. Screaming was the scariest thing I've ever been through in my entire life when you grow up in Beverly Hills you can't help but hear about celebrities and hear about Fame good Kim that was very good Fame is nothing new for Kim she's been around the star bigger since she was a little girl, it's okay, you won't be in the movie, that's all Kimberly, her childhood in Beverly Hills gave her her first close look at stardom, we used to kick our soccer ball over the next door neighbor's door . so we could have an excuse to go there and it was Bruce Springsteen's house and Jay Leno was driving by like in one of his crazy cars as we were walking down the street Kim saw what was happening around her and I think she wanted to do something in the industry. entertainment because I think it was exciting for him to grow up surrounded by stars.
It was part of Kim's everyday life, but a groundbreaking television show sparked her vision of a new path to fame. The Real World was released in 1992, Kim and I was 12 years old and Kim was just hypnotized, she was like, "I have to get into the real world" and I was like "why did I actually say, oh my God, this is what what I want to do when I grow up." being on a reality show taking a photo a big part of kim's success comes from the old value of hard work chris jenner trying to hit on you why don't you tell me?
That's what her mother instilled in her since she was little. this summer at 700 a.m. she came in and it was 7:01 and if we were sleeping god forbid she was yelling at us and saying that we are going to be homeless or drug addicts if we don't wake up how dare they we sleep late in the summer we have to be motivated CH it's 7 :20 we had to get up at 7:00 a.m. and making our bed and leaving our room I don't know why that was her main rule and in the summer that was very annoying, but I think it definitely motivated me.
Kim, you're supposed to be there at 9:30. I have mom strangling me. Tell me everything, even though her parents separated before she was a teenager. Kim stayed close to her mother, Chris. and father Robert Kardashian, a successful lawyer and businessman. I really see a lot of thieves in Kim. I remember when Kim decided that she wanted to be an entrepreneur. My father was very strict and did not receive any allowance. He had to get a job. So I started selling things on eBay. She went to her dad and said, Dad, could you lend me a couple thousand dollars because I want to buy these boots and I want to turn around and sell them on eBay?
And her dad said, Well, Kim I. I'll lend you the money but you need to sign this contract and I'm going to charge you interest, so he was trying to teach her business 101. My dad was the best, so close to his family, he always told us. I said while we were growing up that blood is Thicker than water, so I think my family got unity from my father and my strong work ethic. I feel like that's what me and my sister are like my brother would say when my parents got divorced when I turned 10. years was when things got tough now let me see Kimberly's face come here Kim Kimberly and then 6 months later my mom married Bruce Jenner and life was good he had four kids my mom had four kids they thought it was perfect, it was funny bruce he's the sweetest thing ever he's amazing he's the best stepdad anyone could ask for is the red light on or off oh so they're recording me hello everyone here we are comc in 1994 when kim was just 13 the family faced A serious Rift OJ Simpson is sitting in the back seat and has a gun to his head after saying goodbye to his mother.
OJ was eventually arrested. Kim's godfather and one of Robert Kardashian's closest friends. OJ Simpson was accused of the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, my family was always very close, except when my dad represented OJ and my mom was Nicole's best friend, hey Nick, say something like no HE. Robert Kardashian renewed his law license to join the defense team for the trial. One day my dad took Courtney and I to court and then my mom was sitting with Nicole's family and we looked and my mom looked at us like, what are you girls doing here, why are you sitting on that side?
The first time my family really split, the family was divided by their own personal loyalties, but the split in public opinion could turn ugly and racist. During the trial, we all went to dinner with my dad and came back from dinner on his side. The car said nword lover and my dad was so upset that his children had to witness the destruction of his car during the OJ Simpson trial. It had a very strong effect on her life later and certainly would have helped her develop a really thick skin watching how she father father handled the stress of the trial caught up with Kim it was a good lesson for me because people always wanted to talk and at school and the made-up stories I remember driving to my father's house and there are news cameras, it's like Robert Kardashian's lover stopped in front of his house I was like this it can't be real they lie like that I learned the lesson that not everything is as it is What do you think, we are the jury and the action titled above declared the accused Orthal James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder the children stayed home and did not come to school and we saw the verdict and then my father called us and said: "It's okay, meet me at Uncle OJ's house, we'll all go there and celebrate now if I tell people like, oh yeah, I was at Uncle OJ's house right after the verdict and I didn't even think it was a big deal, it's a crazy for me to even think that that was normal life after the OJ trial, my father went to see a psychic and a psychic said to him: I know your last name Kardashian is going to be known all over the world and it's not now, it's not because your OJ fame and my dad was like, "Okay, yeah, this is exactly why I don't like psychics, you just know they make up the most." ridiculous things that aren't


and it's so mind blowing now to be like she's fine I've got her I've got her see look how many she has look how many in 2003 Robert Kardashian got seriously ill and died of cancer my dad was everything to us I know he would have been very proud and excited.
