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Found Duffel Bag Underwater, You Won't Believe What's Inside! (Scuba Diving)

May 20, 2020
What's up guys, Jake? Here today I am with my friend Tristan and today we are going


to see


we can find under this bridge, so Tristan invited me to his house and said that he had been exploring this place and he thinks that we could find not one, not two, but five guns, so I was in Florida looking for guns, I didn't find any man, I really want to find one and this is a lot of pressure, there's a lot of pressure on me, but I think this is a very busy road, a very nice waterway where People might try to get rid of a gun or anything that's been stolen, so I think we're going to find something good.
found duffel bag underwater you won t believe what s inside scuba diving
I've also been watching a show called Outer Banks. I am inspired to go hunting for real treasure and I


I have the connections to be able to make that happen. If you want to see that happen, approve. I'll make a deal with you if you can top a hundred. thousand likes on this video tristan and I will team up to search for a real gold treasure also if we can surpass 200 000 likes tristan will cut his hair to look like the tiger king and we will make a video like that


200 000 likes when That happens, let's jump in the water, so Tristan is


right now.
found duffel bag underwater you won t believe what s inside scuba diving

More Interesting Facts About,

found duffel bag underwater you won t believe what s inside scuba diving...

I have all my diving stuff ready to go, let's jump under and see


we can find. a


bag oh it's really heavy dude there's something in there and I have potentially a murder weapon of some kind. It's probably a farmer's tool, but it could be a potential murder weapon. It looks really weird, man, but this here is the bank, you're okay. man, there's a


bag and there's stuff inside and we're going to open it. I


out that at about 30 feet down I have no idea what's inside, but I'm going to wait until Tristan gets here and we'll open it. together there could be all kinds of interesting things like weapons or just never know man playing war man whatever's in here it weighs so much I barely picked it up we're going to open up here in a second I have a fishing rod but I have something I don't know If we should be holding yeah, yeah, like I don't know what it really is, I don't know what's inside yet, I'm really waiting for you, yeah, no, remember what we were talking about before, all the things.
found duffel bag underwater you won t believe what s inside scuba diving
What we wanted to find I don't know, I don't know why this would be here, okay, I'm showing Jake what I


, no, it couldn't be anything, but it looks like something pretty bad, very bad, yeah, everything. right, he's holding like a mini nuke in his hand oh my god, I'm so close to him right now, why didn't you give me a warning? I thought you were holding like a gun or something. I saw this sticking out of the water. I thought, "Oh, that looks weird, what is it?", I don't know. "Oh my god, this is so dumb, man, do you think it could be something?
found duffel bag underwater you won t believe what s inside scuba diving
I don't know, I don't know if it is something, but it looks like a torpedo that could be like a mortar, what if we had an edge in its hands? In one moment I was holding it like this going through the floor and then I thought this is probably not that smart okay let's look at yours so we just saw this I wish Tristan would give me a warning This could be like a border. or something like that. I don't know. It looks like it's 300. I don't know. It could be something from a ship. If you know, let us know what we could be playing with, this is so dumb, okay, let me show you my. potential, are you ready?
Yeah, you know what that is, it's a log roller, no, this is a guy, they killed someone, oh yeah, that's all you have and a duffel bag I have something else and a. duffel bag yes you have something else no that's really all I have obviously it's most likely not a potential murder weapon but it could but it could be I mean look look come here let me wrap it up around your neck, report no. It's not like that, that's perfect man, I'm telling you you could have done it if I was a professional log roller.
I mean, this would be my tool of choice. Okay, hey, I have a duffel bag, let's open it up real quick, a gut bag. it could be a bag of weapons, bad money, gold tools and a bag of gold weapons, here we go let's open it up oh that's a lot of money probably from groups yeah check it out bro that's a lot of money tools. I mean, it's probably a thousand dollars worth of tools, bro. You have to check this, although there could be a gun in there. Do you think how does this get over the br?
Where did you find this? Oh I found the deep section so they were getting rid of it for some reason yeah I want to throw it out these ones here are for cutting off people's toes look at all these where's the gun? Obviously we haven't found a gun yet, but this is probably what a thousand dollars are worth. of tools at least Tristan and I found some cool things while diving. I hope you enjoyed today's YouTube video. I have to say my personal favorite find I found is all of these tools. Check it out. I think we found a thousand dollars worth.
We are going to clean all of the tools, we are not going to throw them away, but yes, very good, I have to say that Tristan's best find was the herbicide, the nuclear bomb and my personal favorite, this golden ring, look at that, I don't do. I don't know how he got so lucky, he just did it, man, okay, so what I said, Tristan is going to jump off the bridge, I can't do it, I have a bad shoulder, but I'm really excited to see him some more. taller than I think that's great yeah I hope you enjoyed today's YouTube video.
If you did, be sure to give this video a big thumbs up. Also, don't forget to subscribe if you are new. I'm going to put Tristan's. youtube channel in the description box below 100,000 likes just tonight we're teaming up to see if we can find a real treasure and if we get 200,000 likes Tristan will cut his hair to look like, uh, they got it from Tiger King . That would be really funny wouldn't it, huh, okay, cool, hey, if you can dodge the wrench, you can dodge the ball. I hope you enjoyed the video.

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