It would have been really amazing if he was here without our father being here. We had to depend on each other and ourselves instead of knowing that he would take care of everything. don't touch it don't touch it my dad's passing changed us all you know he gave us the basis to know what we wanted and then know how to make it happen for ourselves now this is in us the key to my success has been the my family's support system and we have always supported each other no matter what happens. Keeping Up with the Kardashians changed everything I said, you just have to be real and raw and show everything.
I definitely see the evolution of my fame in everything. has simplyIt's evolved as time has gone on and I think we've gotten to the point where it feels like we're here like a quick 15 minutes passed in 2006 before she was famous. Kim began spending time with Parisian celebrity Bonafide. Hilton Paris, how are you today? Well, you have to remember we grew up with the Hilton, she had known Paris her whole life at that point, Paris was huge. Paris was everywhere and soon Kim was also very kind, very kind, she was best known for being. Paris Hilton's classmate, but I actually think that girl was on a mission.
I remember we were sitting in her Mercedes SLR and the doors would open like this and at that moment the paparazzi would get on the ground to try to take your photo. your dress and she said, "Okay, we have to do it." Make sure you don't tell them that she doesn't want anyone to see her. Carris even put Kim in several


s of her reality series The Simple Life. I didn't know I was going to become famous myself, but looking back now, she was a great mentor to me. I am truly grateful for my EXP experiences with her.
She is a big reason for my success. Love me, but Kim's breakthrough into her own fame didn't happen immediately before Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The girls were trying to host a show about her Dash Boutique. I told my sisters that filming a TV show in our store would be the best press ever. Kim was in and out while The Stylist and Chloe and Courtney ran the day-to-day. daily operations But in the end it didn't go anywhere Kim's fame didn't come from Paris or Dash, it came from her mother my best friend Kathy Lee gford kept telling me you guys need a show, no one would believe what's going on in your lives and This It continued for a couple of years until I met the Dancing With the Stars casting director and she came over for dinner one night.
I wish I was and I was watching all this chaos with my kids getting off my back. Dad and she says this. She is crazy. I have to introduce you to Ryan Crest. She loved the idea. He proposed it to me and literally, I think in the 30 days that we were filming, we were always doing something, as far as you know, entertainment, so this was kind of the natural next step, when we started filming, I sat my kids down and I told them: you just have to be real and raw and show everything that made him leave it's all about you, you have to get rid of the fact that you're so pregnant, dude, let it all hang.
I think that was the key to success Keeping Up with the Kardashians debuted in October 2007, the show was a success and the featured star was Kim. Welcome to my family, Kim, here I am. I'm Kim Kardashian, the princess is in the building where she was. a girl who was willing to give it her all, true fame was yet to come when I started the program. Kim Kardashian lived in a condo where we used to be able to hang out in our apartment, without paparazzi, but that changed when Keeping Up with The Kardashian Premiere on Twitter was still a new thing and Kim really followed it, she was so clever in how handled it that he was not only able to interact with his fans, but also included them in what he was doing for the first time in a normal way. people were allowed access to celebrities, it wasn't so much about the show anymore, it was about what we posted, what we did, and what our real lives were. 24/7 social media is truly a double-edged sword.
Being really toxic in terms of the comments and the things that people say and what they post, so I think you have to have a balance. I like to give a good mix of personal and emotional things online, that launched her into a completely different orbit than what she was known for. for being like Paris' partner and now she's one of the most famous women in the world after Keeping Up with the Kardashians, everything started getting bigger and bigger and we were like, oh my God, what do we do with all this that Kim knew as? to manipulate the paparazzi to increase his fame, it would be like Kim, we have to do something crazy, we were in New York and Britney Spears is in this hotel locked up, you know, in her room, we know there are paparazzi outside and he's like oh. let's stop by here we take us in a Rolls-Royce, we stop, the papazzi are coming out, we literally hide in a lobby in a phone booth, we wait 10 minutes and then we go out and the next day he can't.
I went to see Britney. They say in the press that we were going to have dinner with Britney Spears. All this didn't even happen. I don't even think she knew Britney at the time, 2 years after we started. The fans of the show started going really crazy, we couldn't walk down the street anymore, guys can I get in the car? We would go out to lunch and it would become unsafe how many paparazzi and people would line up to take photos with them. and watching her eat, there are times when I wish I could go to the supermarket, but it's an honor that people have come to like me for being me.
She has been crazy at times when we go shopping in Miami when we get there. We'd go out, we'd all be devastated, but you know, it's part of the game, it's part of the fame. I remember years and years ago, just to stay there, she would go to things that she normally didn't do. I want to go, but that was her job. She made a plan. She worked it. Basically, she made her life her dream. I've been through what I've been through in my entire life. I'm going to try not to cry. I'm sorry, don't cry.
I'm sorry. Very sorry. Kim, I don't know what to do. Kim's dreams of success were almost derailed early in her life. career before Keeping Up with the Kardashians when all that sex tape stuff happened it was really very difficult it was difficult it was devastating for the whole family in 2007 Kim dealt with the explicit video she made with her ex-boyfriend Ray J in 2002 If there was a moment that was going to ruin Kim Kardashian, would have been the sex tape. The tape that you didn't want to come out came out, yes, it came out instead of hiding from the scandal.
Kim confronted him head on, why did you do it? a sex tape I don't feel like I really did anything wrong. I was in a very loving relationship and it's really unfortunate that the world is going to see something that's really private. Everyone had realized her sex. tape and you know, I think that's always going to be something that's going to be, you know, veiled in a little bit of controversy. Kim took what she learned from her parents about overcoming adversity and moved forward, continuing to push forward with her agenda becoming one of the world's biggest superstars in 2011.
Kim was tested again with her marriage to the NBA star. Chris Humph the wedding was a spectacle now you're stuck with me forever literally everyone in the world knew about this wedding just 72 days after the fairy tale ceremony Kim filed papers to end the brief marriage which was the first time she faced backlash seriously the people who loved her, adored her and grew up with her were mad at her they felt like it was just for show that everyone thought it was fake and I'm just saying this wasn't like that, this wasn't the right combination, you know, I wasted the money of everyone, I wasted everyone's everything and I feel bad because she felt like the world was going to hate her, she was like, well, guys, I'm.
I'm sorry I got us this far and now I'm breaking down, but Kim found a way to recover. I remember telling him this will pass, just have fun this season, even bad things happen. Kim let people into her life showing that she likes everyone. The rest was imperfect and I think that is how she managed to overcome that Kim turned the separation from Chris Humph into a challenge that regained her followers and increased her fame. This is big. Kanye meets the Kardashians. Kanye West has been photographed all over New York City. and in other places where I met Kanye in 2002, I would ask everyone who I was and they would always say that she, you know, has a boyfriend, we always kept connecting and getting into each other's lives and then she invited me to Paris in her fashion. show and then that's when it happened, that's when we started our relationship and I was like, why didn't this happen sooner?
It was fine, but when she started dating Kanye West, the haters came out again, I mean, everyone would tell her you can. Not being with her, she's a reality star, she's going to sink your career and he said, but I love her like I don't care, every time I was around her or saw her, it was a magnetic pull to this force of energy, she was good, pure. happy loving brave brave strong Sharing her relationship on social media didn't stop Kim from finding true love, but sharing too much can have serious consequences. She was in Paris, it was fashion week.
I've been showing off my new diamond ring. Kanye gave me this. 20 carrot diamond ring and I brought all my jewelry, everything he possibly had to Paris with me. Kim and I went to the Javoni show to see Kendall walk and then we came back to change for a night out and Kim decided to stay home. When I was about to fall asleep I heard some guys running up the stairs, they wanted my ring in my jewelry, so I didn't fight back, I just gave them everything and they tied me up, wrapped my eyes and mouth with duct tape.
The scariest thing I've ever been through in my entire life is just thinking that you know you're about to die, you're just preparing for the moment that you're going to be shot and killed for those 10 minutes actually. changed my entire life the thieves escaped with a huge diamond ring worth approximately $4 million Kim was still bound with duct tape and plastic ties she finally managed to free herself and make contact with her sister Courtney Kim called me screaming and I was going to try not to cry I can't even say talk about it I'm sorry she called me and my legs came out.
I remember I fell to the ground. Kim was really, really shocked, we just did all the work she had to do with the police and we got out of there that moment is really the scariest experience I can, it's like you can't even describe how scary it is, are you okay? There are a lot of thoughts running through my head related to that moment and I don't like it. watch those movies memories are movies in your mind I like to watch the happy ones I don't look for the bad after Kim's nightmare in Paris there were skeptics who said they suspected the robbery was a hoax people like Howard Stern said that I should go to jail if this is fake, some people thought she was flaunting it, you can't show off your wealth and then be surprised that some people wanted to share it with you, she was all over social media wearing millions of dollars worth of jewelry, but this was No just kidding, this was a terrifying life changing moment 3 months after the robbery that french police arrested. 17 suspects believed to be connected to the crime. 10 of those suspects were later charged.
It bothers me a lot to think about it, but I like it. You're going to shoot me in the back or if I make it and they don't, there's no way out. There are those moments in life that really change you and shake you to your core and my robbery was definitely that moment for me and like as crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't give up that experience for the lessons I learned. You miss me a lot. I'm very aware that it happened because they followed me on social media, but now I don't really post things. in all real time I will expect that material things used to be as important to me as if I measure my success by my material things, but there is nothing material that is important to me, everything is replaceable if none of it matters, only you come, what? what are you doing?
I think the next thing for Kim is to maybe run for office one day we would be in the White House. It would be fantastic. Kim has all this potential. What would be her advice to someone who is just starting out in their own career? Go ahead and work. really hard, you can't deny hard work Kim is not just talented, she is a smart entrepreneur Kim was one of the first celebrities to realize that you could really monetize social media, the reason now that you see hasht ads and sponsored hashtags on Instagram and Twitter is largely due to Kim Kardashian.
Kim was ahead of her time in 2009. She already understood that social media could be a valuable business tool. I launched a fragrance and I did a poll on Twitter and asked them what color pink they like better than dark. pink or light pink and I got the response from thousands of people and I think that's when I realized that okay, the fans really want to be involved in the products that you're making, they love to see their contributions made and I just got a free approach . group, this became the first time, I think someone had actually involved thousands and thousands of people to help her make a business decision.
Kim's reach on social media is out of this world, she has 59 million followers on Twitter and that's growing by one in eight on Instagram. users are connected to Kim Kardashian, that's crazy, she reaches over 130 million people on Instagram, a larger number than Italy and the United Kingdom combined in their populations in June 2017. Kim launched her beauty brand kkw . I'm so excited I'm launching kkw Beauty it. I generated sales worth more than $14million in 5 minutes for Kim, social media is not just about business but also about changing lives. I found this woman on social media, someone tweeted a video of her and I connected with him when I lost my job.
I panicked. They took care of my five children alone. They approached me to tell me that he was involved in a drug conspiracy. It would be the telephone mule. They arrested me. I was a first-time non-violent offender and received a life sentence in the fall of 2018. 2017 Alice had served over 20 years in federal prison. I felt like the system is so crazy and if I can do anything to help, I definitely want to try it. The response was a long and specific effort. She knew that Ivanka Trump Ivanka put Kim in touch with Jared and Jared were very interested in this topic.
Jared Kushner's husband, Ivanka, and a senior advisor to President Trump, was a powerful ally. It definitely took about 6 months to explain the case to him and it worked. On May 30, 2018, Kim and Shawn went to the White House. Kim started talking about Alice and it went really well, we were really pleading our case for Alice, it seemed like it was something he wanted to do, but that didn't mean he was going to let her out after we left. We were still like we didn't know a week later, Kim texted me and told me to call her and Alice happened, we did, you don't know, no she. doesn't know you're telling her the news, oh god mine, Alice, you're out, yeah, you're going home, I just lost it, I was finally free, I was going home to my family, oh my God, you never gave up and you did it, it's an amazing thing she did, It's amazing and um, she was, she was with everything every time I realized through this emergency experience with Alice the power that we can all have, it was like the most powerful social media moment in my life I was able to help you knowing how to change her life thanks to Twitter Alice Johnson after finding Alice on Twitter Kim began to actively support prison reform legislation knowing that when she spoke to the president that it has opened his heart and now we have They are passed as if they were changing bills law and laws for that, which makes me very happy.
Kim Kardashian West has used her platform forever because she played a role in the passage of the first step bill among the bill's supporters. They say it will make the system fairer. It will reduce prison overcrowding and save taxpayers money. It is one of the few bipartisan laws that were implemented. What senators and other presidents could not do. Kim Kardashian managed to handle what I think is next for Kim to take over the world. I have no idea. Whatever Kim wants now that she has conquered the social media universe and demonstrated her cloud influence in politics, what could happen next for her.
Kim has found her sweet spot in criminal justice reform. I see her doing this for a long, long time. Not only does she feel the calling to do this now, but she has been successful at it, she is changing lives and I think I don't know, maybe one day run for office, her future in politics? Does it sound crazy? Can Kim become the next president of the United States she absolutely helped me someone like Alice Johnson she opened my eyes. We can change a lot. I just want to do more. Will Kim's dedication to criminal justice reform supersede her interest in business?
I really want to develop my beauty and fragrance. Marks and Simply she continues to cultivate them and go to law school. Kim is diving headfirst into learning law herself. I really made this decision after realizing that I didn't know much about the law that I am fighting so hard for and that it has been very difficult to navigate. Law school affects my entire career, but it is very important to me and I think my dad would be very proud to carry on this legacy that his father left and to spend our own time and money making a difference and I couldn't be prouder. by Kim.
I have all this potential, we just started tapping into the amount of power potential that she has, this is my wife, this is my life, whether she's breaking someone out of prison or she's posting a photo with her nipples barely covered , this is who I married and that's what we love, that's what makes this game called life exciting. Kim's hard work has inspired a new generation of influencers and entrepreneurs, including her family and friends. Kim, she has brought her entire family to this fame, she took everyone to another level and that's why Kim keeps growing because she doesn't try to hold people back, she brings them with her, whether it's Courtney Chloe, Kylie or Kendall.
Nowadays, they all have a large number of followers on social networks. It's crazy to say it when you have half the world following you. You're waiting to see what's next in 2019. Forbes crowned Kim's sister Kylie Jenner, 21, the youngest self-made billionaire. We always joke in our family that Kim has always been my mom's favorite, but Kylie has now replaced Kim as the favorite. Kim has been a chameleon because she has been able to change with the times and who she is becoming, but at the same time While staying true to herself, she has turned her fame into a power base for success in business and supporting important causes.
He took all the power he has, all the fame, the fascination with it and took it to the White House and secured the freedom of someone who is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole, which should set the new gold standard for how Celebrities can and should be used to obtain a positive result. I am very happy with my life. You can't take back the things you did because in the end they got you to where you are now. I could say in my mind, "Oh yeah, I wish I hadn't." this i wish i hadn't done that but i did there's nothing i feel like i can't get over she believes strength comes from family and hers keeps growing kim and kanye welcome their fourth children on may 9, 2019 her world she went from being herself and her job and her friends and her family to her daughter and then when Saint came up north and then to Saint and then to Chicago and so on, she really put them before herself, being a mother is everything, it's the best feeling in the world.
I love being a mother, you know, it's exhausting, exhausting, but it's the best. I am very proud of Kim for the mother that she is and for the sister that she is, she is a business woman, she travels the world, she is a great wife, she is like a bad boss. and the most important reason behind her extraordinary success is no secret, no matter how many people are watching, I will still be next on True Hollywood Story. I've been working on this for years, you can Google me, lots of people did. I don't believe in women being in hip-hop, the industry is definitely Mal dominating, no, no, no, you can't call me every woman I know has had to fight.
I listen to any woman that you can never take away from me that I am the first. Woman who once sold a million records and it's not because she wasn't sucking cock, it's because she had talent, you're going to go crazy, you're going to go crazy.

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